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第5章 INCOTERMS 国际贸易术语概说 5.2 INCOTERMS2000对INCOTERMS1990 的主要修改

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1 第5章 INCOTERMS2000 5.1 国际贸易术语概说 5.2 INCOTERMS2000对INCOTERMS1990 的主要修改
5.1 国际贸易术语概说 5.2 INCOTERMS2000对INCOTERMS1990 的主要修改 5.3 INCOTERMS2000中的重要贸易术语解说 【示范文本】国际货物买卖合同(英文)

2 5.1 国际贸易术语概说 贸易术语(Trade Terms)又称价格术语或交货条件,它用一个简短的概念或者用英文字母的缩写来表明货物价格的构成、买卖双方有关费用的负担、手续的办理以及风险责任的划分。 国际贸易术语是在国际贸易实践中逐渐形成的,用以确定买卖标的物的价格、买卖双方各自承租的费用、风险、责任范围以及货物所有权转移的一种贸易价格条件。它是国际商业惯例的主要部分之一。国际商业惯例是由国际民间组织编撰成文的规范国际商业秩序的准则,并无普遍的约束力。一般只有在国际商业实践中,当国际货

3 物买卖合同的双方当事人一致同意引用某条惯例时,才对当事人产生法律拘束力。
1936年,国际商会制定了《国际贸易术语解释通则》(International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms, 简称 INCOTERMS),1953年、1967年、1976年、1980年、1990年分别发布了修订本。1999年9月,国际商会公布了最新的修订本《2000年国际贸易术语解释通则》(简称INCOTERMS2000)。INCOTERMS2000从2000年1月1日起生效。

4 一、国际贸易术语解释通则的法律特征 (一)国际贸易术语解释通则是被国际上认可的惯例性文件
作为一项惯例性文件,肯定它在国际贸易领域中的重要性,建议在国际货物买卖中使用。此外,个别国家以国内立法的形式公布国际贸易术语解释通则为国内法,如澳大利亚。 (二)国际贸易术语解释通则是被普遍认可的一种国际贸易惯例 如若合同当事人在合同中既不排除,又不明确规定采用何种贸易术语,一旦争讼,仲裁庭或法院就可援引某一公认的、被人们经常遵守的贸易术语规则作出处理。

5 (三)在一个具体合同中采用某国际贸易术语时,对其可修改和补充
国际贸易术语经过统一解释后各有自己的特点,因此,在修改和补充中不要改变贸易术语的特征和性质,从而给双方在执行合同中带来不便,或者给解决双方争议的法庭、仲裁庭带来困难。 (四)每一个贸易术语涉及到一些共同的问题并在此表现出某些差异 国际贸易术语解释通则的各个贸易术语无外乎在交货(Delivery)、风险(Risks)、成本(Costs)、运输(Carriage)、保险(Insurance)、单证(Documentation)、批文(Approval)、保证货物与合同标的一致(Conformity)、协助(Assistance)办理有关手续方面表现出一些差异。

6 其一,仅限于销售合同当事人的权利、义务中与已售“有形的”货物的交货有关的事项。不包括电脑软件等“无形的”货物。
二、INCOTERMS2000的适用范围 其一,仅限于销售合同当事人的权利、义务中与已售“有形的”货物的交货有关的事项。不包括电脑软件等“无形的”货物。 其二,只涉及与交货有关的事项:货物的进口和出口清关、货物的包装、买方受领货物的义务以及提供履行各项义务的凭证等。 其三,既适用于跨越国境的货物销售,也适用于国内的货物销售。对于国内货物销售而言,A2、B2义务项及其他有关进出口规定无作用。

7 5.2 INCOTERMS2000对INCOTERMS1990的主要修改
一、基本维持的要点 INCOTERMS 2000基本上维持了INCOTERMS 1990在贸易术语的分类、结构以及在允许提交电子单证方面的规定。 就分类来说,INCOTERMS2000象INCOTERMS1990一样,把13个贸易术语按卖方风险由小到大排列分四组E、F、C、D四组。如表5-1所示。

