MCLS – Chinese Classes advanced Stream

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1 MCLS – Chinese Classes advanced Stream
墨尔本中国法学会 - 中文课(高级课程) Yifan Wang 王一帆 Seminar 4 第四课 2016/04/06

2 合同的效力 Validity of Contract
参见《合同法》第三章 See Chapter 3 Contract Law 合同的成立 与 合同的生效 Establishment of contracts and effectiveness of Contracts 有效合同 Valid contracts (第44条, Article 44) 附条件的合同 Conditional contracts (第45条, Article 45) 附期限的合同 Time conditional contracts (第46条, Article 46) 效力待定的合同 Pending contracts (第47-51条, Articles 47-51)

3 无效合同 null and void contracts (第52条, Article 52)
欺诈、胁迫,损害国家利益 fraud, coercion, damage the interests of the State 恶意串通,损害国家利益 malicious collusion, damage the interests of the State 以合法形式掩盖非法目的 an illegitimate purpose 损害社会公共利益 damage the public interests 可撤销合同 voidable contracts (第54条, Article 54) 重大误解 significant misconception/ mistakes or misrepresentation 显失公平 unfairness 欺诈 fraud 胁迫 duress 乘人之危 exploitation of the other party’s unfavorable position 违背对方真实意思表示 against other party’s true intention

4 成立与生效 (establishment and effectiveness/binding)
合同的成立 - 当事人的同意 (parties’ agreement and intention) 合同的生效 - 法律的评价 (judgment of the law) 合同的法定形式 - formality 当事人的能力 - capacity

5 合同的法定形式 Formality “依法成立的合同,自成立时成效。法律、行政法规规定应当办理批准、登记等手续生效的、依照其规定。(第44条) “The contract established according to law becomes effective upon its establishment. With regard to contracts that are subject to approval or registration as stipulated by relevant laws or administrative regulations, the provisions thereof shall be followed”. (Article 44) The Statute of Frauds No actions could be brought on contracts of particular types unless the agreement or some memorandum or note of the agreement was in writing and signed.

6 合同的法定形式 Formality 房屋买卖合同 contracts of sale of interests in land 需要书面形式 need in written forms 在中国,没有用书面形式签订房屋买卖合同 ———— 合同成立,但是不生效。Think about: 部分生效(partial effective); 缔约过失责任 (Negligence in negotiating contracts) In Australia, if a contract of sale of land were not signed and in a written form ———— think about: part performance, constructive trust, equitable estoppel

7 附条件、附期限的合同 (Conditional Contracts)
附期限 - conditional time period 附条件 - 不确定的事实 附期限 - 确定的事实 条件:银行批准贷款(grant loan by banks), 政府批准投资 (approval of investment by the government) 期限:下雨的那天 (rainy)

8 效力待定的合同 (Pending Contracts)
限制行为能力人的合同 Contracts related to a person with limited capacities 无权代理的合同 Contracts related to no power of agency 法定代表人越权的合同 Contracts related to overstepping authority of a statutory representative 无权处分的合同 Contracts related to no right to disposal of property

9 未成年人 Minors 谁是未成年人Who are minors?
中国: 18岁以下的自然人 (《民法通则》第二章, Chapter 2, General Principles of the Civil Law) 限制行为能力人(persons with limited capacities):10岁-18岁 无行为能力人(persons without capacities):0岁-9岁 Australia:section 3, Age of Majority Act 1977 (Vic) “A person who, on or after the day of commencement of this Act attains the age of eighteen years, attains full age and full capacity on attaining that age.”

10 《民法通则》(General Principles of the Civil Law)
《民法通则》是一部“人大”制定的法律。 (The General Principles of the Civil Law is an act made by the National Congress) 德国民法典式的编纂 (from Civil Code of Germany) 总则 the General Parts - 《民法通则》 债券编 the law of obligations - 《合同法》《侵权责任法》 物权编 the law of property - 《物权法》 家庭编 the law of Family - 《婚姻法》 继承编 the law of succession - 《继承法》

11 未成年人 Minors 一个11岁小孩,去Australia 108的房产展示厅(display rooms)签订了(sign)一份购买公寓(purchase apartments)的房屋买卖合同(contract of sale of an apartment).

12 未成年人 Minors 未成年人的合同法后果 legal consequences of a contract related to minors 11岁小孩 - 限制民事行为能力人 (a person with limited capacities) – 效力待定 (pending contracts) - 需要有权人追认 (need contracts to be affirmed by the person owning authority) – 相对人可以催告 (the counterparty could urge the confirmation) - 有权人需要在1个月之内追认 (the person owning authority should confirm in 1 month)

13 未成年人 Minors 限制民事行为能力人,可以进行与他的年龄、智力相适应的民事活动。(《民法通则》第12条) 例如:
买必需品 (purchase necessaries, e.g. pencils) 受益合同 (beneficial contracts)

14 未成年人 Minors In Australia:
All contracts other than for necessaries, beneficial contracts of service or those that are binding unless repudiated are not binding unless ratified. ([ ] The Law of Australia) For example, a sale of property by a minor may fall into this category.(Rubinovich v Emmett (1901) 27 VLR 265 (FC)) 未成年人 Minors

