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National Control Center Director, National Control Center, China

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1 National Control Center Director, National Control Center, China
Introduction of China National Control Center Luan Jun Director, National Control Center, China

2 Overview of Power Grid in China
中国电网概况 Overview of Power Grid in China

3 Development of Power Grid in China
中国电网的发展历史 Development of Power Grid in China 跨区联网Trans-Regional Interconnection 区域电网 Region 省级电网 Province 90’s 地区电网 District 70’s Island 50’s 40’s 1882

4 Evolving of Voltage Level on Transmission Lines
输电线路电压等级的发展 Evolving of Voltage Level on Transmission Lines kV 1000kV AC ±800kV DC 750kV AC 500kV AC/DC 330kV 2005 220kV 2000 1990 1980 35-110kV 1970 1960 1950 1940

5 Installed Generating Capacity of China
全国装机容量 Installed Generating Capacity of China 总装机 Total GW 火电 Thermal GW 水电 Hydro GW 核电 Nuclear GW 其它 Others GW

6 中国目前最大单机容量 The Largest Generator Units in China
火电 Thermal Power Unit 900MW 水电 Hydro Power Unit MW 核电 Nuclear Power Unit MW

7 Main Transmission Lines in SG
国家电网输电线路 Main Transmission Lines in SG 截至2004年底,国网公司所属220kV以上电压等级线路总长达 万公里。 By the end of 2004, the total length of transmission lines at 220kV and above within SGCC is about 177,252km. 其中330kV和500kV电压等级线路5.0176万公里。 Among them, 50,176km lines at 330kV and 500kV. 2005年9月26日,中国第一条750千伏交流线路(140.7km)开始运行。 On Sept. 26th, 2005, the first 750kV AC transmission line, which is 140.7km long, was commissioned.

8 系统崩溃事故数 Numbers of System Collapse
装机迅速发展 稳定水平不断提高 Installed Generating Capacity Increases Rapidly with Improved Power System Stability 装机 Installed Generating Capacity (GW) 年发电量 Annual Output (TWh) 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 1978 1985 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 500 1000 1500 2000 1950 1970 1990 1994 1996 1998 2002 总量 Total 19 9 4 5 10 15 20 70's 80's 90's 21ct 水电 Hydro 故障 Failures (since 1997) 系统崩溃事故数 Numbers of System Collapse

9 跨区送电情况 Inter-regional Power Transmission
TWh TWh TWh TWh 2005计划(expected) TWh 1-8月,完成跨区输电479.80亿千瓦时,同比增长18.3%。 From Jan. to Aug., 2005, 47.98TWh power has been transferred via the inter-regional grids, i.e., 18.3% incresement has been observed over that amount of last year.

10 最近三年全国日发电量曲线 Daily Generation Curves of China in Recent 3 Years
亿千瓦时(100GWh/day) Aug. 12th,7891GWh 亿千瓦时

11 2005年电网最高用电负荷 The Peak Load in 2005
电网名称 Region 2005年最大 用电负荷 Peak Load in 2005(MW) 发生日期 Occurrence Date 2004年最大用电负荷 Peak Load in 2004(MW) 增长率 Increase Rate 华北 North China 76,970 Aug. 13, 2005 65,770 17.03% 东北 Northeast China 29,450 Jan. 5, 2005 30,150 Peak load appears in winter 华东 East China 85,875 Aug. 16, 2005 69,230 24.04% 华中 Central China 59,715 Aug. 12, 2005 51,740 15.41% 西北 Northwest China 18,120 Jan. 2, 2005 18,510

12 Three Gorges Hydro-power Project
三峡水利枢纽工程 Three Gorges Hydro-power Project 三峡水电厂由国调直接调度,是目前中国最大的水电厂。现有14台机组,总装机容量9800MW。全部建成后装机容量将达到18200MW。 Three gorges hydro-power plant, the largest hydro-power plant in China, is dispatched by NCC directly. With 14 sets of generation units, its total generating capacity is 9800MW at present, and will reach 18200MW when the whole project is finished. 三峡的建设促进了全国联网和电网建设的大发展 The Three Gorges Project promotes the growth of interconnection among regional grids in China, as well the power grid construction.

