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祢開了我的耳我的眼 我的嘴將稱頌祢到永遠 我對祢的愛永不變

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2 祢開了我的耳我的眼 我的嘴將稱頌祢到永遠 我對祢的愛永不變
A-005 我對祢的愛永不變 祢開了我的耳我的眼 You touched my life, cause my eyes to see 我的嘴將稱頌祢到永遠 My lips will praise You forever, my King

3 祢的意念高過我的思想 如同天高過地 Your ways are high above all other ways
I stand before You and sing

4 全地都要來讚美祢 我跪拜祢面前稱頌祢 The Whole earth will rise up to praise You
I bow down in worship before You

5 山雖動搖 地雖改變 我對祢的愛永不變 Mountains my fall, earth may tremble
My love for You will never change

6 My love for You will never change
我對祢的愛永不變 My love for You will never change

7 I will come to You in prayer
我以禱告來到祢跟前 我以禱告來到祢跟前 I will come to You in prayer 我要尋求祢 I will seek Your face

8 I will stand within the gap
我要站在破口之中 I will stand within the gap 在那裡我尋求祢 There will I intercede

9 每一次我禱告 For every time I pray 我搖動祢的手 I move the hand of God

10 My prayer dose the thing
禱告做的事 My prayer dose the thing 我的手不能做 My hands cannot do

11 The mountains are removed
每一次我禱告 For every time I pray 大山被挪移 The mountains are removed

12 The paths are made straight
道路被鋪平 The paths are made straight 使列國歸向祢 And nations turn to You

13 You move the heart of mine
每一次我禱告 For every time I pray 祢搖動我的心 You move the heart of mine

14 My prayer dose the thing
禱告做的事 My prayer dose the thing 我的手不能做 My hands cannot do

15 The mountains are removed
每一次我禱告 For every time I pray 大山被挪移 The mountains are removed

16 The paths are made straight
道路被鋪平 The paths are made straight 使列國歸向祢 And nations turn to You

17 主我是軟弱及無助 祢卻是我的力量 I am meek and helpless, Lord
You, my strength shall be

18 以祢親切的手引導我 那就是我的得勝 Guide me with Your gracious hand
There will my victory be

19 and most worthy of praise
主 祢本為大 主 祢本為大 Great is the Lord 當受極大讚美 and most worthy of praise

20 在我們神至聖城中 願全地都喜樂 The city of our God, the Holy place
The joy of the whole earth

21 in whom we have the victory
主 在祢裏面 Great is the Lord 我們已有權柄 in whom we have the victory

22 He aids us against the enemy
能戰勝黑暗眾仇敵 He aids us against the enemy 今向祢來敬拜 We bow down on our knees

23 And Lord, we want to lift Your name on high
主 我們高舉祢至聖尊名 And Lord, we want to lift Your name on high

24 主 我們何等感謝 因祢為我成就大事 And Lord, we want to thank You
for the works You’ve done in our lives

25 And Lord, we trust in Your unfailing love
主 我們信靠祢無比大愛 And Lord, we trust in Your unfailing love

26 eternal throughout earth and heaven above
主 惟有祢是 永遠上帝 For You alone are God 祢聖名在天地之上 eternal throughout earth and heaven above

27 eternal throughout earth and heaven above
主 惟有祢是 永遠上帝 For You alone are God 祢聖名在天地之上 eternal throughout earth and heaven above

28 興起歡唱 錫安的眾兒女 因為你已蒙主拯救 興起歡唱 Arise and sing, ye children of Zion
For the Lord has delivered thee

29 興起歡唱 錫安的眾兒女 因為你已蒙主拯救 Arise and sing, ye children of Zion
For the Lord has delivered thee

30 Open your heart, and rejoice before Him (x3)

31 主祢神已作王 For the King is our God

32 Holy Spirit fall on me and set me free
賜自由的靈 賜自由的靈啊 求祢來 Holy Spirit fall on me and set me free

33 來到我的裡面 Come make my heart your home 來到我的生活 Come make my life Your own

34 趕走生活中的愁煩 驅走我心中的不安 Drive away all the cares and worries
Take away all the fears from my heart