8 表5-1 E组启用 EXW Ex Works 工厂交货 (…… 指定地点) F组 主运费未付 FCA Free Carrier
FAS Free Along Side Ship FOB Free On Board 货交承运人 (…… 指定地点) 船边交货 (…… 指定装运港) 装运港船上交货(…… 指定装运港) C组 主运费已付 CFR Cost and Freight CIF Cost,Insurance and Freight CPT Carriage Paid To CIP Carriage and Insurance Paid To 成本加运费(…… 指定目的港) 成本、保险费加运费(…… 指定目的港) 运费付至(…… 指定目的地) 运费、保险费付至(…… 指定目的地) D组到达 DAF Delivered At Frontier DES Delivered Ex Ship DEQ Delivered Ex Quay DDU Delivered Duty Unpaid DDP Delivered Duty Paid 边境交货 (…… 指定地点) 目的港船上交货(…… 指定目的港) 目的港码头交货(…… 指定目的港) 未完税交货(…… 指定目的地) 完税后交货(…… 指定目的地)

9 就结构来说,买卖双方相互对应的10项义务分别一一说明。INCOTERMS2000规定了卖方的10项义务:(1)提供符合合同规定的货物;(2)许可证、批准文件及海关手续;(3)运输合同与保险合同;(4)交货;(5)风险转移;(6)费用划分;(7)通知买方;(8)交货凭证、运输单证或相等的电子单证;(9)核查、包装及标记;(10)其他义务。相对应地,买方也有10项义务。一般来说,卖方的义务就是买方的权利,买方的义务就是卖方的权利。 就单据要求来说,INCOTERMS2000重申当卖方在必须提供与货物有关的各类单证时,可以提交相等的电子单证。

10 二、主要修改之处 INCOTERMS2000对INCOTERMS1990的主要修改表现为:前者对后者在两个方面做了实质性修改,并且在当事人义务的排列方面也作了相应的调整,另就相关术语的使用作了大量的说明。 第一, 在INCOTERMS 2000中,13个贸易术语下买卖双方当事人的义务均采用10个项目列出,但改变了原来INCOTERMS1990将卖方和买方的义务分别排列的方式,而是将买卖双方的义务放在同一标题下,即在卖方义务的每一个项目中“对应”买方在同一项目中的义务如下:A.卖方义务/B.买方义务;A1.卖方必须提供符合销售合同规定的货物和商业发票或有同等作用的电子讯息…… B1.支付价款 买方必须按照销售合同支付价款。

11 第二, 在FCA术语下,进一步明确了卖方的交货、装货与卸货的义务。INCOTERMS 1990对FCA术语中卖方交货地点的选择未作规定。在INCOTERMS 2000的FCA术语中,当卖方在其所在地交货时,卖方负责装货,卖方将货物装上买方指定的承运人提供的运输工具时,完成交货义务;若卖方在任何其他地方交货,卖方不负责卸货。当货物在卖方的车辆上尚未卸货而交给买方指定的承运人或其他人处置时,即完成交货。这里的承运人(Carrier)是指承担履行运输或承担办理运输业务的任何人。 第三, 在FAS术语中,办理出口许可证和进口清关手续的义务由INCOTERMS1990规定的买方办理改由卖方办理。“清关”是指:无论何时,当卖方或买方承担将货物通过出口国或进口国海关时,不仅包括交纳关税或其他费用,而且包括履行一切与货物通过海关办理有关的行政事务的手续以及向当局提供必要的信息并交纳相关费用。

12 第四,在DEQ术语中,办理进口清关手续、支付办理海关手续的费用、交纳关税、税款和其他费用的义务,由INCOTERMS 1990规定的卖方办理改为由买方办理。
在INCOTERMS 2000中,除EXW和DDP以外,原则上明确了由卖方办理货物的出口清关手续,交纳与出口有关的税和费;由买方办理货物的进口清关手续、交纳与进口有关的税和其他费用的基本做法。 第五,检验费用。在INCOTERMS 2000中,除非合同另有规定,买方应承担检验费用,因为这种检验是为了买方自身的利益安排的。但如果进行检验的目的是为了使卖方履行在其本国适用于出口货物的任何强制性规定,那么卖方应支付检验费用;当然,双方使用EXW术语时,仍由买方负担检验费用。

