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转基因研究涉及的园艺作物 番茄 西瓜 葡萄 Hot pepper 花菜 大白菜 李 马铃薯 苹果 柿 荔枝 龙眼 红薯 草莓 梨.

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Presentation on theme: "转基因研究涉及的园艺作物 番茄 西瓜 葡萄 Hot pepper 花菜 大白菜 李 马铃薯 苹果 柿 荔枝 龙眼 红薯 草莓 梨."— Presentation transcript:

1 转基因研究涉及的园艺作物 番茄 西瓜 葡萄 Hot pepper 花菜 大白菜 马铃薯 苹果 荔枝 龙眼 红薯 草莓

2 过量表达来自番茄PR蛋白的甜橙抗脚腐病 Molecular Breeding 10: 1–10, 2002.

3 Council for Biotechnology Information
Would it surprise you to know that saving a crop from a virus helped save a community from disaster? Through advancements in plant biotechnology, researchers developed a type of papaya that is resistant to a virus that was destroying Hawaii’s crops. This healthier plant not only kept Hawaiian farming communities in business, it also resulted in an increase in papaya production. And its just one example of how crops enhanced by plant bio- technology could one day help feed an ever-increasing world population. The research is on- going and the facts are there to be examined. If you want to learn more we invite you to call us or visit our web site: Council for Biotechnology Information

4 Papaya ringspot virus (PRV)
Virus has had huge impact on papaya industry in Hawaii - reduction of fresh fruit production directly related to spread of PRV No naturally occurring resistance genes - without GM, papaya industry in Hawaii would be destroyed Transgenic PRV-resistant papaya has been grown commercially in Hawaii since 1996

5 Transgenic papaya in field

6 CO/FT Regulatory Module Controls Timing of Flowering and Seasonal Growth Cessation in Trees
(Henrik et al 2006, Science)

7 Poplar FT2 Shortens the Juvenile Phase and Promotes Seasonal Flowering
Figure 3. An Increase in the Production of FT2 via the Constitutive Promoter 35S (Pro35S:FT2) Induced Premature Flowering in Juvenile Poplar Trees (717-1B4; P. alba 3 P. tremula). (A) Plants were photographed 9 months after transformation with Pro35S:FT2. The tallest plant is the control. The other two plants with lateral and terminal flowers are independent lines transformed with Pro35S:FT2. Bar ?2 cm. (B) Closeup photograph of lateral flowers. Arrows point to carpellate flowers. The inset shows an open mature seed capsule. Bars ?1 mm. (C) Pro35S:FT2 plants formed terminal flowers (arrow). Bar ?1 mm. (D) Another independent Pro35S:FT2 poplar line shown at 13 months after transformation. IS, inflorescence shoot; TIS, terminal inflorescence shoot; TL, true leaf; VS, vegetative shoot. Bar ?2 cm. (E) After rooting and planting in soil, Pro35S:FT2 poplar plants were grown under long (16 h of light/8 h of dark) and short (8 h of light/16 h of dark) days for 76 d, phenotypes were observed, and leaf count was taken when inflorescence shoots were visible. Error bars show SD. (F) FT2 transcript was abundant in poplar lines transformed with the Pro35S:FT2 construct, whereas no transcript was detected in wild-type or vector control plants. A downstream gene, AP1, was expressed in the Pro35S:FT2 poplar lines. The poplar UBQ transcript was also amplified to verify that similar amounts of cDNA were used in the RT-PCR. Numbers at left represent the size of the amplified cDNA fragments in base pairs. The RT-PCR data are representative of at least three experiments. An Increase in the Production of FT2 via the Constitutive Promoter 35S (Pro35S:FT2) Induced Premature Flowering in Juvenile Poplar Trees

8 Ectopic expression of MdFT1 in Arabidopsis
MdFT1 transgenic T0 plants of Arabidopsis flower earlier than non-transformed wild-type plants. a 35S::MdFT1 transgenic T0 plants bloomed about 4 days earlier. b Suc2::MdFT1 transgenic plants bloomed about 6 days earlier under LD conditions than wild-type Arabidopsis. c Flowers of 35S::MdFT1 transgenic plants and d flowers of Suc2::MdFT1 transgenic Arabidopsis developed normally at indeterminate inflorescences and had a normal phenotype and produced normal siliques

