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生殖系統發育異常及 生殖內分泌學 台北榮民總醫院婦產部 何積泓醫師 2009/11/02.

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Presentation on theme: "生殖系統發育異常及 生殖內分泌學 台北榮民總醫院婦產部 何積泓醫師 2009/11/02."— Presentation transcript:

1 生殖系統發育異常及 生殖內分泌學 台北榮民總醫院婦產部 何積泓醫師 2009/11/02

2 p320 Gender Assignment 1/4000 births Duct system

3 Fig 22-5 PAR: pseudoautosomal region, PAR1: short stature, AZF: spermatogenesis, TSPY: testicular malignancy,

4 Testis (Sex determine Region Y, SRY)



7 Congenital uterine anomaly

8 2006 第一次醫師考試 女性陰道發育時如發生Defective canalization 時可能會有下列何種結果? 陰道縱向中隔
陰道橫向中隔 處女膜閉鎖 子宮內膜中隔


10 2006 第一次醫師考試 胎兒的性別發育過程當中,那個事件是最早發生? 苗勒氏管(Müllerian duct)的退化
伏耳夫氏管(Wölffian duct)的退化 伏耳夫氏管的分化 苗勒氏管的分化

11 Disorders of sex development (DSD)
Sex chromosome DSD

12 Klinefelter’s syndrome
Most common sex chromosome aneuploidy (1:500~1000) 47,XXY, 48,XXXY, or mosacism Hyalinized testes and male infertility Testosterone supplementation Testicular sperm extraction (TESE) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) Sperm donation

13 1:2500

14 Mixed gonadal dysgenesis
45,X/46,XY and variants Dysgenetic testes, sometimes ovarian-like stroma (like Turner’s syndrome) Female external genitalia, sometimes with Müllerian structures Gonadectomy and estrogen replacement

15 2009 第一次醫師考試 染色體為 45, X/46, XY 者,性腺容易長腫瘤,但下列何者除外? Gonadoblastoma
Teratoma Dysgerminoma Yolk sac tumor

16 Ovotestitular DSD (Ture hermaphroditism)
Mixture of gonadal sex Ovotestis or one ovary + one testis Ambiguous external genitalia or significant hypospadia 46,XX, 46,XY, or chimerism Remove discordant gonad and dysgenetic tissue

17 2003 第一次醫師考試 有關真性陰陽人(true hermaphroditism)之敘述,下列何者正確? 只存在男性或女性之性腺組織
外性器官大部分明確 XY 基因型者,絕不會出現月經 缺乏乳房發育

18 Disorder of gonadol development
Ovotesticular DSD Complete testicular dysgenesis Swyer syndrome Mutation or deletion of SRY XY karyotype with female genitalia Remove gonad as soon as possible Anorchia Vanishing testis syndrome Male genitalia without detectable testes 46,XX testicular DSD

19 Disorders of fetal endocrinology
46,XX DSD Masculinized females Female pseudohermaphroditism 46,XY DSD Incompletely masculinized males Male pseudohermaphroditism Intersex

20 Masculinizied females
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (AR) 21-hydroxylase (P450c21) deficiency 11β-hydroxylase (P450c11) deficiency 3 β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenese deficiency Elevated androgens in maternal circulation Drug intake Maternal disease Aromatase (P450arom) deficiency CAH: 1/15000 births

21 2007 第一次醫師考試 懷孕時引起母親及女嬰男性化,最常見的原因為何? Dermoid cyst Luteoma
Brenner tumor Yolk sac tumor

22 Sex hormone synthesis

23 Congenital adrenal hyperplasia

24 2008 第一次醫師考試 一位 21 歲女性,因陰蒂肥大求診,被診斷為 congenital adrenal hyperplasia(CAH),其血中17-hydroxyprogesterone(17-HP)為 600 ng/dL。下列關於 CAH 之病因及治療的敘述,何者最適當? 最常見為 21-hydroxylase deficiency,治療最有效為 cortisone 最常見為 11β-hydroxylase deficiency,治療最有效為 dexamethasone 最常見為 21-hydroxylase deficiency,治療最有效為 dexamethasone 最常見為 11β-hydroxylase deficiency,治療最有效為 cortisone

