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M-Cholinoceptor blocking drugs M-受体阻断药

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1 M-Cholinoceptor blocking drugs M-受体阻断药
Pharmacology department Unique Song 药理教研室 宋立群

2 Contents 1 Review of old branch(复习旧课) 2 Learn New lesson(学习新课)
3 Practice after the class(课后练习)

3 REVIEW(复习旧课) Cholinoceptor (胆碱受体) M-cholinoceptor (M-R)
N-cholinoceptor (N-R)

4 REVIEW(复习旧课) 缩瞳、眼内压下降、调节痉挛 腺体分泌增加 (+)M-R 松弛平滑肌 心脏抑制 扩张血管 胃酸分泌抑制

5 Cholinoceptor (胆碱受体) Atropine M-cholinoceptor (M-R) N-cholinoceptor

6 NEW LESSON(学习新课) Atropine(阿托品) Source(来源)
Atropine is extract from the plant: 颠茄、莨菪、曼陀罗 阿托品是从颠茄、莨菪、曼陀罗等植物中提取出的。

7 Mandala 曼陀罗 Atropa Belladonna 颠茄

8 Atropine Mechanism of Action(作用机制) Atropine blocking M-cholinoceptor
Large dosage of Atropine dilates blood vessel (大剂量的阿托品可直接扩张血管)

9 Atropine Pharmacological Effects and Clinical Uses (药理作用和临床应用)
Eye (眼) Gland (腺体) CNS 中枢神经 Smooth Muscle 平滑肌 Heart (心脏) Blood Vessel (血管)

10 bronchial secretory gland
Atropine 1. Glands(腺体) salivary gland (唾液腺) Salivation(流涎) Inhibit the secretion 抑制腺体分泌 sweat gland (汗腺) Severe nightsweat(盗汗) Preanesthetic medication (麻醉前辅助给药) bronchial secretory gland (呼吸道分泌腺体)

11 Increasing the ocular pressure
Atropine 2. Eyes(眼) Dilating pupil (扩瞳) Optical Examination (眼科检查) Optometry (验光) Atropine Increasing the ocular pressure (升高眼内压) Ciliary paralysis (调节麻痹)


13 Atropine 3. Smooth Muscle(平滑肌) Gastrointestinal cramps
(胃肠绞痛) bladder irritating symptoms (膀胱刺激症状) Gastrointestinal smooth muscle (胃肠平滑肌) Urinary bladder smooth muscle (膀胱平滑肌) Atropine Ureteral smooth muscle (输尿管平滑肌) gallbladder colic (胆绞痛) Pethidine Bile duct smooth muscle (胆管平滑肌) renal colic (肾绞痛) Pethidine

14 Atropine exciting the heart
阿托品兴奋心脏. Bradycardia (心动过缓) A-V blocking (房室传导阻滞)

15 Atropine 5. Blood Vessel(血管) Have no connect with M-R Large dosage of
Atropine dilate blood vessels 大剂量阿托品 可直接扩张血管 Infectious shock (感染性休克)

16 Atropine 6. Rescue Organophosphate Toxication (解救有机磷中毒) Large dosage
(大剂量) Atropine M-R

17 Atropine 7. CNS stimulating effect (中枢兴奋作用) Title in here Large dosage
(大剂量) Central Depression (中枢抑制) Central Excitation (中枢兴奋) Small dosage (小剂量)

18 Adverse effect (不良反应) 1. Side reaction(副反应) Atropine Dry mouth
Dryness of skin (口干、皮肤干燥) Dizziness (头晕) Blurred vision (视物模糊) Atropine Constipation (便秘) Difficulty in urination (排尿困难) Tachycardia (心动过速)

19 Central Excitation symptoms Central Depression symptoms
2. Toxic reaction(毒性反应) Central Excitation symptoms 中枢兴奋症状 Diazepam 地西泮 CPR 心肺复苏术 Central Depression symptoms 中枢抑制症状

20 Prostatic hypertrophy前列腺肥大 Pyloric obstruction幽门梗阻
Contraindications(禁忌症) Prostatic hypertrophy前列腺肥大 Glaucoma 青光眼 Pyloric obstruction幽门梗阻 Fever 高热 Atropine

21 Practices(练习) Choice 1. Which is the best treatment of gastrointestinal colic? A Pilocarpine(毛果芸香碱) B Atropine (阿托品) C Neostigmine(新斯的明) D Pethidine(哌替啶)

22 Practices 2. The preferred choice for treatment of bile renal colic?
A Atropine + Pethidine(阿托品+哌替啶) B Atropine + Morphine (阿托品+吗啡) C Aspirin + Atropine (阿司匹林+阿托品) D Pethidine(哌替啶)

23 Practices 3. Which is not the side reaction of Atropine?
A Dry mouth (口干) B Blurred vision(视物模糊) C Constipation(便秘) D Bradycardia (心动过缓)

24 Practices 4. Which is not the result of blocking M-R?
A Gland inhibition (腺体抑制) B Dilate blood vessels(扩张血管) C Relax smooth muscle (松弛平滑肌) D Increasing the ocular pressure (升高眼内压)

25 Practices Thinking Compare the effects of Atropine and Pilocarpine on eyes ? 比较阿托品和毛果芸香碱对眼部的作用 (the differences and clinical uses)

26 Thank you!

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