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BNR技术在污水厂升级 改造中的应用 西门子(天津)水技术工程有限公司 杨淑霞.

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Presentation on theme: "BNR技术在污水厂升级 改造中的应用 西门子(天津)水技术工程有限公司 杨淑霞."— Presentation transcript:

1 BNR技术在污水厂升级 改造中的应用 西门子(天津)水技术工程有限公司 杨淑霞

2 西门子(天津)水技术工程有限公司(SWTE)
SIMENS Water Technology — 全球最大的水技术工程集团,污水处理业务遍及全球; 西门子(天津)水技术工程有限公司(SWTE) — 西门子拓展中国水务市场的龙头企业,以西门子的特有技术与设备为依托,提供水综合解决方案服务,在国内工业与市政水处理工程领域取得令人瞩目的成绩。 Municipal Drinking Water 市政给水 Municipal Wastewater 市政污水 High Purity Water 高纯水 Industrial Wastewater 工业废水 Industrial Process Water 工业工艺用水 Water Reuse 循环用水

3 主要提供从工艺解决方案、工艺导图支持、系统集成、设备供货、安装、工艺调试、人员培训到交钥匙工程服务以及工艺系统运行维护服务。
SWTE在中国水技术市场业绩 自进入中国水技术市场以来业务遍及全国二十余个省、市、自治区;工程业务领域涉及市政污水、工业废水、医疗污水、垃圾渗滤液治理,中水回用、城镇及农村供水等各个方面。 其中工业废水治理主要包括化工、电子、医药、食品、纺织印染等行业。 主要提供从工艺解决方案、工艺导图支持、系统集成、设备供货、安装、工艺调试、人员培训到交钥匙工程服务以及工艺系统运行维护服务。

4 广泛应用的先进水处理技术 Water Technologies Hydro-Clear 过滤器 自2006年9月 转为 ORBAL 氧化沟
Verticel工艺 VLR 立环反应器 BNR 生物处理技术 MEMCOR 膜技术 RBC 生物转盘 Hydro-Clear 过滤器 垃圾渗沥液处理技术

5 案例分析—天津某污水处理厂Verticel工艺 Case study—Verticel process in a Tianjin WWTP

6 工程概况 天津某污水处理厂总处理规模为45万吨/天,共分5个系列运行,每个系列的处理规模为9万吨/天。原工艺为:除磷型AO工艺,执行GB 二级排放标准。 The total flowrate of a tianjin WWTP is CMD. There are 5 trains, the flowrate of each train is 90000CMD. The original process is AO with phosphorus removal and the effluent standard is class2. 单系列参数介绍:曝气池为9个廊道,总池容为:34,300 m3 ;总水利停留时间为: 9.2 hrs The parameters of each train: there are 9 passes; the total volume is 34,300 m3 ; the HRT is 9.2 hrs. 设计进水水质influent quality: COD:300mg/l ; BOD5:165mg/l;TSS:165mg/l ; NH3-N:45mg/l;总氮:60mg/l;PH:7-8。 设计出水水质effluent quality:生物处理系统出水氨氮和总氮执行GB 一级A标准,其余指标执行GB 一级B标准. TN and NH3-N meet class1A and other items meet class1B。

7 系统改造 system retrofit 采用Siemens BNR/Verticel工艺对现有生化池进行改造。
保留原有生化池主要结构尺寸不变,进行内部局部修改,其中前两个廊道改为VLR 立环氧化沟 ,其余廊道略微改变曝气量,使系统形成0、1、2mg/L的溶解氧梯度模式。 The proposed up-grade requires no changes in the dimensions of the bio-reactor; all up-grading works are carried out inside the tank where the first two passes are converted into VLR reactors followed by seven passes with fine-bubble diffused aeration. The DO in different pass is change from0,1to2mg/l.

8 改造效果——氨氮去除率对比图 the contrast of the ammonia removal rate

9 分析analyze Verticel系列已稳定实现了硝化过程。取得了氨氮远远好于一级A的排放标准。而对比的原系列虽然在部分时段内也能较好地实现硝化过程。但出水效果不稳定。在一半以上的时间内氨氮均不能满足出水一级A的排放要求。 Nitrification is very good in Verticel system and the effluent is far more better than the effluent requirement standard. Only less than 50% effluent ammonia data meet class 1A in the contrastive train. It means nitrification in the contrastive train is still not stable enough.

10 TN总氮去除与碳氮比的关系 the relationship between TN removal rate and BOD/TN
目前系统总氮还没有满足一级A的排放标准,但通过以下曲线图可见TN去除率与原水中BOD/TN的比值基本有统一的变化趋势,当BOD/TN的比值偏高时去除率也略好,且由于原水中的BOD/TN的总体比值偏低基本小于3,下一步可通过降低初沉池排泥和部分超越初沉池等措施来增加碳源来逐步提高TN去除率。Up to now the TN does not meet class1A. From below curve we can know the TN removal rate has the similar variability with the ratio of BOD and TN . The ratio between BOD and TN is higher, then the removal rate is higher. Because the ratio of BOD and TN is almost lower than 3.0(shortage carbon source in the raw influent), we can operate the system as holding the solids longer in the primary clarifiers and partially Bypassing the primary clarifiers to increase TN removal rate gradually.

