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高空工作車/平台 Aerial Working Platform 分類簡介 & 危害預防
力大貿易股份有限公司編輯 更新日期:民國103年6月26日
高空工作車(平台)分類 (根據美國ANSI/SIA標準 A92.X類別)
車載型 升降及旋轉高空平台 (ANSI/SIA A ) 人工驅動型 升降高空工作平台 (ANSI/SIA A ) 舉臂支撐式 升降工作平台 (ANSI/SIA A ) 自走型 升降工作平台 (ANSI/SIA A ) 航空業地面支援車載型 垂直升降設備 (ANSI/SIA A92.7) 車載型 橋樑檢測及維護設備 (ANSI/SIA A ) 桅杆立柱式 升降工作平台 (ANSI/SIA A92.9) Transport Platform 輸送平台 (ANSI/SIA A )
1. 車載型 升降及旋轉高空平台 說明: 將升降機構安置在輪型機動車輛的 底盤上結合而成,有多種型式!大 多數的製造商在歐盟地區;在強調” 機動性”及”道路作業”的環境下特 別適用。目前全球最高的高空工作 車(超過100公尺)就是這個類型! 工作平台特寫
2. 人工驅動 升降高空工作平台 說明: 機具本身沒有動力,若需移動必須 藉由人工推拉方式進行!此類型機 具通常適用於室內環境,平台舉昇 高度有限,目前不超過13公尺,多 數機型均有”外伸撐腳”設計。
3. 舉臂支撐式 升降工作平台 說明: 平台相對於地面不屬於垂直升降 型式,具備各式力臂及多支點/ 鉸接點結構設計組合而成之升降 機構;搭配多種不同底盤如車輪、 履帶及蜘蛛腳等等,類型多變化, 平台高度最高可達54公尺以上。
4. 自走型 升降工作平台 說明: 工作平台相對於地面係為垂直升降 者,且具備動力可自由移動者稱之。 為目前國內數量最多的高空工作車 類型,平台高度自3~16公尺,動力 來源以24V-DC電力驅動佔大多數, 另有少數以柴油引擎為動力。
5. 航空業地面支援車載型 垂直升降設備 說明: 航機於抵達機場及離開 機場期間,所需要之各 項服務所使用各式地面 支援設備/車輛等。 例如:雲梯車、餐點運 送、貨物/行李裝卸、 機體/客艙清潔等等, 都需要特殊功能設計之 升降機構/設備車輛來 完成飛機起降前後之各 項地勤服務。
7. 桅杆立柱式 升降工作平台 說明: 來自歐洲,與傳統鷹架施工方式截 然不同的設計理念,使立柱式升降 工作平台成為現代大樓/建築外牆 施工時最安全且效率的最佳選擇! 本公司自1998年起引進,已累積超 過100個以上的施工實績!
8. Transport Platform輸送平台
說明: 專為”貨物升降”而設計,平台內無 操作人員,可承載大型物件,承載 重量可達4000公斤。 源自歐洲,以ALIMAK HEK為代表性 的設備廠商!
高空工作車 危害預防 (參考美國JLG 原廠AWP訓練手冊)
首先,必須熟悉相關的”高空工作車”法規,接著還需 要: 認識”JLG 安全五步驟” 工作場所危害評估之”ICE 100” 預防感電危害之”最小接近距離 M.A.D.” 預防自”高處墜落”之原則 &”防墜落安全背帶”之要求 預防傾倒之”地面條件”&”風力因素” 預防”輾壓及碰撞” 相關”安全注意事項” 接受”完整的機具操作訓練” 選擇”符合您需求”的高空工作車/平台
A JLG 五 個 漸 進 步 驟 步驟 5 步驟 4 步驟 3 步驟 2 步驟 1 正確關機 正確操作 工作場所危害評估 功能檢查
Q. 這個地方適合放置機具嗎? 使用後 作業使用中 步驟 4 正確操作 Q. 我的操作是否安全? 我是否有全方位的警覺呢? ICE-100 步驟 3 工作場所危害評估 Q. 這是安全的工作場所嗎? 哪裡有危害因子呢? Key Points: Review the 5 steps. 1.- It is a visual inspection No tools required Do a 360 visual (we are creatures of habit) Begin by manuals (they are integral part of the machines) 2.- Start at the ground controls Check all controls 3.- Identify the Hazards: Start at the ground, look around, look up. This is one of the most important and often neglected steps 4.- Proper Operation: Am I using this machine for what is intended Am I operating from firm level ground Do I have on my fall protection properly (If using the optional Telehandler basket) Is my lanyard attached to the lanyard anchor point? Did I ensure I did not overload the basket (Maximum weight capacity; If using the optional Telehandler basket) Are all my tools secure? Am I at the proper MAD Do I have a 360 awareness Always look where you are traveling 5.- Is it safe for: My machine People Refueling Recharging battery Did I take the key MAD Minimum Approach Distance 10 feet for the first 50,000 volts or less 1 additional foot for each additional block of 30,000 volts This applies for you and anything that sticks out of the basket 使用前 步驟 2 功能檢查 Q. 經由功能檢查機具是否一切正常? 使用前及作業中 最小接近距離 步驟 1 環繞一周檢查 使用前 Q. 以目視檢查機具是否安全?
