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Presentation on theme: "“我终身的事在你手中”(诗31:15)."— Presentation transcript:

1 “我终身的事在你手中”(诗31:15)


3 “看哪…这些从秦国来”(赛49:12)

4 广州行程 – 合影

5 世纪的呼声 “O, Rock, rock, when wilt thou open to my Lord?”
磐石啊,磐石啊,你什么时候才能够向主打开? 沙勿略像 - 遥对大陆 上川岛 下川岛 我要把我的教会建造在磐石上,阴间的门不能胜过他。 上川岛的方济阁纪念园

6 Anglican, Congregationalist, Baptist
16、17世纪的改革运动 1517 德国 – 马丁路德 Martin Luther Lutheran 路德会 威登堡教堂门口发布“九十五条款” 1522 瑞士苏黎世 – 慈运理 Ulrich Zwingli Anabaptist 重浸派 更彻底的改革 1536 瑞士日内瓦 – 加尔文 John Calvin Reformed 改革宗 改革第二代 1534 英国安立甘会 Anglican, Congregationalist, Baptist 圣公会,公理会,浸信会 起因是英王政治而非属灵,妥协严重,但因此产生更深的恢复 1559 苏格兰 – 诺克斯 John Knox Presbyterian 长老会 在日内瓦受教,回到苏格兰,改革全面展开

7 18世纪的属灵复兴 英文诗歌的黄金时代 (Golden Age of Hymns) 1727 摩尔维亚弟兄运动 (Moravian)
Isaac Watts, Charles Wesley, etc. 1727 摩尔维亚弟兄运动 (Moravian) Nicolaus Zinzendorf 小时守望祷告,持续了整整一百年 开始了改革后教会性的宣教 (直接影响了Carey, Morrison) 1730s-1750 第一次大觉醒 (1st Great Awakening) Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield 相当程度上预备了美国革命 1738 循道会 (Methodist) John Wesley 1738 约翰卫斯理重生 Aldersgate。英国教会的复兴 差会成立 William Carey, Robert Morrison 1792 Baptist Missionary Society 1795 London Missionary Society

8 19世纪的属灵复兴 现代宣教的时代 1801 1827 1843 1876 第二次大觉醒 (2nd Great Awakening)
Dwight, McGready, Finney 1827 英国弟兄运动 (Plymouth Brethren) Darby, Muller, Chapman 基督的身体,合一的见证 1843 Chalmers, Bonar 苏格兰自由教会 (Free Church of Scotland) 与国家教会分开 - 持定基督为教会的元首,属灵的丰富 1876 开西大会 (Keswick Convention) 追求圣洁、更高的生命, 在基督里同归于一

9 开荒 - 马礼逊 –“我可以差遣谁呢” 马礼逊 Robert Morrison (1782 – 1834) 第一粒麦子 福音的灵
敬虔的父母,12岁时背诵诗篇119篇,一字不差 长大于长老会,公理会学院训练(Hoxton Academy, Dissenters) 父亲生病,写信盼望他回去继承事业 --“我已经手扶着犁,不能再向后看了” 1804年,母亲病逝后,参加伦敦差会 (London Missinary Society) --“that God would station me in that part of the mission field where the difficulties were greatest and all to human appearances the most insurmountable” “愿神将我安置在这样的禾场上,那里困难是最大的,从人来看完全是没有可能完成的” 福音的灵 --“哦加略、加略,我稀奇我向主的心为什么这么冷淡” --“父啊,你把你自己的儿子给了我们,这爱感动我们,叫我们不为自己活、而为你而活” 途中的问题:“Mr. Morrison, you really expect to make an impression on the idolatry on the great Chinese empire?马礼逊先生,你真以为你可以影响拜偶像的庞大中国吗?” --“No, sir, but I expect God will. 我不能,但神能”

