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Writing Letters.

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1 Writing Letters

2 Task Refer to page 84 and 144-5, then write a letter to your family or friends, telling them about your life and studies at college. Pay attention to the format of letters.

3 The Elements of English Letter Writing
1. 信头 Heading/Letterhead 2. 写信日期 Date 3. 信内地址 (收信人) Inside Address 4. 称呼 Salutation 5. 正文 Body of Letter 6. 客套结束语 Complimentary Closing 7. 署名 Signature

4 Heading 信头包括寄信人地址(通常写在信笺的右上方)或某公司的名称、地址、电话、电传、传真、邮编、电子信箱地址或网址等。

5 Date 日期应写在寄信人地址下方,表达方式各不相同。通常英式按日/月/年的顺序,而美式按月日年的顺序。注意:年份写全,不可省略;月份用英文单词表示,不可用数字替代(一般信函可缩写,较正式的公函需写全);日期用阿拉伯数字基数词表示即可,如May 7,2006; 23 September, 2005

6 Rewrite the following date for standard business letters
6/5/06 8 June 2006 Oct.28, 06 Jan

7 Inside Address 信内地址应写在信笺左上方,与信封上的地址完全一致。第一行写收信人姓名(称呼语+全名);商务信函中还需另起一行写出职务;收信人地址应确切完整。

8 Arrange the following information into letterhead or inside address:
China/Beijing /Beijing Metal/President/ Lin Fang/ East lane/ 234 Lin Fang President of Beijing Metal 234 East lane, Beijing China

9 Salutation 称呼应写在信内地址下,其左边要与信内地址第一行对齐。英文书信的称呼一般都是以Dear… 或My dear…开头的。
3 机关、团体、公司、工厂或学校:Dear Sir or Madam, To Whom It May concern. 有时直接用 Gentlemen(复数)。

10 Body 语言要得体,简单明了,措词礼貌。称呼下面隔一两行开始写正文。一般说来,开头直接表达写信的目的,中间对目的具体说明,结尾表达希望祝愿等。

11 Complimentary Closing
开头字母要大写,末尾用逗号。结束语也称敬语,使用时也应因人而异,取决于发信人与收信人之间的关系或熟悉程度。 1. 家人亲戚: Your loving mother/son/brother; Yours lovingly, With love, All my love etc. 2. 长辈或一般朋友:Yours respectfully/sincerely, Yours truly etc. 3. 机关、团体、学校等: Yours faithfully/sincerely, Yours truly etc.

12 結尾的部份 祝福的話 結尾語 Take care. Your friend, Best wishes. Truly yours,
Best Regards. Your loving _______, Merry Christmas Sincerely yours, Happy New Year Yours sincerely, Happy Birthday Sincerely,

13 Signature 写信人要在结束语下面签名,以表示对信件中的全部内容负责。签名最好是写信人的亲笔,手写后可附打印的全名。

14 Block format xxxx (letterhead) June 3, 2005 (date)
xxxx ( inside address) Dear xx, (salutation) We received your xxxx (body) Yours sincerely (complimentary close) XX (signature) Joe (printed name)

15 Modified Format xxxx (letterhead) June 3, 2005 (date)
xxxx ( inside address) Dear xx, (salutation) We received your xxxx (body) Yours sincerely XX (signature) Joe (printed name)

16 Practice 格式:齐头式/混合式 信头:本人名字和地址
封内地址:美国纽约市第50大街10号Harper & Row出版公司 邮编:NY10022 写信日期:实际日期 信文内容: 从朋友处看到《成功沟通的秘决》一书。 为提高沟通水平欲购一本。 请出版商尽快告知购买方式 希望9月底收到此书

17 书信 书信是一种应用非常广泛的应用文形式之一。英文书信的种类很多,但可以把它们归为两大类,一类是私人书信(personal letters),另一类是商务书信(business letters),例如:申请信、求职信、推荐信、证明信、感谢信等。英文书信的书写有一定的格式。一封完整的书信应包括寄信人的地址和日期;收信人的姓名和地址;称呼、正文、结尾和签名

18 Writing—Practical Writing
Two letter forms

19 缩进式 Writing—Practical Writing Mail box No.23, GX university
Nanning, Guangxi , China 27 Jan, 2008 缩进式 收信人姓名和单位地址 Peace Hotel Ling Gong Road 1818 Beijing, China 发信人地址及发信日期 Dear Sir/Madam, I’m writing in response to your advertisement for a PA / Secretary to the Managing Director. … Although I did not have to travel in my previous job, I would be very willing to do so. I will be available for interview at any time, and look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, William Jeremy Smith

20 齐头式 Writing—Practical Writing Mail box No.23, GX university
Nanning, Guangxi , China 27 Dec, 2007 Compact System 96 Rosewall Drive, South town, SO3 4BT Dear Sir/Madam, I’m writing in response to your advertisement for a PA / Secretary to the Managing Director. … Although I did not have to travel in my previous job, I would be very willing to do so. I will be available for interview at any time, and look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, William Jeremy Smith

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