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學習導向的評估 Learning Oriented Assessment

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1 學習導向的評估 Learning Oriented Assessment
香港教育學院 The Hong Kong Institute of Education Centre for Assessment Research & Development, Assessment Project 莫慕貞 Magdalena M. C. Mok HKIEd, January 2006

2 Purpose of Sharing Today 今天的目的
1. What is Learning Oriented Assessment? 學習導向的評估 2. How to implement it through the Assessment Project? 如何在[評估計畫]實踐學習導向的評估 3. Questions & Answers

3 Purposes of Assessment
評估的目的 Purposes of Assessment

4 評估的目的 Purposes of Assessment
問責Accountability 資歷互認Articulation 學習 Learning 選拔Selection Learner & Learning 學生和學習

5 Learning Oriented Assessment
學習導向的評估是甚麼? What is meant by Learning Oriented Assessment (LOA)?

6 為學生提供回饋資料,從而監察學習進度,並提升其日後學習素質的評估 為老師提供回饋,以增強老師教學效益的評估
學習導向的評估 1. 為促進學習的評估 2. 作為學習的評估 為老師提供提供有關學生學習進度 為學生提供回饋資料,從而監察學習進度,並提升其日後學習素質的評估 為老師提供回饋,以增強老師教學效益的評估 評估乃自我主動學習不可分割的一部份。 為老師提供給予學生回饋機會

7 Learning Oriented Assessment
學習導向評估 1. Assessment For Learning Assessment that enables the teacher to give feedback about a student’s learning & gives feedback which informs teacher’s teaching enables students to obtain feedback for self-monitoring and self-regulation 2. Assessment As Learning Assessment as part of learning of a self-directed learner 1.為促進學習的評估 為老師提供給予學生回饋機會、及提供有關學生學習進度 為老師提供回饋,以增強老師教學效益的評估 為學生提供回饋資料,從而監察學習進度,並提升其日後學習素質的評估 2.作為學習的評估 評估乃自我主動學習不可分割的一部份。

8 Learning Oriented Assessment Enhance Metacognition
學習導向的評估: 提供回饋,增強元認知 Learning Oriented Assessment Provide feedback; Enhance Metacognition

9 Feedback & Metacognition
回饋與元認知 Feedback & Metacognition Feedback is the most crucial factor for learning (Source: Inside the Black Box by Black and Wiliam,1997) Metacognition is one of the four most important factors affecting learning (Source: American Psychological Association, 1997) 回饋乃影響學習的最 重要因素 (資料來源: Black & Wiliam, 暗箱內探, 1997) 認知與元認知因素為 影響學習的四個主要 因素之首 (資料來源: American Psychological Association, 1997)

10 Key Factors Contributing to Learning
影響學習的主要因素 Cognitive and Metacognitive Factors Motivational and Affective Factors Developmental and Social Individual Differences 認知與元認知因素 動機和情感因素 發展和社會因素 個體差異因素 Source: American Psychological Association (1997)

11 Feedback that Facilitate Learning
對學習有裨益的回饋 Feedback that Facilitate Learning Indicates what the learner is able to do Shows expectation of what the learner can do at that level Indicates progress Includes all domains of development Identifies areas for improvement Presented in simple and comprehensible language Timely 指出學生的能力 顯示出在該程度,期望學生能夠達到的水平、能力、或能做到的事 顯示進度 包括所有的範疇 指出應改進的地方 以簡單文字表達 適時 Source: Adapted from Rowe, K. (2005)

12 認知與元認知因素 動機和情感因素 Cognitive & Metacognitive Factors 1. 學習過程的本質
1. Nature of the learning process 2. Goals of the learning process 3. Construction of knowledge 4. Strategic thinking 5. Thinking about thinking 6. Context of learning Motivational and Affective Factors 7. Motivational and emotional influences on learning 8. Intrinsic motivation to learn 9. Effects of motivation on effort 認知與元認知因素 1. 學習過程的本質 2. 學習過程的目標 3. 知識的結構 4. 策略性思維 5. 對思維的思考 6. 學習的範圍 動機和情感因素 7. 動機和情感對學習的影響 8. 學習的內部動機 9. 動機對努力程度的影響

