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TKI在NSCLC脑转移中的应用 罗氏医学部 医学科学联络团队 经小珍 2012年3月15日.

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1 TKI在NSCLC脑转移中的应用 罗氏医学部 医学科学联络团队 经小珍 2012年3月15日

2 主 要 内 容 NSCLC脑转移概况 TKI对NSCLC脑转移有效的理论基础 TKI在NSCLC脑转移的应用研究

3 NSCLC常被脑转移“捆绑” 首诊的NSCLC患者中约10%伴有脑转移
肺腺癌患者易出现脑转移 首诊的NSCLC患者中约10%伴有脑转移 所有NSCLC患者中30~50%的患者在整个病程中的某个阶段会出现脑转移 肺腺癌患者易出现脑转移 Sorensen JB et al, J Clin Oncol. 1998;6: Rodrigus P et al, Lung Cancer. 2001;32:

4 脑转移病灶的影像诊断特点 脑转移的检查方法主要是MRI CT 检查易漏诊 常见脑实质转移和脑膜转移两种类型 脑膜转移易漏诊 临床常见:

5 NSCLC脑转移的治疗方法 目前,多采用综合治疗的模式。
全脑放疗(WBRT):现已成为脑转移瘤的标准治疗方案,可用于不宜手术或立体定向放射治疗(SRS)的单个或多发病灶,或有活动性全身性疾病、全身情况差的患者,可用于脑转移瘤术后及SRS后患者。 外科手术治疗:适用于颅内为孤立性或相互靠近的多个病灶,位于手术能够达到的部位,大于3.5 cm。 SRS:适用于治疗直径<3.5 cm,位置较深或位于重要功能区,全身情况差或数目相对较少(1~3个)的转移瘤,及WBRT后的巩固治疗、WBRT后复发的患者。 化疗:一系列II期临床研究显示化疗对NSCLC脑转移具有一定疗效,如培美曲塞,纳米紫杉醇、拓普替康等。 分子靶向治疗:如TKI,Avastin 等,也显示出一定疗效。 手术适应症:原发灶已得到控制,经详细全身检查未发现有其他器官转移灶者,全身情况较好,可耐受手术治疗,颅内为孤立性或相互靠近的多个病灶,位于手术能够达到的部位,大于3.5 cm。--Peacock KH,k8ⅢGJ.Current therapeutic appronehos in patients with brain metastases.Curr Treat Options Oneol。2006,7(6): . SRS适用于治疗直径<3.5 cm,位置较深或位于重要功能区,包括脑干、基底青等部位,伞身情况差或数目相对较少的转移瘤,及WBRT后的巩固治疗、 WBRT后复发的患者。--Eichler AF,I.o棚er JS.Multidisciplinary nuumgoment of brain metapteses.Oncoiogist,2007,12(7): . 目前,多采用综合治疗的模式。 曾银朵,等.国际肿瘤学杂志.2011

6 NSCLC脑转移的治疗 未予治疗者,中位生存时间(MST)仅约1个月。 加用糖皮质激素治疗后,MST约有2到3个月。
全脑放疗(whole brain radiation therapy, WBRT)用于治疗多发颅脑转移灶,但MST也仅约6个月。 药物治疗:化疗药物?靶向药物? Kelly K, Lung Cancer 1998; 20: Horton J, Ther Nucl Med 1971; 111: Posner JB. Semin Oncol 1977; 4:

7 主 要 内 容 NSCLC脑转移概况 TKI对NSCLC脑转移有效的理论基础 TKI在NSCLC脑转移的应用研究

8 肿瘤脑转移的发展步骤 Microglial cell 小胶质细胞 Dormant tumor cell:休眠肿瘤细胞 血脑屏障立体示意图 Steeg PS et al. Nat Rev Cancer May;11(5):352-63

