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Human Resource Management

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1 Human Resource Management
第四篇 組 織 11 人力資源管理 Human Resource Management 各節重點 11.1 解釋人力資源管理程序的重要性及外部 因素對程序的影響 11.2 如何招募並甄選稱職的員工 11.3 養成及訓練員工的不同方法 11.4 留住稱職高績效員工的策略 11.5 討論當今有關人力資源管理的議題

2 人力資源管理程序 11.1 Human Resource Management Process
人力資源管理的重要性 Why Is HRM Important? 第一、建立持久的競爭優勢重要來源。 人員導向的HR創造卓越的股東價值 As a significant source of competitive advantage People-oriented HR creates superior shareholder value. 第二、人力資源管理是重要的組織策略。 藉由人員達成競爭的成功,須對待員工如同夥伴 As an important strategic tool Achieve competitive success through people by treating employees as partners.

3 To improve organizational performance
第三、對組織績效的影響。 高績效工作實務能促進高個人績效與高企業績效 To improve organizational performance High-performance work practices lead to both high individual and high organizational performance. 高績效工作實務的共同特質是:盡力提高員工的知識、技能與能力;增加對他們的獎勵、減少工作時間的浪費;以及提高優秀員工的留任率,並讓表現不佳的員工離開。 The common thread among these practices seems to be a commitment to involving employees; improving the knowledge, skills, and abilities of an organization’s employees; increasing their motivation; reducing loafing on the job; and enhancing the retention of quality employees while encouraging low performers to leave.

4 Exhibit 11-1 High-Performance Work Practices

5 Exhibit HRM Process

6 External Factors That Affect the HRM Process
外部因素對人力資源管理程序的影響 External Factors That Affect the HRM Process 經濟影響 全球經濟發展衰退,已使得HRM程序發生了永久性的變化。 The global economic downturn has resulted in HRM process to be an enduring change. EX: Japan’s job for life & decent pension 雇員工會的影響 如果管理者與工會間的協商,無法解決工作實務的糾紛,那員工將發動罷工活動。 Ex: NBA 2011 season If negotiations between management and the union didn’t resolve the disputes over work practices, then employees vowed to hit the firm with more strikes.

7 工會為代表勞工,透過集體協商方式來保護工人利益的組織。
Labor union - an organization that represents workers and seeks to protect their interests through collective bargaining. 在擁有工會的組織裡,許多人力資源管理的決策是由工會與資方集體協議所制定的。這些協議通常會界定招募的來源;雇用、晉升與解雇的標準;參加訓練的資格和懲戒的做法等。 In unionized organizations, many HRM decisions are directed by collective bargaining agreements, which usually define things such as recruitment sources; criteria for hiring, promotions, and layoffs; training eligibility; and disciplinary practices.

8 政府法令的影響 Legal Environment of HRM
組織的人力資源管理程序受到政府法令的管制。企業要雇用 誰,或要挑選哪位員工參加管理訓練,或是員工薪酬等決策, 都必須排除種族、性別、宗教、年齡、膚色、原國籍或殘疾 等因素。只有在特殊情況下,才允許有例外。 An organization’s HRM practices are governed by a country’s laws. For example, decisions regarding who will be hired or which employees will be chosen for a training program or what an employee’s compensation will be must be made without regard to race, sex, religion, age, color, national origin, or disability. Exceptions can occur only in special circumstances Ex: firefighter applicant 職場上有許多法令監督管理者及組織,為了在「應該做與不 應該做」之間取得平衡點兒實施的行動,稱之為承諾行動。 Affirmative Action - organizational programs that enhance the status of members of protected groups

9 人口統計趨勢的影響 Demographic trends
BMW在巴伐利亞的工廠,擔心未來將因人口老化,而無可 避免地造成生產力衰退。因此,公司決定改造工廠以適合年 老員工使用。 BMW’s Bavaria plant was worried about the potential inevitable future decline in productivity due to an aging workforce. That’s when company executives decided to redesign its factory for order workers. 近年來美國勞動力的變化可歸因於1960年代的聯邦法規,由 於這些法律,各家公司開始開放給少數民族及婦女求職者。 Much of the change in the U.S. workforce can be attributed to federal legislation enacted in the 1960’s that prohibited employment discrimination. With these laws, avenues opened up for minority and female job applicants.

10 招募並甄選稱職的員工 11.2 Identifying and Selecting Competent Employees
每個組織都需要人才來從事企業中的工作,究竟要如何得到這些人才,又能確保他們是適任並有才能的?人力資源管理的第一階段便與之有關,分別是:人力資源規劃、招募與裁員以及甄選。 Every organization needs people to do whatever work is necessary for doing what the organization is in business to do. The first phase of the HRM process involves three tasks: human resource planning, recruitment and decruitment, and selection.

11 人力資源規劃 Human Resource Planning
人力資源規劃是指管理者為確保有效完成組織任務,而「適質適量」與「適時適地」配置員工的過程。藉由規劃,可以讓組織避免突然的人力短缺或過剩。 Human resource planning - ensuring that the organization has the right number and kinds of capable people in the right places and at the right times 評估人力資源現況 Current Assessment 在進行人力資源規劃時,管理者首先須進行人力資源盤點。而人力資源盤點表通常彙總了員工的相關資訊,包括:姓名、教育背景、訓練情形、經歷、語言能力,以及特殊技能等。 Managers being HR planning by inventorying current employees. This inventory usually includes information on employees such as name, education, training, prior employment, languages spoken, special capabilities, and specialized skills.

