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1 美国介绍

2 a. 国名:the United States of America b. 国旗:stars and stripes
a.国名:the United States of America b.国旗:stars and stripes.主体部分由13道红白相间的横条组成;旗面左上角排列着50颗白 色五角星。国旗上有白红蓝三种颜色。13道宽条代表美国最初的13个殖民地(thirteen colonies),50颗五角星代表美利坚合众国。

3 c.国徽(National Emblem): 主体一只胸前带有盾(shield)形图案的秃鹰(BALD EAGLE)。秃鹰上方的顶冠内13颗白色五角星代表美国最初的13个殖民地。鹰爪分别抓着橄榄枝(olive brance)和箭(arrows);鹰嘴叼着黄色绶带上用拉丁文写着的“合众为一”(E pluribus unum means "Out of Many One".

4 d. 绰号(NICK NAME) Uncle Sam is a national personification(n
d.绰号(NICK NAME) Uncle Sam is a national personification(n. 化身, 象征) of the United States (US), and sometimes more specifically(adv. 特定的,明确的) of the American government, with the first usage of the term dating from the War of 1812 and the first illustration dating from He is often depicted (v. 描述) as a serious elderly white man with white hair and a goatee(n. 山羊胡子), and dressed in clothing that recalls the design elements of flag of the United States—for example, typically a top hat with red and white stripes and white stars on a blue band, and red and white striped trousers.

5 美国的绰号叫山姆大叔。传说在英美战争期间,美国商人山姆威尔逊在装供应军队牛肉的桶上写有“U. S
美国的绰号叫山姆大叔。传说在英美战争期间,美国商人山姆威尔逊在装供应军队牛肉的桶上写有“U.S.",表示这是美国的财产。这恰与山姆大叔(UNCLE SAM)的首字母缩略相同。于是人们便戏称带有”U.S."标记的物资是山姆大叔的,而山姆大叔也就逐渐成为了美国的绰号。1961年美国国会通过决议,正式承认“山姆大叔”代表美国的形象。

6 e.国歌(NATIONAL ANTHEM) 美国国歌《星条旗永不落》("the star-spangled banner"曾译《星条旗》歌)诞生在巴尔底摩。 1931年,美国国会正式将《星条旗永不落》定为国歌 。 如今,巴尔的摩市的麦克亨利堡已被辟为国家纪念地和历史圣地。1985年11月7日,巴尔的摩市与中国福建省厦门市结为友好城市。 f.首都(CAPITAL) 华盛顿哥伦比亚特区(Washington D.C,其中D.C表示District of Columbia),是为了纪念乔治华盛顿(George Washington)和发现美洲新大陆的哥伦布(Christopher Columbus)而定名的。

7 g.最大城市(LARGEST CITY) New York City is the most populous city in the United States, while the New York metropolitan area ranks among the most populous urban areas in the world. A leading global city, it exerts a powerful influence over worldwide commerce, finance, culture, fashion and entertainment. As host of United Nations headquarters, New York is also an important center for international affairs.

8 The Big Apple is a nickname or moniker for New York City
The Big Apple is a nickname or moniker for New York City. It was first popularized in the 1920s by John J. Fitz Gerald, a sports writer for the New York Morning Telegraph. Its popularity since the 1970s is due to a promotional campaign by the New York Convention and Visitors Bureau, known now as NYC & Company. h.国庆日(NATIONAL DAY) 7月4日 1776年7月4日,美国独立 i.国花(NATIONAL FLOWER) 象征美丽芬芳,热忱,和爱情的 玫瑰(ROSE)

9 __1__ Harriet Beecher Stowe is most famous for her ___ that spoke for blacks. A Voice of Freedom B Uncle Tom’s cabin C Clotel D The Garies and Their Friends __2__ The first novel published by the blacks in ___ Clotel. A Harriet Beecher Stowe B Harriet Wilson C Williams Wells Brown D John Brown __3__ Most of Emily Dickinson’s poems were published ___. A when she was young B after her failed love affair C in her old age D after her death __4__ Palph Waldo Emerson, the American Transcendentalist, argued for the following ideas except ___. A man’s dependence on himself for spiritual perfection B Faith in Christianity C direct intuition of a spiritual God in nature D the importance of an independent American culture __5__ In 1837, Ralph Waldo Emerson made a speech entitled ___ at Harvard, which was hailed by Oliver Wendell Holmes as “Our intellectual Declaration of Independence”. A “Nature” B “Self-Reliance” C “Divinity School Address” D “The American Scholar”