9 血脑屏障(blood-brain barrier, BBB)
星形胶质细胞 周细胞 血脑屏障的组成 第一层:脑毛细血管的内皮细胞间衔接 得十分紧密,不像其他组织的血管内皮 细胞那样有较大的缝隙; 第二层:脑毛细血管的内皮细胞外有个 基底膜,这个膜是连续的; 第三层:脑毛细血管壁外表面积的85% 都被神经胶质细胞的终足所包围 脑血管障壁几乎不让所有的物质通过, 除了氧气、二氧化碳和血糖; 大部分的药和蛋白质由于分子结构过大, 一般无法通过。 基底膜 血脑屏障是机体参与固有免疫的内部屏障之一,能阻挡病原生物和其他大分子物质由血循环进入脑组织和脑室。 在血管内皮和基板之间的散在分布的一种扁平而有突起的细胞叫周细胞(pericyte) 血脑屏障是指脑毛细血管阻止某些物质(多半是有害的)由血液进入脑组织的结构。血液中多种溶质从脑毛细血管进入脑组织,有难有易;有些很快通过,有些较慢,有些则完全不能通过,这种有选择性的通透现象使人们设想可能有限制溶质透过的某种结构存在,这种结构可使脑组织少受甚至不受循环血液中有害物质的损害,从而保持脑组织内环境的基本稳定,对维持中枢神经系统正常生理状态具有重要的生物学意义。 血脑屏障的这种结构可使脑组织少受甚至不受循环血液中有害物质的损害,从而保持脑组织内环境的基本稳定,对维持中枢神经系统正常生理状态具有重要的生物学意义。 内皮细胞 Steeg PS et al. Nat Rev Cancer May;11(5):352-63

10 多数化疗药物对脑转移灶效果不佳 TKI对NSCLC的原发灶和脑转移灶都有治疗作用
绝大部分的化疗药物在脑脊液中皆不 能达到有效的药物浓度 全身性的化疗对于 NSCLC 的脑转移灶无效 即使脑转移灶周围的血脑屏障已受破 坏,病变内的化疗药物浓度依然很低 可能与肿瘤细胞可通过外 流泵将化疗药物泵出有关 Me-CCNU(司莫斯汀),替莫唑胺脂 溶性好,可以一定程度透过血脑屏障 对中枢神经系统原发性恶 性肿瘤(如脑胶质瘤)有 效,对 NSCLC 疗效欠佳 TKI 作为小分子的靶向治疗药物,能一定比例透过血脑屏障,有着得天独厚的优势;对于NSCLC的原发灶、脑转移灶、其他转移灶都有治疗作用

11 TKI 在脑脊液中的浓度

12 厄洛替尼单药治疗后血药浓度、脑脊液药物浓度
Including this patient, we administered 150 mg erlotinib daily to nine NSCLC patients with CNS metastases and measured the plasma and CSF concentrations just before administration on day 8. The concentrations were determined using high-performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection. 厄洛替尼穿过血脑屏障的比例 = 特罗凯的脑脊液浓度/血药浓度 在本研究的9个患者中,这个透过比例是4.5%±1.5% Yosuke Togashi et al, Cancer Chemother Pharmacol,2011, 68:

13 厄洛替尼: 脑脊液浓度/血药浓度=7% OSI-420: 脑脊液浓度/血药浓度=9%
主要代谢产物为邻去甲基代谢物OSI-420,血浆中其与母体化合物的AUC比值为1:4 厄洛替尼: 脑脊液浓度/血药浓度=7% OSI-420: 脑脊液浓度/血药浓度=9% Aleberto B et al. Clin Cancer Res 2007;13:

14 Erlotinib在脑转移患者CSF中浓度
Erotinib 150mg/d治疗3例NSCLC CNS转移患者 CCSF/Cserum:6.3±6.1% erlotinib与血浆蛋白的结合率为93%,gefitinib为97%,药物发挥药理作用为游离药物。 Masuda T,et al.Cancer Chemo Pharm,2011,67:

15 Erlotinib在脑转移患者CSF中浓度
Erotinib 150mg/d治疗4例NSCLC CNS转移患者 注:OSI-420是Erotinib的活性代谢产物 Togashi Y,et al.J Thorac Oncol,2010,5:

16 吉非替尼的两篇报道,都证实它的透过血脑屏障的比例约1%
Tohoku J. Exp. Med 2008,214, J Clin Oncol Sep 20;24(27):

