By 倪 貴 城 牙周治療科專科醫生 Dr. Ngai Kwai Shing Vincent

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1 By 倪 貴 城 牙周治療科專科醫生 Dr. Ngai Kwai Shing Vincent
老人科牙齒健康 By 倪 貴 城 牙周治療科專科醫生 Dr. Ngai Kwai Shing Vincent

2 琺瑯質 象牙質 牙骨質 牙髓 牙齦(牙肉) 牙周膜 牙槽骨

3 Dental/Oral Structures
mucosa(ulcers, pathology) lips (Herpes, angular Chilitis) Tongue (taste, geographic tongue) Jaws (pathology, inflammation, cyst, impacted tooth, tumour, occlusion), Salivary glands (mucus retention cyst, tumour) Temporal mandibular Joint (TMJ pain dysfunction syndrome)

4 Systemic conditions, Medications
Nutrition, Thrush, ANUG Inter-relationship with other systemic conditions e.g.-2 ways interations Perio-DM, Psychological, emotional aspects Social-economical aspects

5 常見問題 -從病人的角度看 牙痛 喪失功能 (嘴嚼,說話) 影響外表儀容

6 常見問題 蛀牙 (牙根表面) 牙周病 牙齒磨損 缺牙 鑲配假牙

7 蛀牙 蛀牙 = 牙齒 + 細菌 +糖份 +時間

8 Caries 蛀牙

9 僅餘牙根


11 症狀 Sign - Size, location(ID, root), depth(involving pulp), associated with abscess or sinus tract Symptoms – None, sensitivity, occasional pain, severe spontaneous pain, Diagnosis – visual, tactile, percussion, X-ray, Electric Pulp Test Treatment- “Prevention”, Filling, RCT, Crown, Extraction

12 六十五歲至七十四歲的非居於院舍長者 以「齲失補恆齒」指數衡量非居於院舍長者的蛀牙經驗 (2001 年及 2011 年) 特

13 非居於院舍長者牙根表面有蛀蝕經驗的百分率 (2001 年及 2011 年)

14 有僅餘牙根的非居於院舍長者百分率 (2001 年及 2011 年)

15 預防蛀牙 Diet- Stephan’s curve 氟化物 ?lack of Calcium

16 Stephan’s curve


18 預防蛀牙 Diet- Stephan’s curve 氟化物 ?lack of Calcium

19 一般口腔護理用品的含氟化物比例和使用指引
食水: 在1961年,氟化物開始給加入香港的食水中,自此香港居民的蛀牙率就大大降低。現在香港自來水的氟化物含量是0.5ppm(百萬分之0.5),只要我們飲用開水,就可從中吸收氟化物,達到預防蛀牙的效果。 成人牙膏1,000-1,450ppm 每天早上起床、晚上睡前使用一顆青豆分量的牙膏刷牙兒童牙膏 500ppm 漱口水230ppm 0.05%NaF 每天一次含在口腔內一分鐘 Source -

20 Prevention of Caries Diet- Stephan’s curve ?lack of Calcium

21 牙周病

22 Biofilm 生物膜

23 症狀 Redness, swelling, bleeding, bad breath, recession, mobile teeth, drifting, Pain and abscess formation, self exfoliation Pocket formation 牙周袋 Diagnosis- history, clinical examination, probing, radiographs, Pulp test

24 牙周病 Periodontal disease

25 症狀 Redness, swelling, bleeding, bad breath, recession, mobile teeth, drifting, Pain and abscess formation, self exfoliation Pocket formation 牙周袋 Diagnosis- history, clinical examination, probing, radiographs, Pulp test

26 量度牙周袋深度

27 Disease Progression Experimental gingivitis in man, Loe et al. 1965
The Natural History of Periodontal Disease in Man, Loe et al. 1986

28 六十五歲至七十四歲的非居於院舍長者 按個人最深牙周袋的深度劃分尚有牙齒的非居於院舍長者的百分率 (2001 年及 2011 年)

29 三十五歲至四十四歲成年人



32 預防牙周病 Prevention – Tooth brushing
Electric tooth brush, modified tooth brush handle Mouth rinse? Denture care

33 按刷牙習慣劃分尚有牙齒的長者的百分率

34 半數或以上的牙齒有可見牙菌膜覆蓋的長者的百分率

35 Tooth Brushing Technique
Normal brushing technique Interdental cleaning Denture cleaning

36 清潔牙齒鄰面的習慣

37 在使用假牙的長者中 88.4% 長者每天使用牙刷清潔假牙 約四分之一 25.4% 長者更輔以假牙清潔劑清潔假牙
接近 80% 長者每天睡覺前會除下假牙托。

38 Denture Hygiene

39 牙齒磨損

40 Tooth Wear - Tooth Brush Abrasions

41 Tooth Wear – Attrition/Erosion

42 缺牙 按牙齒數目劃分非居於院舍長者的百分率 (2001 年及 2011 年)

43 非居於院舍長者使用各類假牙的百分率 (2001 年及 2011 年)

44 Nutrition Food quality and quantity
Habits, preference, appetite, knowledge, ignorance, money, ability to obtain food, skill to prepare food Ingestion – Mastication and swallowing Saliva, time for chewing Digestion and absorption Proportion of solid food is directly related to no. of teeth present

45 Oral hygiene Dental care Masticatory function General health Nutritional status Socioeconomic status Dietary habits

46 Nutrition Reduced no. of teeth cause malnutrition?
Reduced no. of teeth is definitely a contributory factor

47 活動牙托 Around two-thirds of NOP had dental prostheses Need vs Demand

48 固定牙橋,植牙


50 Focus on Prevention 預防 Diet, Self cleaning
及早診斷 Regular dental check-up 治療 Early intervention

51 長者的口腔健康相關行為 檢查口腔習慣長者的百分率


53 長者前往的牙科診所類別



56 Focus on Prevention 預防 Diet, Self cleaning
及早診斷 Regular dental check-up 治療 Early intervention

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