10 1. 选B。斯托夫人(Harriet Beecher Stowe)是废奴文学的杰出代表,她的《汤姆大叔的小屋》(Uncle Tom’s cabin)被林肯总统称为“发动了一场大战的小说”。 2. 选C。威廉.布朗于1853年出版的《克罗特尔》被认为是美国黑人发表的第一部小说。 3. 选D。埃米莉.狄金森(Emily Dickinson)的诗歌远远超出了她所在的时代局限,虽然她留给后人1775首诗歌,但其中只有很少的一部分是在他生前发表的。 4. 选B。拉尔夫.华尔多.爱默生(Ralph Waldo Emerson)主张打破神学统治,摈弃以身为中心的请教主义,强调人再宇宙万物中的地位,人能超越感觉获得知识,人有能力凭直觉直接认识真理。 5. 选D。1837年,拉尔夫.华尔多.爱默生(Ralph Waldo Emerson)在哈佛大学发表了著名的《美国学者》(The American Scholar)的演讲,指出真正的“美国学者”应当是“思维者”,即具有独立思想的人,而不应该盲从任何约束,讲演引起了轰动。

11 __6__ In 1838, Ralph Waldo Emerson made a speech entitled ___ at Harvard, which expressed his disapproval to the faith in church and caused the protest by church. A “Nature” B “Self-Reliance” C “Divinity School Address” D “The American Scholar” __7__ ___ is Mark Twain’s master work, the one book form which as Ernest Hemingway noted, “all modern American literature comes”. A The Gilded Age B The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County C The Adventures of Tom Sawyer D The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn __8__ Which of the following is NOT the fiction written by Mark Twain? A Innocent Abroad B The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County C The Adventures of Tom Sawyer D The Golden Bowl __9__ Mark Twain is the pseudonym of ___. A Samuel Langhorne Clemens B Henry James C William Dean Howells D Stephen Crane __10__ The Wings of the Dove was written by ___ who also wrote ___. A Mark Twain… Tom Sawyer B Hawthorne… The Scarlet Letter C Walt Whitman… Song of Myself D Henry James… A Lady’s Portrait

12 6. 选C。1837年,拉尔夫.华尔多.爱默生(Ralph Waldo Emerson)在哈佛大学发表了震动人心的《神学院毕业班演说》(Divinity School Address),将批评的矛头直指因循守旧的教会,再获得革命者欢呼的同时,遭到了教会人士的强烈反对和抗议,此后将近30年时间,哈佛大学再也没有邀请他们这位著名的校友回母校演讲。 7. 选D。海明威(Ernest Hemingway)曾给予马克.吐温极高的评价,他断言“一切的当代美国文学都来自于马克.吐温的一本书,即《哈克贝里.费恩》(The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn)……它是所有书中最好的书,它是所有美国作品文学作品的源头,它之前没有作品可以和它相比,它之后也没有作品可以和它媲美”。 8. 选D。《金碗》(The Golden Bowl)是亨利.詹姆斯(Henry James)的小说。《傻子国外旅行记》(Innocent Abroad)是马克.吐温的幽默游记。《卡拉维拉县驰名的跳蛙》(The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County)是马克.吐温发表的第一篇幽默小说。《汤姆.索亚历险记》(The Adventures of Tom Sawyer)则是马克.吐温一部儿童文学小说。 9. 选A。马克.吐温(Mark Twain)是萨繆尔.郎荷恩.克莱门斯(Samuel Langhorne Clemens)的笔名。 10.选D。《鸽翼》(The Wings of the Dove),《一位女士的画像》(A Lady’s Portrait)都是亨利.詹姆斯(Henry James)的代表作。

