Chapter 2 Drug Discovery,Design

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1 Chapter 2 Drug Discovery,Design

2 第一节 我国加入WTO后医药产业的机遇 挑战
一、医药产业在国民经济中的重要地位 现代医药产业将成为世界经济的新增长点之一 国际: 年代 销售额(亿美元) ,20 ,300 ,000 ,000 国内: 年代 销售 额(亿人民币) ,100 ,500 ,400 ,000 预计:未来几年全球医药市场销售额年增长率将大于7%, 我国将大于10%。

3 ——医药产业市场总额为1.5万亿美元 医药产业已成为世界四大创利支柱产业 居于软件和计算机行业之后。
——全球24家制药公司合计市场资本为2万亿美元 成为继IT产业 银行业 电传视讯业 之后的第四大支柱产业。 美国目前全部医药公司的市值已达到全部汽车公司的约19倍之多

4 Takeda Pharmaceutical
2007年福布斯企业排名300强中的制药企业(单位:10亿美元): 排名 英文名 中文名 国家 07年销售额 07年利润 资产 市值 57 Pfizer 辉瑞 美国 48.42 8.14 115.27 152.17 58 Johnson & Johnson 强生 61.1 10.58 80.95 175.51 67 Sanofi-aventis 赛诺菲-安万特 法国 40.95 7.68 104.98 101.17 72 Novartis 诺华 瑞士 40.22 12.62 71.89 111.62 74 Roche Holding 罗氏 40.65 8.6 67.72 169.32 79 GlaxoSmithKline 葛兰素史克 英国 45.07 10.35 57.16 120.05 148 AstraZeneca 阿斯利康 29.21 5.53 46.91 54.86 162 Merck & Co 默沙东 24.2 3.28 48.35 95.92 167 Abbott Laboratories 雅培 25.91 3.61 39.71 82.77 171 Wyeth 惠氏 22.4 4.62 42.72 58.36 228 Amgen 安进 14.77 3.17 34.64 49.51 229 Eli Lilly & Co 礼来 18.63 2.95 26.79 56.87 257 Bristol-Myers Squibb 百时美施贵宝 19.35 2.17 26.17 44.75 282 Cardinal Health 基本健康公司 19.39 1.55 23.47 21.09 298 Takeda Pharmaceutical 武田制药 日本 11.11 2.86 25.99 47.44

5 世界各大制药公司的拳头产品 Glaxo-Smithkline——抗溃疡药 Zantac(雷尼替丁) 抗哮喘药 Ventoline(沙丁胺醇)
抗偏头痛药 Sumatriptan 抗菌药 Augmentin Pfizer-Warnerlambert——抗高血脂药 Lipitor(阿托伐他汀) 促勃起药 Viagra(西地那非) 抗忧郁药 Zoloft(盐酸舍曲林) 抗腹泻药 Celebbrex Astra-Zenaca——抗溃疡药 Losec(奥美拉唑) 新血管疾病用药 Zestril(赖诺普利) Merck——降血脂药 Zocor(辛伐他丁) 降血压药 Cozza(洛沙坦) 抗关节炎药 Vioxx

6 二、我国医药企业现状 企业小而分散 ——5000多家企业,2004年销售额3500亿人民币。 研究力量薄弱
——有研究能力的院所不到10个,研究人员不到职工人数的5%。 研究经费投入 ——研究经费不到日本1976年水平的10%。国外 R&D占销售收入的 ~20%,我国不足1%。 缺乏有自主知识产权的拳头产品 ——95%以上新药是仿制产品,利润小,经济效益低下。 重复仿制,恶性竞争 ——一个药品有十几家甚至几十家仿制,环丙沙星1080家。

7 三、我国加入WTO后医药产业面临的挑战 降低关税 ——从10%以上降到5%(药品、医疗器械) 取消大型医疗器械进口配额 保护知识产权
——我国从1993年1月1日实行药品专利。 不能无限制地仿制国外产品 ——依赖进口药品 ——购买国外专利许可 ——等待国外专利过期再进行仿制 结论:必须加快新药研发的步伐,进快实现新药研发从仿制向创 制的战略转移。

8 四、我们面临机遇 1、政府的宏观指导和调控及政策资金支持 《重大新药创制》重大专项
本重大专项实施期间为2006年至2020年,分三个阶段实现专项总体目标,每个阶段分别为五年,每个阶段研制具有自主知识产权的创新药物30-50个,技术提升10个药物大品种,重在内涵提高。 2006年至2010年为创新转型阶段 2011年至2015年为快速增长阶段 2016年至2020年为创新跨越阶段 针对10类(种)严重危害人民健康的重大疾病,研究开发30个创新药物,实现国际化新药研究开发的重大突破。