25 Incompletely masculinized males
Androgen insensitivity syndrome Abnormal androgen synthesis Gonadotropin-resistant testis LH receptor mutation Leydig cell hypoplasia Absent or defect anti-müllerian hormone Persistent Müllerian duct syndrome Undescended testis

26 Androgen

27 Androgen insensitivity syndrome
Testicular feminization syndrome 46,XY Gene defect of Xq12 無子宮而陰道短,有睪丸但未下降 外觀為女性,無陰毛或寡陰毛 青春期後將性腺摘除,補充荷爾蒙 結婚前做人工陰道

28 Androgen insensitivity syndrome
Female Phenotypic spectrum Male

29 Abnormal androgen synthesis
Defects in testicular steroidogenesis (AR) P450 side-chain cleavage 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase P45017α 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 5α-reductase Lipoid congenital adrenal hyperplasia Steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR) defect Impaired cholesterol transportation into mitochondria 性線切除

30 Sex hormone synthesis

31 Summary: ambiguous genitalia
Rule out congenital adrenal hyperplasia Medical history and family history Palpation of gonad Pelvic ultrasonography / MRI Karyotype Gonadectomy

32 p320 Duct system

33 Hypothalamic- pituitary system

34 Puberty

35 Adrenarche Pubarche Adrenal androgen  pubic/axillary hair
Independent from GnRH-pituitary-ovarian maturation (gonadarche) Adrenal androgen-stimulating factor Adrenal enzyme activity

36 Gonadarche Intrinsic suppression of GnRH↓
Sensitivity to estrogen negative feedback↓ Accelerated growth Breast development Menarche GABA, neuropeptide Y, melatonin

37 Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)

38 Two-cell theory

39 Adrenarche

40 2006 第二次醫師考試 2008 第二次醫師考試 女性青春期發育順序,最常出現之順序為: 加速長高→乳芽發育→陰毛生長→初經
乳芽發育→陰毛生長→初經→加速長高 陰毛生長→乳芽發育→加速長高→初經 乳芽發育→加速長高→初經→陰毛生長

41 Timing of puberty Genetic factor Geographic location Exposure to light
General health and nutrition Psychologic factor 盲女早熟


43 Tanner stages

44 Tanner stages

45 女性乳房發育,乳芽 (budding) 出現係在唐納分期 (Tanner Stage) 之第幾期? 第一期 第二期 第三期 第四期

46 Precocious puberty Pubertal changes before age 8
Menarche before age 10 GnRH-dependent (80%) Idiopathic CNS problem (brain MRI) Hypothyroidism GnRH-independent Ovarian cyst or tumor McCune-Albright syndrome Adrenal tumor Ectopic gonadotropin production

47 2005 第一次醫師考試 少女性早熟(precocious puberty),第一步檢查為何? 血中性腺激素(gonadotropin)
雌激素 Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) 雄性素

48 2005 第二次醫師考試 女性性早熟(precocious puberty)指青春期發育在幾歲之前開始? 6 歲 8 歲 10 歲 12 歲

49 2007 第一次醫師考試 一位6 歲小女孩,初經來潮,最可能為何? Turner’s syndrome
Kallmann’s syndrome Isolated gonadotropin deficiency 11-β-Hydroxylase deficiency

50 Treatment Treat intracranial or underline disease Bone age
GnRH analogues Aromatase inhibitor

51 Delayed puberty No secondary sexual characteristics by age 14
No period by age 16 Constitutional delay (10 ~ 30 %) Hypergonadotropic hypogonadism (karyotype) Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism Hypothyroidism Hyperprolactinemia Kallmann’s syndrome Intracranial lesion Anorexia / poor nutrition


53 2005 第二次醫師考試 關於女性青春期發育遲緩(delayed puberty),下列敘述何者不正確? 第二性徵到13 歲尚未出現
到16 歲還沒有初經 乳房開始發育兩年內尚未有初經 初經在其它第二性徵發育超過5年後尚未出現

54 Thanks for your attention
Have a nice day !!

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