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病理学 Pathology 白求恩医学院病理学系 李 伟 2010.9.21 Logo.

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Presentation on theme: "病理学 Pathology 白求恩医学院病理学系 李 伟 2010.9.21 Logo."— Presentation transcript:

1 病理学 Pathology 白求恩医学院病理学系 李 伟 Logo

2 理论课 李伟教授 Dr. WILLIAM ORR 王琳教授 王医术教授 李玉林教授 全成实教授 专家讲座 Logo

3 病理学系(病理生物学教育部重点实验室) 1939 病理学教研室 1978 硕士学位授权学科 1982 博士学位授权学科
病理学教研室 硕士学位授权学科 博士学位授权学科 吉林省重点学科 卫生部重点学科 教育部重点实验室 “985”整合生物学创新平台 国家精品课程 李玉林教授被评为国家名师 国家级优秀教学团队 Logo

4 Logo

5 prevention diagnosis treatment The main duty of medicine
Patients just want to know: What disease am I suffering from? How can you cure it? How could you prevent me from having the illness in the future? prevention diagnosis diseases treatment Logo

6 Introduction to pathology
Definition of pathology How to study pathology Evolution of pathology introduction Diagnosis and research methods Techniques for the study of pathology Logo

7 -Pathos means suffering, disease
What is Pathology? -Pathos means suffering, disease -logos means study, science Pathology is scientific study of structure and function of the body in disease. It deals with causes, effects, mechanisms and nature of disease. 病理学是用自然科学的方法研究疾病的形态结构、代谢和功能等方面的改变,从而揭示疾病的病因、发病机制和转归的医学基础学科。 Logo

8 What is Pathology? Pathology—the study of disease
Disease–—loss of ease to the body (dis-ease) An entity with a cause Illness—is the reaction of the individual to disease in the form of symptoms and physical signs The study of diseases is done in pathology while the learning of illness will be done in wards and clinics. Logo

9 What is Pathology? Patients –is the person affected by disease
Lesions—are the characteristic changes in tissues and cells produces by disease Pathological changes or morphology —examination of diseased tissues Terminology in Pathology Etiology—‘why’ of disease Pathogenesis—‘how’ of disease Symptoms and physical signs Diagnosis Prognosis Treatment Prevention ‘What’ of disease Logo

10 The position of pathology in medicine
Clinical medicine Bridging Subject Foundational medicine Pathology forms a vital bridge between preclinical sciences and clinical medicine. Logo

11 The position of pathology in medicine
“…基础医学课目中与临床最接近的当推病理学, 因为它是临床与基础之间的桥梁,要学好临床先要 学好病理学,我毕业后才认识这个道理。原想加学 一年病理学以资弥补,可是没能做到,至今引为遗憾。” 张孝骞(1897—1987) 著名医学教育家、中国消化病学的奠基人 Logo

12 How to study Pathology 总 论 个 论 心肌梗死 心内膜炎 General Pathology
Common changes in all tissues. E.g. Inflammation, cancer, Systemic Pathology Specific changes in organs. E.g. pneumonia, breast cancer. The relationship between general pathology and Systemic Pathology 循环 呼吸 消化 泌尿 心肌梗死 心内膜炎 肺淤血水肿 肺炎 肺癌 肠扭转 肠炎 肠癌 肾梗死 肾炎 肾癌 损伤 循环障碍 炎症 肿瘤…… Logo

13 How to study pathology I hear and I forget. I see and I remember.
总论 理论 形态 局部 静态 基础 各论 实践 功能 整体 动态 临床 Why cause Where location I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand . What change Logo

14 The history of pathology
器官病理学 Organ pathology 组织细胞病理学 cellular pathology 超微结构病理学 ultrastructural pathology 分子病理学 molecular pathology Logo

15 Diagnosis and research methods
Human pathology   尸体剖检(autopsy) 活体组织检查(biopsy) 细胞学检查(  cytology ) Experimental pathology 动物实验(animal experiment) 组织和细胞培养(tissue and cell culture)     Logo