13 __1__ It’s generally known that the “First book of American” is ___ by John Smith. A A True Relation of Virginia B The True Travels of Captain John Smith C Map of the Bay and the Rivers D A Description of New England __2__ The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung up in America was written by ___. A John Smith B John Ellis C Anne Bradstreet D Nathaniel Morton __3__ A Funeral Elegy upon That Pattern and Patron of Virtue was written by John Norton in the memory of ___. A John Smith B Anne Bradstreet C Nathaniel Morton D Benjamin Franklin __4__ Edward Taylor was a poet of ___. A Local Colorism B American Romanticism C New England Transcendentalism D Colonial American __5__ Poor Richard’s Almanac was written by ___ who also wrote ___. A Benjamin Franklin … Autobiography B Washington Irving … Autobiography C Washington Irving … History of New York D Benjamin Franklin … History of New York

14 1. 选A。一般认为,约翰.史密斯 John Smith 是美国文学的第一位作者,他的《关于弗吉尼亚的真实叙述》(A True Relation of Virginia)则是美国文学的“第一书”,其实也是整个美国历史的“第一书”。 2. 选C。安妮.布拉德斯特里特Anne Bradstreet 是殖民地时期的第一位诗人,她的第一部诗集《最近在北美出现的第十位缪斯》The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung up in America是移民在北美创作的第一部诗集。 3. 选B。安妮.布拉德斯特里特Anne Bradstreet 去世后,人们纷纷以“哀歌”的形式来表达对这位北美首位殖民地诗人的敬仰和哀悼,其中较著名的有约翰.诺顿的《葬礼哀歌》(A Funeral Elegy upon That Pattern and Patron of Virtue),以及约翰.罗斯杰的《致安妮. 布拉德斯特里特》(Anne Bradstreet)。这两首诗后来都被收入了布拉德斯特里特诗集作为该诗集序言的一部分。 4. 选D。艾德华.泰勒Edward Taylor 是北美殖民时期的重要诗人之一,他的诗作体现了宗教精神和诗歌艺术的高度结合,主要诗作有《内省录》(Preparatory Meditations),《上帝对其选民有影响的决定》(Gods Determinations Touching His Elect),《诗体基督教史》(Metrical History of Christianity)。 5. 选A。《穷查理历书》(Poor Richard’s Almanac)是富兰克林(Benjamin Franklin)广受欢迎的第一部作品,他的另一部代表作是《自传》(Autobiography)。

15 __6__ All the following but ___ are the works of John Woolman
__6__ All the following but ___ are the works of John Woolman. A Journal of John Woolman B Some considerations upon the keeping of Negroes C A plea for the Poor D Poor Richard’s Almanac __7__ The series of “poems of romantic fancy” are poems written by ___. A Washington Irving B James Fenimore Cooper C Edgar Allan Poe D Philip Freneau __8__ ___ was the first black woman who published her collection of poems. A Philis Wheatley B Ralph Ellison C James Baldwin D Alex Haley __9__ Escape: or A Leap for Freedom written by black author John Wells Brown was a(n) ___. A poem B novel C play D essay __10__ Charles Brockden Brown wrote all the following novels but ___. A Wieland B Ormond C Edgar Huntley D The Pioneers

16 6. 选D。约翰伍尔曼的作品有《日记》(Journal of John Woolman),《关于占有黑人的几点思考》(Some considerations upon the keeping of Negroes),《为穷人请愿》(A plea for the Poor),《穷查理历书》(Poor Richard’s Almanac)是富兰克林(Benjamin Franklin)的作品。 7. 选D。菲力普.福瑞诺(Philip Freneau)创作的一系列描述美国美丽自然风光的诗歌被成为“浪漫奇想诗”,作品有《美丽的圣克鲁斯》(The beauties of Anta Curz),《印第安人墓地》(The Indian Burying Ground),《乡间小舍废墟旁有感》(Stanzas Occasioned by the Ruins of a Country Inn)。 8. 选A。菲丽丝.惠特利(Philis Wheatley)是美国文学史上第一位出版诗集的黑人女诗人,由于可以想见的原因,在相当的一段时间内被有意无意地无视了。 9. 选C。黑人作家布朗John Wells Brown 所创作的《逃亡;又名奔向自由》(Escape; or A Leap for Freedom)是废奴时期较受欢迎的黑人戏剧。 10.选D。查尔斯.布朗(Charles Brockden Brown)是美国18、19世纪之交的重要作家之一,因毕生从事文学创作和 评论而被誉为“美国第一职业文学家”,他创作的小说有《威兰德》(Wieland),《奥蒙德》(Ormond),《艾德加.亨特利》(Edgar Huntley),《开拓者》是库柏(James Fenimore Cooper)的小说。

