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Presentation on theme: "食品安全事件回顾."— Presentation transcript:

1 食品安全事件回顾

2 Careful of your food Sudan Red I is an industrial dye. It can beautify the color of food, and it can lead to cancer.

3 苏丹红VI 苏丹红VI,一种工业染料,具有致癌性

4 陈化粮事件 1)微生物污染,产生生物毒素,如:黄曲霉素、伏马菌素等。 2)粮食中一些成分发生变化,如油脂氧化,产生有害的醛、酮等物质。

5 记者发现,在海南码头,捕鱼的人在向鱼体内注射某种物质

6 多宝鱼事件 1)硝基呋喃类药物,如呋喃西林、呋喃唑酮及其代谢物等。具有致突变和致癌作用。2002年4月,农业部规定禁止使用。
2)孔雀石绿:一种染料,具有杀菌和延长鱼类寿命的作用。但致癌。 3)氯霉素、环丙沙星等抗生素残留。长期使用会污染环境,产生耐药性。

7 Malachite green(孔雀石绿) is a kind of dyes
Malachite green(孔雀石绿) is a kind of dyes. It can kill fungi, and can length the life of fish in the transportation. The chemical is highly toxic, residual, and it can lead to carcinosis. Malachite green is banned in the aquiculture.

8 Harmful to your health 1)Acrylamide 2)Benzopyrene 3)Trans fatty acids


10 芬达、美年达汽水致癌风波 1)苯甲酸钠:防腐剂, 2)Vit C:抗氧化剂, 共同使用,产生相互作用产生苯。

11 Fats and Oils Cycled from restaurant
Fats and Oils Cycled from restaurant. Much harmful materials exists in it, such as toxins, trans fatty acids, benzopyrene, etc. Delicious ?

12 甜味剂事件 Food additives, such as saccharin sodium. They are chemically synthesized. Much more ingestion can induce carcinoma of urinary bladder, harm the liver and nerve system.

13 美赞臣幼儿奶粉 曾有报道,奶粉中含有金属颗粒损伤呼吸系统和咽喉

14 食品包装材料 Preservative film
DEHA is a kind of plasticizing agent. When it was heated or contact oil and fats, it can move into the food. It can interrupt endocrine system of people and lead to mammary cancer, infant deformity, and harm reproductive system of males. Harmful food package Hazardous materials exist. Usually it includes industrial CaCO3, cycled plastics, industrial wax, etc. when it contact hot water, or it was heated in the microwave oven, harmful substances was dissolved in the food.

15 这批牛奶包装材料的印刷上含有一种名为异丙基噻吨酮(ITX)的化学物质,这种化学物质已经渗入牛奶中

16 粉丝吊白块 NaHSO4·CH2O·2H2O 粉丝吊白块:“甲醛次硫酸氢钠”是一种有毒的工业用
漂白剂,对人体有严重的毒副作用,国家严禁将其作 为食品添加剂在食品中使用。 NaHSO4·CH2O·2H2O 毒性:但加热后,它会分解出剧毒的致癌物质,比如 甲醛,消费者食用后会引起胃痛、呕吐和呼吸困难, 并对肝脏、肾脏、中枢神经造成损害,严重的还会导 致癌变和畸形病变。

17 瘦肉精 瘦肉精:又名克伦特罗; 盐酸克伦特罗;盐酸双氯醇胺; 克喘素;氨哮素;氨必妥; 氨双氯喘通;氨双氯醇胺。 临床表现
1. 急性中毒有心悸,面颈、四肢肌肉颤抖,头晕、乏力。心动过速,室性早博,心电图示S-T段压低与T波倒置。 2. 原有交感神经功能亢进的患者,如有高血压、冠心病、甲状腺功能亢进者上述症状更易发生。 3. 与糖皮质激素合用可引起低血钾,从而导致心律失常。 4. 反复使用会产生耐受性,对支气管扩张作用减弱及持续时间缩短。

18 福寿螺事件: 感染广州管圆线虫:是由于鼠类的心、肺部寄生线虫寄生在 人的中枢神经系统所致,可发生脑膜脑炎。
感染后症状:食用生的或加热不彻底的福寿螺后即可被感 染,可引起头痛、发热、颈部强硬等症状,严重者可致痴 呆,甚至死亡。 从人的脑脊液中提取的线虫

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