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禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
青年聚會 Youth Meeting 週五 Fri 6:30 pm 週六小組 Saturday Group 週六 Sat 7:00 pm 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship 主日 Sun 10:00 am
Please turn off your cell phones, thank you!
請將您的手機關閉,謝謝! Please turn off your cell phones, thank you!
耶和華已經為 我們行了大事 祂鋪張雲彩當遮蓋 夜間使火光照
Come rejoice for the Lord 我們行了大事 has done great things for us 祂鋪張雲彩當遮蓋 He gave us clouds as covering 夜間使火光照 And fire to give us light
Come rejoice for the Lord has done great things for us
耶和華已經為 Come rejoice for the Lord 我們行了大事 has done great things for us 祂在乾旱之處 In the desert He has 使水流成河 made a river flow
and declare of His works
我們要歡呼 We will celebrate 述說祂的作為 and declare of His works 我們依靠神 For He is our help 就能施展大能 we can do mighty things
We will sing and praise, shout with joy To tell of His great works
我們要歌頌 要歡呼 We will sing and praise, shout with joy 述說祂的作為 To tell of His great works 我們依靠神 For He is my help 就能施展大能 we can do mighty things
耶和華已經為 我們行了大事 祂命令狂風止息 那波浪就平靜
Come rejoice for the Lord 我們行了大事 has done great things for us 祂命令狂風止息 He calmed the storm to whisper 那波浪就平靜 And stilled the raging sea
耶和華已經為 我們行了大事 祂張開雙手 我們就得飽足
Come rejoice for the Lord 我們行了大事 has done great things for us 祂張開雙手 He has satisfied 我們就得飽足 our hearts with His good things
祂必帶領選民歡呼向前 祂將列國的地賜給我們
﹝Bridge﹞ 祂必帶領選民歡呼向前 He brings out His people with songs of joy 祂將列國的地賜給我們 He will take us into His promise lands
我的盼望就在耶穌基督裏 在你裏面滿有平安 生命源泉就在耶穌基督裏 有主在我裏面活著
滿有能力 我的盼望就在耶穌基督裏 在你裏面滿有平安 生命源泉就在耶穌基督裏 有主在我裏面活著
我宣告在我裏面的 比世上一切更有能力 我不屬這世界 我高舉耶穌的名
我宣告在我裏面有活水 湧流滿有能力 有耶穌在我裏面活著 我勇敢站立
有主在我裏面 沒有懼怕能戰勝仇敵 沒有懼怕還得勝有餘
每當我來到你寶座前 我心我靈向你俯伏敬拜 再次將主權交託全能神 懇求你心意向我顯明 我願觸動你心弦 全心討你喜悅
我要舉起雙手降服於你 貼近你的胸懷 我願觸動你心弦 全心討你喜悅 我主我的神 求奪我心意 完全屬於你
主啊 願你來掌管我 鋻察我心 知我軟弱 我雖願意 遵行主你的道路 卻又常常為自己籌算
O Lord, please come to reign in me You know my heart, You know I’m weak I am willing to obey and go Your way There are sometimes I go my own way
Sometimes sin comes to rule in me
我雖願意 做主聖潔的器皿 卻又不時被罪惡勝過 I will obey To be Your vessel Sometimes sin comes to rule in me
Please do not forsake me Holy Spirit, please help me
主啊 不要 不要叫我離開你 聖靈聖靈 幫助我 O Lord, O Lord Please do not forsake me Holy Spirit, please help me
賜給我能力 永不衰殘的信心 用我一生來尋求你
Please give me strength And faith that never fails I will seek You all of my life
I will follow close to You Holy Spirit, please fill me
主啊 我要 我要 緊緊跟隨你 聖靈 聖靈 充滿我 O Lord, O Lord I will follow close to You Holy Spirit, please fill me
To be consumed on Your altar
將我的生命 將我心思意念 完全焚燒在祭壇前 I give my life My soul, my all in all To be consumed on Your altar
主, 求祢來恢復 祢在我心中 充滿榮耀光輝的寶座 祢在我生命中 熱情奔放燃燒的火
願祢的國度降臨 願祢的旨意行在地上 如同在天上 願祢恢復奇妙作為 彰顯祢同在 來翻轉我生命
一生愛你 <1/2> With All My Love
一生愛你 <2/2> With All My Love
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