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英汉、汉英翻译 与小学英语教学.

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1 英汉、汉英翻译 与小学英语教学

2 一、英汉对比对英汉翻译的重要性 要学好英汉翻译,必须了解英汉两种语言的特点,要了解其特点,最有效的方法是将两种语言进行比较。
对比分析(contrastive analysis)方法,特别是两种语言和文化的对比分析,有利于学生预防和排除母语的干扰,克服盲目性,增强自觉性,达到运用外语的目的。

3 美国著名的语言学家Charles. C. Fries在《作为外语的英语教学》一书中认为“最有效的教材是这样的:它的立足点是一方面对所学的外语进行科学的描写,一方面又对学生的母语进行相应的描写,并加以仔细的比较。” 我国著名语言学家吕叔湘在《中国人学英语》一书中也指出“我相信,对于中国学生最有用的帮助是让他认识英语和汉语的差异,在每一个具体问题——词形、词义、语法范畴、句子结构上都尽可能用汉语的情况来跟英语作比较,让他通过这种比较得到更深刻的领会。”

4 二、与小学英语翻译实践相关的英汉对比 1 英语与汉语句子的概念对比 英汉句子类型对比 2 3 综合语与分析语

5 汉语句子的概念 句子,按《汉语大词典》的定义,是“用词或词组构成的一个能够表达一个完整意思的语言单位。每个句子都有一定的语调,表示陈述、疑问、祈使、感叹等语气。在连续说话时,句子和句子中间有一个较大的停顿。在书面上,句子的停顿处,要根据不同的语调分别用上句号、问号或感叹号。”

6 英语句子的概念 “A sentence is a group of words which,when they are written down,begin with a capital letter and end with a full stop,question mark,or exclamation mark.Most sentences contain a subject and a verb.”(Collins COBUILD)

7 汉语句子强调语义,表示语义终止的标点符号根据句子语义和语气来确定,具有突出的“以意统形”的特点。

8 汉语句子和英语句子都可分为陈述句、感叹句、祈使句和疑问句。在汉语中它们的定义分别为:“陈述句是告诉别人一件事的句子。”“感叹句是抒发某种强烈感情的句子。”“祈使句是表示命令或请求的句子。”“疑问句是用来提出问题的句子。”可见汉语句子这样分类突出的是句子的语气或用途。 而根据Randolph Quirk等人编写的A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language: Simple sentences may be divided into major syntactic types differentiated by their form.Their use correlates largely with different discourse functions. (I)Declaratives are sentences in which the subject is present and generally precedes the verb.

9 (II)Interrogatives are sentences which are formally marked in one of two ways: (i)yes-no interrogatives:the operator is placed in front of the subject. (ii)wh-interrogatives:the interrogative wh-element is positioned initially. (III)Imperatives are sentences which usually have no overt grammatical subject,and whose verb has the base form. (IV)Exclamatives are sentences which have an initial phrase introduced by what or how,usually with subject-verb order. (Quirk et al,1985:803) 可见,英语四类句型的划分决定于形式。在强调这四类句子的形式特征之后,相关的话语功能才得到陈述。

10 Statements are primarily used to convey information.
Questions are primarily used to seek information on a specific point. Directives are primarily used to instruct somebody to do something. Exclamations are primarily used for expressing the extent to which the speaker is impressed by something. (Quirk et al,1985: )

11 从汉语句子和英语句子的不同概念可以看出汉语句子重意义和功能,英语句子重形式和功能。因此,将汉语句子译成英语时,要重视形式。

12 英语句子类型 英语句子按结构分类,可分为 简单句(simple sentence) 并列句(compound sentence)
复杂句(complex sentence) 并列复杂句(compound-complex sentence)

13 简单句 The man is a teacher. Everybody laughed. I want a ticket.
Mary lent me her car. They elected him president. I live in Beijing. I put the material evidence in front of him.

14 并列句 The old man was dying, and he knew it.
Felix took a test three times, but each time he failed it. Do you understand that or is the point still not clear? Bring your book here and open it at page 4; but don’t begin reading.

15 复杂句 The students would have made better grades if they had studied hard. The boy can stay in the room so long as he keeps quiet. What he said is not true. I didn’t understand what he meant. The students I teach have made better grades in the past few weeks.

16 并列复杂句 I heard that the weatherman said it was going to rain, but I still insist that we start off at once. They watched television and enjoyed themselves immensely, but we couldn’t see the program because our television was broken.

17 An example 在这个暑假,我不可以再贪玩了,我要好好学习,虽然很幸苦,但我也要坚持,加油,相信自己能行的,世上无难事只怕有心人!! In the summer, and I can no longer play, I be good friends with good study, although it's hard work, but I also want to insist, come on, believe themselves to do, nothing in the world is difficult if you put your heart into it!!

