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English Learning 主講人 – 北區英語教學資源中心講師 黃怡鈴.

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1 English Learning 主講人 – 北區英語教學資源中心講師 黃怡鈴

2 KNOWHOW 依母音、子音的分類,教導發音的部位、方法,技巧發出正確的英文字,並養成看字發音的能力。
Unit 1. Basic KK phonics (基本41個KK發音符號) Unit 2. Syllables (音節) Unit 3. Stress (重音) 依母音、子音的分類,教導發音的部位、方法,技巧發出正確的英文字,並養成看字發音的能力。

3 學習心態 大多數人學英文都本著「翻譯心態」,當接收到一個訊息時就急忙套用熟知的句型公式,符合公式後才敢表達忽略了正和你對話對象的情緒及語調。

4 Pronunciation skills The first rule of speaking English is to speak clearly, concisely and use simple vocabulary. KISS - keep it short and simple. Don't get too hung up on trying to sound like a native speaker. Would you start learning the piano in an attempt to sound like Mozart? Probably not. Accents don't matter, as long as people can understand you, but pronunciation is important.

5 Learn the phonetic alphabet
List words that have the same sound add to the lists as you learn more words. Work on one problem sound at a time. Read slowly concentrating on the pronunciation of particular words.

6 Record yourself, keep the tape and record yourself later, have you improved? Don't be shy - ask a friend to listen to the tape too. Don't worry about sounding like a native, it is more important to speak clearly and pleasantly than it is to sound like the Queen of England.

7 The most important thing to think about is can people understand you
The most important thing to think about is can people understand you? If you have a problem being understood then find someone who speaks English clearly and try to copy the way they speak. Pay particular attention to speed and diction.

8 Keep an English Notebook
Make a plan on how and where you are going to learn English at the beginning of your notebook, a loose leaf notebook is best, or even keep it online (we all make mistakes and this way it's easy to correct them).

9 Set yourself targets and goals
How often will you study? Where will you study? When will you study? How many new words will you learn a week? How will you test yourself? How will you measure your progress?

10 In your notebook Write down the word, for nouns include the plural form, for verbs find out whether it is regular or irregular (if it is irregular write down its different forms). Write down any adjectives or adverbs that might help you remember the word, use word tables to help organise your vocabulary.

11 Write out the pronunciation, knowing the phonetic alphabet can help.
Use a picture or diagram that might help you remember the word. Write sentences with the word in context, use word association to help you. Write the opposite meaning of the word (if appropriate).

12 Pictures and diagrams can help you learn, draw them or cut them out from magazines and paste them onto your page Making meaningful sentences such as "Dogs chase cats" or "Snoopy is a dog", help you to remember the word in context.

13 Word associations can be added to as you learn more vocabulary
Ex: Dog - animal - bark - puppy - bitch - hound - tail - ears - whine

14 The visual learner Do you need to see your teacher during lessons in order to fully understand the content of a lesson? Do you prefer to sit at the front of the classroom to avoid visual obstructions (e.g. people's heads)?

15 Do you think in pictures and learn best from visual displays including: diagrams, illustrated text books, overhead transparencies, videos, flipcharts and hand-outs?  During a lecture or classroom discussion, do you prefer to take detailed notes to absorb the information? Learning Tip - you may benefit from taking part in traditional English lessons, but maybe private lessons would be better.

16 The auditory learner Do you learn best through verbal lectures, discussions, talking things through and listening to what others have to say? Do you interpret the underlying meanings of speech through listening to tone of voice, pitch, speed and other nuances?

17 Does written information have little meaning until you hear it?
Learning Tip - you may benefit from listening to the radio or listening to text as you read it. You could try reading text aloud and using a tape recorder to play it back to yourself.

18 The Tactile/Kinesthetic learner
Do you learn best through a hands-on approach, actively exploring the physical world around you? Do you find it hard to sit still for long periods? Do you become distracted easily? Learning Tip - you may benefit from taking an active part in role plays or drama activities.

19 Other English Learning Tips
Spend your time on things that interest you. If you like cooking then buy an English-language cookbook or find recipes on the net and practise following the recipes. You'll soon know if you have made a mistake!

20 Keep something English on you (book, newspaper or magazine, cd or cassette, set of flashcards) all day and every day, you never know when you might have 5 spare minutes. If you are too tired to actively practice just relax and listen to an English pop song or talk radio station.

21 字母拼讀法的優點: 一、適合初學者,它可以幫助學生了解字母的聲音和字母之間的規則性。 二、可以利用節奏口訣,加強學生的印象。 三、透過遊戲活動,提升學習的興趣。 四、提升學生記單字,會念就會寫的能力。 五、熟悉字母和發音規則後,提升閱讀能力。 字母拼讀的缺點: 一、並非所有的單字都符合發音規則。 二、教學過程時間較長。 三、其規則有好幾十種,要記熟也須一番功夫。

22 kk音標的優點: 一、教學過程較短。 二、kk音標熟悉後,即可自學,自己查字點,自己拼讀。

23 事半功倍 聽覺語言,單字背誦需結合讀音 在語言學裡,語音跟音韻學是兩個極其相關但事實上是分開的科目... 如果真要說誰是誰的一部份的話,語音學才是音韻學的一部份,也可說是基礎

24 Q&A Appreciate for your Time! Mobile:

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