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第二篇 管理議題 變革管理與創新 Change and Innovation 6 各節重點 6.1 比較變革程序的觀點

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1 第二篇 管理議題 變革管理與創新 Change and Innovation 6 各節重點 6.1 比較變革程序的觀點
第二篇 管理議題 6 變革管理與創新 Change and Innovation 各節重點 6.1 比較變革程序的觀點 6.2 定義組織變革的型態 6.3 如何處理對變革的抗拒 6.4 討論管理變革時同時發生的議題 6.5 描述激發創新的技巧

2 變革的過程 The Change Process
6.1 變革的過程 The Change Process 如果沒有任何變革、規劃…等的管理工作將會十分簡單,但 事實不然。變革是一個公司組織每天都會發生的實務,所有 的外部、內部因素都會造成變革。 Change is an organizational reality. Organizations face change because external and internal factors create the need for change. (see Exhibit 6-1)

3 變革過程的兩種觀點 — 靜水行船抑或湍流泛舟 ?
一種是將組織視為一艘航行在平靜大海中的巨輪,船長和船 員們都知道他們將航向何處,而變革是過程中偶遇的風雨, 不過是平靜的航程中一些短暫的干擾。 The Calm Waters Metaphor Change is seen as an occasional disruption in the normal flow of events.

4 Lewin’s Three-Step Change Process
Lewin’s description of the change process as a break in the organization’s equilibrium state. 解凍 Unfreezing the status quo 變革 Changing to a new state 再凍結 Refreezing to make the change permanent 組織一般是維持平衡狀態,解凍是改變平衡必要的手段,增加驅動力,減少約束力,降低反抗變革的變數,並使情況維持在現狀。 The status quo is considered equilibrium. To move away from this equilibrium, unfreezing is necessary. Unfreezing can be done by increasing the driving forces, which are forces pushing for change; by decreasing the restraining forces, which are forces that resist change.

5 一旦現狀解凍後,即可開始變革,但僅推動變革並不能保證變革的成果能持續,改變後的新局面必須再凍結,才能確保成果維持長久,否則員工很可能會回復到原先的平衡狀態。
Once unfreezing is done, the change itself can be implemented. However, merely introducing change doesn’t ensure that it will take hold. The new situation needs to be refrozen so that it can be sustained over time. Or, the employees will revert back to the old state.

6 另一種觀點則認為組織好比在湍急河流中行駛的一艘小艇, 船上成員對河流狀況完全不熟悉,也不確定船將航向何方。
White-Water Rapids Metaphor The organization is seen as a small raft navigating a raging river with uninterrupted white-water rapids. The lack of environmental stability and predictability requires that managers and organizations continually adapt (manage change actively) to survive.

7 Types of Organizational Change
6.2 組織變革的類型 Types of Organizational Change 組織變革是指結構、技術或人員的改變。組織變革通常需有人扮演催化劑,負責管理整個變革的過程,稱為變革代理人。 Organizational Change – any alterations in the people, structure, or technology of an organization. Change Agents – persons who act as catalysts and assume the responsibility for managing the change process. Ex: 主管 工會領袖

8 變革的類型 Types of Change 管理者可能面對的變革可分為三類:結構、技術與人員。
Managers face three types of change : structure, technology, and people.

9 結構變革 Structure Changing structure includes any change in structural variables such as reporting relationships, coordination mechanisms, employee empowerment, or job redesign. 組織結構的定義是工作如何完成以及由誰完成,管理者可以改變的是其中一個或全部的要素。 An organization’s structure is defined by how work gets done and who does it, managers can alter one or both of these Structural components.

10 技術變革 Technology 技術變革涉及管理者採用新的設備、工具、或方法,以取代舊的生產技術。 Adopting new equipment, tools, or operating methods that displace old skills and require new ones. 自動化 Automation – replacing certain tasks done by people with 電腦化 Computerization – most organizations have sophisticated information systems

11 人員變革 Changing People 人員變革涉及態度、期望、感受、行為的改變。 Changing people involves changing attitudes, expectations, perceptions, and behaviors of the workforce Ex: 加班 退換政策 組織發展 Organizational development is the term used to describe change methods that focus on people and the nature quality of interpersonal work relationship.

12 Exhibit 6-4: Popular OD Techniques

13 Managing Resistance to Change
6.3 抗拒變革的管理術 Managing Resistance to Change People know that it’s better for us to eat healthy and to be active, yet few of us follow that advice. We resist making changes in our 變革對組織內的人來說可能是一種威脅,組織內往往會產生一股反對改變的力量,即使改變對組織是有利的。 Change can be a threat to people in an organization. Organizations can build up that inertia that motivates people to resist changing their status quo, even though change might be beneficial.