16 Diagnosis and research methods
Human pathology   Autopsy: An examination of a cadaver to determine the cause of death. 尸体解剖检查-- 简称尸检,即对死者的遗体进行病理解剖和进行系统的形态学分析,是病理学的基本研究方法之一 Significance: Logo

17 Logo

18 Diagnosis and research methods
Autopsy: The purposes of autopsy: Significance: 1. Confirmation diagnosis and major cause of the death 2. Discover some new diseases. 3. Accumulation experience of clinical treatment 4. Accumulation specimens “盖棺定论” Logo

19 病理学诊断“金标准” Diagnosis and research methods Human pathology
Biopsy: a procedure where diseased tissue is removed from the alive body for laboratory examination to determine the diagnosis. 活体组织检查--简称活检,即用局部切取、钳取、细针穿刺、搔刮和切取病变器官等手术方法,从患者活体获取病变组织或病变器官进行病理诊断。 又称为外科病理学,诊断病理学 病理学诊断“金标准” Logo

20 biopsy The origin of routine biopsy materials Therapeutic resection
Resected tissue for diagnostic purpose Endoscopic biopsies Shave biopsies Core biopsies Naturally discharged tissues Logo

21 biopsy Frozen Section Examination
An examination of pathologic samples from living body to set up diagnosis Logo

22 Diagnosis and research methods
Human pathology   cytopathology: cytology is the diagnosis of disease from individual cells, such as cervical smears or fluid from cysts. 细胞学检查 --通过采集病变处的细胞,涂片染色后进行诊断 脱落细胞 自然分泌物 体液 排泄物 细针穿刺吸取 Logo

23 Diagnosis and research methods

24 Diagnosis and research methods
Experimental pathology 动物实验(animal experiment) 组织和细胞培养(tissue and cell culture) Logo

25 Diagnosis and research methods
Experimental pathology 动物实验(animal experiment) 组织和细胞培养(tissue and cell culture) Logo

26 Basic techniques in the study and diagnosis of pathology
1 Gross observation (大体) 2 Histopathology—Microscope observation (镜下) 3 Immunohistochemistry (IHC):免疫组织化学 4 electron microscope (用扫描、透射电镜观察病变亚微病) 5 flow cytometry(流式细胞学):测定细胞DNA变化来研究诊断疾病 6 Laser Scanning Confocal microscope(激光扫描共聚焦显微镜) 7 Microdissection(激光显微切割) 8 image analysis (图像分析技术 ):定量法分析、诊断疾病 9 Biological techniques 分子生物学技术 Logo

27 Gross appearance: size weight shape color consistency surface edge
Basic techniques in the study and diagnosis of pathology Gross appearance: size weight shape color consistency surface edge section Logo

28 Basic techniques in the study and diagnosis of pathology
Histopathology—Microscope observation (镜下) HE staining Specific staining HE Periodic acid schiff(PAS PAS HE Logo

29 Immunohistochemistry (IHC) & immunofluorescence (IF)
Basic techniques in the study and diagnosis of pathology IF Immunohistochemistry (IHC) & immunofluorescence (IF) IHC Logo

30 Basic techniques in the study and diagnosis of pathology
Electron microscope     Logo

31 Laser Scanning Confocal microscope
Basic techniques in the study and diagnosis of pathology Laser Scanning Confocal microscope Logo

32 Basic techniques in the study and diagnosis of pathology
flow cytometry Logo

33 Basic techniques in the study and diagnosis of pathology
Microdissection • pick up target cells (e.g.tumor cells) from HE slides for DNA extraction By Manual By laser Logo

34 Biochip technique Gene chip: Protein chip: Tissue array:
Basic techniques in the study and diagnosis of pathology Gene chip: Protein chip: Tissue array: Logo

35 病理学 临床医学 基础医学Basic science 人体病理学 细胞学 活检 尸检 cytology 实验病理学 动物 实验 细胞 培养
autopsy biopsy cytology 实验病理学 动物 实验 细胞 培养 病理学 总论 个论 大体 组织和细胞学 组织和细胞化学 免疫组织化学 超微结构 流式细胞术 图像分析技术 分子生物学技术 激光扫描共聚焦显微术 临床医学 Clinical practices 基础医学Basic science Logo

