经鼻内镜鼻咽切除及带血管蒂鼻腔粘膜瓣修复术 治疗T1/T2a和选择后T2b/T3鼻咽恶性肿瘤

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Presentation on theme: "经鼻内镜鼻咽切除及带血管蒂鼻腔粘膜瓣修复术 治疗T1/T2a和选择后T2b/T3鼻咽恶性肿瘤"— Presentation transcript:

1 经鼻内镜鼻咽切除及带血管蒂鼻腔粘膜瓣修复术 治疗T1/T2a和选择后T2b/T3鼻咽恶性肿瘤
陈明远 博士, 副教授 中山大学肿瘤防治中心鼻咽癌科 广州市东风东路651号

2 研究背景 鼻咽癌首选放射治疗,放疗后单纯局部复发率约10%; 救援性外科治疗是局部复发鼻咽癌最佳治疗手段之一;
鼻咽切除术也是鼻咽腺癌、肉瘤等的治疗方法之一; 鼻外进路:空间大但创伤大 外科切除:广泛切除但操作难度大 消融治疗:操作简便但适应症狭窄 鼻内进路:微创但空间狭窄

3 Conventional open surgery Endoscopic nasopharyngectomy
经鼻内镜鼻咽切除术 Conventional open surgery Endoscopic surgery Oncological Endoscopic nasopharyngectomy


5 rNPC, T2bN0M0

6 手术前后MRI对比 a b c Pre- Op C B A Post- Op


8 手术前后MRI对比

9 From Oct 2004 to Jan 2010 with median follow-up 28 months (4~68 m)
Male: female 15 male 52 Radiotherapy: one circle 53 two circles 14 rT stages (UICC2002): rT1 27 rT2a 7 rT2b 22 rT3 11 Median age, years (range) 49(27~71) 结果 1 From Oct 2004 to Jan 2010 with median follow-up 28 months (4~68 m)

10 From Oct 2004 to June 2009 with median follow-up 31 months (6~68 m)
生存曲线 From Oct 2004 to June 2009 with median follow-up 31 months (6~68 m)

11 与鼻外进路鼻咽切除术的对比 Surgical approach n Op time (min) Blood loss (ml)
Post-op hospital stay (d) Ectro-pion Nerve tran-section Palatal fistula trismus Impaired swallow-ing Nasal regurg-itation Others Chen MY1 Transnasal with endoscopy 37 195 117 5 - 8a Willard EF2 Tanspalatal Transcervic Transmaxilla 15 270 1072 7.9 3 1 4 300 981 6 10 To EW3 Transnasal with SNG 185 917 11 2 Maxilla swing 12 240 1398 32 9 Mandibular swing 387 1596 54 maxilla and mandibular 585 1270 63 Chen MY, et al. Endoscopic nasopharyngectomy for locally recurrent nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Laryngoscope 2009; 119(3): Willard EF, et al. Nasopharyngectomy for recurrent nasopharyngeal cancer: a 2- to 17-year follow-up[J]. Arch-Otolaryngol-Head-Neck-Surg, 2002,128(3): To EW , et al. The use of stereotactic navigation guidance in minimally invasive transnasal nasopharyngectomy: a comparison with the conventional open transfacial approach[J]. Br-J-Radiol,2002, 75(892): a: secretory otitis media




15 From Oct 2004 to June 2009 with median follow-up 31 months (6~68 m)
结果2:中鼻甲粘膜瓣修复效果 Group 1(N=18) Group 2(N=18) P Value Gender: female 3 4 male 15 14 0.317 rT stages (UICC2002): rT1 9 rT2a 1 rT2b 8 1.0 Radiotherapy: one circle 13 two circles 5 Age (years): 49.3±13.4 48.8±8.7 0.931 Healing Time (weeks) 13.1±6.5 26.3±27 0.016 From Oct 2004 to June 2009 with median follow-up 31 months (6~68 m)

16 第三部分:外科治疗非鳞癌初治鼻咽恶性肿瘤
放化疗不敏感的病理类型或患者拒绝放射治疗 鼻咽肿瘤范围局限,无淋巴结和远处转移 充分的知情同意和良好的随访条件 多学科专家会诊共同制定治疗计划

17 结果 3: 单纯外科治疗鼻咽恶性肿瘤 Pathologic Dignosis N=77 T stage Follow-up Result
Local recurrent NPC: Newly non-metastasis NP malignancies: carcinoma in situ Adenocarcinoma Sarcoma Adenoid cystic carcinoma Extramedullary plasmacytoma Spindle cell hemangieoendothelioma Hemangiopericytoma 67 10 2 1 Tis T1, T2a T1, T3 T1 T3 T2b 28 (4~68) 32 (8~58) 28, 48 14, 58 8, 15 47 40 32 34 ADF in Pa ADF (both) ADF*, ALP* DLR ADF ALP ADF:alive and disease free; ALP:alive with local persistence; ALR:alive with local recurrence; DLR: dead of local recurrece; * post-operational radiotherapy.

18 中山大学肿瘤医院 陈明远 SYSUCC Ming-Yuan Chen

19 结论 创新的经鼻内镜鼻咽切除术治疗rT1/T2a和选择后rT2b/T3期局部复发鼻咽癌微创、安全并且有效;
创新的带血管蒂鼻腔粘膜瓣能有效而微创地修复局部复发鼻咽癌的手术创面; 基于经鼻内镜鼻咽切除术的单纯外科治疗,为部分拒绝放射治疗的高选择后的非鳞癌初治鼻咽恶性肿瘤患者提供一个新的备选治疗方法。

20 致谢! 课题组: 致谢: 谢谢大家! 中山大学肿瘤防治中心鼻咽科:洪明晃教授、华贻军、万香波、朱玉亮等。
中山大学肿瘤防治中心鼻咽科郭翔、钱朝南、李宁炜、曹卡加、麦海强、邓满泉、莫浩元、郭灵、邱枋、向燕群、黄培钰、罗东华、陈秋燕、孙蕊等全体同事; 中山大学肿瘤防治中心放疗科卢泰祥、刘孟忠、马俊、赵充、罗伟、吴少雄、胡伟汉、谢方云、苏勇、卢丽霞、韩非、孙颖、曹新平、李群、刘慧等全体同事; 中山大学肿瘤防治中心头颈外科杨安奎、李浩、刘学奎、陈伟超等全体同事; 中山大学肿瘤防治中心神经肿瘤科陈忠平、牟永告等全体同事; 中山大学肿瘤防治中心影像科谢传淼教授、核医学科樊卫教授等; 中山大学附属第一医院耳鼻喉科文卫平、李添应教授等; 香港大学玛丽医院韦霖教授、陈汝威医师等; 荷兰癌症中心列文虎克医院头颈肿瘤科Bing Tang教授、Geerten医师; 谢谢大家!

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