9 “十一五”阶段目标 1.针对严重危害我国人民健康的恶性肿瘤、心脑血管疾病、糖尿病、神经退行性疾病、抑郁症、自身免疫性疾病、耐药性致病菌感染、结核、重大病毒感染性疾病(如乙型肝炎、艾滋病、人感染禽流感)等 2、针对保障我国人民健康的医疗需求,通过技术创新,改造10个药物大品种,做大产品,树立品牌。 3、建立5-10个综合性创新药物研究开发技术大平台,择优完善和建设一批专业性新药研究开发单元技术平台和企业为主体的新药技术创新平台,构建现代化、国际化药物创新体系,为持续开展药物创新研究提供支撑。

10 新药研发平台 10个综合性新药研究开发技术大平台 若干个新药临床前研究单元技术平台 药物筛选及相关技术平台(3) 药效学评价技术平台(8)
药物代谢动力学技术平台(4) 药物安全评价技术平台(8) 生物技术新药中试放大及分离纯化技术平台(8) 生物技术药物质量标准和质量控制技术平台(1) 中药标准研究技术平台(6) 新药研发信息和策略技术平台研究(2) 释药系统技术平台(7) 中药新药发现和评价技术平台(3)

11 国家重大科技专项《重大新药创制》总概算(2006-2020)
“十一五” ( 年) “十二五” ( 年) “十三五” ( 年) 总概算 189 400 750 中央财政拨款 66 100 150 地方/部门 45 130 200 企 业 78 170


13 2、上海市把医药产业作为六大支柱产业之一 基地建设 张江国家生物医药科技产业基地(一所八中心) ——中科院上海药物研究所
——上海新药研究开发中心 ——国家新药筛选中心 ——国家新药安全评价中心 ——南方基因中心 ——中药现代化创新中心 ——南方基因芯片工程中心 ——中药标准对照品研究中心 ——中药工程研究中心

14 五、我们的对策? 临床前研究 临床研究 新药研究与开发的过程: 2-4年 2-3年 1-2年 4-6年 整个过程需要9-15年 新药靶
2-4年 年 年 年 整个过程需要9-15年 花费5-10亿美元 新药靶 的发现 先导化合物 的发现及优化 临床前研究 临床研究 如何在制药行业的“八国联军”面前生存、发展 可能的对策:参与医药产业链中的国际分工 提倡开展Me Too研究 发展民族医药 – 中药 注重开发新制剂

15 Lead compound 第二节 先导化合物发现的方法和途径
第二节 先导化合物发现的方法和途径 Lead compound The lead is a prototype compound that has a number of attractive characteristics, such as the desired biological or pharmacological activity, but may have other undesirable characteristics, for example, high toxicity, other biological activities, absorption difficulties, insolubility, or metabolism problems. The structure of the lead compound is modified by synthesis to amplify the desired activity and to minimize or eliminate the unwanted properties to a point where a drug candidate, a compound worthy of extensive biological, pharmacological, and animal studies, is identified.

16 1. A Drug discovery without a Lead (accidentally discover,偶然发现)
1.1 Penicillin(青霉素,Fleming,1928) The structure was elucidated in 1944 with an X-ray crystal structure by Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin (Oxford)

17 1.2 Librium (利眠宁, Sternbach at Roche ,1950’s)
benzodiazepine (Librium) Benzheptoxdiazines(苯并庚氧二嗪,目标化合物) quinazoline 3-oxide (喹唑啉3-氧化物,副产物)

18 2. From nature product 2.1 Cocain to Procain hydrochloride

19 3. Random Screening (随机筛选)
Random screening involves no intellectualization; all compounds are tested in the bioassay without regard to their structures. Prior to 1935 , this was essentially the only approach; today this method is still an important approach to discover drugs or leads; particularly because it is now possible to synthesis screen such huge numbers of compounds rapidly with combinatorial chemistry and high-throughput screens (HTSs),

20 4. Drug Metabolism Studies
代谢物(metabolites):Inactive(解毒、排泄) Activation (a lead is derived) 4.1 Terfenadine hydrochloride (盐酸特非那定 )to fexofenadine hydrochloride (盐酸非索那定 )(nonsedating antihistamine) This caused a buildup and led to the abnormal heart rhythms when it was taken with certain antifungal agents, which were found to block the enzyme that metabolizes terfenadine. It was also found to be a nonsedating antihistamine, but it can be metabolized even in the presence of antifungal agents. This, then, is a safer drug.