11 BNR 工艺原理介绍 BIONUTRE®工艺,简称BNR工艺。 BNR工艺采用生物脱氮除磷技术,具有节能的优点。该工艺中通过控制其生化反应池中各个反应段的运行参数,达到提高池容有效利用率,提高出水水质的目的。

12 BNR 工艺原理介绍 BNR工艺的核心思想为:缺氧曝气。引入ORP参量对系统各个工况段的溶解氧进行精确控制。 同时在生物处理工段中形成溶解氧梯度,使各工段溶解氧的浓度不同。既提高氧传递速率,又使得硝化-反硝化在系统中同步进行,并实现短程反硝化。

13 (BNR)工艺介绍 缺氧曝气的设计理念。在缺氧曝气区,既存在氧化污水中的有机物反应,同时也发生着硝化/反硝化和短程反硝化反应。 A key concept of BNR is aerated anoxic reactor. Organic oxidation, simultaneous nitrification/denitrification and short-cut denitrification happen in this reactor. 0-1-2溶解氧的阶梯分布,提高传氧效率,降低能耗。 0-1-2 DO increases oxygen transfer efficiency and save energy.

14 Phosphorus Release磷释放 Aerobic Oxidation好氧反应
ORP 原理 Aerobic好氧 Anoxic缺氧 Anaerobic厌氧 -800 mV +200 mV Methanogenesis 产甲烷 Acid Formation产酸 Sulfur Reduction除硫 Phosphorus Release磷释放 When used in wastewater treatment systems, oxidation-reduction potential is a measurement of the ability or potential of wastewater to permit the occurrence of specific biological (oxidation-reduction) reactions. Oxidation-reduction potential is measured in millivolts (mV). On the ORP scale, the presence of an oxidizing agent such as oxygen increases the ORP value, while the presence of a reducing agent such as substrate or cBOD decreases the ORP value. Anaerobic reactions occur at negative ORP values. Anoxic reactions occur at slightly negative to slightly positive ORP values. Aerobic reactions occur at positive values Anaerobic reactions include methanoginis to P removal Anoxic reactions for our purposes are generally denitrification Aerobic reactions are BOD oxidation and nitrification There is an area in which multiple reactions can occur. This is the aerated anoxic range. We use ORP as our control basis for this range. In the biological reactor wastewater is the reducing agent. Left untreated it will push the ORP negative. To treat the water we add an oxidizing agent (oxygen) to control the reducing pressure. We maintain a deficit to create aerated anoxic conditions that favor multiple reactions. Denite反硝化 Nitrification硝化 Aerobic Oxidation好氧反应

15 BIONUTRE@ (BNR) 微生物系统发育树 microorganism evolvement
N. marina lineage N. oligotropha lineage N. cryotolerans lineage Nine Springs Clones Marshall Clones N. communis lineage L-DO Reactor Clones Nitrosospira lineage N. europaea lineage 0.1 H-DO Reactor Clones Courtesy of Hee Deung Park

16 m (day -1) DO (mg DO/L) Kinetic Parameters 动力学参数
1.2 (day -1) 0.8 Measured Values (High DO) 测量值(高溶解氧) m Non-linear Regression (H) 非线性回归(H) 0.4 Measured Values (Low DO) 测量值(低溶解氧) 0.0 Non-linear Regression (L) 非线性回归(L) 2 4 6 8 10 DO (mg DO/L) Courtesy of Hee Deung Park

17 BIONUTRE@ (BNR)技术特点 “缺氧曝气”理论优势 Advantages of “aerated anoxic”
不需单设搅拌设备系统,充氧设施同时起搅拌作用 aeration mechanism simultaneously supplies mixing 更好的硝化效果 better nitrification 更低的C/N比需求lower the requirement for C/N 降低了曝气功率 Decrease aeration power 更好的反硝化效果 better denitrification 硝化反应的优点 Advantages of nitrification 同步硝化反硝化simultaneous nitrification/denitrification 短程硝化反硝化short-cut denitrification

18 市政污水处理厂升级改造背景及应用技术简述
根据国家环保总局出台的规定,目前大部分污水处理厂面临着对现有工艺进行升级改造,以达到国家规定要求的问题。针对各污水处理厂的现状不同,需采用不同的改造措施以达到一级排放标准。 生化池的改造——Siemens BNR 二沉池的改造—— FEDWA/Tow-Bro 三级处理工艺——Hydro-clear, disc filter

19 生化池的改造 AO/A2O改造为Verticel 氧化沟通过调整溶解氧的重新分配,形成0-1-2模式。 针对各污水厂采用的不同工艺形式,在尽量利用现有构筑物的前提下,因地制宜采用表曝与底曝相结合的BNR处理工艺。