18 汉语句子类型 根据句子的结构,可以把句子分为单句和复句。单句又分为主谓句和非主谓句。复句又分为联合复句和偏正复句两类。其中前者包括并列复句、承接复句、递进复句、选择复句,后者包括因果复句、转折复句、条件复句、假设复句、让步复句等。

19 单句 今天星期二。(主谓句) 下雨了。(非主谓句)

20 联合复句 春节晚会上,她一边唱歌,一边跳舞。 ( 并列复句) 听见闹钟响,他揉了揉眼睛,坐了起来。 ( 承接复句)
他不但会说汉语,而且汉语说得很流利。 (递进复句) 春游我们要么去云南,要么去西藏。 (选择复句)

21 偏正复句 因为天气不好,所以今天的运动会取消了。 (因果复句) 屋内很暖和,不过外面却下着大雪。 (转折复句)
只有掌握了汉语,才能很好地研究中国文学。(条件复句) 如果你早来两天,就一定能看到北京奥运会。(假设复句) 即使他来了,你也不能离开。(让步复句)

22 综合语 综合语的特征是运用形态变化来表达语法关系。Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary给综合语定义为:A synthetic language is “characterized by frequent and systematic use of inflected forms to express grammatical relationships”。拉丁语、德语及古英语等都属于这类语言。

23 分析语 分析语的特征是不用形态变化而用词序及虚词来表达语法关系。The Random House College Dictionary给分析语定义为:An analytic language is “characterized by a relatively frequent use of function words, auxiliary verbs, and changes in word order to express syntactic relations, rather than of inflected forms”。汉语是典型的分析语。

24 现代英语是从古英语发展出来的,仍然保留着综合语的某些特征,但也具有分析语的特点:有形态变化,但不象典型的综合语那么复杂;词序比汉语灵活,但相对固定;虚词很多,用得也相当频繁。现代英语运用遗留下来的形态变化形式(hereditary inflections)、相对固定的词序及丰富的虚词来表达语法关系,因此属综合-分析语(synthetic-analytic language)。

25 形态变化、词序和虚词是表达语法意义的三大手段。这些语法手段在英汉两种语言中具有不同的特征。
1、英语有形态变化,汉语无严格意义的形态变化。 2、英语词序比较灵活,汉语词序相对固定 3、在表达多层逻辑思维时,英语可利用语法三大手段——形态变化、词序和虚词

26 形态变化,即词的形态变化,包括以下两方面:
构词形态即构词的语缀(前缀、后缀)变化。英语词缀灵活多变,一缀多义,规模大、数量多、种类全。 构形形态,即表达语法意义的词形变化。

27 He moved astonishingly fast. He moved with astonishing rapidity
He moved astonishingly fast. He moved with astonishing rapidity. His movements were astonishingly rapid. His rapid movements astonished us. His movements astonished ns by their rapidity. The rapidity of his movements was astonishing. The rapidity with which he moved astonished us. He astonished us by moving rapidly. He astonished us by his rapid movements. He astonished us by the rapidity of his movements (O. Jesperson) 他行进的速度快的令人惊讶。 他行进速度之快,令人惊讶。 他的快速行进使我们感到惊讶。 我们对他的快速行进感到惊讶。

28 我给他一本书。 I gave him a book. 他已给我两本书。 He has given me two books. 他爸爸常常给他一些书。 His father often gives him books.

29 现代英语的形态变化主要是动词的变化(conjugation)和名词、代词、形容词及副词的变化(declension),以及上述的词缀变化。这些变化有:性(gender)、数(number)、格(case)、时(tense)、体(aspect)、语态(voice)、语气(mood)、比较级(degree of comparison)、人称(person)和词性(parts of speech)等。有了这些变化,一个词(或词组)常常可以同时表达几种语法意义,例如从词的形态可以判别它的词类、在句中的作用、与其他词的关系等。汉语没有形态变化,一般要通过借助词语、安排词序、隐含意义或用其他办法分别表达语法意义:

30 严格说来,汉语没有形态变化。汉语的数量助词(如“们”表示复数)、动态助词(如“着”、“了”、“过”表示动词的体)与结构助词(如“的”、“地”、“得”表示定语、状语与补语),虽类似英语的形态变化,但这些成分的使用在汉语里常常缺乏普遍性:有的场合一定要用,有的场合可用可不用,有的场合甚至不能用。英语形态变化的使用却有严格的规则,往往带有强制性。例如,汉语可以说“学生们”,但在“两个学生”、“他们是学生”中,却不需要加“们”,而英语的“student”却都要加 “-s”。又如,“我们(的)学校”(our school)、“你看见(了)没有?”(Have you seen it?)中的“的”和“了”可用可不用,而英语相应的词却有形态变化。再如,“着”表示动作正在进行,但“He is dying”却不能译为“他正在死着”,而应译作“他快要死了”。

31 Thank you!

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