四六级备考讲座 李尚龙 @名师天团 微博:@尚龙老师.

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Presentation on theme: "四六级备考讲座 李尚龙 @名师天团 微博:@尚龙老师."— Presentation transcript:

1 四六级备考讲座 李尚龙 @名师天团

2 CET 试卷构成 Paper I Writing 写作 % Scan reading 快速阅读 % 段落匹配 %

3 CET-4.6 试卷构成 复合式听写的词组、取消填卡时间 取消 中国传统文化150-180段落 15% 550+ 口语考试 Paper 2
Listening 听力 % Reading 阅读 % Cloze 完型 % Translation (C-E) 翻译 % 取消 中国传统文化 段落 15% 六级:500+

4 翻译部分(15’): 1. 四大发明 The four great inventions 2. 指南针: Compass 3. 火药
Gunpowder 4. 剪纸 Paper cutting 传统文化/中国特色的内容 @石雷鹏

5 写作部分 注意事项: 1. three paragraphs 2. word numbers +30

6 3. 首末段重要原则: 换词. This is very Important This is very essential The importance attaches to this 名词重要原则

7 例题: Spring Festival gala on CCTV 1.许多人喜欢在除夕观看春节晚会 2.但有些人提出取消春节晚会 3.我的看法

8 第一段 Many people like to watch the spring festival gala on the spring festival eve..... fascination for Spring festival has exerted a great fasciation for many people on the spring festival eve....

9 I think we should keep the spring festival in the next few decades...
第三段 我的看法:我认为我们应该保留春晚 I think we should keep the spring festival in the next few decades... From my perspectives, spring festival should be a must and necessity in our daily lives


11 From the description of picture above……
The phenomenon actually reflects the fact that……. From my perspective…….

12 2. form a habit of speaking what you have learned in English 考前至少写4篇
1. keep a diary 2. form a habit of speaking what you have learned in English 考前至少写4篇 Practice makes perfect tradition education Job market @石雷鹏老师

13 听力部分(35分)

14 为什么听不懂? 1. 单词不认识 2. 认识但是不知道发音 3. 单词发生变音现象 4. 收音机太烂了 pizza Chicago
escape chef what do you want

15 Listening Comprehension
Short conversations 短对话/小对话 8% Long conversations 长对话 Passage comprehension 短文 % Compound dictation 复合式听写 10% 7%

16 破题技巧汇总 小对话 选项特点分析 试听反向原则 后句更加重要

17 两者相似,必选其一 两者相反,必选其一。 遗憾原则。

18 2009年 12月 A. the late arrival of the plane B. the plane is safe and sound C. the plane is just on time D. the plane is going to take off.

19 2011. 12. 11 A. Few students understand Prof.Johnson's lectures.
B. Few students meet Prof.Johnson's requirement. C. Many students find Prof. Johnson's lectures boring D. Few students find Prof. Johnson's lecture tedious.

20 2012. 6. 12: A. only true friendship can last long
B. Letter writing is going out of style C. She keeps in regular touch with her classmates D. She has lost contact with most of her old friends

21 2. 视听反向原则: 不会做的前提下,听见明显的短语和单词不选 没听到的很有可能是答案

22 A. The woman feels sorry for the man.
B. The man is a member of the staff. C. The area is for passenger only D. The woman is asking the man to leave

23 后句更加重要原则

24 场景词: 校园场景 campus 工作场景 occupation 医疗场景 medication 交通场景 traffic 宾馆场景 hotel and hostel

25 长对话训练材料: 2007年6月-2013年12月真题 长对话技巧: 1. 首末回合出题原则 2. 试听一致原则 3. 感叹词出题原则

26 Well,Can you sell yourself in one minute?
Em… What's salary do you have in mind? Gosh, Why do you think you are qualified to this job? God,Do you have relevant experience? Oh. Wow

27 短文听力考点集合 同义词替换 试听一致原则 转折逻辑词 But. However Unfortunately Unexpectedly

28 Have difficulties doing sth
同义词替换 Be tired of Urban city Be fed up with(2007.6) Downtown place( ) Historical places( ) Twisted my ankle( ) Have trouble doing sth( ) Get access to(2010.6) Make off with sth(2004.6) Old places Strain my ankle Have difficulties doing sth find Steal sth

29 考试准备材料:真题、机经 练习听力网址: 比较娱乐的方式: TV series Animation

30 1. 第一遍, 做题,对答案 2. 第二遍,对照原文跟读、做笔记 3. 第三遍,裸听



33 关于阅读: @尹延

34 QQ 群: 密码:四六级必过 夜猫子学英语

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