17 2011年ASCO 北京协和医院的专家又发表了一篇吉非替尼在脑脊液和血液中浓度的研究:得出的吉非替尼透过血脑屏障的比例仍旧只有 1.30±0.7%
Wang M et al. J Clin Oncol, 29,2011,abstract 7608

18 TKI在脑脊液中的浓度 厄洛替尼透过血脑屏障的比例高于吉非替尼
1 2 3 4 5 6 1,日本京都大学医学院 2,美国田纳西州儿童医院 5,日本仙台东北大学,美国波士顿的哈佛医学院 6,北京协和医院 1.Yosuke Togashi et al, Cancer Chemother Pharmacol, 2011, 68: ;2.Aleberto B et al. Clin Cancer Res 2007;13: ;3. Masuda T,et al.Cancer Chemo Pharm,2011,67: ;4. Togashi Y,et al.J Thorac Oncol,2010,5: ; 5.Tohoku J. Exp. Med 2008,214, ;3.J Clin Oncol Sep 20;24(27): ;6.Wang M et al. J Clin Oncol, 29,2011,abstract 7608

19 TKI的血药浓度和脑脊液浓度有很大关联性 厄洛替尼的血药浓度越高,脑脊液浓度就越高
Yosuke Togashi et al, Cancer Chemother Pharmacol, 2011, 68:

20 厄洛替尼透过血脑屏障的比例高于吉非替尼的可能原因
厄洛替尼1 ( 150mg/d ) 吉非替尼2 ( 225mg/d ) ( 525mg/d ) ( 700mg/d ) Cmax(ng/ml) 2,120 307 903 2,146 AUC0-24 (ng•hour/mL) 38,420 5,041 14,727 36,077 推荐剂量下: 厄洛替尼的血药浓度远高于吉非替尼 厄洛替尼3 吉非替尼4 血浆蛋白结合率 93% 97% 厄洛替尼的血浆蛋白结合率低于吉非替尼 1.Hidalgo M, et al. J Clin Oncol 2001;19:3267– Ranson M, et al. J Clin Oncol 2002;20:2240–2250 3. Johnson JR, et al. Clin Cancer Res 11:6414– Li J,et al. Invest New Drugs 24:291–297.

21 TKI 在颅内转移灶的靶向浓聚

22 用同位素C11标记的厄洛替尼作为PET/CT的示踪剂 获知厄洛替尼能在 NSCLC 颅内转移灶中的聚集
J Thorac Oncol. 2011;6: 1287–1289

23 同位素C11与特罗凯结合作为PET/CT检查的示踪剂
本研究由丹麦奥尔胡斯大学医院报道 一个32岁的中国女性,因头痛、恶心、呕吐的颅高压症状以及多次癫痫发作入院 诊断为NSCLC伴多发脑转移及脑膜转移 原发灶穿刺活检,EGFR检测为19外显子突变 Cancer Res. 2009;69: J Thorac Oncol. 2011;6: 1287–1289

24 患者接受单药特罗凯150mg/d治疗,没有接受头颅放疗或化疗
厄洛替尼治疗前的头颅MRI: 多发脑实质转移灶以及脑膜转移 厄洛替尼治疗3周后的头颅MRI: 脑实质转移灶明显缩小,几乎达到完全缓解 脑膜病灶消失 患者服用特罗凯2周: 后定向能力恢复正常 能够独自行走、进食,生活可自理 J Thorac Oncol. 2011;6: 1287–1289

25 厄洛替尼治疗3周后的胸部CT: 厄洛替尼治疗前的胸部CT: 右肺原发灶明显缩小,达PR 右肺原发灶 再过8周后复查病灶维持上述缩小程度
厄洛替尼治疗2周后,由于4度脓疱性皮疹,厄洛替尼减量到50mg。50mg的剂量服用后病灶一直维持上述影像学的缓解程度,PFS长达 10.5个月。 J Thorac Oncol. 2011;6: 1287–1289