13 第六,风险和费用的转移。INCOTERMS 2000吸收了CISG公约的规定,确定了在卖方交货后,货物灭失和损坏的风险以及负担与货物有关的费用的义务从卖方转移到买方的基本原则。但这一原则的适用以双方都没有过失,并且该货物已正式划归于合同项下为前提。这一点在EXW术语中特别重要。 第七,关于贸易术语的变体。在国际贸易实务中,贸易术语经常可以由双方当事人协商添加一些词语,以额外增加当事人的义务,如常见的EXW(装车)、FOB(平舱和理舱)等。INCOTERMS 2000在其引言中提醒双方当事人,应在其合同中对上述添加词语的含义作出明确解释,以便日后解决争议。

14 5.3 INCOTERMS2000中的重要贸易术语解说 一、INCOTERMS2000中E、F、C、D 4组13个术语的结构和编排顺序
仅1个术语:EXW Ex Works工厂交货(……指定地点) EXW系指卖方在其所在地或其他指定地点(如工场、工厂或仓库等)将货物交给买方处置时,即完成交货,卖方不办理出口清关手续或将货物装上任何运输工具。买方必须承担在卖方所在地受领货物的全部费用和风险。

15 (二)F组(主要运费未付术语) 共3个术语: FCA Free Carrier货交承运人(……指定地点) FAS Free Along Side Ship船边交货(……指定装运港) FOB Free on Board 船上交货(……指定装运港) 卖方的交货义务是将货物运到指定地点的承运人或指定装运港口的船边和船上,但卖方均是在货物的装运地,启运地或出口地就能完成其在销售合同(装运合同)中的交货义务。 (三)C组(主要运费已付术语) 共4个术语: CFR Cost and Freight成本加运费(……指定目的港) CIF Cost ,Insurance and Freight成本保险费加运费 (……指定目的港) CPT Carriage Paid to运费付至(……指定目的港)

16 CIP Carriage and Insurance Paid to运费、保险费付至(……指定目的地)
卖方的交货义务已扩大到除了要支付货物的成本、运费甚至保险费(CIF、CIP)外还要将货物运至指定目的港或目的地,卖方要负责签订承运合同,但是对发生于装船和发运后货物的灭失或损坏的风险或其他费用不负责任。 注意:F组和C组术语均属于装运合同性质,其特点是卖方要支付将货物按照惯常航线和习惯方式运至约定地点所需的通常运输费用,但对货物发生灭失或损坏的风险以及货物以适当方式交付运输之后发生意外而产生的额外费用,均应由买方负责。

17 (四)D组(到达术语) 共5个术语: DAF Delivered At Frontier边境交货(……指定地点) DES Delivered Ex Ship目的港船上交货(……指定目的港) DEQ Delivered Ex Quay目的港码头交货(……指定目的港) DDU Delivered Duty Unpaid未完税交货(……指定目的地) DDP Delivered Duty Paid完税后交货(……指定目的地) D组术语卖方要承担的交货义务最大,属于到货合同。卖方不仅要在买方指定的货物目的地的边境、港口甚至进口国内地履行交货义务,并要承担把货物运至目的地的所需要的费用和风险,包括交货前与货物运输有关的全部费用和货物灭失的风险。

18 二、FOB、CIF、CFR合同中买卖双方的权利和义务
在INCOTERMS2000的13个术语中使用频率最高的是FOB、CIF、CFR三个术语,尤其当国际货物买卖合同采用海上货物运输方式时。适合海洋运输和内河运输方式的也只有 FOB、CIF、CFR、FAS、DES、DEQ六个术语。FCA则适用于其他多种运输方式。 (一)FOB 卖方必须:(1)提供符合合同规定的货物和单证或相等的电子单证;(2)自负费用及风险办理出口许可证及其他货物出口手续,交纳出口捐、税、费;(3)按照约定的时间、地点,依照港口惯例将货物装上买方指定的船舶并给买方以充分的通知;(4)承担在装运港货物越过船舷以前的风险和费用。