13 發展和社會因素 個體差異 Developmental and Social 10. 發展因素對學習的影響 11. 社會因素對學習的影響
10. Developmental influences on learning 11. Social influences on learning Individual Differences 12. Individual difference in learning 13. Learning and diversity 14. Standards and assessment 發展和社會因素 10. 發展因素對學習的影響 11. 社會因素對學習的影響 個體差異 12. 學習上的個體差異 13. 學習和多樣性 14. 標準和評價

14 元認知 Metacognition 學習事務 Task 學習者 Self 學習策略 Strategy 學習事務評估 Task-
Assessment 學習事務管理 Management 自我評估 Self-Assessment 自我管理 Self-Management 學習策略評估 Strategy- Assessment 學習策略管理 Management

15 Let’s Try! 學習事務 Task 學習者 Self 學習策略 Strategy
評估 Assessment 管理 Management Select the most effective strategies

16 of self-directed learning?
自主學習包含那些元素? What are the elements of self-directed learning?

17 元認知能力 Metacognitive Skills 傾向 / 計劃 執行 監察 / 測試 / 判辨 調節 / 改良 批判 / 反思
Orienting/Planning Executing Monitoring/testing/diagnosing Adjusting/correcting Evaluating/Reflecting Sources: Brown (1987); Vernunt & Verloop (1999); Weinstein & Maer, 1986; Rozendall, Minnaert, & Boekaerts (2005) 傾向 / 計劃 執行 監察 / 測試 / 判辨 調節 / 改良 批判 / 反思 Sources: Brown (1987); Vernunt & Verloop (1999); Weinstein & Maer, 1986; Rozendall, Minnaert, & Boekaerts (2005)

18 Self-Directed Learning Domains & Variables自主學習的元素
1. Prior Academic self-confidence Motivation Attributions Education Aim 7. 2nd Order Feedback Change in self-knowledge Cognition Meta-cognition Motivation 2. Plan Goal setting Planning 6. 1st Orider Feedback Change in learning strategy and behaviour 3. Action 5. Outcome Initiation Inquisitive Mind Information Processing Strategic Help Seeking (Benefits, Costs, Bahavior) Management of Learning Env 4. Monitor Self-monitoring Mok & Cheng, 1999

19 What are the learning strategies?
有那些學習策略 可供選擇? What are the learning strategies?

20 Task: Choose the Right Strategies
學習:選擇最佳的策略 14 self-regulated learning strategies (Zimmerman & Martinez-Pons, 1986, 1988; Nota, Soresi, Zimmerman, 2004, p. 200) 1. Self-evaluation 2. Organising and transforming 3. Goal-setting & planning 4. Seeking information 5. Keeping records & monitoring 6. Environmental structuring 7. Self-consequences 8. Rehearsing & memorizing 9-11. Seeking assistance (peers, teachers, adults) Reviewing records (tests, notes, textbooks) 15. Other 14個自我主動學習策略 (Zimmerman & Martinez-Pons, 1986, 1988; Nota, Soresi, Zimmerman, 2004, p. 200) 1. 自我檢視 2. 組織與重建 3.目標及計劃 4.資料搜集 5.記錄及監察 6.改造環境 7.想象後果自我獎勵 8.溫習和記憶 9-11.求助 (同儕、師長、長輩) 12-14.檢閱記錄 (測驗、筆記、課本) 15.其他

21 Organising & Transforming
組織與重建 Organising: Clustering, outlining, selecting the main ideas, mind mapping examine the schema and choose what is relevant to the task Elaboration: paraphrase, summarise, creating analogies, use of metaphors Build schemata build internal connection integrate with prior knowledge 組織: 組合, 勾畫大綱、概要,重點提綱, 心腦圖、概念圖 檢視及選取適合的概念 加工: 重點重寫,摘要闡述,用類比、比喻 建構思考和概念輪廓 建造內連結 連繫已有知識

22 Strategy: Resource management
策略:資源管理 Time management Energy management Environment Effort regulation Help seeking Peer-learning Anxiety control 時間管理 能量管理 環境管理 調控工作量 學業求助 同儕學習 控制焦慮

