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Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Verified Gross Mass (VGM) - SOLAS VGM Submission Guide (North & Central China)

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Presentation on theme: "Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Verified Gross Mass (VGM) - SOLAS VGM Submission Guide (North & Central China)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Verified Gross Mass (VGM) - SOLAS VGM Submission Guide (North & Central China)

2 I. Background II. Basic Principles III. China Implementation Guidelines IV. NCN & CCN VGM Submission Channel V. NCN & CCN VGM Cut-Off Time Query VI. NCN & CCN LBS Solution Content

3 In order to address safety problems at sea and on shore arising from container shipments that have incorrect weight declarations, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) adopted amendments to the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention, Chapter VI Regulation 2 in November 2014, which mandates the declaration of the Verified Gross Mass (VGM) of a packed container before loading. The SOLAS container weight verification requirement will enter into force on 1 st July, 2016. Background SOLAS requirement for container weight verification

4 1.Before a packed container can be loaded onto a ship, its weight must be determined through weighing – A verified weight is a condition for loading a packed container onto a ship. No Verified Weight means No Load. 2.Estimating weight is not permitted. Shippers must weigh or arrange for weighing of packed container or its contents. 3.Two permissible methods for weighing: Method 1: Weighing the packed container using calibrated and certified equipment. Method 2: Weighing all packages and cargo items, including the mass of pallets, dunnage and other securing material to be packed in the container and adding the tare mass of the container to the sum of the single masses, using a certified method approved by the competent authority of the State in which packing of the container was completed. Basic Principles New SOLAS amendments basic principles Method 1Method 2

5 4. Shipper may rely on beneficial cargo owners (BCO’s) or other forwarders’ properly derived weights, using Method 1 or 2. But -- shippers remain responsible for verified weight. “Shipper” means the party identified on the maritime carrier’s Bill of Lading. 5. Governments may apply enforcement tolerance limits. Does not relieve the shipper from obligation to provide verified weight obtained from weighing. 6. Lack of signed shipper weight verification can be remedied by weighing the packed container at port or elsewhere. Subject to the Carriers and port terminals agreement on how such situations will be handled. 7. Government implementation - Commercial parties need to understand and arrange for compliance with national/local requirements (e.g., certification and documentation.) Basic Principles New SOLAS amendments basic principles

6 Tare Weight of Container 1. The container tare weight is visible on the exterior door-side of the container. 2. In addition, MOL has launched an online query tool on (VGM Page) to allow shippers to query the tare weight of their laden MOL containers. Click “Tare Weight”, and input “Container Number” and press “Show Details”. Tare Weight of said container will be shown. ** For GOH container, weight printed on container surface is not fabricated weight, which just tare weight of the container itself. GOH fabricated weight (container tare weight plus GOH tare weight) can be referred via MOL POWER website.  Tare weight- the weight of the empty container to be used for VGM Method 2 declaration 2. Sample result of Tare Weight query on MOL Power1. Tare weight of container at right door panel

7 交通运输部关于执行《 1974 年国际海上人命安全公约》 第 VI/2 条 2015 年修正案的通知 China Implementation Guidelines  对载货集装箱托运人的要求 (一)拟交付计划于 2016 年 7 月 1 日以后驶离我国内地港口的船舶运输的外贸载货集装箱的托运人,应当在交付船 舶运输前对所托运的载货集装箱毛重进行验证。 7 月 1 日以前境外装船,并于 7 月 1 日后经停我国内地港口的国际中转 载货集装箱不受此约束。 (二)上述托运人可以自行选择整体称重法或累加计算法进行载货集装箱重量验证。使用整体称重法的,应当在完 成集装箱装箱和封条后,自行或通过第三方使用经过计量技术机构认证和检定的衡器对载货集装箱进行整体称重。 使用累加计算法的,应当按照所制定的符合《载货集装箱累加计算法重量验证指南》的程序,进行累加计算出载货 集装箱的整体重量。 (三)上述托运人应当以运输单据的形式尽早将载货集装箱验证的毛重信息提供给船长或其代表,该单证可以是提 交给承运人装船须知的一部分,也可以是一份单独的证明材料,并应当至少包括以下内容: 1 .托运人对载货集装箱毛重进行验证的方法。 2 .托运人载货集装箱重量验证声明。 3 .托运人的正式授权人签字确认,该签字可为电子签字。 详情请查阅交通部网站:

8 Shipper or his Representative Shipper/ Booking Agent MOLTerminal North & Central China VGM Submission Channel Online submission EDI submission LBS e.g. INTTRA, Cargo Smart and GT Nexus Portals VERMAS EDI VGM Database VGM EDI Terminal VGM Data Obtain VGM data Submit VGM data to MOL Send VGM data to Terminal per required schedule No VGM, no load

9 North & Central China VGM Cut-Off Time Query LBS LBS (North & Central China local system to booking agents) has been further enhanced by adding VGM module for users to facilitate accurate and timely VGM submission starting July 1, 2016. MOL has launched an online query tool on LBS (VGM page) to allow LBS users to query the VGM Cutoff Time by Booking. * Customer may contact his/her booking agent for detailed VGM Cut-off time inquiry. ** VGM Cut-off time subject to changes

10  EDI/Online submission via LBS LBS (North & Central China local system to booking agents) users can online input VGM data or mass upload by EDI on LBS to submit VGM data against confirmed booking(s) to MOL electronically and inquiry the status of VGM data transmission. 1.Online input VGM data against a confirmed booking on LBS - Choose one confirmed booking under LBS VGM module and click “ 生成 VGM” North & Central China LBS Solution

11 Info required for VGM Submission  Info required for VGM submission by any kind of channels: Container number (Mandatory)  Booking number (Mandatory)  VGM (Mandatory)  Unit of Measurement (Mandatory)  Authorized identity signature (in Capital) (Mandatory)  Method of Weighing (M1 or M2) (Mandatory)  Weighing Date/Time(Mandatory)  Shipper info (Mandatory)  Date of Declaration (Optional)  Weighing Party info (Optional)  Additional info required by local authorities (Optional) (ID Registration, Weighing Party Certificate & etc.)

12  EDI/Online submission via LBS 1-1 Online input detailed VGM data of container(s) under one booking - Click ” 输入 ” and input VGM data by container in pop-up window - Click“ 确认 ” to save the new-added VGM data in LBS database North & Central China LBS Solution

13  EDI/Online submission via LBS 1-2 Online VGM submission to MOL via LBS - Choose at least one record and Click ” 保存并发送船公司 ” to submit the VGM data to MOL North & Central China LBS Solution

14  EDI/Online submission via LBS 2. Mass upload by EDI on LBS North & Central China LBS Solution

15  EDI/Online submission via LBS 3. Inquiry the status of VGM data transmission on LBS *** 状态 : 待发送:仅保存录入信息, 还未发送船公司 已发送船公司 : 完成保存及发送船公司 已接受 : MOL 完成整船或单票 VGM 的截取, 该 VGM 信息包含在截取数据之内, 则状态自动改为 “ 已接受 ” 被拒绝 : VGM 信息发送时间晚于 MOL 公布的 VGM CUTOFF TIME, 有可能被船公司判定为拒绝 *** 状态 : 待发送:仅保存录入信息, 还未发送船公司 已发送船公司 : 完成保存及发送船公司 已接受 : MOL 完成整船或单票 VGM 的截取, 该 VGM 信息包含在截取数据之内, 则状态自动改为 “ 已接受 ” 被拒绝 : VGM 信息发送时间晚于 MOL 公布的 VGM CUTOFF TIME, 有可能被船公司判定为拒绝 North & Central China LBS Solution

16 Press “View” button -“Select File” at the bottom of the page -add the completed filing file(.excel) -Upload Thank You For updated Information of VGM, please visit: MOL Power- Or contact your MOL Representative for more. For updated Information of VGM, please visit: MOL Power- Or contact your MOL Representative for more.

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