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若你相信··· When you Believe

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1 若你相信··· When you Believe
Class06 - The Story of Moses ( Part02 )

2 Let’s pray and start!

3 Hymn(詩 歌) Sailing (乘風破浪)

4 I am sailing, I am sailing, home again 'cross the sea.
I am sailing, stormy waters, to be near you, to be free. 我正在乘風破浪,我正在乘風破浪 越過海洋,返鄉回航 我航行在洶湧的波濤中 為靠近你,為從你處得釋放

5 like a bird 'cross the sky. I am flying, passing high clouds,
I am flying, I am flying, like a bird 'cross the sky. I am flying, passing high clouds, to be with you, to be free. 我在飛翔,我在飛翔 像鳥兒一樣越過天際 我在飛翔,越過高空上的雲朵 為了與你同行,為从你處得釋放

6 Can you hear me, can you hear me thro' the dark night, far away,
I am dying, forever crying, to be with you, who can say. 你聽得見我嗎?你聽得見我嗎? 透過黑夜,遠傳越遠 我不斷的盼望,無止盡的哭泣 只想與你同行,誰又能預料呢?

7 Can you hear me, can you hear me, thro' the dark night, far away.
I am dying, forever trying, to be with you, who can say. 你聽得見我嗎?你聽得見我嗎? 透過黑夜,遠來越遠 我不斷的盼望,永不停息地去追尋 只為能與你同行,誰又能預料呢?

8 We are sailing, we are sailing, home again 'cross the sea.
We are sailing stormy waters, to be near you, to be free. 我正在乘風破浪,我正在乘風破浪 越過海洋,返鄉回航 我航行在洶湧的波濤中 為靠近你,為從你處得釋放

9 to be near you, to be free. 為靠近你,為從你處得釋放

10 詞匯學習 / Vocabulary Study
inherit [ɪn'hɛrɪt] vt. 继承;遗传而得 wilderness [‘wɪldənɪs] n. 荒地; 旷野 Eat up 吃光;耗尽 mistress [‘mɪstrɪs] n. 女主人;有能力的女子 ultimate ['ʌltɪmət] adj. 最终的;极限的; famine ['fæmɪn] n. 饥荒;饥饿, enslave [ɪn'sleɪv] vt. 征服;使某人成为奴隶 Pharaoh ['feərəʊ] n. 暴君;法老 Israelite ['iz,riəlait] n. 以色列人;犹太人

11 詞匯學習 / Vocabulary Study
fetch [fetʃ] vi. 拿;取物; rebellion [rɪ'beljən] n. 叛乱;反抗 whore [hɔː] n. 娼妓,淫妇 desert ['dɛzɚt] vt. 遗弃;放弃; scum [skʌm] n. (口)下贱的人;泡 沫;糟粕 amulet ['æmjʊlɪt] n. 护身符,避邪物 misery ['mɪz(ə)rɪ] n. 痛苦,悲惨;不幸 rival ['raɪvl] n. 对手;竞争者

12 詞匯學習 / Vocabulary Study
dement [dɪ'ment] adj. 疯狂的 heir [eə] n. [法] 继承人;后嗣 dynasty ['daɪnəsti] n. 王朝,朝代 defy [dɪ'faɪ] vt. 藐视;公然反抗; majesty [‘mædʒɪstɪ] n. 国王,君王;权威 torture ['tɔːtʃə] vt. 折磨;拷问;歪曲

13 上次課程回顧/Last Class Review
“Lost and Found” Part 1: Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the very time God had promised him. Some time later God tested Abraham to sacrifice Isaac as a burnt offering on one of the mountains. Abraham passed the ultimate test and became the father of God’s nation. Part 2: As Moses found out his true origin, he killed an Egyptian who was torturing a Hebrew slave and left Egypt. After 40 years, God spoke to Moses through a burning bush. God called him to set all Israelites free from Pharaoh’s slavery. Therefore, Moses went back to Egypt and faced Pharaoh’s stubbornness.