13 Three Gorges Hydro-power Project
三峡水利枢纽工程 Three Gorges Hydro-power Project

14 Power Control Centers in China
中国电力调度机构 Power Control Centers in China

15 Organization of Control Centers within SGCC
国家电网公司的调度组织体系 Organization of Control Centers within SGCC 国调NCC 5 网调Regional Centers 26 省调Provincial Centers 309 地调District Centers 1600 县调County Centers

16 统一调度 分级管理 Unified Dispatching and Hierarchy Administration
国家电网公司调度管理采取“统一调度,分级管理”的模式,有效的保证了中国电网的安全稳定运行。近年来电网负荷每年以10%以上的增长率迅速提高,但国家电网公司自1997年来未发生过稳定破坏事故。 The mode of unified dispatching and hierarchy administration is adopted for the dispatching administration in SGCC to ensure the security and stability of power system operation in China. Although the load experienced increase of 10% or above annually since 1997, system collapse hasn’t occurred within SGCC.

17 国调中心机构设置 Organization of NCC 国调中心 自动化处 市场运筹处 调度处 系统运行处 继电保护处 技术管理处
通信管理处 综合处 国调中心 NCC 水调处 Comprehensive Divisions Power Dispatching Automation Reservoir Dispatching Communication Technology Administration Operation Planning Relay Protection Power Market

18 Status of the employees in NCC
国调中心员工学历、年龄结构 Status of the employees in NCC 现有在岗职工63人。其中,具有博士学位者6人,硕士学位者22 人,大学本科35人;高级工程师32人。职工平均年龄37.3岁。 Now there are 63 staffs in NCC. Among them, there are 6 doctors, 22 masters, and 35 bachelors. The number of senior engineers is 32. The average age of all the staffs is 37.3.

19 国调直接调度的设备 The Devices Dispatched Directly by NCC
500千伏厂站18个,直调500千伏交流线路21条。 18 of 500kV substations and plants, 21 AC lines of 500kV DC. 直流系统4个,其中三个500千伏直流系统,葛南(1200MW)、龙政(3000MW)、江城直流(3000MW)、灵宝背靠背(120千伏,360MW)。 4 DC systems, three of which are of 500kV, i.e., Ge-Nan (1200MW), Long-Zheng(3000MW), Jiang-Cheng (3000MW). The other is a back-to-back DC system named Ling-Bao (120kV, 360MW).

20 直调装机1190万千瓦,三峡电厂(980万千瓦)、阳城电厂(210万千瓦)。
The installed generating capacity dispatched directly by NCC is 11,900MW, composed of 9800MW in the Three Gorges hydro plant and 2100MW in the Yangcheng power plant. 跨区联网交流系统:东北-华北、华北-华中。 Trans-regional interconnection AC systems: Northeast-North, North-Central. 跨区直流联网系统:华中-华东、华中-西北、国网-南方。 Trans-regional interconnection DC systems: Central-East, Central-Northwest, State Grid-South Grid.

21 Technical Supporting Systems
技术支持系统 Technical Supporting Systems

22 国调中心技术支持系统 Technical Supporting Systems in NCC
At present, NCC collect real-time data from transmission lines of 330kV and above, as well plants with capacity of 1000MW and above. NCC supervises the real-time operation status of 410 stations, gathers values from tele-mesurement, and values from tele-indication. NCC can implement AGC over plants, and has the ability to dispatch the national interconnected grid together with the Three Gorges hydro plant in real-time. 国调目前采集全国各网省330kV以上线路及百万以上电厂的实时数据。监视410个厂站的实时运行工况,采集遥测量12000个,遥信量21000个,并可对电厂进行AGC控制,国调已经具备实时调度全国互联电网及三峡电站的能力。

23 国调中心的现代化装备 Modern Systems in NCC
能量管理系统 Energy Management System ( EMS ) 调度员仿真培训系统 Dispatcher Training System ( DTS ) 水调自动化系统 Hydro-power Management System ( HMS ) 市场管理系统 Market Management System ( MMS )