21 4.2 Sedative-hypnotics of benzodiazepines
R1 R2 R3 CH3 H 地西泮(diazepam) OH 奥沙西泮(oxazepam)(metabolite) 替马西泮(temazepam)(derivative) Cl 劳拉西泮(lorazepam) (derivative)

22 5. Clinical Observations
Sometimes a drug candidate during clinical trials will exhibit more than one pharmacological activity; that is, it may produce a side effect. This compound, then, can be used as a lead (or, with luck, as a drug) for the secondary activity 5.1 dimenhydrinate(苯海拉明 ) Antihistamine motion sickness (car sickness,seasickness,airsickness) 5.2 Bupropion hydrochloride(盐酸丁胺苯丙酮 ) Antidepressant smoking cessation aid (Zyban,耐烟盼 )

23 5.3 Sildenafil citrate Angina Increased erectile function In phase II clinical trials, it was not as effective against angina as Pfizer had hoped, so it went back to phase I clinical trials to see how high of a dose could be tolerated. It was during that clinical trial that the volunteers reported increased erectile function.

24 6. Rational Approaches to Lead Discovery
Rational approaches to drug design now have become the major routes to lead discovery. The first step is to identify the cause for the disease state. Many diseases, or at least the symptoms of diseases, arise from an imbalance (either excess or deficiency) of particular chemicals in the body, from the invasion of a foreign organism, or from aberrant cell growth. The imbalance can be corrected by antagonism or agonism of a receptor or by inhibition of a particular enzyme Lead can derived from natural receptor ligand or enzyme substrate. 基于机理的药物设计(mechanism-based drug design,MBDD 基于结构的药物设计( structure-based drug design,SBDD) Computer-assisted drug design (CADD)

25 6.1 5-HT H2 recepter antagonism


27 6.2 Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitor(ACEI)

28 ACE的底物与酶的作用模型显示: 1. 末端羧基与酶的正离子形成静电结合 2. 侧链部分与空穴的疏水区域结合 3. C端的的羧基与锌的四面体过度态结合 人类睾丸ACE与赖诺普利共结晶的X-射线结构

29 小结: 1.先导化合物:是一种为开发新药通过各种方法得到的具有一定生物学活性的化合物,但存在某些缺点,如活性不强、毒性大、吸收困难、溶解性差或存在代谢问题等。可以通过结构改造提高活性、减少毒副作用或改变物理化学和药代动力学性质,得到可供新药开发的侯选化合物。 2.先导化合物的发现方法和途径: (1)偶然发现; (2)随机筛选; (3)天然产物 (4)药物代谢; (5)临床观察; (6)合理的药物设计(MBDD,SBDD,CADD)

30 第三节 先导化合物的优化 Lead Modification Drugs Candidate Lead

31 Identification of the Active Part: The Pharmacophore
Interactions of drugs with receptors, known as pharmacodynamics, are very specific . Only a small part of the lead compound may be involved in the appropriate receptor interactions. The relevant groups on a molecule that interact with a receptor and are responsible for the activity are known as the pharmacophore. The other atoms in the lead molecule are called auxophore. Auxophore: Skeleton to maintain the integrity of the molecule and hold the pharmacophoric groups in their appropriate positions. Extraneous atoms, however, may be interfering with the binding of the pharmacophore, and those atoms need to be excised from the lead compound. Dangling in space within the receptor and are neither binding to the receptor nor preventing the pharmacophoric atoms from binding. Lead modification are important for change the pharmacokinetics (absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion or ADME).

32 Antineoplastic Drugs 药效团

33 Addictive analgesics

34 2. Structure modification 2.1 Bioisosterism interchange(生物电子等排置换)
Bioisosteres (生物电子等排体) are substituents or groups that have chemical or physical similarities, and which produce broadly similar biological properties (Friedman,1951) Bioisosterism is an important lead modification approach that has been shown to be useful to attenuate toxicity or to modify the activity of a lead, and may have a significant role in the alteration of pharmakinetics of a lead. There are classical isosteres and nonclassical isosteres.

