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1 瘦肉精

2 內容 萊克多巴胺之飼料添加物特性 萊克多巴胺對動物行為之影響 萊克多巴胺之殘留特性 改善屠體瘦肉率之方法

3 2007年7月18日聯合報第1、3版報導指出,美國進口豬肉有兩批被驗出0. 15 ppb、0
2007年7月18日聯合報第1、3版報導指出,美國進口豬肉有兩批被驗出0.15 ppb、0.32 ppb瘦肉精。事後有人指出該瘦肉精為ractopamine

4 種類 萊克多巴胺Ractopamine 沙丁胺醇salbutamol:1-(4-羥基-3- 羥甲基苯基)-2-(叔丁氨基)乙醇
鹽酸克倫特羅:Clenbuterol Hydrochloride,本品為白色或幾乎 白色的結晶性粉末,毒性較強 鹽酸多巴胺Dopamine Hydrochloride 硫酸沙丁胺醇SAlbutamol Sulfate 硫酸特布他林Terbutaline Sulfate

5 培林ractopamine hydrochloride, 銷 售藥名 Paylean®)
OH OH H 瘦肉精是「乙型受體素」的 俗稱,其屬於動物用藥,可 促進蛋白質的合成,促進脂 肪轉化、分解 豬隻長期食用,會讓豬隻快 速生長精肉(瘦肉)、少長 脂肪,體形健美,賣相較好。 N CH3 Figure 1. Chemical structure of ractopamine hydrochloride

6 REVIEW: Meta-Analysis of the Ractopamine Response in Finishing Swine
培林當作飼料添加物之特性 REVIEW: Meta-Analysis of the Ractopamine Response in Finishing Swine

7 The β-adrenergic agonist ractopamine is a feed additive similar in structure to catecholamines, epinephrine and norepinephrine

8 0.76/0.70=1.09% 1.04/0.93=1.12% 1.84/0.75=1.12%

9 生長性能 ↑12% ↑17%


11 屠體性狀 屠體重 ↑4% 屠宰率 ↓ 8% 脂肪厚 ↑12% 腰眼面積 ↑4% 瘦肉率

12 二次反應曲線 腰眼面積提高0.71 %/1 mg RAC/1 天

13 二次反應曲線 第十肋骨背脂厚度減少0.3 mm/1 mg RAC/1 天

14 豬肉品質 屠後45 min屠體pH可能增加或不 變 顏色可能加深或不變

15 肉品加工失水率

16 肌肉之肌間脂肪含量和肌肉剪力 ↑8.6%

17 豬肉嗜口性喜好度

18 肉品多汁性喜好度

19 肉品香味喜好度

20 停藥期之影響 停藥後會加速脂肪合成,故會損害 上述添加效果



23 IMPLICATIONS Review of the available literature indicates that including RAC in the diets of finishing swine improves the rate and efficiency of growth, RAC has no detrimental effects on fresh pork color, firmness, water holding capacity, or marbling or IMF content. Lastly, even though there have been reports that feeding RAC increases pork toughness, the underlying cause may not be RAC per se; the reduction in cooked pork tenderness is probably caused by increased lysine levels in RAC diets.

24 萊克多巴胺對動物行為之影響

25 行為


27 Plasma hormone Control Ractopamine EP (pg/mL) 101 253 NEP (pg/mL) 58 991



30 5-HIAA = 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid
The DA turnover rate was calculated from 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid: dopamine


32 Implications Pigs fed ractopamine were more difficult to handle and had elevated heart rates and catecholamine levels after 4 weeks of administration. Pigs that are more difficult to move are more likely to be subjected to rough handling and increased stress during transportation, implying reduced welfare, increased workload for the handlers and, potentially, poorer meat quality. Further research is needed to determine why ractopamine-fed pigs are more difficult to handle and to elucidate ways to ameliorate adverse behavioral responses to handling, in order to prevent widespread reduction in finishing pig well-being and unnecessary costs to the industry.

33 萊克多巴胺之殘留特性

34 飼料添加 量 10 ppm 豬肉殘留管制量 ? ppb vs

35 如何訂定最大殘留容許量(MRL)? ÷ = 最大殘留容許量(MRL),是經過科學的方法估算而得: 安全 係數 ADI MRL
每日可接受安全攝取量 MRL (ppb~ppm) 最大殘留 容許量 NOEL  無作用 劑量 安全 係數 ÷ = 考量實驗動物物種及幼童、懷孕婦女、肝腎功能不好之病人等特殊族群等因子。 由動物(或人體)實驗的科學數據所獲得的無顯著反應的最低劑量。 人體對某項物質即使每天攝取也不會對健康造成影響的量。 行政裁量標準 註: ADI、NOEL、MRL請參考「名詞解釋篇」 民眾版 35

36 (NOEL為125 微克/公斤體重/天,安全係數為100 )
美國訂定萊克多巴胺ADI的依據與方法為何? 猴子模式 多種動物實驗數據 人類心血管系統劑量反應研究 ADI值= 1.25 微克/公斤體重/天 (NOEL為125 微克/公斤體重/天,安全係數為100 ) 36 36 民眾版