15 效力待定的合同 (Pending Contracts)
限制行为能力人的合同 Contracts related to a person with limited capacities 无权代理的合同 Contracts related to no power of agency 法定代表人越权的合同 Contracts related to overstepping authority of a statutory representative 无权处分的合同 Contracts related to no right to disposal of property

16 法定代表人 (Statutory representative)
法人和法定代表人 (legal person and statutory representative) 法人包括公司、合伙、个人工商户等等 (Company, partnership, solo company) 法定代表人也叫法人代表, 是一个自然人 (the representative of legal persons, who is a natural person) 通常来说是一个公司的董事长(Managing director)

17 无效合同 (Void Contracts) 欺诈、胁迫,损害国家利益 fraud, coercion, damage the interests of the State 恶意串通,损害国家利益 malicious collusion, damage the interests of the State 以合法形式掩盖非法目的 an illegitimate purpose 损害社会公共利益 damage the public interests 违反法律、行政法规的强制性规定 violating the compulsory provisions of laws and administrative regulations E.g. 5岁小孩 - 无民事行为能力人 (a person without capacities) – 无效合同(Void contract)

18 非法合同 (Illegality) 非常严格的法律,一般一旦产生非法性,合同即无效(Void)。
无效的结果是依据不当得利(unjust enrichment)而产生的返还原物(Restitution)。(《民法通则》第92条) “ 第九十二条 没有合法根据,取得不当利益,造成他人损失的,应当将取得的不当利益返还受损失的人。 ” “If profits are acquired improperly and without a Lawful basis, resulting in another person's loss, the illegal profits shall be returned to the person who suffered the loss. ”

19 这是因为母亲比较穷,所以可以申请政府给予的补贴。但是如果政府发现母亲有钱买房子,房子的产权在母亲名下的话,那么政府就不给补贴了。
让我们来看一个案例: 母亲(M)出资100万给儿子(S)和女儿(D)向开发商(R)买了一套房子,儿子、女儿和开发商签订了购房合同,房子的登记所有权人是儿子(S)和女儿(D)。儿子和女儿各拿了50%的产权,母亲没有产权。 这是因为母亲比较穷,所以可以申请政府给予的补贴。但是如果政府发现母亲有钱买房子,房子的产权在母亲名下的话,那么政府就不给补贴了。 中国法: 这个购房合同是无效的。合同无效后,S和D根据不当得利归还房子,R归还100万给S和D。 M会被处于罚金或者其他惩罚措施,根据政府补贴相关的法律。 R有可能根据合同法第58条,向S和D索赔。 A mother (first appellant) supplied funds to purchase a house, the title to which was taken by her adult son (second appellant) and daughter (first respondent). In doing this the mother sought to preserve an entitlement under the Defence Service Homes Act 1918  (Cth) to subsidised finance on the purchase of another home for herself. Later she sought and obtained such finance, falsely declaring that she had no interest in a house other than the one for which the subsidy was sought. On the sale of the residence, which had been placed in the names of the son and daughter, the mother claimed the proceeds. The son conceded the claim and joined with his mother in equity proceedings in the Supreme Court of New South Wales seeking declarations that the property and the proceeds of its sale were held on trust for the mother. The daughter cross-claimed, setting up that she had a beneficial interest in those proceeds, the mother having provided the original funds by way of advancement for her children.

20 非法合同 (Illegality) In Australia:
It may allow one party to enforce the contract, but not the other; it may reject any possibility of enforcement, yet accord one or both parties restitutionary relief; or it may preclude both enforcement and restitution, yet permit a claim brought independently of the contract to succeed. The response chosen will depend upon a variety of factors, including the nature of the objectionable conduct or purpose, the extent of the parties' knowledge of, or complicity in, that conduct or purpose, and the nature of the claim before the court. To describe a contract as illegal, therefore, is simply to indicate that the court has responded in one of those ways, or is likely to do so; in itself, the epithet “illegal” says nothing about which response has been, or will be, chosen. (Nelson v Nelson, HCA,1995)

21 Under Australian Law: The contract of sale is still valid. Then, it is a question of the resulting trust between the mother, the son and the daughter. (Hint: whether it was a presumption of advancement – mother’s intention)

22 可撤销合同 voidable contracts
重大误解 significant misconception/ mistakes or misrepresentation 显失公平 unfairness 欺诈 fraud 胁迫 duress 乘人之危 exploitation of the other party’s unfavorable position 违背对方真实意思表示 against other party’s true intention

23 Undue influence? 乘人之危 exploitation of the other party’s unfavorable position

24 显失公平 unfairness 适用的范围非常小 往往与情势变更一起出现 Frustration of contract

25 Legal consequences of void contracts 合同无效后的法律后果
Restitution + damages 第五十八条 【合同无效或被撤销的法律后果】合同无效或者被撤销后,因该合同取得的财产,应当予以返还;不能返还或者没有必要返还的,应当折价补偿。有过错的一方应当赔偿对方因此所受到的损失,双方都有过错的,应当各自承担相应的责任。 Article 58 The property acquired as a result of a contract shall be returned after the contract is confirmed to be null and void or has been revoked; where the property can not be returned or the return is unnecessary, it shall be reimbursed at its estimated price. The party at fault shall compensate the other party for losses incurred as a result therefrom. If both parties are fault,each party shall respectively be liable.

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