14 人們為何抗拒變革 Why People Resist Change?
一個人之所以抗拒變革的理由如下:不確定性、習慣性、損及個人利益,以及認為變革對組織沒有任何好處。 The ambiguity and uncertainty that change introduces 調動 The comfort of old habits 新作業系統 A concern over personal loss of status, money, authority, friendships, and personal convenience 減薪 增稅 The perception that change is incompatible with the goals and interest of the organization 裁併

15 減低抗拒變革的技巧 Techniques for Reducing Resistance to Change

16 6.4 當代變革管理的議題 改變組織文化 Contemporary Issues in Managing Change
企業文化需要長時間的建立, 一旦形成,便根深蒂固,強勢 的企業文化尤其難以改變。 A culture takes a long time to form, and once established, it tends to become entrenched. Strong cultures are particularly resistant to change because employees have become so committed to them.

17 改變組織文化 瞭解情境因素 Understanding the Situational Factors 哪些情況有利於促進文化的改變呢?
發生重大的危機,例如突發的財務危機、主要顧客流失,或是競爭者在技術上的重大突破; 領導者換人,新的領導者可能帶來一套完全不同的價值觀,會被認為比先前的領導者更有能力應付危機; 新且規模小的組織; 弱勢文化較強勢文化更能接受變革。 Conditions that facilitate cultural change: The occurrence of a dramatic crisis Leadership changing hands A young, flexible, and small organization A weak organizational culture

18 完成文化變革 Making Changes in Culture
單憑某項行動要將一個根深蒂固的觀念徹底改變是不太可能的,因此,需有一套完整而協調的策略來管理文化的變革。 No single action is likely to have the impact necessary to change something ingrained and highly value. Managers need a strategy for managing cultural change.

19 引發成功的變革 Making Change Happen successfully
如何引發成功的變革,有以下三點:(1)設定的組織變革是 可行的;(2)瞭解在整個變革過程中所應扮演的角色;(3)設 定每一個員工在變革過程中的功能角色。 How can managers make change happen successfully? They can (1) make the organization change capable, (2) understand their own role in the process, and (3) give individual employees a role in the change process. Google employees to help make change happen in their communities.

20 Exhibit 6-8: Change-Capable Organizations

21 激發創新 Stimulating Innovation
6.5 激發創新 Stimulating Innovation 「創新是企業不斷成功的關鍵」、「今日的創新可以確保明日的成功」,這兩句名言反映了創新對組織的重要性。 “Innovation is the key to continued success.” “we innovate today to secure the future.” These to quotes reflect how important innovation is to organization, Exhibit 6-9: World’s Most Innovative Companies Fast Company’s top 10 list Bloomberg BusinessWeek’S top 10 list

22 創造力與創新 Creative Versus Innovation
創造力 創新 指將創意轉變為一個有用的商品、服務或工作方法的過程。 Creativity - the ability to combine ideas in a unique way or to make an unusual association. Innovation - turning the outcomes of the creative process into useful products, services, or work methods.

23 誘發創新 Stimulating and Nurturing Innovation
Exhibit 6-10: Innovation Variables

24 結構變數 Structural Variables
當員工想要做些新的嘗試時,並無法確定該有哪些決策過程或是誰可以決定。 Employees who wanted to try something different were unsure about whether they got to make the decision or somebody else did and what would happen if they went for it. Yahoo!的組織結構經改變後,具有較明確的報告層級,也因此讓員工有嘗試錯誤的空間。 Yahoo!’s structure has been changed so that it provides clearer lines of responsibility and the freedom to make mistakes.

25 組織結構對創新的影響有以下變數 Structural Variables
採用有機式的組織結構 Adopt an organic structure 提供豐富的資源 Make available plentiful resources 頻繁的內部溝通 Engage in frequent inter-unit communication 儘量減少對創新活動的時間壓力 Minimize extreme time pressures on creative activities 對於創意表現給予外顯支持 Provide explicit support for creativity

26 文化變數 Cultural Variables
一個創新文化可能有下列的特徵 An innovative organization is likely to have the following characteristics: 對模糊的接受度 Accept ambiguity 對不切實際事物的容忍度 Tolerate the impractical 低度的外部控制 Have low external controls 風險的容忍度 Tolerate risk taking 對衝突的容忍度 Tolerate conflict 注重結果而非手段 Focus on ends rather than means 強調開放式系統 Develop an open- system focus 正向回饋 Provide positive feedback

27 人力資源變數 Human Resource Variables
積極驅動成員的訓練與發展,使他們的知識不至於落伍 Organizations actively promote the training and development of their members so their knowledge remains current. 讓員工的工作有高度保障,以減低他們犯錯而被革職的恐懼 Offer employees high job security to reduce the fear of getting fired for making mistakes. 鼓勵員工成為變革的擁護者 Encourage individuals to become idea champions.

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