35 2.2 classical isosteres Univalent atoms and groups (Halogen,—XHn X=C, N, O, S) Bivalent atoms and groups (—O—, —NH—, —CH2—, —Si—) Trivalent atoms and groups (—N=, —CH=,—P= , —As= ) Tetravalent atoms (=C=, =N+=, =P+=) Ring equivalenst (—CH=CH— , —S— ,—O— ,—NH—, —CH2—)

36 2.3 Nonclassical Isosteres
Carbonyl group: Carboxylic acid group: —COOH, —SO3H, —SO2NHR, —PO(OH)NH2, , Hydroxyl group:—OH —NHCOR NHSO2R —CH2OH —NHCONH —NHCN —CH(CN)2 Catechol: Thioether:

37 Amine: Pyridine: Spacer group:

38 2.4 Examples of Bioisosteric Analogs
1) Univalent   周期表中同族元素互换,活性一般不会发生质的变化。 苯海拉明苯环上的氢被卤素取代: X Antiallergic index H F Cl Br Diphenhydramine

39 2) Bivalent bond angles: 108±3 112±2 111±3 111.5±3
键角相似,互换可能产生相近的结果,但疏水性差别大,活性也可能有较大差别。 Procaine(O)→procainamide(NH)

40 Antergan→Neoantergan
3) Trivalent —N= and —CH= Antergan→Neoantergan Chlorpromazine to Chlorprothikene

41 4) Nonclassical Bioisosterism interchange Arbonyl group Analogs
—COOH and —SO3H and —SO2HN— interchange 烟酸的四氮唑衍生物降胆固醇作用是前者的3倍

42 Space Analogs Estradiol and Diethylstilbestrol 0.855nm

43 2.5 Ring-Chain Transformations
Phenothiazine tranquilizers

44 2.6 Homologation and Chain Branching
A homologous series is a group of compounds that differ by a constant unit, generally a CH2 group. Biological properties of homologous compounds show regularities of increase and decrease. R Phenol coefficient% Spasmolytic activitya methyl — ethyl — n-propyl n-butyl n-pentyl n-hexyl n-heptyl n-octyl n-nonyl n-deyl n-undecyl i-propyl — i-butyl 1-amyl i-hexyl — Table Effect of Chain Length on Potency. Antibacterial activity of 4-n-alkylresorcinols and spasmolytic activity of mandelate esters 4-n-alkylresorcinols (抗菌) mandelate esters (解痉) a Relative to 3,3,5-trimethylcyclohexanol, set at 100%.

45 2.7 Group turnover Pethidine(哌替啶)→Anadol(安那度尔)
Procainamide(普鲁卡因酰胺)→Lidocaine(利多卡因) isograzine(异格拉嗪) Intermediate

46 3. Structure–Activity Relationships
Structurally specific drugs Act at specific sites, such as a receptor or an enzyme. Their activity and potency are very susceptible to small changes in chemical structure; molecules with similar biological activities tend to have common structural features. Structurally nonspecific drugs No specific site of action and usually have lower potency. Similar biological activities may occur with a variety of structures. Such as gaseous anesthetics, sedatives and hypnotics, antiseptics and disinfectants.

47 Sulfa drugs antimicrobial activity
SAR studies is the synthesis of as many analogs as possible of the lead and their testing to determine the effect of structure on activity (or potency). Once enough analogs are prepared and sufficient data accumulated, conclusions can be made regarding structure–activity relationships. Sulfa drugs antimicrobial activity More than 10,000 compounds were synthesized, SAR were made The amino and sulfonyl groups on the benzene ring should be para; (2) The anilino amino group may be unsubstituted (as shown) or may have a substituent that is removed in vivo; (3) Replacement of the benzene ring by other ring systems, or the introduction of additional substituents on it, decreases the potency or abolishes the activity; (4) N-monosubstitution of sulfamide results in more potent compounds, and the potency increases with heteroaromatic substitution; N-disubstitution , in general, leads to inactive compounds.

48 Molecular activity maps SAR for paclitaxel (Taxol)
Structural drawings of a lead compound to show where in the molecule specific structural changes affect activity or potency measured in a single bioassay. SAR for paclitaxel (Taxol)

49 本节小结: 1.药效团:是药物的基本结构,参与与受体结合并对药效起决定性作用,药效团的改变对活性影响较大。一些与受体结合无关基团的改变对活性影响不大,但可能会影响药物分子的药代动力学性质,如药物的吸收、分布、代谢和排泄。 2.结构改造的方法:(1)生物电子等排置换;(2)环链的转换;(3)同系物法及侧链的分支(4)基团的倒置等。 3.生物电子等排置换:具有相似的物理化学性质能产生相似的生物学活性的取代基或基团互为生物电子等排体,这些生物电子等排体之间的互换被称为生物电子等排置换。 4.药物构效关系:药物可分为结构特异性药物和结构非特异性药物。结构特异性药物有特异性的结合部位,它们具有共同的药效团并具有相似的生物学作用,结构的微小改变往往极大地影响生物学活性和强度。通过合成大量的结构类似物,测定生物学活性(针对某一个靶点),总结出结构与生物活性关系的规律,这些构效关系的总结能为后续研究提供指导。

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