ICE 100 經由確認及溝通以排除所有可能的危害
工 作 場 所 危 害 評 估 B ICE 100 經由確認及溝通以排除所有可能的危害 I Identify 所有的危險: 找出 觀察機具的下方、四周、上方。 C Communicate 四層面:你自己的意圖、他們的意圖、 溝通 為團隊成員簡報、緊急時的下降程序 E Eliminate 危害因素能全面排除 排除 100 % Avoidance 危害因素能夠完全避開 避免 Key Points: ICE 100: I.: Identify C: Communicate Your Intentions Their Intentions Brief your crew Emergency descent (some one to bring you down) E: Eliminate hazards. 100% Avoidance
C M.A.D. 最 小 接 近 距 離 (相位之間 ) 英呎(公尺) 電壓範圍 最小接近距離 0 to 50 KV 10 (3)
電壓範圍 最小接近距離 (相位之間 ) 英呎(公尺) 0 to 50 KV (3) Over 50KV to 200 KV 15 (5) Over 200 KV to 350 KV 20 (6) Over 350 KV to 500 KV 25 (8) Over 500 KV to 750 KV 35 (11) Over 750 KV to 1000 KV 45 (14) 備註: 除非業主、地區主管機關或政府有更嚴格的法規,否則均須按照本規則執行。 Key points: Electrocution hazards • JLG AWP's are not insulated and they do not provide protection from contact or proximity to electrical current. Always maintain safe distance from electrical lines, apparatus, or any energized (exposed or insulated) parts according to the minimum approach distance (MAD) as shown in table 2-1. Be sure to allow for machine movement and electrical line swaying.
D 絆 倒 及 墜 落 危 險 穿著全背式防墜安全帶。 在操作機具之前,請確認全部的閘門或鍊條已拴鎖定位於適當的位置上。
Key points: Trip and fall hazards • Where applicable, occupants in the platform must wear a full body harness with a lanyard attached to an authorized lanyard anchorage point. Attach only one (1) lanyard per lanyard anchorage point. • During operation of a scissor lift or vertical mast product, jlg industries, inc. Recommends that all persons in the platform wear a full body harness with a lanyard attached to an authorized lanyard anchorage point during operation. For further information regarding fall protection requirements on JLG products, contact JLG industries, inc. • Before operating the machine, make sure all gates and platform rails are closed and fastened in their proper position. • Keep both feet firmly positioned on the platform floor at all times. Do not climb on platform rails. Never use ladders, boxes, steps, planks, or similar items on platform to provide additional reach. • Use extreme caution when entering or leaving platform. Be sure that the platform is fully lowered. Face the machine, maintaining “three point contact” with the machine, using two hands and one foot or two feet and one hand During entry and exit. • Platform-to-structure transfers at elevated positions are discouraged. Where transfer is necessary, enter/exit through the gate only with the platform within 1 foot (0.3m) of a safe and secure structure. 100% tie-off is also required in this situation using two lanyards. One lanyard must be attached to the platform with the second lanyard attached to the structure. The lanyard connected to the platform must not be disconnected until the transfer to the structure is safe and complete.
E 墜落預防 之 “T.A.I.L.S. 小尾巴” 為了預防墜落危險 – 需要墜落防護 Tags 標籤識別 Adjustment 調整束帶
必須清晰可辨識,標示最大承受重量及使用年限。 Adjustment 調整束帶 所有束帶要正確調適(約有兩指的鬆緊度)。 Inspection 裝備檢查 全部織物 – 沒有剪痕、撕開、破損或磨損。 全部扣件及功能 – 沒有彎曲變形或斷裂。 Lanyard 安全繩索 穩定及衝擊吸收(在後方制動) Storage 注意收藏 不要暴露於潮濕、陽光直曬及化學影響之處。 Key points: JLG do not endorse or recommend any manufacturer of fall protection products, please review and check the one appropriated for your organization. This is only a guide to safe operation using fall protection.
F 傾 倒 危 險 操作者在駕駛之前必須熟悉地面狀況。 不得行駛在超過允許的正向坡及側向坡? 地面的類型,可否承載機具的重量?