26 厄洛替尼在颅内转移灶有明显浓聚 而且明显高于正常脑实质
造影剂钆注射后头颅MRI的T1加权图像: 小脑有两个有增强信号的转移病灶 把[C11]-厄洛替尼作为示踪剂的PET/CT图像和头颅MRI图像进行整合: 小脑的这两个转移病灶有明显的[C11]-厄洛替尼浓聚 正常脑组织则没有[C11]-厄洛替尼浓聚 特罗凯治疗8个月后,给患者进行了用C11 标记的厄洛替尼做为同位素示踪剂的PET/CT检查。静脉注射[C11]-厄洛替尼后60分钟内动态收集示踪剂在脑部的聚集情况 为了避免原先服用的厄洛替尼和[C11]-厄洛替尼示踪剂之间对于受体的竞争性结合,在PET/CT检查前停用厄洛替尼7天 J Thorac Oncol. 2011;6: 1287–1289

27 厄洛替尼治疗NSCLC脑转移的特点 具有更高的血脑屏障透过比例 颅内转移灶的靶向浓聚

28 主 要 内 容 NSCLC脑转移概况 TKI对NSCLC脑转移有效的理论基础 TKI在NSCLC脑转移的应用研究

29 临床常遇到的两种情况 出现脑转移时没有服用TKI 在使用TKI治疗颅外病灶并控制良好时出现脑转移 TKI单药治疗?

30 TKI单药治疗(CTONG 0803): 厄洛替尼治疗伴无症状脑转移的NSCLC
IV 期 NSCLC 一线含铂双药治疗后 无症状脑转移 腺癌或 EGFR 突变 (n=48) 颅内病灶 PD 出现脑转移症状 厄洛替尼 150mg/天 主要终点:PFS 次要终点:ORR,6个月生存率,1年生存率,安全性数据 Wu YL 2011 WCLC,2011 ASCO abstract 7605

31 客观缓解率高达56.3% 疾病控制率高达75% Wu YL 2011 WCLC,2011 ASCO abstract 7605

32 ITT人群:PFS长达 10.1个月 Wu YL 2011 WCLC,2011 ASCO abstract 7605

33 厄洛替尼单药治疗9例伴脑转移 NSCLC 患者 治疗前的基线情况
9个患者的EGFR检测情况: 6个是19或21外显子突变 2个野生型 1个没有检测EGFR 9个患者的前期治疗情况: 8个患者都曾经化疗 3个患者曾经用吉非替尼 Yosuke Togashi et al, Cancer Chemother Pharmacol, 2011, 68:

34 厄洛替尼单药治疗后的疗效 7个患者达到PR,2个患者SD;疾病控制率达100% 其中,EGFR突变的6个患者中5个达到PR
Yosuke Togashi et al, Cancer Chemother Pharmacol,2011, 68:

35 厄洛替尼单药治疗 EGFR 突变、且伴有脑转移的 NSCLC 来自西班牙的回顾性研究
厄洛替尼单药或者全脑放疗后厄洛替尼巩固治疗 厄洛替尼单药治疗 EGFR 突变、且伴有脑转移的 NSCLC 来自西班牙的回顾性研究 17个伴EGFR突变的 脑转移NSCLC 8个患者只接受 厄洛替尼治疗 9个患者先接受全脑放 疗,放疗结束后接受厄 洛替尼治疗 Eur Respir J SCI:5.9分 PS 0:5.8%,1:58.8%;2:29.4% 厄洛替尼 1L:58.8%;2L:29.4%;3L:11.8% Porta R. et al. Eur Respir J. 2011Mar;37(3):

36 厄洛替尼对17例EGFR突变患者的疗效 客观缓解率(ORR)达 82.4% 疾病控制率(DCR)达 100% 月
Control cases from TargeT study, EGFR WT or Unknow 客观缓解率(ORR)达 82.4% 疾病控制率(DCR)达 100% Porta R. et al. Eur Respir J. 2011Mar;37(3):

37 厄洛替尼同步全脑放疗治疗NSCLC脑转移 的II期研究
接受全脑放疗+ 厄洛替尼150 mg /day 厄洛替尼 150 mg /day 1周 厄洛替尼维 持至PD 全脑放疗:50%的患者接受了30Gy/10次分割, 另50%的患者接受了35Gy/14次分割 18名患者EGFR突变状态通过DNA测序评估 在随访21月后,中位生存期10.9月 生存期与皮疹相关:无皮疹:3.7月;1度:10月;≥2度:17月 6名患者出现3度皮肤毒性,2名患者出现3度腹泻 J. Welsh , et al. ASCO 2011, Abs J Clin Oncol 29:2011