35 祢的靈啊 在那裡 Holy Spirit, fall on me 那裡就有自由 In You, I am set free

36 世界雖有勞苦重擔 求祢靈來 賜我自由 Though trouble fills this earthly life
Holy Spirit, come set me free

37 來高聲唱 來高聲唱 讓我們來讚美尊崇大君王 來高聲唱 Come let us sing, come let us sing
A-007 來高聲唱 來高聲唱 來高聲唱 Come let us sing, come let us sing 讓我們來讚美尊崇大君王 Come with praise and adoration to the King

38 來高聲唱 來高聲唱 讓我們來讚美尊崇大君王 Come let us sing, come let us sing
Come with praise and adoration to the King

39 惟有祂配得讚美 因祂是主 昔在今在快來君王 For He is worthy of praise, for He is Lord
Who was, and is, and is to come

40 and every tongue confess
萬膝要跪拜 Every knee shall bow 萬口都要承認 and every tongue confess

41 He is Jesus Christ the Lord
祂是主耶穌 (x2) He is Jesus Christ (x2) 祂是主耶穌基督 He is Jesus Christ the Lord

42 惟有祢配得讚美 因祢是主 昔在今在快來君王 For You are worthy of praise, for You are Lord
Who was, and is, and is to come

43 and every tongue confess
萬膝要跪拜 Every knee shall bow 萬口都要承認 and every tongue confess

44 祢是主耶穌 (x2) 祢是主耶穌基督 You are Jesus Christ(x2)
You are Jesus Christ the Lord

45 The glory of the risen Lord
A-008 諸天宣揚 諸天宣揚 All heaven declares 復活之主的榮耀 The glory of the risen Lord

46 With the beauty of the Lord
誰能相比 Who can compare 我主聖潔美麗 With the beauty of the Lord

47 The lamb upon the throne
永遠到永遠 Forever He will be 羔羊已掌權 The lamb upon the throne

48 今我歡喜前來 I gladly bow the knee 向祢屈膝敬拜 And worship Him alone

49 我要歌頌祢聖名 哦主 歌頌祢聖名 哦主 我要歌頌祢聖名 I sing praise to Your name, o Lord

50 for Your name is great and greatly to be praised
因為祢聖名至高配得讚美 for Your name is great and greatly to be praised

51 我要榮耀祢聖名 哦主 榮耀祢聖名 哦主 I give glory to Your name, o Lord

52 for Your name is great and greatly to be praised
因為祢聖名至高配得讚美 for Your name is great and greatly to be praised

53 這是以利亞的日子 齊宣揚我主的話語 以利亞的日子 These are the days of Elijah
Declaring the word of the Lord

54 哦 這是祢僕人的日子 摩西 公義今正被顯明 And these are the days of Your servant, Moses
Righteousness being restored

55 哦 雖然這苦難的日子 充滿飢荒黑暗刀劍 And though these are days of great trial
Of famine and darkness and sword

56 而我們仍要在這曠野呼喊 預備耶和華的道路 Still, we are the voice in the desert crying
'Prepare ye the way of the Lord!‘

57 看祂降臨 駕著天上雲 閃耀如烈日 號筒聲吹響 Behold He comes riding on the clouds
Shining like the sun at the trumpet call

58 揚起你聲 這是恩典的禧年 救贖恩典從錫安山而來
Lift your voice, it‘s the year of Jubilee 救贖恩典從錫安山而來 And out of Zion's hill salvation comes

59 這是以西結的日子 枯乾的骸骨正復活 These are the days of Ezekiel
The dry bones becoming as flesh

60 哦 這是祢僕人的日子 大衛 重新建造讚美殿 And these are the days of Your servant, David
Rebuilding a temple of praise

61 哦 這是大收割的日子 看哪 莊稼都已發白 These are the days of the harvest
The fields are as white in Your world

62 哦 我們是祢葡萄園的工人 齊宣揚我主的話語 And we are the laborers in Your vineyard
Declaring the word of the Lord!