37 聯合國糧農組織(FAO)與世界衛生組織(WHO)2004年2月4-12日在瑞士日內瓦召開「食品添加物專家聯合會議」第62次JECFA/62/SR結論指出,Ractopamine每日安全攝取量(Acceptable daily intake,簡稱ADI)為0-1μg/kg body weight,其最大殘留限量(Recommended maximum residues limits,簡稱MRLS)如下(單位:μg/kg,即ppb): 聯合國糧農組織(FAO)與世界衛生組織(WHO)2004年2月4-12日在瑞士日內瓦召開「食品添加物專家聯合會議」第62次JECFA/62/SR結論指出, Ractopamine每日安全攝取量(Acceptable daily intake,簡稱ADI)為0-1 μg/kg body weight (60 μg/成人/天)其最大殘留限量(Recommended maximum residues limits,簡稱MRLS)如下 品種 脂肪 肌肉 10 90 40 (單位:μg/kg,即ppb)

38 18 ppm ractopamine 連續餵28天後再停止添加


40 殘留值 豬肉:可不需停藥期 內臟:需停藥期2天以上 為何擔心外國豬肉進口? 為何無法作好配套設施-產地標示?

41 Ractopamine對人體安全性評估 聯合國糧農組織與世界衛生組織(FAO/WHO)食品添加物會議提出ADI為1 μg/kg b.w.

42 食物種類 攝取量 Ractopamine殘留限量 Ractopamine攝取量 豬肉及牛肉製品 92克 0.01 μg/kg μg 豬肝 360克 0.04 μg/kg μg 豬腎 130克 0.09 μg/kg μg 合計 0.027 μg

43 改善豬肉瘦肉率之方法


45 When the ratio of lean to fat deposition is improved
Improved feed conversion efficiency Lower production costs Better product quality Less excretion of nitrogenous wastes into the environment Decreased grazing pressure on fragile landscapes Reduced pressure on world feed supplies. However, finding a way to achieve these goals that is reliable, affordable, and acceptable to the majority of consumers has proved to be a major challenge.

46 目標 Hormone (GH and IGF-1) β-agonists myostatin
方法 Transgenic animal Breeding

47 育種:晚熟

48 豬隻myostatin gene在相同DNA序列位置上的核 苷酸有差異時,將造成不同基因型(目前暫 定 AA, AG, GG 型)的豬隻,其屠體瘦肉重及 瘦肉率有所不同
其中 GG型豬隻瘦肉率顯著高於AA型(P<0.05) AA型豬隻瘦肉率也顯著高於AG型(P<0.05)

49 免疫注射myostatin

50 飼養的方法 減少緊迫 飼養密度低 減少感染

51 營養利用優先權改變 免疫活化時增加營養花費於 提高5倍 白血球生成: 提高2倍 Ig合成: 因減低合成量,故總合成量不變
白血球生成: 提高2倍 Ig合成: 因減低合成量,故總合成量不變 合成急性蛋白: 由0提高至採食量之6.7% 故總體營養需要較正常時 提高5倍 51

52 不同免疫種類之營養需求 種類 期間長度 誘發期花費 維持期花費 整期營養花費 非特異型免疫反應(Acute phase response)
低度 中等a 非長高 特異型與淋巴媒介型免疫反應 a持續生成補體、抗體及其他保護蛋白質 Klasing, 2004

53 發炎減少營養供給和利用 原因包括: 70%因採食量減少 30%因營養吸收和代謝 減少 減少蛋白質合成 53

54 免疫活化程度對豬隻離胺酸需要量之影響 離胺酸需要量(增重) 體重 活化程度-低 活化程度-高 差異值 體重 10 kg >8.1 g 6.2
30% 體重17.5 kg >15.2 g 12.6 21% 體重25 kg 19.3 g 15.9 高度活化狀態減低營養需要量以致降低生長性能

55 飼料營養的方法 降低能量 胺基酸平衡 維生素和礦物質充分供應 添加鉻

56 胺基酸供應 丁胺酸 Threonine 於肝臟代謝形成甘胺酸和Acetyl Co A,具 有增加精肉之效果

57 離胺酸 Lysine 蛋白質水解釋出 Trimethyllysine,而 成肉精素 (Carnitine) 之前趨物
   CH2NH2  CH2         CH2 NH2CHCOOH

58 鉻Chromium (picolinate, nicotinate, yeast, propionate)
Chromium is sometimes considered an essential nutrient, but the requirement is likely so low that it will never be deficient, and no deficiency disease has ever been described. Chromium participates in carbohydrate-metabolism by improving glucose utilization through potentiating the effects of insulin binding to cell receptors. Chromium must be added to the diet in a chelated form to be utilized by the pig. Chromium supplementation (200 ppb) has been proposed to enhance leanness in grow-finish pigs by decreasing backfat and increasing loin eye area (LEA).

59 Corresponding with these slight changes in lean content of grow-finish pigs was a slight improvement in nitrogen digestibility and retention and improved feed efficiency when pigs are fed near their amino acid requirements . When pigs are fed above their nutrient requirements the feed efficiency response to supplemental chromium was very small. Therefore, routine inclusion of chromium in grow-finish diets is situation dependent and may not be profitable in all operations .

60 (A)日增重 (B)瘦肉率 改善 改善 Forest plots of the effects obtained in fixed effects models for differences in a) ADG and b) percentage carcass lean when Cr-supplemented (B) and nonsupplemented (A) diets were fed to growing-finishing swine.

61 拍賣制度 肉豬售價以瘦肉量為主 可以鼓勵生產高肉質豬肉

62 結論 生產者會依政府政策和消費者需求變更肉 品品質 隨經濟水準提高供應高品質肉品為未來趨 勢

63 作業:擇一至二篇翻譯摘要

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