19 买方必须:(1)支付货款并接受卖方提供的交货凭证或相等的电子单证;(2)自负费用及风险取得进口许可证,办理进口手续,交纳进口的各种捐、税、费;(3)自费租船并将船名、装货地点、时间给予卖方以充分的通知;(4)承担在装运港货物越过船舷后的风险和费用。 (二)CIF 卖方必须:(1)提供符合合同规定的货物和单证或相等的电子单证;(2)自负风险和费用办理出口许可证及其他货物进口手续,并交纳出口捐、税、费;(3)自费订立运输合同并将货物按惯常航线在指定日期装运至指定目的港,并支付运费;(4)自费投保交纳保险费,如无明示的相反协议,按伦敦《协会货物保险条款》投保海上运输的最低险别;(5)承担在装运港货物越过船舷以前的风险及除运费和保险费以外的费用。

20 买方必须:(1)支付货款并接受卖方提供的交货凭证或相等的电子单证;(2)自负费用和风险取得进口许可证,办理进口手续、交纳进口的各种捐、税、费;(3)承担在装运港货物越过船舷以后的风险和除运费、保险费以外的费用。 注意: CIF 卖方必须替买方投保并支付保费;缩略语后的港口名称是目的港口名称,指明运输费和保险费的计算是从装运港至目的港全程的运输费和保险费。 (三)CFR CFR与CIF之区别在于价格构成中不包括保险费,即买方要自行投保并支付保险费用。其余则同。 (四)FOB、CIF、CFR之共同点 1.交货地点都是在装运港;2.适合海上运输和内河航运;3.风险划分都是以装运港的船舷作为界线; .交货性质均为象征性交货。卖方只要提交了代表货物所有权的凭证就等于履行了交货义务,就可以要求买方或其委托的银行付款。

【示范文本】国际货物买卖合同(英文) INTERNATIONAL PURCHASE/SALE OF GOODS AGREEMENT[1] THIS AGREEMENT made the ∙ day of ∙ ,20 ∙ . AND BETWEEN: ∙ , a corporation organized and existing under the laws of ∙ , and having its principal place of business at* , (hereinafter called the “Seller”) OF THE FIRST PART -and- [1] 该合同样本由美国律师协会国际法分会拟制,反映了英美法系的合同法精神,在运用到国际货物买卖中时,双方可以根据具体情况谈判确定和调整有关合同条款。

22 ∙ , a corporation organized and existing under the laws
of ∙ , and having its principal place of business at* , (hereinafter called the “Buyer”) OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Seller, through its ∙ Division, carries on the business of manufacturing ∙ at ∙ and markets certain ∙ products; AND WHEREAS the Seller has agreed to [manufacture and/or sell] said products to the Buyer and the Buyer has agreed to purchase from the Seller products (as hereinafter defined),upon and subject to the terms and conditions thereof;

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual agreements and covenants herein contained (the adequacy of which consideration is to each of the parties hereto is hereby mutually acknowledged), the parties hereto thereby covenant and agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES OF INTERPRETATION Definitions Whenever used in this Agreement, unless there is something in the subject matter or context of their use inconsistent therewith, the following words and terms shall have the respective meanings ascribed to them as follows:

24 Agreement – “Agreement” means this Purchase/Sale of Goods Agreement and all instruments supplemental hereto or in amendment or confirmation hereof; “hereof”, “hereto” and “hereunder” and similar expressions mean and refer to this Agreement and not to any particular article or section; “Article” or “Section” means and refers to the specified article or section of this Agreement; Buyer – “Buyer” means, a corporation organized and existing under laws of ∙ , the Party of the Second Part hereto; Parties – “Parties” means the Seller and the Buyer, collectively, and “Party” means any one of them; Purchase Price – “Purchase Price” means the purchase price to be paid by the Buyer to the Seller for the Purchased Goods as provided in Section 4.1 hereof [as adjusted, if necessary, pursuant to Section 3.3 hereof] Purchased Goods – “Purchased Goods” means all of the goods described in Section 3.1 and ScheduleⅠhereof; and Seller – “Seller” means ∙ , a corporation organized and existing under the laws of ∙ ,the Party of the First Part hereto.