36 Tissue and Cellular adaptation and Injury
Chapter one Tissue and Cellular adaptation and Injury 第一章 Logo

37 Cell and tissue adaptation and injury
Normal cells irreversible injury reversible Adaptation Diagram 2 Logo

38 Adaptation 适应 Cellular adaptation occurs when excessive physiologic stresses, or some pathologic stimuli, result in a new but altered state that preserves the viability of the cell. 指细胞、组织、器官和机体对于持续性的内外刺激作出的非损伤性的应答反应。通过适应性反应,细胞、组织和器官改变其自身的代谢、功能和结构以达到新的平衡、耐受各种刺激而得以存活,避免损伤。 Logo

39 Adaptation Cell size↑ Cell number↑ Hypertrophy 肥大 Hyperplasia 增生
适应 Atrophy 萎缩 Metaplasia 化生 Cell size & number↓ differentiation Logo

40 hypertrophy-肥大 肥大:细胞体积的增大 Definition:
An increase in the size of cells and consequently an increase in the size of the organ. 肥大:细胞体积的增大 组织和器官的肥大通常是由于实质细胞的体积增大所致,但也可伴有实质细胞数量的增加。 Logo

41 Hypertrophy-types athletic musculature the uterus during pregnancy
lactating breast Physiologic hypertensive myocardial hypertrophy residual nephron hypertrophy hepatic cells hypertrophy (hyperplasia) Pathologic Compensatory hypertrophy--caused by increased functional demand Endocrine hypertrophy— caused by specific hormonal stimulation Logo

42 Physiologic hypertrophy of uterus
Hypertrophy-types Physiologic hypertrophy of uterus Logo

43 eccentric hypertrophy(decompensate)
Hypertrophy-morphology Hypertrophy of cardiac muscle Normal heart hypertrophy eccentric hypertrophy(decompensate) concentric hypertrophy(compensatory) Normal heart Logo

44 Hypertrophy-morphology

45 Compensatory hypertrophy chronic glomerulonephritis
Hypertrophy-morphology Compensatory hypertrophy Atrophic glomeruli chronic glomerulonephritis Logo

46 Hyperplasia 增生 Definition: 器官或组织的实质细胞数目增多。 增生可导致组织、器官的体积增大
An increase in the number of cells in an organ or tissue, which may then have increased volume. 器官或组织的实质细胞数目增多。 增生可导致组织、器官的体积增大 增生是细胞有丝分裂活跃的结果,也与细胞凋亡受到抑制有关,通常受到增殖基因、凋亡基因、激素和各种肽类生长因子及其受体的精细调控。 Logo

47 Hyperplasia-Types Physiologic
Hormonal hyperplasia: female breast epithelium at puberty or during pregnancy Compensatory hyperplasia: a portion of the tissue is removed or diseased---a liver is partially resected Pathologic Excessive hormonal or growth factor stimulation: endometrial hyperplasia Hyperplasia of prostate gland would healing—fibroblasts and blood vessels proliferate. Logo

48 Hyperplasia-Types Physiologic breast hyperplasia Logo

49 Hyperplasia-Types Proliferated endometrium Complex hyperplasia Logo

50 hyperplasia of prostate gland
Hyperplasia-Types Hyperplasia Diffuse—tissue and organ diffusely enlarged Nodular—single or multiple nodules hyperplasia of prostate gland Logo

51 hyperplasia and hypertrophy
Although hypertrophy and hyperplasia are two distinct processes, frequently both occur together, and they will be triggered by the same mechanism. The hyperplasia process remains controlled (reversible) Pathological hyperplasia constitutes a fertile soil in which cancerous proliferation may arise. Logo

52 Atrophy-萎缩 Definition Atrophy is Shrinkage in the size of the cell due to loss of cell substance. When a sufficient number of cells is involved, the entire tissue or organ diminishes in size, becoming atrophic. Although atrophic cells may have diminished function, they are not dead. 发育正常的实质细胞因细胞物质的丢失而体积变小称为萎缩。 细胞萎缩可导致组织、器官的体积缩小。常伴有细胞数目的减少 Logo

