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来华留学生保险 使用指南 来华留学保险项目组 2013.8.

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1 来华留学生保险 使用指南 来华留学保险项目组 2013.8

2 来华留学生保险责任 自2013年8月1日以后购买并生效的保单,保险责任如下并实行全程医疗管理服务。 保障项目 保险金额(人民币) 身故/残疾
Death/Disability 10万元 意外伤害医疗 Medical treatment for accidental injury 2万元 门诊医疗保险责任 Outpatient medical insurance liability (起付线2000元,85%赔付 600元日限额) 住院医疗保险责任 Inpatient medical insurance liability 40万元

3 来华留学生保险服务卡_正面 转1——24小时热线咨询电话 扫一扫,进入手机版 留学保险网址
每位参保学生会有一张服务卡,可以持卡打电话得到保险服务 转1——24小时热线咨询电话 扫一扫,进入手机版 留学保险网址

4 护照号和服务卡号是投保后享受服务的两个辨识条件。
来华留学生保险服务卡_背面 这里有服务卡号 无卡号的,需要投保时的护照号 护照号和服务卡号是投保后享受服务的两个辨识条件。

5 来华留学生保险_信息查询 留学保险网站( 联华国际网站( 手机版
多种渠道提供给参保学生查询保险责任、保险有效期及理赔信息,最便捷的是手机方式。 留学保险网站( 联华国际网站( 手机版

6 来华留学生保险_信息查询 手机查询信息 用护照号、服务卡号登陆 当前保单信息,理赔信息

7 来华留学生保险_保险提示 被保险人在本次投保前发生的重大疾病或慢性病,保险人不承担给付保险金的责任。

8 来华留学生保险_保险提示 记住你的保险服务电话:400-810-5119转1,有任何问题,可随时咨询,取得正确的就医、理赔指导;
凡是未经400电话报案,或者未按照要求规范程序执行的,将无法获得赔付 理赔材料寄送地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路55号双子座B座303室(北京环球医疗救援有限责任公司)收件人:来华项目理赔部 电话: 邮编:100022 保险细则以《平安养老保险股份有限公司来华人员综合保险保障计划简介》为准,或参阅

9 来华留学生保险_注意事项 使用保险,须在公立医院的普通门诊就诊或普通科室住院,外宾病区、特需、VIP病区、包床、包房、私立及合资医院的费用不能报销; 每次看病后要保存好病历、收据原件,达到起付线申请理赔时要一并提供给保险公司; “日限额600元”:日限额指同一天在同一医院,同一科室就诊费用的限制额度。

10 来华留学生保险_注意事项 如果有多次就诊记录,必须提供每次医生写的就诊病历记录;
看病时的名字与投保时一致,保证收费收据上的姓名准确,如果不对,去医院收费处手工修改,在修改的地方要盖医院的章; 理赔申请提供的护照,必须是有效期内的护照复印件,过期的护照不能做为有效的身份证明; 今年保险方案变更后,住院前、住院后、门诊手术的费用都归为门诊责任; 如果您的病情未到达住院条件,门诊治疗即可,而您自行住院,发生的住院费用将无法获得理赔报销。

11 2013-14学年来华人员综合保险保障计划简表 (生效日期:2013年8月1日起)
保障项目 保险金额 保障范围 身故/残疾 10万元 因意外伤害事故或疾病身故/意外残疾,我们将累计给付身故/意外残疾保险金; 意外伤害医疗 2万元 因意外伤害事故需门诊治疗,发生的医疗费用,我们将就其事故发生之日起180日内实际支出的按照当地社会医疗保险部门规定可报销的、必要的、合理的医疗费用给付医疗保险金; 住院医疗保险责任 40万元 被保险人因意外伤害事故或因疾病,经医院诊断必须住院治疗,就其实际支出的合理住院医疗费用,按100%给付住院医疗保险金。 温馨提示: 被保险人在本次投保前发生重大疾病或慢性病的,保险人不承担给付保险金的责任。 门诊医疗保险责任 (起付线2000元,85%赔付600元日限额) 被保险人因疾病咨询 转1进行医疗咨询,需门诊治疗发生的医疗费用,我们按照当地社会医疗保险部门规定可报销的、必要的、合理的医疗费用超过人民币2000元以上部分按85%的比例给付门诊医疗保险金,且每次门诊费用日限额600元。 温馨提示: 被保险人在本次投保前发生重大疾病或慢性病的,保险人不承担给付保险金的责任。 全程医疗管理 紧急医疗救援 1.因疾病或意外事故需就诊,必须直接电话致 转1键,进行健康询诊、就医指导及理赔注意事项说明。如确诊需住院可向救援公司申请住院垫付。未经救援公司备案且未经门诊诊治而直接入院治疗的(包括病情未达到住院程度住院治疗的),救援公司不负责住院费用垫付。对于未经上述程序申请的,个人自行垫支医疗费用的,将无法获得赔付。 2.理赔咨询、重大事故报案: 转1键,未开通400电话地区可拨打

12 Comprehensive Insurance & Protection Scheme for Foreigners Staying in China of Ping An Annuity Insurance Company, Ltd (Effective on August 1st, 2013) Coverage Insured amount Scope of insurance coverage Death/Disability RMB100,000 In case of death/accidental disability due to accidental injury or disease, we will provide accumulative insurance benefit for death/accidental disability. Medical treatment for accidental injury RMB20,000 If outpatient treatment is required due to accidental injury and medical expenses are incurred, we will provide medical insurance benefit for the actual medical expenses considered as reimbursable, necessary and reasonable by the local social medical insurance department within 180 days after the accident. Inpatient medical insurance liability RMB400,000 If the insured must be hospitalized after diagnosis of hospital due to accidental injury or disease, we will provide inpatient medical insurance benefit equal to 100% of the actual and reasonable medical expenses. Kindly reminder: If the insured suffered from critical disease or chronic disease before buying this insurance, the insurer shall be released from its liability to make payments. Outpatient medical insurance liability (Starting line is RMB2, % of the excessive part beyond the starting line will be paid. The daily limit is RMB600. ) If the insured calls EXT 1 for medical consultation due to disease, and medical expenses are incurred by outpatient treatment, we will provide outpatient medical insurance benefit equal to 85% of the excessive part of medical expenses beyond RMB2,000 considered as reimbursable, necessary and reasonable by the local social medical insurance department. And the limit for each time of outpatient fee is RMB600. Whole-process medical management Emergency medical rescue 1. If he/she needs to see a doctor due to disease or accident, the insured has to directly call EXT 1 for consulting, diagnosis, medical guidance and precautions for claim. If it is confirmed that hospitalization is required, the insured can apply for advanced payment of medical expense for hospitalization to the rescue company. If the insured is directly hospitalized without recording of rescue company and outpatient treatment (including those whose conditions do not meet the requirements of hospitalization but hospitalized), the rescue company will not be responsible for advanced payment of medical expense for hospitalization. If advanced payment for medical expenses is made without the above procedures, the insured will not be able to get compensation. 2. Telephone number for claim consultation and reporting of major accident: EXT 1. You can call in the areas without telephone number beginning with 400.

13 结束语 祝您在中国的学习生活 开心 健康 快乐

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