17 _1__ Rip Van Winkle is a short story written by _____
_1__ Rip Van Winkle is a short story written by _____. A James Fenimore Cooper B Washington Irving C Edgar Allan Poe D Mark Twain __2__The Legend of Sleeping Hallow is a short story written by ____. A James Fenimore Cooper B Washington Irving C Edgar Allan Poe D Mark Twain __3__Cooper’s Leather Stocking Tales consists of ____stories A 3 B 4 C 5 D 6 __4__ Which of the following is not one of the Leather Stocking Tales by James F. Cooper. A The Pioneers B The Last of the Mohicans C The Pathfinder D The Crater __5__The Purloined Letter is a detective story by _____. A Arthur Conan Doyle B Edgar Allan Poe C Washington Irving D James F. Cooper

18 1. B. 《瑞普. 凡. 温克而》(Rip Van Winkle)是华盛顿
1. B.《瑞普.凡.温克而》(Rip Van Winkle)是华盛顿.欧文短篇(Washington Irving)小说集《札记集》(The Sketch Book)中的一篇。 2. B.《睡谷的传说》(The Legend of Sleeping Hallow)是华盛顿.欧文短篇(Washington Irving)小说集《札记集》(The Sketch Book)中的一篇。 3. C. 《皮裹腿故事集》(the Leather Stocking Tales)包括5部小说,这五部小说根据发表的时间先后顺序依次为《开拓者》(The Pioneers),《最后一个莫西干人》(The Last of the Mohicans),《大草原》(The Prairie),《探路人》(The Pathfinder),《猎鹿人》(The Deerslayer)。 4. D.《皮裹腿故事集》(the Leather Stocking Tales)包括5部小说,这五部小说根据发表的时间先后顺序依次为《开拓者》(The Pioneers),《最后一个莫西干人》(The Last of the Mohicans),《大草原》(The Prairie),《探路人》(The Pathfinder),《猎鹿人》(The Deerslayer)。《火山口》(The Crater)是库柏的另一部小说。 5.B. 《丢失的信》(The Purloined Letter)是爱德加.艾伦.坡(Edgar Allan Poe)创作的著名侦探小说。

19 __6__The Romantic Period in American Literary history started with the publication of ____. A Washington Irving’s The Sketch Book B Washington Irving’s Tales of A Traveller C Whitman’s Leaves of Grass D James Fenimore Cooper’s Leather Stocking Tales __7__ “The American Renaissance” is the period of ____in the history of American literature. A Local Colorism B Romanticism C New England Transcendentalism D Colonism __8__Edgar Allan Poe is known as a poet and critic but most famous as the first master of the ___ form. A poem B drama C short story D essay __9__ The Raven is a poem by ____. A Edgar Allan Poe B Walt Whitman C Ralph Waldo Emerson D Henry David Thoreau __10__The Philosophy of Composition was written by ____who also wrote The Poetic Principle A Edgar Allan Poe B Walt Whitman C Ralph Waldo Emerson D Henry David Thoreau