25 Interpretation – Whenever the context requires, all words used in the singular number shall be deemed to include the plural and vice versa, and each gender shall include any other gender. The use herein of the word “including”, when following any general statement, term or matter, shall not be construed to limit such statement, term or matter to the specific terms or matters set forth immediately following such word or to similar items or matters, whether or not non-limiting language (such as “without limitation”, or “but not limited to”, or words of similar import) is used with reference thereto, but rather shall be deemed to refer to all other items or matters that could reasonably fall within the broadest possible scope of such general statement, term or matter. The use of the word “approval” or “consent” shall mean the prior written approval or consent.

26 Entire Agreement – This Agreement, including Schedules ∙ to ∙ hereto, together with the agreements and other documents to be delivered pursuant hereto, constitute the entire Agreement between the Parties pertaining to the subject matter hereof and supersede all prior agreements, understandings, negotiations and discussions, whether oral or written, of the Parties and there are no warranties, representations or other agreements between the Parties in connection with the subject matter hereof except as specifically set forth herein and therein. No supplement, modification or waiver or termination of this Agreement shall be binding unless executed in writing by the party to be bound thereby. No waiver of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed or shall constitute a waiver of any other

27 provisions (whether or not similar) nor shall such waiver constitute a continuing waiver unless otherwise expressly provided. Headings – The Article and Section headings contained herein are included solely for convenience, are not intended to be full or accurate descriptions of the content thereof and shall not be considered part of this Agreement. Schedules – The following are the Schedules to this Agreement, which Schedules are an integral part of this Agreement: Schedule Ⅰ-Purchased Goods Schedule Ⅱ-Specifications Schedule Ⅲ-Shipment Schedule

28 Applicable Law – This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of ∙ and the laws of the [United States] applicable therein and shall be treated in all respects as a ∙ contract. OR Sales Convention – This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods supplemented by the law of the State of ∙ , U.S.A. Domestic Law – This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the domestic laws of the state of ∙ and the domestic laws of the United States applied therein and shall be treated in all respects as a domestic ∙ contract.

29 Jurisdiction – Any controversy arising hereunder or in relation to this Agreement shall be settled in [New York] as hereinafter provided for. The Court and the authorities of the [State of New York] shall have jurisdiction over all controversies which may arise under or in relation to this Agreement, especially with respect to execution, interpretation and compliance of this Agreement, the Parties hereto waiving any other venue which they might be entitled by virtue of domicile, habitual residence or otherwise. The Parties acknowledge and agree that the provisions of this clause, section 1.7 do not supercede Article 11 (Arbitration). It is the intention of the Parties that the provisions of Article 11 prevail in the event of any dispute, difference, controversy or claim is not within the arbitration provisions of Article 11 do the Parties agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of [state of New York]. Currency – Unless otherwise indicated, all dollar amounts referred to in this Agreement are in [United States] currency.

30 ARTICLE 2 COMPLIANCE Compliance – Each Party agrees that it shall act so as to implement, to its full extent, the provision of this Agreement and in all respects use its best endeavours and take all such steps as may reasonable be within its power so as to comply with and act in a manner contemplated by the provisions of this Agreement and so as to implement to their full extent the provisions of this Agreement, and to the extent, if any, which may be permitted by law, shall cause its respective nominee, directors, agents and employees, if any, to act accordingly. Parties to be Bound – The Parties covenant and agree to conduct their affairs in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and to take no action which would constitute a contravention of any of the

31 terms or provisions of this Agreement
terms or provisions of this Agreement. Nevertheless, notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement, the Parties shall so conduct their affairs as to comply with any law (statutory or otherwise), regulation or other legal requirement applicable to them. Export Control Regulations – The Buyer agrees that it shall not dispose of the Purchased Goods other than to [name of country] except as export control laws and regulations of [ ∙ ] permit.

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