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Teacher: Huang Wu Xian. This is my home. It’s very nice. I have a living room, two bedrooms,…. Introduce your home ( 介绍你的家 ) :

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Presentation on theme: "Teacher: Huang Wu Xian. This is my home. It’s very nice. I have a living room, two bedrooms,…. Introduce your home ( 介绍你的家 ) :"— Presentation transcript:

1 Teacher: Huang Wu Xian

2 This is my home. It’s very nice. I have a living room, two bedrooms,…. Introduce your home ( 介绍你的家 ) :

3 It’s in the study. There are many, many books on it. What is it? shelf

4 I am a big box. There are many ice- creams and ice water,…in my body. What am I? fridge

5 bed phone shelf fridge table sofa

6 What’s in the picture? Look, look, look. A sofa, a fridge. And a bed. What’s in the picture? Look, look, look. A table, a shelf And a phone.

7 bed sofa shelf phone fridge 小小设计家: Design and describe your home ( 把家具单词放在家里 理想的地方,设计出自己心中的家, 并且进行描述 ) 例如: The bed is in the bedroom, the sofa is in the living room, the phone is on the table, …

8 In the morning, I get up (起床), then I_________. Suddenly (突然), the phone is coming, I___________. In the afternoon, Sarah and Amy come to my home, they _________ and______, then, I_________, take some ice water to them. In the evening, we have dinner( 吃晚餐 ), I_______. We have a happy day. make the bed answer the phone sit on the sofa watch TVopen the fridge set the table

9 1.Copy the new words. (抄写新单词 1 号) 2. Say the things about your home in English. (用英语说说家里的家具) 3. Recite Page 49. (背诵 49 页)

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