20 答案: 6. A. 美国文学的浪漫主义时期指从18世纪末到美国内战爆发这段时期,它的起止分别以华盛顿
答案: 6.A. 美国文学的浪漫主义时期指从18世纪末到美国内战爆发这段时期,它的起止分别以华盛顿.欧文(Washington Irving)的《见闻札记》(The Sketch Book)与惠特曼(Whitman)的《草叶集》(Leaves of Grass)为标志。 7.B. 美国文学的浪漫主义时期指从18世纪末到美国内战爆发这段时期,它的起止分别以华盛顿.欧文(Washington Irving)的《见闻札记》(The Sketch Book)与惠特曼(Whitman)的《草叶集》(Leaves of Grass)为标志。这是美国文学空前繁荣的时期,也被称为美国文学的“文艺复兴时期”。 8.C. 爱德加.艾伦. 坡(Edgar Allan Poe)是美国著名的诗人和评论家,但他还是以“第一位短篇小说大师”的身份最为人所知,特别是他的神秘恐怖小说。 9. A.《乌鸦》(The Raven)是艾伦.坡(Edgar Allan Poe)最著名的诗歌代表作之一。 10.A. 爱德加.艾伦.坡()是美国第一位文艺理论家,著有《创作哲学》(Philosophy of Composition)和《诗歌原理》(The Poetic Principle)等论著。

21 __1__As a literary figure, Stephen Dedalus appears in two novel by____
__1__As a literary figure, Stephen Dedalus appears in two novel by____. A D.H Lawrence B John Galsworthy C George Eliot D James Loyce __2__The French lieutenant’s woman is the masterpiece of ____. A john Fowles B Doris lessing C Muriel spark D Joseph Conrad __3__The golden notebook was written by____. A john fowels B Doris lessing C Muriel spark D Joseph Conrad __4__Waiting for Godor is a(an)____by Samuel beckett. A novel B poem C play D essay __5__ “kitchen sink realism”is referred to as the works of ___. A novel B poem C play D essay

22 1 D Stephen Dedalus 是James loyce小说的主要代言人,他出现在《尤利西斯》(Ulysses)和《青年艺术家肖像中》. 2 A 约翰。福尔斯(john fowles)是实验主义作家的杰出代表,The French lieutenants woman是他在技巧革新和观念表达方面的最成功的小说,他为当事人提供了三种不同的结局。 3 B Doris lessing 是英国战后最杰出的女作家,The golden notebook是她的代表作。 4 C 等待戈多是英国剧作家Samuel Beckett.所著的荒诞派戏剧作品。 5 C Arnold Wesker 的《大麦鸡汤》(chicken soup with barley)等剧作以写实的手法表现伦敦东区中下层人们的生活,他与john obshorne等人的作品被冠以“kitchen sink realism”的称号。

23 __6__Seamus Heaney won the Nobel Prize of literature in 1995 and most of his poems focused on the ___. A city life B legend C country D history __7__an article on “the observer” describes the bursting of all these young ___as a kind of “the movement”. A poets B playwright C novelist D critic __8__The novel ___told a story of a Nazi war criminal, in this novel Martin Amis set the narrative clock in reverse. A money, a suicide note B time’s arrow C London fields D dead bodies __9__satanic verses was written by___who was born in a muslin family in Bombay, India. A salman Rushdie B kazoo ishguro C julian barnes D grahm swift __10__the novel The Remains Of The Day won the booker prize for its author ___who was born in Japan. A Salman Rushdie B kazoo ishguro C Julian Barnes D grahm swift

24 答案: 6 C Seamus Heaney won 是爱尔兰诗人,他的诗歌题材是农村的传统生活,他对田园景象的描写使人想起华兹华斯,1995年获得诺贝尔文学奖。 7 A 《旁观者》杂志把英国50年代一批青年诗人的崛起称作英诗的一次运动,这些诗人都是大学的活跃分子,他们也因此被称为运动派诗人。 8 B题中四部作品都是martin amis 的小说《时光之箭》讲述的是纳粹医生的故事,叙事手法独特,把时光之箭的走向拨过来,使得时光倒流。 9 A salman rushdie是传奇人物,他的争议性小说satanic verses因不恰当地引用古兰经,引起穆斯林世界的广泛抗议。 10 B 石黑一雄是日本籍作家,5岁来到英国,The remains of the day<盛世痕迹>赢得了布莱克奖。











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