Rahab—Joshua 2 喇合—約書亞記 2 章

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1 Rahab—Joshua 2 喇合—約書亞記 2 章
Dr. Joseph Chang 張玉明牧師 5/12/2013 BOLGPC 大公園靈糧堂

2 What has Rahab to do with Mother’s Day?

3 Rahab is in the genealogy of Jesus Christ/喇合是在耶穌基督的族譜裡面.
5撒門從喇合氏生波阿斯;波阿斯從路得氏生俄備得;俄備得生耶西;6耶西生大衛王。大衛從烏利亞的妻子生所羅門;(太 1:5-6) 5Salmon the father of Boaz, whose mother was Rahab, Boaz the father of Obed, whose mother was Ruth, Obed the father of Jesse, 6and Jesse the father of King David. David was the father of Solomon, whose mother had been Uriah's wife, (Matt 1:5-6)

4 Boaz/波阿斯 (1). He helped Ruth quite handsomely when she was gleaning grains in his field./路得拾穗的時候, 波阿斯慷慨的幫助她. (2). He married Ruth and supported Naomi, the living. He also redeemed the property of Elimelech, kept the name of the dead on the land./娶了路得, 孝順拿俄米, 贖回了以利米勒的田地, 留存了死人的名. (3). He was a very clean old bachelor. He maintained quite a clean life style in the relationship between man and woman./潔身自愛的王老五.

5 Boaz/波阿斯 (4). He greeted his people in warm godly greetings:/用神的話語問候自己的鄉親 4波阿斯正從伯利恆來,對收割的人說:願耶和華與你們同在!他們回答說:願耶和華賜福與你!(得 2:4) 4Just then Boaz arrived from Bethlehem and greeted the harvesters, "The LORD be with you!" "The LORD bless you!" they called back. (Ruth 2:4)

6 I. She is a diligent woman. 她是一個勤勞的女人.
1當下,嫩的兒子約書亞從什亭暗暗打發兩個人作探子,吩咐說:你們去窺探那地和耶利哥。於是二人去了,來到一個妓女名叫喇合的家裡,就在那裡躺臥。2有人告訴耶利哥王說:今夜有以色列人來到這裡窺探此地。3耶利哥王打發人去見喇合說:那來到你這裡、進了你家的人要交出來,因為他們來窺探全地。 1Then Joshua son of Nun secretly sent two spies from Shittim. "Go, look over the land," he said, "especially Jericho." So they went and entered the house of a prostitute named Rahab and stayed there. 2The king of Jericho was told, "Look! Some of the Israelites have come here tonight to spy out the land." 3So the king of Jericho sent this message to Rahab: "Bring out the men who came to you and entered your house, because they have come to spy out the whole land.”

7 I. She is a diligent woman. 她是一個勤勞的女人.
4女人將二人隱藏,就回答說:那人果然到我這裡來;他們是那裡來的我卻不知道。5天黑、要關城門的時候,他們出去了,往那裡去我卻不知道。你們快快的去追趕,就必追上。6(先是女人領二人上了房頂,將他們藏在那裡所擺的麻中。)7那些人就往約但河的渡口追趕他們去了。追趕他們的人一出去,城門就關了。(書 2:1-7) 4But the woman had taken the two men and hidden them. She said, "Yes, the men came to me, but I did not know where they had come from. 5At dusk, when it was time to close the city gate, the men gone. I don't know which way they went. Go after them quickly. You may catch up with them." 6(But she had taken them up to the roof and hidden them under the stalks of flax she had laid out on the roof.) 7So the men set out in pursuit of the spies on the road that leads to the fords of the Jordan, and as soon as the pursuers had gone out, the gate was shut. (Josh 2:1-7)


9 12現在我既是恩待你們,求你們指著耶和華向我起誓,也要恩待我父家,並給我一個實在的證據,13要救活我的父母、弟兄、姊妹,和一切屬他們的,拯救我們性命不死。(書 2:12-13) 12Now then, please swear to me by the LORD that you will show kindness to my family, because I have shown kindness to you. Give me a sure sign 13that you will spare the lives of my father and mother, my brothers and sisters, and all who belong to them, and that you will save us from death." (Josh 2:12-13)