20 Rim-Flo @ — 圆形周进周出二沉池 TransFlo @ — 矩形周进周出二沉池
技术特点 Features 用于二沉池 used for secondary sedimentation tank 最大程度地提高沉淀效率 maximized sedimentation efficiency 占地面积更小 smaller area 快速排泥且吸泥浓度高 quick sludge removal and higher sludge draw-off concentration 出水水质好 high quality effluent 可用于传统平流沉淀池的改造used for retrofit of traditional flat bottom clarifiers

21 中进周出二沉池的改造——FEDWA/ Tow-Bro
The Tow-Bro Unitube header is able to provide up to 30% higher sludge withdrawal efficiency. FEDWA—消散进水能量,有效分配流量促进污泥的絮凝。 FEDWA– Dissipates Influent Energy and Effectively Distributes Flow, Reduces Inlet Velocity and Promotes Flocculation of the Biological Solids 沉淀池中的污泥量可以通过使用Tow-Bro /FEDWA减少到40%。 The sludge inventory in clarifiers can be further lowered up to 40% by using both the Tow-Bro and FEDWA Alternative. 与传统刮泥机和中心泥斗相比,单管吸泥机可以使浓缩污泥充分地压缩。 Using the Tow-Bro the condensed sludge layers can be substantially lowered in comparison with that in the clarifiers equipped with scrapers and a central hopper. 使沉降污泥的浓度最大,以便回流污泥(回到生化池的部分)容积最小。 Maximize the underflow concentration of solids so as to minimize the required return sludge volume (which is sent back to the biological reactor). 既能节省能耗又能优化生化池的运行Energy is saved and the biological reactor is optimized.

22 Hydro-Clear@ — 浅层过滤技术 Unique Features 独特的性能
Shallow bed, single grade, fine sand media 浅层滤床,单一滤料,细砂载体 Air Mix® diffuser for solids suspension 使固体杂质保持悬浮状态的空气混合曝气系统 Pulse Mix® media regenerator for surface regeneration and indepth solids storage 用于滤层表面再生和固体深层存储的脉冲混合再生系统 Air-assisted backwash 空气辅助反冲洗 High-efficiency Hydro-Scour® backwash underdrain system 高效水力擦洗式反冲洗暗渠配水系统 Chem Clean grease cleaning system 油脂的化学清洗系统

23 — 浅层过滤技术 Ensure Operability - strict regulatory environment运行可靠-严格控制运行条件 Remove effluent suspended solids去除出水固体悬浮物 Remove organics associated with the solids 去除固体悬浮物携带的有机物 Remove oil + grease*去除油和油脂 Improve treatment plant operations and efficiency改善污水厂运行状况和提高效率 Wastewater reclamation and reuse污水回收和再利用 React to unforeseen situations应对异常情况 Contain plant upset conditions确保水厂不正常运行时的出水达标 *Most conventional sand filters pre-chlorinate to enable oil/grease to pass through the media 大部分传统砂滤池需要进行氯化消毒预处理 以使油脂物质可以穿过载体

24 Hydro-Clear@ — 浅层过滤技术 Applications 应用 Municipal tertiary 市政污水三级处理
Water reclamation, reuse 水资源回收,再利用 Storm water 暴雨处理系统 Algae 除藻 Industrial 工业废水 Water supply 供水 Reuse 再利用 Wastewater 废水处理

25 Disc Filter@ — 盘片过滤器 技术特点 Features Simpler machine简单的机械过滤
Filtration medium with absolute rating (10 um) 10 um孔径的过滤屏障 Woven media机织物的过滤介质 Medium in filtrate water过滤介质在清水中 Backwash with filtrate反洗时仍能正常过滤 Counter current wash由外而内的逆流反洗 Lower pressure requirements (100 psi) 反洗压力较低7.7bar

26 Disc Filter@ — 盘片过滤器 Siemens Disc Filter Innovations西门子盘片过滤器的创新点
Pleated panel design褶皱的盘片设计 Increases filtration surface area – Stronger panel增加了有效过滤面积–强度好 40% more area than flat panel designs比平板设计多40%的有效过滤面积 Double the headloss capacity可承受两倍的水头损失 Increases throughput增加了产水能力 Water pressure assisted seal水压辅助密封 Most robust seal更强壮有力的密封 Trash tolerant filter box滤箱内不易挂垃圾 Eliminates trash clogging and reduces maintenance去除了垃圾堵塞和减少了维护量 Sliding 304 SS covers不锈钢的滑动防护罩 Clean and easy容易清洗

27 Disc Filter@ — 盘片过滤器 Applications适用范围 Municipal Tertiary市政水的深度处理
Reuse / Recycle再生水回用 Industrial Reuse工业水回用 Desalination Pretreatment可作为脱盐水的预处理 Product Recovery易于恢复运行 Process Water Filtration水过滤工艺 Cooling Water Makeup冷却水的补给水 Retrofit of Conventional Filters升级改造传统工艺 Traveling Bridge移动桥过滤 Deep Beds深床过滤

28 Thank you very much for your attention! 谢 谢!

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