9 Ectopic expression of MdFT1 in poplar and apple

10 Over-expression of LEAFY and APETALA1 from Arabidopsis in trifoliate orange
Over-expression of LEAFY in citrus transgenic plants Over-expression of APETALA1 in citrus transgenic plants (Nature Biotechnology,2001)

11 Ectopic expression of an FT homolog from Citrus on trifoliate orange
(Transgenic Research, 2005)

12 成为我国第一个具有自主知识产权基因工程农作物品种
耐储藏番茄 华番一号

13 基因工程在育种上的应用

14 苹果乙烯形成的沉默


16 人类的理智!

17 转基因番茄防乙肝 2002年11月《京华时报》 中国农业科学院生物技术研究中心刘德虎研究员:10年研究获得抗乙肝西红柿。

18 Transgenic tomato producing insulin
按照植物偏爱的密码子设计并合成了人胰岛素的A链和B链的编码序列,并通过以某种方式连接成为一个ORF的人胰岛素基因(180bp) ,依据软件分析使其产物模拟天然的胰岛素结构。该基因受控于番茄果实专一性启动子,在番茄果实中高效表达。通过生吃番茄的口服途径可改善胰岛素依赖型糖尿病人自体免疫状况,达到治疗效果。

19 A B A:普通番茄 B:无籽番茄

20 科技导报第25卷第4期《转基因作物将为中国农 业发展提供根本出路》

21 Nature:转基因作物的真实面目 Natasha Gilbert. Case studies: A hard look at GM crops. Nature, 02 May 2013; doi: /497024a Daniel Cressey. Transgenics: A new breed. Nature, 02 May 2013; doi: /497027a





26 转基因农作物三大关键问题之思辨 . Palmer amaranth (长芒苋) has taken root as a herbicide-resistant ‘superweed’ in many US cotton fields

27 转基因农作物孕育了超级杂草吗?是的

28 是转基因棉花让印度的农民自杀的吗?不是

29 墨西哥的转基因农作物将外源基因传播到了野生植物中吗?目前还不清楚
2000年,墨西哥瓦哈卡州山区的农民想为他们种植的玉米申请有机农作物认证。当时在美国加州大学伯克利分校工作的微生物生态学家David Quist 答应为这些农民提供帮助,作为回报, Quist 可以进入瓦哈卡州山区开展科学研究。不过 Quist 对这些农民提供的玉米进行了遗传学检测之后惊奇地发现,这些当地出产的玉米里居然含有一种特别的 DNA 片段,这种 DNA 是孟山都公司为了提高耐草甘膦除草剂转基因农作物和抗虫转基因农作物里外源基因的表达量而专门设计的。 由于墨西哥并没有批准转基因农作物的商业化生产,所以在当地玉米中发现的这些 DNA 片段只可能是来自从美国进口的转基因农产品,墨西哥当地的农民可能不清楚这些农产品是转基因产品,所以就糊里糊涂地种了下去。当时 Quist 怀疑墨西哥当地的玉米已经与这些转基因产品发生了杂交,所以获得了这种外源的 DNA 序列。 瓦哈卡州山区的这一发现被发表在了《自然》杂志上,结果这一事件引发了一系列的媒体报道和政治事件。后来《自然》杂志撤销了对 Quist 论文的支持意见,甚至还差一点撤销了 Quist 的论文。《自然》杂志在 2002 年发表了这篇文章,不过编辑对这篇文章这样评论道:“文中提交的证据还不足以让我们发表这篇文章。”

30 理性看待转基因作物 从美国农田惊现“未经批准”种植的转基因小麦,到中国农业部批准进口转基因大豆,转基因作物推广成为人们热议话题。但无论是反对还是支持,围绕转基因作物的讨论和决策,都应抱着理性和慎重的态度进行。

31 谢谢!

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