23 自我調控 Self-regulation 調控 動機 (Pintrich, 1989; Wigfield & Eccles, 2000)
CONTROL Motivational (Pintrich, 1989; Wigfield & Eccles, 2000) Task value, interest Self-ability/efficacy Attribution Emotional (Minnaert, 1999; Pintrich & Schunk, 1996; Tobias, 1985) Volition, Persistence Anxiety control Action (Boekaerts, 1997; Heckhausen, 1991; Juhl & Goschke, 1994) Effort Correction / Change 調控 動機 (Pintrich, 1989; Wigfield & Eccles, 2000) 價值、興趣 自我能力、效能 歸因 情感 (Minnaert, 1999; Pintrich & Schunk, 1996; Tobias, 1985) 意志、堅持 控制焦慮和緊張情緒 行動 (Boekaerts, 1997; Heckhausen, 1991; Juhl & Goschke, 1994) 努力 改進、調控


25 Why is self-directed learning important?
為甚麼要重視自主學習? Why is self-directed learning important?

26 Why is Self-directed Learning important?
為甚麼要重視 自主學習? Rapid changes mandated competence for self-directed learning Competent self-directed learners tend to be better academic achievers 知識急劇增長,令自主學習能力不可或缺 自主學習能力越強的學生,成績也越好

27 香港中學生的自我主動學習 莫慕貞 鄭燕祥 莫雅立 甘國臻 本研究由 RGC資助 誠心地感謝所有參與的學校

28 The sample 研究樣本 14,846 students from Hong Kong
7,238 males and 7,521 females 23 secondary schools Secondary 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 14,846 位香港中學生 7,238 位男生,以及 7,521 位女生 23 所中學 中學 1, 2, 3, 4, 和 6  年級

29 The lowest achieving group最低成績組
Chinese 中文 English 英文 Math 數學 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 1 1 2 1 4 7 The lowest achieving group最低成績組 3 10 groups: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

30 歸因與學業成績 Attribution & Achievement
Failure Ability 失敗因能力低 Success Strategy 成功因用對了策略 Failure Effort 失敗因不努力 Success Effort 成功因為努力 Success Ability 成功因能力高 Failure Strategy 失敗因用錯了策略


32 Female 女 Male 男 Male 男 Female 女 把失敗歸因於能力: 成績愈差,則愈把失敗歸因於欠缺能力 女性更甚於男性
Ability Failure Females > Males Decreases with increasing achievement Female 把失敗歸因於能力: 成績愈差,則愈把失敗歸因於欠缺能力 女性更甚於男性 Male Ability Success Females < Males Increases with increasing achievement 把成功歸因於能力: 成績愈好,則愈把成功歸因於自已的能力 男性更甚於女性 Male Female

33 女 Female Male 男 女 Female 男 Male 把失敗歸因於努力 女性和男性,有差不多的失敗努力歸因
Effort Failure Females = Males No great difference across achievement groups Female 把失敗歸因於努力 女性和男性,有差不多的失敗努力歸因 成績群組方面沒有很大的差異 Male Effort Success Females > Males Increases with increasing achievement Female 把成功歸因於努力: 女性較男性,更傾向于用‘努力’去解釋自已的成功 成績好的學生,較傾向用‘努力’去解釋自已的成功 Male

34 女 Female Male 男 女 Female Male 男 把失敗歸因於欠缺策略 不論成績如何,女性較傾向把失敗歸因於欠缺策略
Strategy Failure Females > Males No great difference across achievement groups Female 把失敗歸因於欠缺策略 不論成績如何,女性較傾向把失敗歸因於欠缺策略 Male Strategy Success Females > Males Increases with increasing achievement (Note Group 12) Female 把成功歸因於策略運用 不論成績如何,女性較傾向把成功歸因於策略運用 成績好的學生,較傾向用‘策略’去解釋自已的成功 Male

35 我成功,是因 為我勤力,和 用對了策略 我成功,是因 為我天智聰明 我失敗,是因 為我不夠勤力 我失敗,是因 為我蠢、我懶、和 用錯了策略

36 Academic Help Seeking: Costs, Benefits, Frequency 學業求助: 代價, 利益, 頻率
成績好 成績差 成績好 成績差 Costs 代價 Benefits 利益 成績好 成績差 Frequency 頻率

37 Costs 代價 Male 男 Female 女 男性較女性更介意學業求助的代價
Almost for all achievement groups, males saw more costs in seeking help than did females 男性較女性更介意學業求助的代價

38 Benefits 益處 Female 女 Male 男 女性較男性更認同學業求助的益處
Almost for all achievement groups, males saw less benefit in seeking help than did females 女性較男性更認同學業求助的益處

39 Frequency 求助 Female 女 Male 男 女性較男性更多學業求助
For all achievement groups, males reported fewer incidents in seeking help than did females 女性較男性更多學業求助

40 向別人請教,可以學 會一些解題的技巧 和方法,加深了對問題 的理解,提高我的成績。 還是快快請教高明吧! 向別人請教, 會被嘲笑, 又打擾他人。 還是不要問人吧!