10 开荒 –“落在地里” 马礼逊 Robert Morrison (1782 – 1834) 第一粒麦子
“我实实在在的告诉你们,一粒麦子不落在地里死了,仍旧是一粒,若是死了,就结出许多子粒来。” 8-3月在广州,妻儿住在澳门,分居两地。后来病重,回英国治病。 “我蒙召是为着受苦,因为家人和我分开这么久,我很痛心。差会说我应当回家,但从情况看我不能在这个时候离开岗位,我很想回到欧洲,快去安慰我的妻子和受苦的家人。但是心愿和次要的责任,必须让位给更大的心愿和更大的责任。” 1820 妻子治病从英国回澳门 1821 妻子病逝与霍乱 (29岁) 同工米怜病逝 (37岁) ““九年前的昨日,我和妻子一起欢迎米怜夫妇来到澳门,但如今四人中的三人,皆不到四十岁便离世了,留下我孤苦伶仃的独自生活。然而,主的旨意总是好的,因为他们都是在福音的应许和盼望中去世的,而且都是死在自己的岗位上。他们忠心地把骸骨留在战场上,他们尽忠于救主的大业,直到最后一天。他们没有一个是临阵退缩的,甚至连最不幸的玛丽也是回到中国之后才死亡,这令我心感欣慰” 孤单劳苦,健康受损 “I’m tied in the work, but I’m not tied of the work.” “我工作疲劳,但是我不疲倦” “我已经服事了这个世代,我将睡了”

11 先知更确的预言 -“Sinim 秦” 以赛亚的时代(758-698BC) 秦与中国 (古代) 秦与China (现代)

12 “求你拣选我的道路”





17 以弗所书第三章(上)- 神永远的旨意 7.1) 重浸派 Anabaptist – Menno Simon - 真正的改革
(1496 – 1561) "For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ" (1 Corinthians 3:11)

18 “History is His story”

19 以弗所书第三章(上)- 神永远的旨意 7.1) 重浸派 Anabaptist – Menno Simon - 真正的改革
Menno Simons was a Biblicist in the truest and best meaning of the word. He turned away from tradition and became Bible-centered in all his beliefs and practices. Once he had turned to the Bible, he took it for the Word of God and made it the cornerstone of all his work. His writings are filled with Bible quotations. His approach to the Bible differs from that of the other reformers. It is above all Christ-centered. Every book and every little pamphlet he wrote have on the front page the motto, "For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ" (1 Corinthians 3:11). Christ-centeredness marks his theology and the practices he derived from the Bible. Discipleship or a fruitful Christian life were very strongly emphasized. But this emphasis on true Christian living does not take place in a vacuum or as a matter merely between the individual and his God, but rather within the congregation, the church of Christ. Menno's faith is therefore not only Christ-centered but also church-centered: his chief concern was the achievement of the true church of Jesus Christ or the body of Christ. Again and again he refers to 1 Corinthians 12:13, 25-27, and Colossians 1: The prerequisites for church membership according to Menno are regeneration and willingness to bear the cross of Christ. These two are inseparable. Discipline was as natural in the church of Menno Simons as any normal function of the healthy body. (1496 – 1561)

20 以弗所书第三章(上) 7.2) 史百克 T. Austin-sparks - 复活、丰满的基督 (1888 – 1971)
“A Witness and a Testimony”,The first page of his magazine included the following statement: “The object of the ministry of this little paper, issued bi-monthly, is to contribute to the Divine end which is presented in the words of Ephesians 4:13… Its going forth is with the prayer and hope that it will so result in a fuller measure of Christ, a richer and higher level of spiritual life, that, while bringing the Church of God into a growing approximation to His revealed will as to its 'attainment,' the Church may be better qualified to be used of Him in testimony in the nations…” (1888 – 1971) “Following Mrs. Penn-Lewis, brother T. Austin Sparks saw resurrection in a clearer light... Mrs. Penn-Lewis herself wrote two books on resurrection, but neither was clear on the matter. Not till 1926, when brother Sparks wrote on the subject in "The Overcomer" magazine did the world for the first time see what resurrection truly is. When Miss Margaret E. Barber and I saw the writings of brother Sparks, we were immediately captivated by their message... But when brother Sparks spoke and wrote on resurrection, clear light was finally released. What, then, is resurrection? Resurrection is life entering into death and coming out of death. In other words, what can die dies; what cannot die comes forth. It is that which death cannot swallow. And such is resurrection life.” (from “Revive thy Work” by Watchman Nee)

