CET-4 阅读理解.

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1 CET-4 阅读理解

2 英语阅读理解五大基本题型: (例题均以《专项集训》为例)
主旨题 细节题 识词题 推理题 观点态度题

3 英语阅读理解基本类型 A. 主旨题:根据文章中心思想或作者的态度语调做出提问,标志词为title, topic, idea等。
What is the main topic(idea, theme, subject)of the passage/ the paragraph? This passage is mainly about…. The best title of the article is…. What can we learn from the passage/ this paragraph?

4 答题策略: 1. 寻找文章主题句(首段/ 尾段)。 2. 寻找段落的主题句(首句/ 尾句)。 3. 文后的题目中,主旨题最后做。

5 B.细节题:根据文章中具体细节信息提出问题,围绕5W和1H(WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY, HOW)而展开。
答题策略:学会定位 —— 同义替换 p114 – exercise 1 1. According to the passage, Brazil has cut back its population growth [A] by educating its citizens [B] by careful family planning [C] by developing TV programmes [D] by chance

6 1. Brazil has become one of the developing world’s great successes at reducing population growth——but more by accident than design. reduce = cut back by accident = by chance

7 C. 识词题:根据文章中的生词、短语或短句提问并判断其近义含义或引申含义。
提问方式: 1. ___ is used in the passage to refer to___. 2. The word ___ most probably means ___. 3. The phrase ___ is closest in meaning to ___.

8 答题策略: 1. 考查生僻词:结合文章,与主题保持逻辑一致的即为答案。 2. 考查常用词:选项中常见常用的意思往往不是答案。 3. 考查代词:联系上下文,顺藤摸瓜。 解题依据:上下文; 解释说明:that is, 冒号、破折号 平行关系:and, but ….

9 p115 – exercise 1 3.The phrase “puts it down to” (Line 1, Para.3) is closest in meaning to “___”. [A] attributes it to [B] finds it a reason for [C] sums it up as [D] compares it to

10 Martine puts it down to, among other things, soap operas and installment(分期付款) plans introduced in the 1970s. Both played an important, although indirect, role in lowering the birth rate. both: soap operas and installment(分期付款) plans play role in : 主语为原因。

11 D.推断题:根据文章中的具体细节、句子信息、或段落信息提问并且推断作者的言外之意。
提问方式: What conclusion can be drawn from the passage? We can infer from the passage___ The passage seems to indicate that___

12 答题策略: 1. 通过题干返回原文;若题目中无关键词,则根据选项返回原文。
2. 一般围绕文章主题或者段落主题进行推理。根据原文意思进行判断。正确选项的的意思与原文相同,表达方式通常为同义替换。 3. 一个推理题对应的可能是一句话,一个段落甚至一篇文章。

13 conclude – 该词在第一题,通常考文章主题;在中间题,考的是中间段落主题;在第五题,考的是文章主题或最后一段的主题。
infer – 如果用该词提问的题目,题干信息多而具体,则用细节题方法来解;如果题干信息不多不具体,则利用文章主题或段落主题找答案。

14 p115 – exercise 1 5. What is Martine’s conclusion about Brazil’s population growth? [A] The increase in birth rate will promote consumption. [B] The desire for consumption helps to reduce birth rate. [C] Consumption patterns and reproduction patterns are contradictory. [D] A country’s production is limited by its population growth.

15 Meanwhile, the installment plans tried to encourage the poor to become consumers. “This led to an enormous change in consumption patterns and consumption was incompatible with unlimited reproduction,” says Martine. Martine’s conclusion (本题考查对于Martine所说的话的推理) 该句的同义替换。

16 E. 观点态度题:根据阅读材料,理解作者的意图观点、语气态度。
情感态度题分为两种: 全文情感态度题:(作者本人) What is the author’s overall attitude towards fridges? (P130, exercise 13-5) 局部情感态度题: (例证人)

17 答题策略: 1. 依据词汇,寻找文中具有感情色彩的词。 2. 精确理解四个选项的含义。 3. 不要掺杂自己的观点。

18 常见的态度词: 1. positive (积极的) 2. negative (消极的) 3. neutral (中立的)
4. approval (赞成的) 5. disapproval (不赞成的) 6. indifferent (漠不关心的) 7. sarcastic (讽刺的) 8. critical (批评的) 9. optimistic (乐观的) 10. pessimistic (悲观的)

19 11. biased 12. objective 13. subjective
14. partial impartial sensitive 17. puzzled scared gloomy 20. content doubtful cautious 23. supportive opposition 25. suspicion contempt 27. tolerance dissatisfaction 29. compromising

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