10 II. She is a cunning woman. 她是一個狡黠的女人.
She manages troops well, friendly as well as enemy./她是一個調兵遣將的女人, 友軍或敵軍都可以. 15於是女人用繩子將二人從窗戶裡縋下去;因他的房子是在城牆邊上,他也住在城牆上。16他對他們說:你們且往山上去,恐怕追趕的人碰見你們;要在那裡隱藏三天,等追趕的人回來,然後才可以走你們的路。(書 2:15-16) 15So she let them down by a rope through the window, for the house she lived in was part of the city wall. 16Now she had said to them, "Go to the hills so the pursuers will not find you. Hide yourselves there three days until they return, and then go on your way." (Josh 2:15-16)

11 III. She is a woman of faith. 她是一個有信心的女人.
8二人還沒有躺臥,女人就上房頂,到他們那裡,9對他們說:我知道耶和華已經把這地賜給你們,並且因你們的緣故我們都驚慌了。這地的一切居民在你們面前心都消化了;10因為我們聽見你們出埃及的時候,耶和華怎樣在你們前面使紅海的水乾了,並且你們怎樣待約但河東的兩個亞摩利王西宏和噩,將他們盡行毀滅。 8Before the spies lay down for the night, she went up on the roof 9and said to them, "I know that the LORD has given this land to you and that a great fear of you has fallen on us, so that all who live in this country are melting in fear because of you. 10We have heard how the LORD dried up the water of the Red Sea for you when you came out of Egypt, and what you did to Sihon and Og, the two kings of the Amorites east of the Jordan, whom you completely destroyed.

12 III. She is a woman of faith. 她是一個有信心的女人.
11我們一聽見這些事,心就消化了。因你們的緣故,並無一人有膽氣。耶和華─你們的  神本是上天下地的 神。12現在我既是恩待你們,求你們指著耶和華向我起誓,也要恩待我父家,並給我一個實在的證據,13要救活我的父母、弟兄、姊妹,和一切屬他們的,拯救我們性命不死。 (書 2:8-13) 11When we heard of it, our hearts melted and everyone's courage failed because of you, for the LORD your God is God in heaven above and on the earth below. 12Now then, please swear to me by the LORD that you will show kindness to my family, because I have shown kindness to you. Give me a sure sign 13that you will spare the lives of my father and mother, my brothers and sisters, and all who belong to them, and that you will save us from death." (Josh 2:8-13)

13 III. She is a woman of faith. 她是一個有信心的女人.
A. She has an observant heart/她有精確的觀察力 B. She has courageous action/她有勇敢的行動力 Illustration C. She has the hope that came out of her new found faith/她有從信心得來的盼望 kindness (ds,x,) 守約的慈愛

14 IV. Wisdom means action now. 智慧就是現在就有行動.
14二人對他說:你若不洩漏我們這件事,我們情願替你們死。耶和華將這地賜給我們的時候,我們必以慈愛誠實待你。 二人對他說:你要這樣行。不然,你叫我們所起的誓就與我們無干了。18我們來到這地的時候,你要把這條朱紅線繩繫在縋我們下去的窗戶上,並要使你的父母、弟兄,和你父的全家都聚集在你家中。 14"Our lives for your lives!" the men assured her. "If you don't tell what we are doing, we will treat you kindly and faithfully when the LORD gives us the land." The men said to her, "This oath you made us swear will not be binding on us 18unless, when we enter the land, you have tied this scarlet cord in the window through which you let us down, and unless you have brought your father and mother, your brothers and all your family into your house.

15 IV. Wisdom means action now. 智慧就是現在就有行動.
19凡出了你家門往街上去的,他的罪(原文是血)必歸到自己的頭上,與我們無干了。凡在你家裡的,若有人下手害他,流他血的罪就歸到我們的頭上。20你若洩漏我們這件事,你叫我們所起的誓就與我們無干了。21女人說:照你們的話行罷!於是打發他們去了,又把朱紅線繩繫在窗戶上。(書 2:14, 17-21) 19If anyone goes outside your house into the street, his blood will be on his own head; we will not be responsible. As for anyone who is in the house with you, his blood will be on our head if a hand is laid on him. 20But if you tell what we are doing, we will be released from the oath you made us swear." 21"Agreed," she replied. "Let it be as you say." So she sent them away and they departed. And she tied the scarlet cord in the window. (Josh 2:14-21)

16 Conclusion結論 1. Salmon son of Nahshon married Rahab/猶大族長拿順的兒子撒門娶了喇合為妻.
2. God is God of 2nd chance/神是給我們第二個機會的神.

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