14 上次課程回顧/Last Class Review
“Lost and Found” The new video clip of “ The Burning Bush and Moses”

15 詞匯學習 / Vocabulary Study
plague [pleɪg] n. 瘟疫;灾祸 locust ['ləʊkəst] n. [植保] 蝗虫,[昆] 蚱蜢 See sense 醒悟过来 Be spared God’s vengeance 逃过一劫 vengeance ['ven(d)ʒ(ə)ns] n. 复仇;报复;报仇 mercy['mɜːsɪ] n. 仁慈,宽容;怜悯 come at a price 付出代价的 Passover ['pɑ:s,əuvə] n. (圣经)逾越节 wretched ['retʃɪd] adj. 可怜的;卑鄙的

16 詞匯學習 / Vocabulary Study
fulfill Abraham’s covenant 兑现与亚伯拉罕的约定 covenant ['kʌv(ə)nənt] n. 契约,盟约;圣约 chariot ['tʃærɪət] n. 二轮战车 torch[tɔːtʃ] n. 火把,火炬;手电筒 commandment[kə'mɑːndmənt] n. 戒律;法令 renew the promise 重申承诺

17 一些问题/Some Questions about the Movie
1 What are the plagues God down to Egypt? 上帝降给埃及的灾祸都有哪些? 2 What kind of plague that forced Pharaoh to allow Israelites to leave finally? 最后是什么样的灾难让法老愿意放以色列人离开? 3 After crossing the Red Sea, whether the journey of Israelites had been over? 过了红海后,以色列人的旅程是否就已经结束了呢?

18 The Story of Moses ( Part02)
Movie Time The Story of Moses ( Part02)

19 “提问+回答”/ “Ask + Answer”
1) What are the plagues God down to Egypt? The Plague of Blood, Frogs, Gnats, Flies, Livestock, Boils, Hail, Locusts, Darkness.

20 詞匯學習 / Vocabulary Study
gnat [næt] n. [昆] 小昆虫。虱灾 fly 蝇灾 livestock [‘laɪvstɒk] n. 牲畜;家畜。畜疫之灾 boil [bɒɪl] n. 沸腾,煮沸;疮子。疮灾 hail [heɪl] n. 冰雹;致敬

21 “提问+回答”/ “Ask + Answer”
2) What kind of plague that forced Pharaoh to allow Israelites to leave finally? The Plague on the Firstborn. “This is what the Lord says: About midnight I will go throughout Egypt. Every firstborn son in Egypt will die, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sits on the throne, to the firstborn son of the slave girl, who is at her hand mill, and all the firstborn of the cattle as well.”

22 “提问+回答”/ “Ask + Answer”
3) After crossing the Red Sea, whether the journey of Israelites had been over? “My friends! My people. God has delivered us from slavery. We are free. You have come a long way. I know. But our journey is just beginning.”

23 从《圣经故事》看人性 / See human nature from the Bible Story
Core Words :faith, belief, confidence, reliance, patience 核心词 :信心,信任,耐心 Representative figure (代表人物):Moses & Older. Good: trust, firm confidence, patient, tolerance Bad: doubtful, suspicious, unquiet, shaky, wonky, timid, weak reliance [rɪ'laɪəns] n. 信赖;信心; shaky ['ʃeɪkɪ] adj. 摇晃的;不可靠的; wonky ['wɒŋkɪ] adj. 靠不住的;摇晃的

24 从《圣经故事》看人性 / See human nature from the Bible Story
Older: Give up, Moses, before it’s too late. Moses: God will keep on doing this until Pharaoh breaks. Soon there will be a final plague. The angel of death is coming. Every firstborn son will die. Joshua: But not us? Why would he punish us? Moses: Death is coming for us all. (人们开始骚乱) Older: why us? Moses: Friends! We can be spare God’s vengeance, but only if we do exactly as he tell us.

25 从《圣经故事》看人性 / See human nature from the Bible Story
Moses’s brother: we promised God would free our people, but now he sends us death. Moses: we must trust in him. Joshua : Pharaoh has not listened. Whatever happens to his people is now on his head.

26 从《圣经故事》看人性 / See human nature from the Bible Story
(On the shore of the Red Sea, the Israelites saw the Egyptians’ chariot. ) Elder: Moses. Why have you brought us here? Moses: God brought us here. Elder: Fool! What do we do now? Or is it because there were no graves in Egypt that you brought us here to die? Because that is what you’ve done!

