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測試你的扶輪知識 Test Your Rotary Knowledge —並瞭解更多有關扶輪第一世紀的服務 — and learn more about Rotary’s first century of service.

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Presentation on theme: "測試你的扶輪知識 Test Your Rotary Knowledge —並瞭解更多有關扶輪第一世紀的服務 — and learn more about Rotary’s first century of service."— Presentation transcript:

1 測試你的扶輪知識 Test Your Rotary Knowledge —並瞭解更多有關扶輪第一世紀的服務 — and learn more about Rotary’s first century of service

2 也夠稱作國際扶輪的建造者。 〞 保羅‧哈理斯說 保羅‧哈理斯在這段引語中所提到的是誰?
“If I can in truth be called the architect, ______ can with equal truth be called the builder of Rotary International.” — Paul P. Harris 〝如果我真的夠稱作建築師的話,同樣的 也夠稱作國際扶輪的建造者。 〞 保羅‧哈理斯說 保羅‧哈理斯在這段引語中所提到的是誰? To whom was Paul Harris referring in this quote?

3 Chesley Perry, 從1910至1942年退休 他擔任國際扶輪的第一位秘書長。 Chesley Perry,
who served as the first general secretary of Rotary International from 1910 until his retirement in 1942.

4 在月亮的表面上插上了什麼扶輪的紀念物? What Rotary memorabilia is planted on the Moon’s surface?

5 四大考驗胸針 A Four-Way Test pin 是由美國德州休斯頓太空中心扶輪社的太空人Buzz Aldrin所運送的。
他太空人伙伴與扶輪社員Frank Borman也於月球航程中攜帶了一面扶輪社旗。 delivered by U.S. astronaut Buzz Aldrin of the Rotary Club of Space Center (Houston), Texas, USA. His fellow astronaut and club member Frank Borman took a club banner on his orbit of the Moon.

6 What tradition began in 1984 when Carlos Canseco was RI president?
暗示:像秋天的葉子一樣,他們每年改變顏色。 Hint: Like the leaves in autumn, they change color every year.

7 總監當選人夾克 該顏色是保持極高度的機密直至國際講習會,那時才將該夾克向下屆地區總監展示。
District governor-elect jackets 該顏色是保持極高度的機密直至國際講習會,那時才將該夾克向下屆地區總監展示。 The color remains a highly guarded secret until the International Assembly, when the jackets are presented to incoming district governors.

8 下面中的哪一個不是四位扶輪創始社員其中的一位?
Which of the following was not one of the original four founding members of Rotary? 下面中的哪一個不是四位扶輪創始社員其中的一位? Paul Harris Gustavus Loehr Harry Ruggles Silvester Schiele Hiram E. Shorey

9 有時被認為是〝第五位扶輪社員〞,他出席了在保羅‧哈理斯律師事務所舉行第二次的扶輪社例會。
Harry Ruggles, 有時被認為是〝第五位扶輪社員〞,他出席了在保羅‧哈理斯律師事務所舉行第二次的扶輪社例會。 Ruggles有於例會中發動扶輪傳統集體歌唱的功勞。 Harry Ruggles, sometimes known as the “fifth Rotarian,” attended the second Rotary club meeting, held in Paul Harris’s law office. Ruggles is credited with launching the Rotary tradition of group singing at meetings.

10 What do the following have in common?
以下有什麼共通點? 商業和談心的俱樂部 商場的朋友 圓桌會議 Trade and Talk Club Friends in Business Roundtable

11 他們在第三次會議中提出了所有的名字,直到保羅‧哈理斯提議〝扶輪社〞─立即修改為〝扶輪社〞─以反映出對在他們的辦公室間輪流例會的集體決議。
They were all names proposed at the third meeting, until Paul Harris suggested the Rotation Club — quickly amended to Rotary Club — to reflect the group’s decision to “rotate” meetings among their offices.

12 對保羅‧哈理斯持久的稱頌,並由於其隱藏在日本一所小屋內,而安全幸免於二次世界大戰與其附近一個炸彈爆炸的是什麼?
What lasting tribute to Paul Harris survived World War II and a nearby bombing because it was safely hidden away in a shed in Japan? 對保羅‧哈理斯持久的稱頌,並由於其隱藏在日本一所小屋內,而安全幸免於二次世界大戰與其附近一個炸彈爆炸的是什麼?

13 保羅‧哈理斯半身像 The Paul Harris bust
日本雕刻家Isao Morioka冒著生命的危險藏匿該青銅半身像,那是他為紀念1935年保羅‧哈理斯訪問日本所創作的,而現今置於國際扶輪世界總部。 Japanese sculptor Isao Morioka risked his life to hide the bronze bust that he created in honor of Paul’s visit to Japan in 1935 and that today resides at RI World Headquarters.

