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HKU Scholars Hub (an institutional repository)

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1 HKU Scholars Hub (an institutional repository)
香港大学的学术枢纽 --机构典藏库 David Palmer Tina Yang 闽粤港图书馆学(协)会2007年学术年会 (2007/10/11-15) 武夷山

2 Basic Concepts 基本概念 institutional repository (IR) 机构典藏库 Open Access
Teaching and learning documents 教学资料 Open Access 开放存取,公开取用 Scholarly research学术研究 institutional repository (IR) 机构典藏库 Technical reports 技术报告 Conference papers 会议文章 Graphic:

3 Why have one? 为什么需要建立机构库?
Aid for scholarly communication 有助于学术交流 Provides access to scholars whose libraries don’t own the journal in which our researchers publish 学者可以看到自己图书馆没有的期刊里的研究成果 Increases the citation rate of articles 增加文章的引用率 Indicate an institution’s quality 表明机构的学术质量 Aid for scholarly communication Indexed in Google, Yahoo, etc. More researchers find these articles

4 Why have one? 为什么需要建立机构库?
Allow “self archiving” 允许”自我典藏” (”自存档”) Centralize & preserve HKU materials 集中保存大学的学术资料

5 Increase in Citations 增加文章的引用率
Subscription only vs. Open Access 订阅 vs 开放存取 Increase of 50 ~ 250% 增长 50~250% One citation = US$50 ~ $1,300 in 1986 一个引文= US$50 ~ $1,300 (1986年) Bonuses, tenure, grants, etc. 奖金, 终身雇佣, 资助, Harnad, Prof Stevan (2005) Australia Is Not Maximising the Return on its Research Investment. In Steele, Prof Colin, Eds. Proceedings National Scholarly Communications Forum 2005, Sydney, Australia. See -

6 Another Reason: The Serials Crisis 期刊危机
Journal titles increasing 期刊种类增加 + Prices rising 价格上涨 Library budgets cut 图书馆经费缩减 = Less access 能使用的资源越来越少 (ARL Statistics: Monographs and Serials Costs in ARL Libraries, 1986~2003)




10 HKU Scholars Hub 香港大学学术枢纽
Uses DSpace s/w (HP & MIT) DSpace 软件(惠普和麻省理工) Supports Chinese 支持中文显示 Indexed in Google, Yahoo, OAIster 可通过Google, Yahoo, OAIster搜寻

11 HKU Scholars Hub 香港大学学术枢纽
Hub now has 18,000 items 现有18,000种资料 HKU Theses (毕业论文) Articles (文章) Videos (录像) Books, journals, newsletters, ppt, etc. 图书, 期刊, 通讯, ppt 等.

12 How to Populate? 如何收集内容?

13 Repurposing Content Redirecting Hyperlinks 图书馆现有资料
1. Repurposing Content Redirecting Hyperlinks 图书馆现有资料 HKU Thesis Online Community Health Projects (Dental) Digital Editions from HKU Press Electronic Gallery of HKU Hong Kong Journals Online

14 Published Literature 出版文献
Different publishers, different rules 不同出版商,不同政策 SHERPA project (U of Nottingham) Romeo 了解出版政策,可参考SHERPA project

15 Publishers Policies 出版社政策
More than 85% of all publishers allow some kind of “self archiving” 超过85% 的出版商允许某种形式的“自存档“ Publisher’s version (出版社版本) Postprint = version after refereeing, before final copy editing (经审核的版本) Preprint = first submitted draft (未经审核的版本)

16 Publisher’s Final Version (出版社最后版本)
2c. HKU has found about 100(大约100个) IEEE American Mathematical Society Cambridge University Press One year after publication BMJ Publishing Group University of Chicago Press American Society for Cell Biology Etc.

17 HKU Research & Scholarship 研究及学术成果
2d. 13 years of citations (过去13年的引文) Find journal title (期刊名) Match with Ulrich‘s periodicals directory for publisher name (出版社) Find publisher’s policy from (出版政策) Sherpa/Romeo Publisher’s web page Write to publisher If publisher allows, write to author for permission (写信给作者)

18 HKU Research Output System 研究成果系统
3. Ask author for permission for Hub at same time (征求作者的同意) Author can upload article if available (作者自行上载) Then, We can use if publisher allows  (出版社许可-使用) Or, discard if he does not (出版社拒绝-删除)

19 Outreach to Faculties 联络教职员
4. Seminars with each of HKU’s 10 faculties 讲座 Many positive colleagues (积极) A few were very helpful (合作) But most are too busy (忙碌) Or, did not keep preprints or postprints  没有保存未经审核或经审核的版本 Or, do not want previous versions posted 不愿意公开非出版社版本

20 The Future? 未来? T

21 Policy Change 政策的转变 RCUK (英国研究理事会) Wellcome Trust NIH (美国国家医学研究所)
HK’s Research Grants Council? 香港研究资助局? Other funders of research in Hong Kong? 其它研究资助机构?

22 Scholarly Communication in the 21st Century 21世纪学术交流会议
Sponsored by (Soros Foundation) Speakers from UK, US, Canada, Australia & HK Statement on HK Principles for OA & IR (香港开放存取及机构库的原则) HK RGC now “encourages” deposit into IR (RGC的鼓励政策) Committee formed to pursue policy change. (建立委员会促进政策改变)

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