53 Atrophy- Types Pathologic Inadequate nutrition Decreased workload
Denervation Pressure Loss of endocrine stimulation Physiologic Aging Endocrine Logo

54 Atrophy- Morphology 大体:萎缩的器官体积缩小,重量减轻,色泽变深(褐色萎缩);被膜皱缩,边缘变锐
镜下:实质细胞体积变小,可伴细胞数目的减少。心肌细胞和肝细胞等萎缩细胞胞质内可出现脂褐素颗粒 (lipofuscin) 电镜:线粒体、内质网等减少,自噬泡(autophagy vacuoles)显著增多,自噬泡内的细胞碎片不能被消化而以膜包绕的形式存在于细胞质,即脂褐素 可伴间质的增生—假性肥大 Logo

55 Atrophy- Types Atrophy due to inadequate nutrition Chachexia 恶病质
is a sign of late-stage disease Marked weight loss Loss of muscle mass Logo

56 Atrophy- Morphology Physiologic atrophy of brain 82 year-old male
Normal brain of a 25-year-old male Logo

57 Brain of Alzheimer's disease
Atrophy- Morphology Pathological atrophy of brain Brain atrophy caused by diminished blood supply Brain of Alzheimer's disease Logo

58 Atrophy- Morphology Atrophy of heart Logo

59 Atrophy- Morphology Atrophy of heart Brown atrophy of heart
Tortuous of arteries Logo

60 Atrophy- Morphology Atrophy of heart normal heart atrophic heart Logo

61 Atrophy- Morphology Atrophy of heart
Normal cardiac muscle Atrophic cardiac muscle Logo

62 Atrophy- Morphology Atrophy of heart Logo

63 Atrophy- Morphology Logo

64 Atrophy- Morphology Logo

65 Atrophy- Morphology Pressure atrophy of brain Logo

66 Atrophy- Morphology Pressure atrophy of kidney Logo

67 Normal liver Pressure atrophy ( liver carcinoma)
Atrophy- Morphology Pressure atrophy of liver Normal liver Pressure atrophy ( liver carcinoma) Logo

68 Atrophy Atrophy represents a retreat by the cell to a smaller size at which survival is still possible; A new equilibrium is achieved between cell size and diminished blood supply, nutrition, or other stimulation. Mild---recover Severe and durative---to death Logo

69 Metaplasia 化生 Definition: Metaplasia is a reversible change in which one adult cell type is replaced by another adult cell type. 一种分化成熟的细胞为另一种分化成熟的细胞所替代的过程。 是存在于正常组织中的干细胞或结缔组织中未分化间叶细胞通过增生转变,即重新程序化的结果 化生只出现于具有增生能力的细胞 特异性低的细胞取代特异性高的细胞 化生只发生于同源细胞之间 Logo

70 Metaplasia-Types Epithelial metaplasia Mesenchymal metaplasia
Squamous metaplasia 鳞状上皮化生 columnar epithelium (trachea, cervix, cholecyst) transitional epithelium (pelvis) Intestinal metaplasia 肠上皮化生 Gastric glandular epithelium Pseudo-pyloric gland Metaplasia 假幽门腺化生 corpus and sinus gastric gland Mesenchymal metaplasia Osseous, cartilage and adipose tissue metaplasia 骨、软骨、脂肪组织化生 Fibroblasts Logo

71 Metaplasia-Types Logo

72 Metaplasia-Types Squamous metaplasia normal Logo

73 正常气管上皮 鳞状上皮化生 Logo

74 Metaplasia-Types Squamous metaplasia Logo

75 villi of normal trachea
Metaplasia-Types villi of normal trachea squamous metaplasia Logo

76 Metaplasia-Types Logo

77 Metaplasia-significance
Metaplasia---a “double-edged sword” Advantage Defending loss of normal function Cancer transformation Disadvantage Logo

78 Adaptation hypertrophy hyperplasia adaptation atrophy metaplasia
Increased demands Growth stimulation hyperplasia hypertrophy adaptation atrophy metaplasia Diminished nutrition Low stimulation Chronic stimulation Pathological Logo

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