14 Who is called the “Father of PolioPlus”?
誰被稱作〝根除小兒麻痺等疾病之父〞? James Bomar Carlos Canseco Walter Maddocks Bill Sergeant John Sever

15 所有這些扶輪社社員於小兒麻痹症戰役中都扮演著重要的角色,但是1984-85年國際扶輪社長Carlos Canseco由於他早先的領導而贏得了這個稱號。
All of these Rotarians played important roles in the battle against polio, but it is Carlos Canseco, RI president in , who earned that title for his early leadership.

16 Which of these represent incorrect use of the Rotary emblem?

17 他們所有 All of them 該徽章不能表現出是另一個物體(像一輛單車)的一部分。也不能夠為任何其他物體所覆蓋或切除該畫頁之一角。最後一個是鑰匙孔不能填滿,它是於1928年所添加上去的,使得該輪子表達出是〝一位工作者而不是遊手好閒者〞。 The emblem cannot be displayed as part of another object like a bicycle. Nor can it be covered by any other object or cut off on the page. Finally, the keyhole, which was added in 1928 to make the wheel “a worker not an idler,” must not be filled in.

18 電視新聞記者Bill Moyers、建築師Helmut Jahn和前聯合國難民高級主管Sadako Ogata有什麼共通點?
What do TV journalist Bill Moyers, architect Helmut Jahn, and former UN High Commissioner for Refugees Sadako Ogata have in common? 電視新聞記者Bill Moyers、建築師Helmut Jahn和前聯合國難民高級主管Sadako Ogata有什麼共通點?

19 連同鋼琴家Van Cliburn、經濟學家Paul Volcker和許多其他的人,他們都是前扶輪基金會獎學金學生。
Helmut Jahn ©UDOHESSE/COURTESY MURPHY/JAHN 連同鋼琴家Van Cliburn、經濟學家Paul Volcker和許多其他的人,他們都是前扶輪基金會獎學金學生。 Bill Moyers Sadako Ogata Along with pianist Van Cliburn, economist Paul Volcker, and many others, they are all former Rotary Foundation scholars.

20 這些什麼人是在做什麼? What are these people doing?

21 在1999年,三百萬位兒童從加爾各答到孟買和Salem到Chandigarh手牽手形成一種〝人類鏈條拴住小兒麻痹症〞
在印度促進公眾體認到小兒麻痹症免疫重要 在1999年,三百萬位兒童從加爾各答到孟買和Salem到Chandigarh手牽手形成一種〝人類鏈條拴住小兒麻痹症〞 Promoting public awareness of the importance of polio immunization in India. In 1999, three million children linked hands to form a “human chain to chain polio” that extended from Calcutta to Mumbai and Salem to Chandigarh.

22 在孟加拉國、肯亞、南非和其他的國家中所採用,並在泰國執行得如此成功的一種3–H識字計劃是什麼?
What began as a 3-H literacy project in Thailand and was so successful that it was adopted in Bangladesh, Kenya, South Africa, and other countries? 在孟加拉國、肯亞、南非和其他的國家中所採用,並在泰國執行得如此成功的一種3–H識字計劃是什麼?

23 這個方法是使用集中學習的方式,一種學生學習透過飾演和扮演歌詞和故事的角色或者透
識字燈塔 Lighthouse for Literacy 這個方法是使用集中學習的方式,一種學生學習透過飾演和扮演歌詞和故事的角色或者透 過唱歌來學習 閱讀的交互方 式的教學方法。 This approach uses the concentrate€d learning encounter, an interactive teaching method in which students learn to read by creating and acting out words and stories or by singing songs.

24 Chicago has been the site of how many conventions in Rotary history?

25 扶輪的誕生地業已主辦了六次扶輪國際年會,包括了1910 年第一屆、第25屆、第50屆和第75屆週年紀念國際年會。在2005年6月,於百週年國際年會芝加哥會歡迎成千上萬扶輪社員和佳賓來慶祝一百年的服務。
The birthplace of Rotary has hosted six Rotary conventions, including the first one in 1910, and the 25th, 50th, and 75th anniversary conventions. In June 2005, Chicago will welcome thousands of Rotarians and guests to celebrate 100 years of service at the centennial convention.

26 欲了解有關扶輪更令人關注的事實,請訂購一本
To learn more interesting facts about Rotary, order a copy of 一個世紀的服務: 國際扶輪的故事 A Century of Service: The Story of Rotary International. Click here to order

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