63 看祂降臨 駕著天上雲 閃耀如烈日 號筒聲吹響 Behold He comes riding on the clouds
看祂降臨 駕著天上雲 Behold He comes riding on the clouds 閃耀如烈日 號筒聲吹響 Shining like the sun at the trumpet call

64 揚起你聲 這是恩典的禧年 救贖恩典從錫安山而來
Lift your voice, it‘s the year of Jubilee 救贖恩典從錫安山而來 And out of Zion's hill salvation comes

65 There‘s no God like Jehovah
沒有別神像耶和華 There‘s no God like Jehovah

66 who was and who is and who is to come
昔在 今在 以後永在 who was and who is and who is to come

67 Who was and who is and who is to come

68 to come to come to come to come to come to come

69 看祂降臨 駕著天上雲 閃耀如烈日 號筒聲吹響 Behold He comes riding on the clouds
看祂降臨 駕著天上雲 Behold He comes riding on the clouds 閃耀如烈日 號筒聲吹響 Shining like the sun at the trumpet call

70 揚起你聲 這是恩典的禧年 救贖恩典從錫安山而來
Lift your voice, it‘s the year of Jubilee 救贖恩典從錫安山而來 And out of Zion's hill salvation comes

71 聖潔主 至聖潔主 惟有祢配得我們讚美 聖潔主 Holy Lord Most Holy Lord
A-015 聖潔主 聖潔主 至聖潔主 Holy Lord Most Holy Lord 惟有祢配得我們讚美 You alone are worthy of my praise

72 哦 聖潔主 至聖潔主 我們全心敬拜祢 O Holy Lord, Most Holy Lord
With all of my heart I sing

73 Great are You Lord, Worth of praise
祢本為大 配得讚美 Great are You Lord, Worth of praise 至聖至尊 Holy and true

74 Great are You Lord, Most Holy Lord
祢本為大 至聖潔主 Great are You Lord, Most Holy Lord

75 Great are You Lord, Most Holy Lord
祢本為大 至聖潔主 Great are You Lord, Most Holy Lord

76 救贖的恩典屬於神 祂今在寶座上 救贖恩典屬於神 Salvation belongs to our God
Who sits upon the throne

77 頌讚和榮耀 尊貴感謝 智慧 能力 權柄 都歸神羔羊
And unto the Lamb: Praise and glory, wisdom and thanks 智慧 能力 權柄 都歸神羔羊 Honor and power and strength

78 Be to our God, forever and ever(x3)
阿們 Amen

79 從永遠到永遠 forever and ever 阿們 Amen

80 And we, the redeemed, shall be strong,
我們蒙救贖合為一 And we, the redeemed, shall be strong, 當剛強同站立 In purpose and unity

81 來高聲宣揚 尊貴 感謝 智慧 能力 權柄都歸神羔羊
Declaring aloud: Praise and glory, wisdom and thanks 智慧 能力 權柄都歸神羔羊 Honor and power and strength

82 Be to our God, forever and ever(x3)
阿們 Amen


84 A-006 來宣揚主耶穌的聖名 來宣揚主耶穌的聖名 來宣揚主耶穌的聖名

85 我要拍手高聲唱 耶穌已贏得勝利

86 我要跳舞讚美主 祢是全能的君王

87 主耶穌已作王

88 我因祢的聖名而歡欣 我因祢慈愛大能而歡慶

89 我將讚美歸於祢聖名 我要靠主常喜樂

90 我要靠主常喜樂



93 我對祢的愛永不變 A-005   祢開了我的耳我的眼 You touched my life, cause my eyes to see 我的嘴將稱頌祢到永遠 My lips will praise You forever, my King 祢的意念高過我的思想 Your ways are high above all other ways 如同天高過地 I stand before You and sing