27 从《圣经故事》看人性 / See human nature from the Bible Story
Moses: Lord, I cannot believe this is the end you plans for us. We have watched you bring terror on our enemies. You kept death from our door. Lord!!! God is with us. Follow me ! Don’t be afraid. Have faith!

28 从《圣经故事》看人性 / See human nature from the Bible Story
Core Words :Talk big, brag, boast 核心词 :说大话 Representative figure (代表人物):Israelite brag [bræg] vt./n 吹牛,吹嘘 boast [bəʊst] vt. 夸口说,自吹自擂说 n. 自夸

29 从《圣经故事》看人性 / See human nature from the Bible Story
Moses’s brother: I still can’t believe Pharaoh just let us leave. Joshua: But he did. Moses’s brother: It’s what God demanded. Joshua: And only a madman would defy God again after what he’s done.

30 从《圣经故事》看人性 / See human nature from the Bible Story
Core Words : Gambles’ mentality, stubbornness, hatred 核心词 :赌徒心态,固执,仇恨 Representative figure (代表人物):Pharaoh mentality [men'tælɪtɪ] n. 心态;[心理] 智力 stubborn ['stʌbən] adj. 顽固的;顽强的 hatred ['heɪtrɪd] n. 憎恨;怨恨

31 从《圣经故事》看人性 / See human nature from the Bible Story
Pharaoh: get up, go! And leave my land, and take your wretched God with you! I vow to you, here and now! that I will bring the Israelites back and make them build you the greatest tomb the world has ever seen. And Moses’s body shall be buried in its foundations.

32 从《圣经故事》了解造物主 Know God from the Bible Story
Core Words : Follow,Watch 核心词 :跟随,观看

33 从《圣经故事》了解造物主 Know God from the Bible Story
Moses: My friends! My people. God has delivered us from slavery. We are free. You have come a long way. I know. But our journey is just beginning. We must trust in God. We must follow his path.

34 从《圣经故事》了解造物主 Know God from the Bible Story
From movie - Life of Pi (2012)

35 从《圣经故事》了解造物主 Know God from the Bible Story
carnivorous [kɑː'nɪv(ə)rəs] adj. 食肉的;肉食性的 Venus fly trap 捕蝇草 dissolve [dɪ'zɒlv] vt. 使溶解;使分解 meerkat ['mɪəkæt] n. 猫鼬 strand [strænd] vi. 搁浅 digest [daɪ'dʒɛst] vt. 消化;吸收; indifferent [ɪn'dɪf(ə)r(ə)nt] adj. 漠不关心的

36 从《圣经故事》了解造物主 Know God from the Bible Story
From movie - Life of Pi (2012) Piscine Patel: “And yet, if I hadn’t found those shores, I would have died. And if I hadn’t discovered that tooth, I would have been lost, alone forever. Even when God seemed to have abandoned me, he was watching. Even when he seemed indifferent to my suffering, he was watching. And when I was beyond all hope of saving, he gave me rest. And gave me a sign to continue my journey. “

37 The Story of Moses ( Part02)
When You Believe The Story of Moses ( Part02) Frail [freɪl] adj. 脆弱的;虚弱的

38 遣词造句的分享时间 Use words and construct sentences
选择今天学习的至少1个词来造句。句子必须是和每个人自己相关的内容,也可以是你的想法或者你过去的经历。长短不限,可自由发挥。 Choose at least one word which we learned in the class to make sentences. Sentence must be relevant to yourself. It also can be your impression of the Moses’s story or your past experience. Feel free to talk.

39 遣词造句的分享时间 Use words and construct sentences
defy, plague, see sense, vengeance, wretched, covenant, chariot, reliance, shaky, wonky, brag, boast, stubborn, hatred, mentality, strand, indifferent, frail, inherit, famine, Israelite, Pharaoh, misery, rival, torture, digest, carnivorous, Venus fly trap, meerkat,

40 十 诫 1 神 吩 咐 這 一 切 的 話 、 說 、 2 我 是 耶 和 華 你 的   神 、 曾 將 你 從 埃 及 地 為 奴 之 家 領 出 來 。 3 除 了 我 以 外 、 你 不 可 有 別 的 神 。 4 不 可 為 自 己 雕 刻 偶 像 、 也 不 可 作 甚 麼 形 像 、 彷 彿 上 天 、 下 地 、 和 地 底 下 、 水 中 的 百 物 .