平台負載 / 負載是否平均放置? 輪胎破損或胎壓過低? 風力等級因素? Key points: • The user should be familiar with the surface before driving. Do not exceed the allowable side slope and grade while driving. • Do not elevate platform or drive with platform elevated while on a sloping, uneven, or soft surface. • Before driving on floors, bridges, trucks, and other surfaces, check allowable capacity of the surfaces. • Never exceed the maximum platform capacity. The maximum allowable platform capacity for any JLG AWP may be found on platform decals, in the operation and safety manual or on the machine’s serial number plate. • Do not operate the machine when wind conditions exceed 28 mph (12.5 m/s). • Do not increase the surface area of the platform or the load. Increase of the area exposed to the wind will decrease stability. • Do not increase the platform size with unauthorized deck extensions or attachments. • If the machine is in a position that one or more wheels are off the ground, all persons must be removed before attempting to stabilize the machine. Use cranes, forklift trucks, or other appropriate equipment to stabilize machine and remove personnel.
G 輾 壓 及 碰 撞 危 險 視線方向與駕駛/操作方向需保持一致。 在視線受阻情況下駕駛/操作時,應安排瞭望人員。
在升高或降低工作平台以及在行駛過程當中,必須檢查工作區域上方、四周和工作平台下方的空間。 視線方向與駕駛/操作方向需保持一致。 在視線受阻情況下駕駛/操作時,應安排瞭望人員。 Key Points: Crushing and Collision Hazards • All operating and ground personnel must wear approved headgear. • Check work area for clearances overhead, on sides, and bottom of platform when lifting or lowering platform, and driving. • During operation, keep all body parts inside platform railing. • When operating a Boom supported AWP, use the boom functions, not the drive function, to position the platform close to obstacles. • Always post a lookout when driving in areas where vision is obstructed. • Keep non-operating personnel at least 6 ft. (1.8m) away from machine during all machine operations. • Limit travel speed according to conditions of ground surface, congestion, visibility, slope, location of personnel, and other factors that may cause collision or injury to personnel. • Be aware of stopping distances in all drive speeds. When driving in high speed, switch to low speed before stopping. Travel grades in low speed only. • Do not use high-speed drive in restricted or close quarters or when driving in reverse. • Exercise extreme caution at all times to prevent obstacles from striking or interfering with operating controls and persons in the platform. • Be sure that operators of other overhead and floor level machines are aware of the aerial work platform’s presence. Disconnect power to overhead cranes. • Warn personnel not to work, stand, or walk under a raised boom or platform. • Position barricades on floor if necessary.
H 安 全 注 意 事 項 拖曳、吊舉及拖運 其他危險 / 安全考量 不要將機具作為電導體和接地使用。 引擎運轉時,不得為燃料油箱添加燃油。
鉛酸電瓶內的電解液具有高度腐蝕性,任何時候都要避免接觸皮膚及衣服。 只能在通風良好的地方為電池進行充電作業。 Key points: TOWING, LIFTING, AND HAULING (sample on a boom 600) • Never allow personnel in platform while towing, lifting, or hauling. • This machine should not be towed, except in the event of emergency, malfunction, power failure, or loading/unloading. Refer to the emergency procedures section of this manual for emergency towing procedures. • Ensure boom is in the stowed position and the turntable locked prior to towing, lifting or hauling. The platform must be completely empty of tools. • When lifting machine, lift only at designated areas of the machine. Lift the unit with equipment of adequate capacity. • Refer to the machine operation section of the proper manual for lifting information
操作者訓練 I
高空工作車 操作前每日自主檢查表 I
H 如何選擇符合需求的高空工作車 工作高度 承載重量(人員 / 物料) 平台尺寸大小 窄小的區域/通道 較小的迴轉半徑 樓層間轉換 室內環境
需要在高空狀態下移動(行駛) 平台能夠延伸越過障礙物 剪刀式 or 垂直升降式 or 其他 較長的延伸距離(直臂式) 跨越障礙能力(曲臂式) 平整地面 or 崎嶇地形 側向的延伸 在平台內的工作類型,需要其他配件嗎 Key points: TOWING, LIFTING, AND HAULING (sample on a boom 600) • Never allow personnel in platform while towing, lifting, or hauling. • This machine should not be towed, except in the event of emergency, malfunction, power failure, or loading/unloading. Refer to the emergency procedures section of this manual for emergency towing procedures. • Ensure boom is in the stowed position and the turntable locked prior to towing, lifting or hauling. The platform must be completely empty of tools. • When lifting machine, lift only at designated areas of the machine. Lift the unit with equipment of adequate capacity. • Refer to the machine operation section of the proper manual for lifting information
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