41 意義 目的 計劃 更正 目標 檢視

42 在中學階段,成績和自我主動學習有直接關係
熱愛 主動 好奇心 在中學階段,成績和自我主動學習有直接關係 女生比男生更重視學習、更覺得學習有意義、更加懂得計劃自已的學習、設定目標、自我檢視,和更正學習策略,以促進學習成效 男生比女生更自信 在好奇心、熱愛學習、主動性三方面,男女生無差異 自信

43 小學樣本 The Primary Sample 1253 位小學學生 (603名男生及 615名女生) 10間香港小學
1253 primary pupils (603 boys and 615 girls) From 10 Hong Kong primary schools Each school has 2 Year-5 and 2 Year-3 classes in the study 1253 位小學學生 (603名男生及 615名女生) 10間香港小學 每間小學邀請兩班三年級和兩班五年級同學參與

44 Sources of Knowledge 獲得知識的途徑
Where else can you learn other than from school? 除了上課以外,你認為還有那些途徑 可以獲得知識?

45 1. 小敏喜歡與同學討論問題,分享學習的心得。
你覺得這樣做有用處嗎? 沒有用處  有一點用處  非常有用處 你有這樣做嗎? 從來不會 有時會 常常都會 2. 在學習上遇到困難時,小強會向別人尋求幫助。 3. 小柔在上課的時候,會用筆記下老師的說話。 4. 小盈看書的時候,喜歡用筆記下自己不明白的地方。 5. 在學習的時候,小聰會向自己提出一些問題,然後尋找答案。 6. 小明為自己編了一個時間表,並按照時間表來溫習。 7. 小燕會為自己訂立一些學習目標。 8. 在測驗後,小寧會把自己不懂的問題拿來複習。 9. 小慧學習的時候,會去想想所學的東西在現實生活裏的用處。 10. 小英會在一個清靜、沒有干擾的環境裏讀書。

46 How useful is it? Not useful at all Of some use Very useful
1. Mary likes to discus with classmates and share what she learned. How useful is it? Not useful at all  Of some use  Very useful How often do you do it? Never  Sometimes Always 2. Tom seeks help from others when met with difficulties in learing. 3. Cindy takes notes of what the teacher says in class. 4. Fanny makes notes of what she does not understand when reading. 5. John asks himself questions and tries to solve them while studying. 6. Peter sets up a timetable and studies according to the timetable. 7. Louise sets up learning goals for herself. 8. Nicole revises what she cannot do in tests. 9. Danny thinks about the application of what she learns in real life. 10. Mike finds a quiet and undisturbed environment to study.

47 Number of Resources Named (Free response) 獲得知識的途徑

48 Types of Resources Named (Free response)

49 Less Useful Strategies (Relatively)
More Inclined Pupils Less Inclined Pupils Less Useful Strategies (Relatively) More Useful Strategies (Relatively) 9.Application 4.Make notes (read) 5.Self-Question 3.Take notes (class) 1.Discuss with classmates 7.Goal setting 8.Revision after test 6.Timetable 2.Seek Help 10.Environment

50 Less Often Deployed Strategies (Relatively)
Pupils who more frequently used the strategies Pupils who less frequently used the strategies Less Often Deployed Strategies (Relatively) More Often Deployed Strategies (Relatively) 4.Make notes (read) 3.Take notes (class) 9.Application 5.Self-question 6.Timetable 1.Discuss with classmates 7.Goal setting 8.Revision after test 2.Seek Help 10.Environment