24 电能量计量系统 Tele-Meter Reading System ( TMR ) 调度数据网 State Power Dispatching Data Network ( SPDnet ) 广域测量系统 Wide Area Measuring System ( WAMS ) 保护信息管理系统 Relay and Fault Information Management System( RMS ) 调度管理信息系统 Dispatching Management Information System ( DMIS )

25 国调电网调度自动化系统 EMS System
The EMS system applied in NCC is software developed by the techniques with Chinese own license. LAN1 LAN2 SCD HIS MMI SPDnet ROUTER EMS GPS NET FE Report Forms Alarm WEB R T U

26 正在进行的几项工作 Tasks in Progress

27 提高电网输送能力 Enhance the Transfer Capability of Power Grid
近几年来由于用电负荷和电源建设增长迅速,对电网输送能力提出了越来越高的要求,因此,2005年国调中心组织了全面提高电网输送能力,特别是提高500kV电网输送能力的工作。 In recent years, both the power demand and new installed generation increased rapidly, which requires higher transmission capability of power grid. In 2005, a project to increase the transfer capability of power grid, especially on the 500kV ones, has been carried out by NCC.

28 提高电网输送能力的主要措施 Main Measures to Improve the Transfer Capability
采用先进控制技术提高输送能力-加装PSS装置 Adopt advanced control technologies – e.g. PSS. 采用先进输电技术提高输送能力-加装串补和SVC Use advanced transmission technologies – e.g. series capacitors (SC) and SVC.

29 加强管理提高输送能力-充分发挥并网机组的调节能力
Improve the management – e.g. fully employ the regulating capability of generation units connected to the grid. 设备改造提高输送能力-更换新设备及采用耐热导线等 Upgrade facilities – e.g. update devices and apply heat-resistant transmission lines, etc.

30 改进仿真技术提高输送能力-采用更精确的负荷模型和发电机模型
Improve techniques in simulation tools – e.g. use more accurate models of load and generator.

31 提高电网输送能力的成果 Effect of the Project for Transfer Capability Improvement
2005年上半年,实施提高电网输送能力工程后,国家电网各电压等级电网输送能力提高了19700MW。 With this project, the transfer capability within the State Grid has been improved by 19,700MW in the first half of year 2005.

32 Power Market System in China
中国电力市场体系示意图 Power Market System in China 国家电力市场 National Market 电厂Gen. 电厂Gen. 电厂Gen. 区域电力市场 Regional Markets 电厂Gen. 电厂Gen. 省级电力市场 Provincial Markets 电厂Gen. 售电市场 Retail Markets 售电市场 Retail Markets 售电市场 Retail Markets

33 电网动态监测预警系统 Dynamic Stability Monitoring and Preventive System
电网动态稳定监测预警是将电网的安全稳定计算分析由离线分析转变为 实时或准实时在线分析与离线分析并重,随时根据电网实际运行情况确 定电网稳定控制水平和控制策略。目前,国调正在致力于该系统的建立。 The monitoring and preventive system for dynamic stability will update the single off-line analysis mode to off-line plus on-line mode, and can timely determine the stability and control strategies of power grid according to real-time operation conditions. Such a system is being built up in NCC at this stage.

34 Scheme of Dynamic Stability Monitoring and Preventive System
动态稳定控制系统的总体思路 Scheme of Dynamic Stability Monitoring and Preventive System 目标 Target 性能 Performance 第三步 Third step 闭环控制 Closed loop control 提高稳定水平 Enhance the stability level 第二步 Second step 实时分析 Real-time analysis 提高输送能力 Enhance the transfer capability 第一步 First step 在线分析 On-line analysis 适应市场要求 Meet new requirements of market 时间 Time

35 中国特高压电网 The UHV Power Network in China
目前,中国电网跨区输电主要依靠500kV交流和±500kV直流。要实现大规模的电力输送,不断满足持续增长的电力需求,亟须加快建设电压等级更高、网架结构更强、资源配置规模更大的坚强国家电网-特高压电网。 Currently, the power transfer between interconnected regional grids in China are mainly via 500kV HVAC and ±500kV HVDC lines. It is necessary to establish the UHV power network , which will shape a robust state grid with higher voltage level, stronger structure, and better resources allocation in larger scope, to execute power transmission in large scale and meet the continuous increase of power demand.

36 谢谢! Thanks!

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