41 十 诫 5 不 可 跪 拜 那 些 像 、 也 不 可 事 奉 他 、 因 為 我 耶 和 華 你 的   神 是 忌 邪 的   神 、 恨 我 的 、 我 必 追 討 他 的 罪 、 自 父 及 子 、 直 到 三 四 代 . 6 愛 我 守 我 誡 命 的 、 我 必 向 他 們 發 慈 愛 、 直 到 千 代 。

42 十 诫 7 不 可 妄 稱 耶 和 華 你   神 的 名 、 因 為 妄 稱 耶 和 華 名 的 、 耶 和 華 必 不 以 他 為 無 罪 。 8 當 記 念 安 息 日 、 守 為 聖 日 。 9 六 日 要 勞 碌 作 你 一 切 的 工 .

43 十 诫 10 但 第 七 日 是 向 耶 和 華 你   神 當 守 的 安 息 日 . 這 一 日 你 和 你 的 兒 女 、 僕 婢 、 牲 畜 、 並 你 城 裡 寄 居 的 客 旅 、 無 論 何 工 都 不 可 作 . 11 因 為 六 日 之 內 、 耶 和 華 造 天 、 地 、 海 、 和 其 中 的 萬 物 、 第 七 日 便 安 息 . 所 以 耶 和 華 賜 福 與 安 息 日 、 定 為 聖 日 。

44 十 诫 12 當 孝 敬 父 母 、 使 你 的 日 子 在 耶 和 華 你 神 所 賜 你 的 地 上 、 得 以 長 久 。
十 诫 12 當 孝 敬 父 母 、 使 你 的 日 子 在 耶 和 華 你   神 所 賜 你 的 地 上 、 得 以 長 久 。 13 不 可 殺 人 。 14 不 可 姦 淫 。 15 不 可 偷 盜 。 16 不 可 作 假 見 證 陷 害 人 。

45 十 诫 17 不 可 貪 戀 人 的 房 屋 、 也 不 可 貪 戀 人 的 妻 子 、 僕 婢 、 牛 驢 、 並 他 一 切 所 有 的 。 ---出埃及记 第20章

46 詞匯學習 / Vocabulary Study
misuse[mɪs'juːz] vt. 滥用;误用;虐待 Sabbath['sæbəθ] n. 安息日 alien['eɪlɪən] n. 外国人,外侨;外星人 adultery[ə'dʌlt(ə)rɪ] n. 通奸,通奸行为 covet['kʌvɪt] vt. 垂涎;觊觎

47 The Ten Commandments And God spoke all these words:
2 “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. 3 “You shall have no other gods before me. 4 “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous

48 The Ten Commandments God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,6 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments. 7 “You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.

49 The Ten Commandments 8 “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. 11 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on

50 The Ten Commandments the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. 12 “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you. 13 “You shall not murder. 14 “You shall not commit adultery. 15 “You shall not steal.

51 The Ten Commandments 16 “You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor. 17 “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.” --- Exodus 20

52 预告和代祷 / Next Up & Prayer Request
<新生命英语小组> 第7课 时间:10月31日(六)3:30-5:30pm 要来参加的同学请于10月30日以前,在‘新生命英语小组’的Wechat群中报名。 博物馆游览活动 时间:10月29日(四)18:00 – 22:00 价格:$10.25(超过10人),$12(不超过10人), 如果你要饮酒 请带上你的驾照或ID卡。

53 Volunteers Needed! Pray for a earnest heart to give for supporting hunger relief Operation Christmas Child Shoebox

54 Let’s Pray! There can be miracles when you believe. Though hope is frail, it’s hard to kill. Who knows what miracles, you can achieve. When you believe, somehow you will. You will when you believe.

55 Thank You! Have a nice Weekend!

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