38 小结:出现脑转移时没有服用TKI 对出现脑转移时没用服用TKI的患者,TKI目前有以下研究方向的探索: 厄洛替尼单药治疗
全脑放疗结束后厄洛替尼巩固治疗 TKI联合全脑放疗同步

39 临床常遇到的两种情况 出现脑转移时没有服用TKI 在使用TKI治疗颅外病灶并控制良好时出现脑转移 TKI单药治疗 全脑放疗后TKI巩固治疗

40 原吉非替尼换成厄洛替尼 September 2004,A 27-yr-old nonsmoking male for cough and dyspnoea.CT showed an alveolar infiltration of the right middle lobe and micronodular pattern in both lungs. Bronchoalveolar lavage revealed a non-mucinous adenocarcinoma. Brain CT and positron emission tomography found a single metastasis at the right cotyloid notch, which was histologically proven. Thus, a stage IV (T4N2M1) adenocarcinoma of pneumonic type previously known as diffuse bronchioloalveolar carcinoma was diagnosed. The bone biopsy revealed an exon 19 deletion of EGFR. The patient was included in a phase II trial (IFCT 04-01) of EGFR-TKI (250 mg/day-gefitinib). A clinical and radiological partial response was noted within 2 weeks. January 2006,the patient had a thoracic and cerebral relapse treated with chemotherapy (six courses of carboplatine) associated with brain irradiation (30 Gy). At 1 month after stopping chemotherapy, a pulmonary relapse occurred and treatment with (150 mg /day-erlotinib) was carried out. until January 2007, when multiple liver metastases were detected. A secondary T790M resistance mutation in exon 20 of EGFR was found on the liver biopsy. Erlotinib was stopped and chemotherapy (cisplatine(80 mg/m2; day 15 day 22)–vinorelbine (25 mg/m2; day 15 day8) one course, followed by pemetrexed (500 mg/m2; day 15 day 22) six courses) commenced. March 2007, the patient complained of headaches and hypoacousia, revealing cerebral metastases (fig. 2a) with cytological proven carcinomatous meningitis. A total of 13 bi-weekly intrathecal methotrexate (15 mg) injections were administrated without effect. Mutational analyses in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) showed the exon 19 deletion without the T790M resistance mutation. May 2007, erlotinib (150 mg/day) was reintroduced. A clinical neurological improvement was noted within a week, with a partial response shown upon cerebral magnetic resonance imaging (fig. 2b) and the disappearance of tumour cells in the CSF. Erlotinib and chemotherapy for the extra-cranial disease are therefore ongoing. 27岁不吸烟男性,2004.9诊断为IV期非粘液腺癌,EGFR exon 19 deletion,服用吉非替尼 250mg/D。2006.1出现胸部和脑部复发,给予卡铂+紫杉醇6个周期,全脑放疗,化疗结束一个月 后肺部复发,改用厄洛替尼150mg/D Ruppert AM,et al.Eur Respir J,2009,33:

41 原吉非替尼换用厄洛替尼 3例NSCLC患者在使用吉非替尼过程中出现脑转移,换用厄洛替尼150mg/D治疗,其中两例因为 3级皮疹厄洛替尼减量至100mg/D。 Masuda T,et al.Cancer Chemo Pharm,2011,67:

42 加大剂量:高剂量厄洛替尼 Fig B:erlotinib 300mg/d给药
A 52-year-old woman without a history of smoking. CT scan revealed bilateral pleural effusion, bilateral innumerable intrapulmonary nodules, and pericardial effusion. Multiple brain lesions compatible with metastatic tumors were found with MRI of the brain. Cytologic examination of the pleural fluid revealed adenocarcinoma, and the patient was diagnosed with metastatic nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Simultaneously, a sensitive EGFR mutation (exon 18 G719A) was identified based on analysis of the malignant effusion. After chest-tube drainage, gefitinib was administered, and a partial response was achieved for approximately 1 year. After disease progression on gefitinib, the patient was consecutively treated with several chemotherapy regimens. During the course of therapy, the brain metastases became symptomatic, and she underwent WBRT (total of 30 Gy). In the spring of 2009, erlotinib was administered, and disease stability was obtained for 4 months, followed by a progression of brain metastases with complaints of gait disturbance and dysarthria. Elrotinib was changed to pemetrexed as the sixth-line treatment. 2 weeks after initiation of the agent, her symptoms further deteriorated. The brain MRI and body computed tomography scan showed a further progression of brain metastases (Figure 1A), despite stable extracranial lesions. Erlotinib was given on alternating days at a dose of 300 mg/d. Two weeks after the initiation of high-dose erlotinib, both her clinical symptoms and findings of brain MRI improved. Her clinical sympsymptoms and findings of brain MRI (Figure 1B) have remained stable for 6 months. Fig B:erlotinib 300mg/d给药 52岁不吸烟女性,诊断为转移性NSCLC,EGFR exon 18 G719A,服用吉非替尼,进展后给 予化疗,化疗过程中出现脑转移,给予全脑放疗。给予常规剂量厄洛替尼,4个月后脑部病 灶进展,厄洛替尼加量。 Hata A, et al. J Thorac Oncol,2011,6(3):653-4.

43 改变用药方式:厄洛替尼高剂量脉冲给药 54岁IV期NSCLC女性,卡铂联合紫杉醇无效,服用厄洛替尼 150mg/D有效,28月后进展,加用培美曲塞。11月后再次PD, 肺部病灶T790m,出现颅内转移症状,给予替莫唑胺和标准厄 洛替尼治疗一个周期,症状加重。MRI提示LM,CSF L858R, 给予高剂量厄洛替尼 mg/W,1月后LM 影像学PR。 A 54-year-old woman with stage IV NSCLC was treated with carboplatin and paclitaxel without disease response. she then initiated standard daily dosing of erlotinib(150 mg) and her disease responded. 28 months later, she acquired resistance to erlotinib with progression of disease systemically. She initiated pemetrexed and resumed standard dose erlotinib. After initial response, 11 months later, her disease again progressed. lung lesion:EGFR T790M. She also developed headaches and there was a high clinical suspicion of CNS metastases despite negative imaging. She refused a lumbar puncture. She initiated empiric temozolomide plus standard dose erlotinib (150 mg daily) for presumed CNS disease. After one cycle her headaches worsened, and she developed nausea and vomiting concerning for CNS metastases with associated raised intracranial pressure. MRI demonstrated LM confirmed by CSF cytology. By direct sequencing, DNA from CSF cells harbored L858R but not the T790M resistance mutation. We initiated high-dose weekly erlotinib at 1000 mg then 1200 mg; persistent nausea precluded higher doses. After 1 month there was a partial radiographic response of LM on brain MRI (Fig. 2b) and after 2 months in the cauda equina (not shown). Hydrocephalus and persistent symptoms referable to increased intracranial pressure led to a VP shunt and whole-brain radiation therapy, after which she resumed treatment with 1500 mg weekly erlotinib. One month later, progressive intra-thoracic disease led to initiation of cetixumab and erlotinib was continued but changed to low dose (100 mg) daily. She survived 14 months following the diagnosis of CNS disease. Clarke JL, et al. J Neurooncol,2010,99:

44 改变用药方式:厄洛替尼高剂量脉冲给药 Fig A:erlotinib 150mg/日给药
Fig B:erlotinib 600mg/4日给药6月后 A 56-year-old woman who never smoked, Chest CT revealed right pleural effusion and innumerable small pulmonary nodules. CT scan of the abdomen, bone scan, and MRI of the brain were negative for distant disease. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma was established by transbronchial biopsy. She entered into a clinical trial and received erlotinib (150 mg daily) alone. She had a dramatic response of her pulmonary disease with complete resolution of her cough and dyspnea. After 7 months, her cough returned, and her chest CT scan revealed an increase in the size and number of pulmonary nodules. Erlotinib was discontinued, and she received treatment with carboplatin, paclitaxel, and bevacizumab for six cycles followed by an additional two cycles of bevacizumab alone with minimal response radiographically, but her cough resolved. The patient then developed diplopia, and left cranial nerve IV palsy was demonstrated. Subsequent brain MRI revealed diffuse leptomeningeal disease most prominent near the cerebellum. She received a course of whole-brain radiotherapy to a dose of 30 Gy. As her systemic disease was still in a minor response without evidence of disease progression, bevacizumab was continued every 3 weeks. Four months later, her chest CT and brain MRI (Fig 2A) were stable; however, her diplopia worsened, and she developed mild ataxia.Alumbar puncture(LP) was performed revealing findings consistent with carcinomatous meningitis. bevacizumab was continued. Erlotinib was added at a dose of 600 mg orally every 4 days.Her CNS symptoms improved along with her performance status. Subsequent LPs done 3 and 6 months later revealed improvements in her biochemical parameters as well as clearing of her malignant cells. A repeat brain MRI at 6 months after erlotinib initiation displayed resolution of the leptomeningeal findings, which were most notable onthe coronal T1–weighted images (Fig 2B). The patient remainedon erlotinib at 600mgorally every 4 days for a total duration of 10months with minimal skin and gastrointestinal toxicity. She continued to have minimal diplopia and ataxia with relatively good performance status. During this time, her cough worsened coincident with disease progression on her chest CT despite changes in treatment with addition of pemetrexed and then gemcitabine. She was placed on hospice and passed away shortly thereafter, 28 months from initial diagnosis of stage IV disease. 56岁不吸烟女性低分化腺癌,服用厄洛替尼150mg/D有效,7月后进展,改用卡铂+紫杉醇+贝伐珠 单抗6个周期,后贝伐珠单抗维持两个周期,后出现脑转移,给予全脑放疗30Gy,继续贝伐珠单 抗维持,4月后疾病稳定,但出现复视加重,出现共济失调,加用厄洛替尼600mg/4D,CNS症状改 善,仅出现轻度皮肤和胃肠道反应。10 月后出现胸部病灶的进展。 Dhruva N, et al.J Clin Oncol,2009,27(22):e31-2.

45 改变用药方式:厄洛替尼高剂量脉冲给药 接受常规厄洛替尼或其他EGFR-TKI治疗但仍发生 CNS 转移(脑和/或软脑膜)或原有 CNS 病灶进展的EGFR突变型肺癌患者。 接受脉冲剂量单药厄洛替尼:中位剂量1500 mg( mg) QW。 Christian Grommes, et al. Neuro-Oncology,24, 2011

46 厄洛替尼高剂量脉冲给药的疗效和安全性 PR:6/9(67%),SD:2/9(22%),PD:1/9(11%)
mTTP:2.7月,mOS:12月 颅内转移灶未检测到EGFR获得性耐药突变基因 未出现3级以上毒性反应 Christian Grommes, et al. Neuro-Oncology,24, 2011

47 小结:TKI在NSCLC脑转移中的应用探讨

48 总结:TKI治疗脑转移的疗效 TKI可以透过血脑屏障;对NSCLC脑转移灶有一定疗效,且耐受性良好。
厄洛替尼较吉非替尼具有更高的血脑屏障透过率,并具有脑转移灶靶向浓聚作用。 TKI对延长患者的生存时间和改善生活质量具有相当的作用,初步显示出在脑转移治疗领域的临床应用前景。 随着肺癌发病率的上升、诊断技术的提高及患者生存期的延长,脑转移的检出率也随之增加,TKI可作为放疗、化疗等传统治疗方法之外的新选择。

49 谢 谢!

50 讨 论 TKI在晚期NSCLC脑转移的应用时机(哪些脑转移的患者适合TKI的治疗?)?
讨 论 TKI在晚期NSCLC脑转移的应用时机(哪些脑转移的患者适合TKI的治疗?)? 无症状脑转移的患者是否可以考虑先使用TKI,待疾病进展或者出现症状以后再使用全脑放疗? TKI和全脑放疗如何合理应用(同步?序贯?)?

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