51 小學生認同自學策略的用處 小學生認為以下的自學策略最有用
All strategies considered useful by most of the pupils 小學生認同自學策略的用處 Relatively, the most useful strategies are: 小學生認為以下的自學策略最有用 10. 在一個清靜、沒有干擾的環境裏讀書 2. 在學習上遇到困難時,向別人尋求幫助 6. 為自己編了一個時間表,並按照時間表來溫習 Relatively, the least useful strategies are: 小學生認為以下的自學策略比較少用處 4. 看書的時候,用筆記下自己不明白的地方 5. 在學習的時候,向自己提出一些問題,然後尋找答案 9. 學習的時候,去想想所學的東西在現實生活裏的用處

52 結果 Results 知識上的差異,主要來自個人和班級(而非學校) 知識和應用:五年級高於三年級同學 用處和實際應用:女生較男生多
Knowledge: Variance at student and class levels (not school) Knowledge & Deployment: Grade 5 more than grade 3 Usefulness & Deployment: Girls more than boys Deployment increased with perceived usefulness Usefulness and deployment: All variance at student level (rather than class or school) 知識上的差異,主要來自個人和班級(而非學校) 知識和應用:五年級高於三年級同學 用處和實際應用:女生較男生多 越覺得有用,則用得越多 用處和實際上的差異,主要來自個人 (而非學校或和班級)


54 What would you like your student to be?
你希望你的學生成為一個怎樣的人呢? What would you like your student to be?

55 How to implement Learning Oriented Assessment?
如何在課堂實踐 促進學習的評估? How to implement Learning Oriented Assessment?

56 監察 監察是收取資料,以便:  many tests  很多的測驗 建立元認知 學生Student 同學Peers 老師Teacher
Build Metacognition 學生Student 同學Peers 老師Teacher 監察是收取資料,以便: Monitor is collecting data for: 家長Parents Monitor 監察

57 監察Monitor 實踐學習導向 的評估 調控Regulate 回饋Feedback
目標 與計劃 Target & Plan 監察Monitor 實踐學習導向 的評估 Implementing Learning Oriented Assessment 學生、老師、 和學習 Learner, Teacher & Learning 調控Regulate 回饋Feedback

58 Principles 原則 1. 評估的主要目的是促進學習 2. 為其他目的而實施的評估是支援學習 3. 評估系統要對所有學生公平
1. The primary purpose of assessment is to improve student learning 2. Assessment for other purposes supports student learning 3. Assessment systems are fair to all students 4. Professional collaboration and development support assessment 5. The broad community participates in assessment development 6. Communication about assessment is regular and clear 7. Assessment systems are regularly reviewed and improved 1. 評估的主要目的是促進學習 2. 為其他目的而實施的評估是支援學習 3. 評估系統要對所有學生公平 4. 專業合作發展支援評估 5. 整個社區參與發展評估 6. 恆常清晰地溝通有關評估事項 7. 經常檢討及改良評估系統 Source: National Forum on Assessment (1995).Principles and indicators for student assessment systems. Cambridge, MA.

59 設計學習導向評估 Planning for LOA 策略性:以願景及清晰目標作導向 教與學相互對點 以學生與學習為中心的策劃
Strategic - Guided by vision and clear purpose Align with teaching & curriculum Learner- & Learning-Focussed Plan: Frequent but spaced Developmental Generate information for improvement Clear expectation 策略性:以願景及清晰目標作導向 教與學相互對點 以學生與學習為中心的策劃 密集但分隔開時間 進展性 為進步提供資訊 清晰期望

60 設計學習導向評估 Planning for LOA 學習導向評估比形成性評估有更深層的意義 1. 訂立學習及評估目標 2. 啟動已有知識
LOA is more than formative assessment 1. Set learning & assessment goal at the beginning 2. Activate prior knowledge 3. Model active learning and encourage reflection 4. Provide scaffold for interactive learning groups: reflection, learning, challenge, evaluate, critique, create Source: Rozendall, Minnaert, & Boekaerts (2005). Interactive Learning Group System 學習導向評估比形成性評估有更深層的意義 1. 訂立學習及評估目標 2. 啟動已有知識 3.為自我主動學習做榜樣,鼓勵反思 4.為互動學習提供鷹架:反思、學習、挑戰、評核、批判、創造 Source: Rozendall, Minnaert, & Boekaerts (2005). Interactive Learning Group System

