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PISA 陈明星.

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1 PISA 陈明星

2 PISA测试 PISA 项目的独特指向是,测试研究义务教育末期的学生(15 岁学生),即未来社会公民,在个人、工作和社会生活中,运用已学知识和已具备的技能态度去解决问题的能力。




6 在数学素养的精练等级上,中国上海出现了“中产阶级少,贫富差距大”的现象。从图4(见下页)中可以看出,相对于OECD精练等级中等的学生比(64%),中国上海的精练等级中等的学生仅仅占41%,中国上海良好的教育资源存在过于集中化的可能性等一系列问题值得今后探讨。

7 科举文化留给今日教学管理的有利因素、严密的教研管理系统和严格的教学常规以及“标语口号”和“由上至下”的美丽一面。
海市的教育改革举措包括义务教育阶段重点学校制度的废除、免试就近入学、薄弱校改造、课程改革、考试改革、学校托管、教育集团化发展以及提高教师收入、提升教师标准和教师教育水平。 科举文化留给今日教学管理的有利因素、严密的教研管理系统和严格的教学常规以及“标语口号”和“由上至下”的美丽一面。


9 Immigration and student achievement in Spain

10 Immigration and student achievement in Spain


12 Immigration and student achievement in Spain
According to PISA OECD data, an average immigrant student obtains scores that are about 70 % of the standard deviation lower than that of native students.







19 The fact that these differences exist is consistent with the idea that, for an immigrant, more time spent in Spain might be associated with higher academic achievement.

20 结论 1、immigrant students tend to improve their performance with time they stay in Spain. Still, even students who were born in immigrant families in Spain orwho were brought to Spain soon after their birth perform, on average,worsethan native students. local language per se does not guarantee better educational Latin America 2、more than half of the achievement gap between native and immigrant students can be attributed to the difference in only a few observable family characteristics, such as parental occupation and home possessions.

21 3、we show that the school effect can be mainly attributed to the segregation of immigrant and native students across public and private schools.

22 参考文献 张民选,陆璟,占胜利.专业视野中的PISA[M].教育研究,2011(6):3-10.
Natalia Zinovyeva · Florentino Felgueroso ·Pablo Vazquez.Immigration and student achievement in Spain:evidence from PISA[M].SERIEs ,(2014) 5:25– 60. 刘琳,沈园花.OECD学生学习能力调查国际比较———以中日德2012 年PISA测验为例[M].教育教学论坛,2011,14(48): 冯大鸣.OECD视野下中国教学管理的独特优势[M].管理与评 价,2013(1):45-48. 朱小虎,张民选.上海基础教育中外来人口的分布及PISA 成绩表现[M].教 育发展研究,2014,04(2):15-18.

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