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看病 seeing a doctor By:Linda.

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1 看病 seeing a doctor By:Linda

2 http://image. baidu. com/i

3 Outline 导入课文(Introduction) 生词学习 (Vocabulary) 课文学习(Dialogue)
课堂练习(Practice) 课堂小结(Conclusion) 课后作业(Assignment) 相关问答(Questions)

4 Introduction 最近的天气(weather) 最近天渐渐地冷了,同学们要多加衣服,不然会感冒的 互动(engagement)
同学们,你们有过曾经去医院看病的经历么 导入正文(transition) 现在,我们来学习一下生词和对话

5 生词(Vocabulary) 1.看病 kàn bìng: to see a doctor 2.比bǐ:compare…with
3.更 gèng:more 4. 头疼 tóu téng: headache 5.咳嗽 ké sou: to cough 6.发烧 fā shāo: to have a fever 7.体温 tǐ wēn: temperature 8.嘴 zuǐ: mouth 9.张开 zhāng kāi: to open 10. 病 bìng: disease 11. 感冒 gǎn mào: to catch a cold 12. 厉害 lì hai: intense,severe 12. 药 yào: medicine

6 Dialogue mài kè:wǒ shēn tǐ bù shū fu. 麦克:我身体不舒服,跟昨天比,今天更难受了。 Mike:I feel very bad, and I feel dài fu:doctor.nǐ nǎr bù shū fu? 大夫:你哪儿不舒服? Doctor: What's wrong with you? mài kè:tóu téng, hái ké sou. 麦克:除了头疼以外,还咳嗽。 Mike: I've got a headache and a cough, and my whole body feels weak. dài fu:fā shāo bù fā shāo? 大夫:发烧不发烧? Doctor: Do you have a fever?

7 Dialogue mài kè:bù zhī dào, hǎo xiàng bù fā shāo. 麦克:不知道,好像不发烧。 Mike: I don‘t know. Maybe not. dài fu:xiān liáng liáng tǐ wēn ba. sān shí bā dù. bǎ zuǐ zhāng kāi:“a”. 大夫:先量量体温吧。三十八度。把嘴张开,“啊”。 Doctor:Let me take your temperature first. 38℃. Open your mouth and say “ah”. mài kè:dài fu, wǒ dé de shì shén me bìng? 麦克:大夫,我得的是什么病? Mike:What’s wrong with me, doctor? dài fu:zhòng gǎn mào. Bu li hai,chī diǎnr yào jiù huì hǎo de. 大夫:重感冒。不厉害,吃点儿药就会好的。 Doctor: You've got a cold. Not too bad. Take some medicine and you'll be all right.

8 重点生词(Important words)
更gèng(more) 更喜欢(钱) 更了解(中国) 更胖(胖子)

9 重点生词(Important words)
厉害lì hai (intense,severe) (1) (读课文:重感冒。不厉害,吃点儿药就会好的。)——程度副词,是说感冒的程度不深。

10 比(bǐ) 比(compare…with) 句型1:A比B + adj 中国比日本 大 中国的人口比日本的 多 弟弟比哥哥高。 弟 弟
哥 哥 哥哥比弟弟胖。 三者比较: A 比 B+ 更/还 + adj 苹果比葡萄大。 西瓜比苹果更/还大。 西瓜最大。葡萄最小。 A比B更/还+adj ↓ 很 非常 真(X)

11 比(bǐ) A 比 B+ adj + 具体数字 今天的温度10度,昨天5度 今天气温比昨天高几度?今天的温度比昨天高5度。
女儿7岁。 妈妈35岁。 爸爸40岁。 A 比 B 大/小 几岁? 妈妈比女儿大28岁。 爸爸比女儿大33岁。 妈妈比爸爸小5岁。

12 Practice 生词:更 101大厦有500米,很高, 迪拜大楼有800米 我们就可以说,迪拜大楼比101大厦 更高 厉害
但是B语文和数学都考了100分, 所以,B更厉害。

13 Practice 语法:比 同学们,汽车快不快?对,很快。 但是,火车比汽车快。 飞机比火车更/还快。 所以,飞机最快。汽车最慢。
飞机比火车很/非常/真快。 (X) (更/还) (√)

14 Conclusion 生词/语法: 比bǐ:compare…with 更 gèng:more 课后作业(Assignment):
写一篇关于看病的日记,最好能用上今天学的生词和语法 Write a journal about seeing a doctor with the vocabulary and grammar we learnt today as many as possible.

15 Questions What software did you use? I use the software which called
Camtasia studio

16 Questions Why did you chose the particular software?
Firstly, I prefer using this software because I realize it is the only one which doesn’t have disadvantage while I am compareing the five software. Moreover, Camtasia is too easy to use for a girl who doesn’t know technology very well. Last but not least, it is for free for 30days.

17 Questions How was the use of lecture capture pedagogically beneficial for your topic of choice. Mandarin is a difficult language to learn, so it is good for foreign students who are struggling with the difficult contents. They can learn this class again and again if they want to help them have a better understanding about the course.

18 Thanks for watching . If you have any questions ,please feel free to contact me.

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