21 以弗所书第三章(上)- 神永远的旨意 7.3) 倪柝声 Watchman Nee - 实行的道路 (1903 – 1972)
倪弟兄壮年时期所写的诗歌可代表他个人的职事。在属灵的生命经历上,倪弟兄最突出的一点是实行的十字架,就如他的著作——“人的破碎与灵的出来”一样。所谓实行的十字架,是指着实行在我们生活当中的十字架。好象神两只伟大的手;一面,神让十架作工在我们里头,这是同钉的启示、十架的生命;另一面,神安排各样的环境来拆毁我们天然的人… 这一时期代表的诗歌有:“你若不压橄榄成渣”、“葡萄一生的事”、“你怎没有伤痕”、“祂的脸面祂的天使常看见”、“神祢正在重排我的前途”。当我们稍微知道倪弟兄这个人在这方面的经历之后,再来唱这些诗歌,就会格外觉得它们的实际和宝贵。 (“诗人与诗歌”,史伯诚) “一九二七年底,我们天天有一祈祷会。江北、平阳一带的信徒,因从我们的文字见证得了帮助,就有信给我们。我们看见他们可受造就,我们也觉得在中国的信徒,实在有需要,就豫备开一特别会。一九二八年一月,我们租得了哈同路文德里的房子,二月一日,就起首有特别的聚会了。这一次的聚会,我们中心的信息,是只讲到神永远的旨意,和基督的得胜。我们并没有题到教会的真理等问题。这次聚会,从外埠只来了二三十位弟兄姊妹。神给他们亮光,叫他们知道该怎样走道路…” (见证, ) “Around 1930 brother Sparks began to see the Biblical concept of the body. Subsequently he often spoke on the body of Christ. His release of such a message amounted to some 500 to 600 pages. Nevertheless, what he released was but words. The reality was yet to appear.” (from “Revive thy Work” by Watchman Nee)

22 以弗所书第三章(上)- 神永远的旨意 7.4) 江守道 Stephen Kaung - 当今的职事
他把倪柝声的著作及信息翻译为英文,介绍给英语世界里的基督徒。由他自己的机构,維吉尼亞州里奇蒙的Christian Fellowship Publishers (CFP)出版。也在北美与亚洲众教会服事。他自己所讲的信息,则多由其他基督徒编辑出版。在整個1960年代,他與史百克(Theodore Austin-Sparks)共同在美國馬里蘭州主持大型聚會,並到處旅行分享神永远的旨意,基督为中心的生活和教会见证的负担。 (维基百科)

23 “你们也靠他同被建造,成为神藉著圣灵居住的所在”


25 门徒造就合组交通 8/24 时间 小组 教材题目 交通的肢体 交通的题目 9:00 – 9:20 - 诗歌,祷告 9:20 – 10:00
服事的肢体 门徒道路的交通 10:00 – 10:30 1组 个人 – 古典 杨明瑞弟兄 弃绝 10:30 – 11:00 3组 家庭 – 婚姻 郑映柔姊妹 清心等候的女人 11:00 – 11:30 7组 社会 - 工作 明涛弟兄 知足 11:30 – 12:00 5组 教会 – 牧养 王杨姊妹 我们为何如此聚集 1:00 – 1:30 4组 家庭 – 教养 林近姊妹 父母需要勇于管教 1:30 – 2:00 6组 教会 – 服事 潘晓峰弟兄 宣告耶稣的权柄 2:00 – 2:30 2组 个人 – 现代 陈仰洁姊妹 属灵操练的实际-幔内生活 2:30 – 3:00 结语,祷告



28 他将要生一个儿子,你要给他起名 叫耶稣,因他要将自己的百姓 从罪恶里救出来。(太1:21) 必有童女怀孕生子;人要称他的名 为以马内利。」(以马内利翻出来 就是「神与我们同在」(太1:23)

29 这道能建立你们,叫你们和一切成圣的人同得基业。”
“如今我把你们交托神和他恩惠的道; 这道能建立你们,叫你们和一切成圣的人同得基业。” (徒20:32)




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