94 * 全地都要來讚美祢 The Whole earth will rise up to praise You 我跪拜祢面前稱頌祢 I bow down in worship before You 山雖動搖 地雖改變 Mountains my fall, earth may tremble 我對祢的愛永不變 My love for You will never change

95 全能創造主 A 祢使天空絢麗 大地富足 You brush paint on the sky, fill rich the earth 祢命江河湧流 群山復甦 You revive winter hills, make river flow

96 祢使百鳥歡唱 百花盛開 You give flowers blossoms, sparrows their songs 祢賜生命綿延 命令萬物 You’re the giver of life, Maker of all

97 *哈利路亞 Hallelujah 全能的創造主 Almighty God on high 哈利路亞 Hallelujah 萬國萬民都向祢跪拜 All nations bow and exalt Your name

98 2. 崇山峻嶺向祢 屈膝敬拜 Mountain ranges arise, to You bow down 江河湖海為祢 翩翩起舞 Stream and ocean abide, for You they dance

99 諸天穹蒼傳揚祢的榮耀 Moon and starts of the night, shout Your glory 日月星宿向祢揚聲歡呼 All creation praise You, Maker of all

100 我心讚美祢 We will praise You name 永遠讚美祢 Till the end of days 一生要讚美那 Your name is wonderful 偉大的創造主 We sing Your praise

101 *哈利路亞 Hallelujah 全能的創造主 Almighty God on high 哈利路亞 Hallelujah 萬國萬民都向祢跪拜 All nations bow and exalt Your name

102 平安王 A-010 平安王 安慰師 恩惠主 神兒子 榮耀君 全能神 永遠天父 再來君王

103 *我尊崇祢 主我尊崇祢 祢聖名超乎全地 萬物都來高聲頌揚 我尊崇祢 主我尊崇祢 主耶和華 我尊崇祢
*我尊崇祢 主我尊崇祢 祢聖名超乎全地 萬物都來高聲頌揚 我尊崇祢 主我尊崇祢 主耶和華 我尊崇祢

104 我心緊緊跟隨 A-014 每當我軟弱疲乏 對未來充滿懼怕 祢對我慈聲呼喚 來到祢寶座前

105 祢是如此溫柔 深知我心裡感受 祢賜下話語 祢光照顯明 祢煉淨我生命
祢是如此溫柔 深知我心裡感受 祢賜下話語 祢光照顯明 祢煉淨我生命

106 *主耶穌我心緊緊跟隨祢 祢同在使我得安息 主耶穌 我心緊緊跟隨祢 等候祢 我重新得力
*主耶穌我心緊緊跟隨祢 祢同在使我得安息 主耶穌 我心緊緊跟隨祢 等候祢 我重新得力

107 主耶穌我心緊緊跟隨祢 祢同在使我得安息 主耶穌 我心緊緊跟隨祢 等候祢 我重新得力
主耶穌我心緊緊跟隨祢 祢同在使我得安息 主耶穌 我心緊緊跟隨祢 等候祢 我重新得力

108 主活著 A-017 1.我事奉一復活主 祂今在世活著 我知道祂確活著 不管人怎麼說

109 我見祂手施憐憫 我聞祂安慰聲 每次當我需求祂 總必答應
我見祂手施憐憫 我聞祂安慰聲 每次當我需求祂 總必答應

110 *主活 主活 救主今天活著 祂與我談 祂伴我走 生命窄路同過
*主活 主活 救主今天活著 祂與我談 祂伴我走 生命窄路同過

111 主活 主活 賜人得救宏恩 祢問我怎知祂活著 因祂活在我心
主活 主活 賜人得救宏恩 祢問我怎知祂活著 因祂活在我心

112 2.在我所處環境中 主愛常在我旁 雖然有時心煩惱 但卻不會絕望
2.在我所處環境中 主愛常在我旁 雖然有時心煩惱 但卻不會絕望

113 我知救主引領我 衝破狂風怒潮 不日我主必再來 大顯榮耀
我知救主引領我 衝破狂風怒潮 不日我主必再來 大顯榮耀

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