61 * Peer-evaluation 朋輩互評 * Self-monitoring 自我監察
聽我說 Listen to Me 1. 我在這節課最重要的學習是: The most important learning for me in this lesson is: 2. 我在這節課仍然不明白的地方是: I still do not understand the following about this lesson 3. 我希望你的教學能有以下的改善: I hope you improve your teaching as follows: 4.其他意見 Other comments ^_^ 謝謝你的意見! Thank you! * 1-min Quiz 一分鐘小測 監察工具 Monitoring Tools * Questions 提問 * Project * Test 測驗 * Peer-evaluation 朋輩互評 * Self-monitoring 自我監察 * Reflective journal 反思日誌 * Observation 觀察 * Concept Map 概念圖 * Problem Based Learning

62 建立元認知 Build Metacognition
KWL閱讀理解策略 KWL strategy used in reading comprehension 已有知識 Prior Knowledge K (已知 Know) 教學Teaching 老師Teacher 互動Interaction 學生Student The KWL method is underpinned by recent developments in the theories of meta-cognition and self-regulated learning. Research suggest that individuals who have better knowledge and awareness about their own knowledge status and their learning targets are more able to engage in regulating their own learning, which in turn have positive effects on learning outcomes and self-efficacy. In addition, research has also shown that providing students with periodic feedback on their learning progress and supporting them with self-monitoring is the most effective way of enhancing learning outcomes. Student is the focus of learning in this model. Students’ meta-cognitive levels is heightened by bringing to students’ consciousness their prior knowledge and learning target. <Notes to be continued on next page> 動機Motivation W (想學 Want) 新知識 New Knowledge L (學到 Learn)

63 自我監察Self Monitoring

64 Experience sharing by Principal Leung at the Training Course for
梁兆彬校長 , 荃灣天主教小學, 小學擬任校長培訓課程經驗分享 Experience sharing by Principal Leung at the Training Course for Aspiring Principals

65 Experience sharing by Principal Leung 梁兆彬校長 , 荃灣天主教小學, 小學擬任校長培訓課程經驗分享
評估的改變 Changes in Assessment From norming to diagnosis and treatment Developmental Sum of the parts is greater than the whole — module tests Each student compares with himself/herself 由排列學生學能作用轉變 至診斷及治療作用 進展性 化整為零—單元測驗 學生是以自己作為比較

66 Experience sharing by Principal Leung 梁兆彬校長 , 荃灣天主教小學, 小學擬任校長培訓課程經驗分享
由TOC 開始 引入進展性評估 引入平時評估 減少正規測考次數—由每學年三測三考至現時每 學年兩測兩考,測驗只測中、英、數、常四科 減少考試可增加學習時間 小型與適時的進展性評估,可作為教學的部分,監察教 學進展 減低學生及家長對考試測驗的焦慮

67 Experience sharing by Principal Leung 梁兆彬校長 , 荃灣天主教小學, 小學擬任校長培訓課程經驗分享
平時的評估 操行分的評核 美勞科的平時評核

68 Experience sharing by Principal Leung 梁兆彬校長 , 荃灣天主教小學, 小學擬任校長培訓課程經驗分享
現時的狀況 中文科寫作引入了同儕評估、家長評估 常識科「專題研習」計算平時分(10%) 視覺藝術科不設考試,全部以平時作品水準為依歸,並打算加入學習態度評分 中英文的說話、聆聽、默書均計算平時分 體育科引入多元的評分準則,現正考慮在高年級加入筆試 學生的品行等第的量化,並加上每科教師評語

69 Experience sharing by Principal Leung 梁兆彬校長 , 荃灣天主教小學, 小學擬任校長培訓課程經驗分享
Student Reactions 學生對測驗/評估的反應 From anxiety, rejection to embracing Admire self improvement More motivated and more effective 由焦慮、抗拒至喜愛 欣賞自己的進步 學習更有興趣並更有 效

70 Without data, you are just another person with an opinion
學習導向的評估 Learning Oriented Assessment Thank You! Learning Oriented Assessment involves: Orienting/Planning Executing Monitoring/testing/diagnosing Adjusting/correcting Evaluating/Reflecting Through Learning Oriented Assessment: Teachers know (Assessment For Learning) : Where students are in the learning & What to do to support learning Students know (Assessment As Learning): Where they are in their learning; Where they are heading; How to get there; Students become self-directed Without data, you are just another person with an opinion

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