12 工作分析 用來評估必要的工作內容及所需的行為條件。
Job Analysis – an assessment that defines jobs and the behaviors necessary to perform them. 工作說明書是一份書面文件,用來描述工作的內容、環境,以及應徵員工的條件。 Job Description – a written statement that describing a job — typically job content, environment, and conditions of employment. 工作規範列出為成功達成工作目標,員工所須具備的最低資格,它時也列出了有效完成該工作所需的知識、技能與態度。 Job specification – a written statement of the minimum qualifications that a person must possess to perform a given job successfully. It identifies the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to do the job effectively. 企業未來的人力資源需求取決於組織的使命、目標與策略。 Future HR needs are determined by the organization’s mission, goals, and strategies.

13 Exhibit 11-3 Recruiting Sources
招募與裁員 Recruitment and Decruitment 組織如有職缺,管理者應透過工作分析所得資料進行招募,即尋找、辨認,並吸引適任應徵者的過程。反之,人力資源規劃顯示員額過多時,管理者將透過裁員來減少組織人力。 Recruitment – locating, identifying, and attracting capable applicants. Decruitment – reducing an organization’s workforce. Exhibit 11-3 Recruiting Sources

14 Exhibit 11- 4 Decruitment Options
裁員是另一種控制員工人數的方法,對任何一位管理者而言,這都不是一件愉快的事。 The other approach to controlling labor supply is decruitment, which is not a pleasant task for any manager. Exhibit Decruitment Options

15 甄選 Selection 有了應徵者後,人力資源管理程序的下個階段就是甄選 ,亦即篩選應徵者,以確保最合適的人能獲得雇用。
Selection - screening job applicants to ensure that the most appropriate candidates are hired. 何謂甄選 What Is Selection? 甄選是一種預測的活動,試圖預測哪一位應徵者在獲得聘用後能夠勝任工作。 Selection involves predicting which applicants will be successful if hired.

16 Exhibit 11-5 Selection Decision Outcomes

17 Exhibit 11-6 Selection Tools

18 實際工作的預覽 Realistic Job Preview
為了增加員工的工作滿意度並減少離職率,公司應考慮提供實際工作預覽給員工,實際工作預覽包括了工作和公司的正面及負面資訊。 Realistic Job Preview (RJP) - a preview of a job that provides both positive and negative information about the job and the company

19 11.3 培養員工必要的技能及知識 對一位新進員工,公司也需要有企業概況和工作內容介紹等類似的活動,這種介紹就叫做員工職前引導。
Providing Employees With Needed Skills And Knowledge 對一位新進員工,公司也需要有企業概況和工作內容介紹等類似的活動,這種介紹就叫做員工職前引導。 Orientation - introducing a new employee to his or her job and the organization. 職前引導的形式有兩種。一是工作單位職前引導,二是企業職前引導。 There are two types of orientation — work unit orientation and organization orientation.

20 員工訓練 Employee Training
不恰當的維修或是人為錯誤,可以透過員工訓練來預防或顯著的減少。 The maintenance and human errors could be prevented or significantly reduced by better employee training. 員工訓練是人力資源管理一項重要的活動。當工作的需求改變時,員工的技能也應該跟著改變。 Employee training is an important HRM activity. As job demand change, employee skills have to change. 管理者的工作是決定員工需要甚麼樣的訓練、何時訓練,以及應採用何種方式來訓練。 Managers are responsible for deciding what type of training employees need, when they need it, and what form that training should take.

21 Exhibit 11-7 Types of Training

22 訓練的方法 Training Methods
雖然多數的員工訓練都以傳統的方式進行,但有越來越多的組織依賴以科技為基礎的訓練方式;原因在於可親性、成本及傳遞資訊的能力等。 Although employee training can be done in traditional ways, many organizations are relying more on technology-based training methods because of their accessibility, cost, and ability to deliver information.

23 Exhibit 11- 8 Traditional Training Methods

24 高績效稱職員工的留任 11.4 員工績效管理 Employee Performance management
Retaining Competent High-Performing Employees 組織希望能留住員工,特別是績效好的員工。因此人力資源管理有兩種課程:管理員工的績效和恰當的薪酬福利政策。 To keep the competent, organizations have two HRM activities that play a role in this area are managing employee performance and developing an appropriate compensation and benefits program. 員工績效管理 Employee Performance management 管理者需知道員工是否有效能並有效率地執行工作,而績效管理系統便是用來衡量的工具,以建立標準並評估員工表現。 Managers need to know whether their employees are performing jobs efficiently and effectively. That’s what a performance management system does — establishes performance standards that are used to evaluate employee performance.

25 Exhibit 11- 9 Performance Appraisal Methods

26 薪酬與福利政策 Compensation and Benefits
發展一個有效而適當的薪酬系統,是人力資源管理程序中相當重要的一部分。藉此可以吸引和留住有能力、可協助企業達成使命和目標的人才。 Developing an effective and appropriate compensation system is an important part of the HRM process. It can help attract and retain competent and talented individuals who help the organization accomplished its mission and goals. 管理者必須發展一個能反映工作和工作場所變動性,並能使員工積極工作的薪酬系統。企業的薪酬可包括許多不同形式的獎勵和福利。 Managers must develop a compensation system that reflects the changing nature of work and the workforce in order to keep people motivated. Organizational compensation can include many different types of rewards and benefits.

27 技能本位薪酬制是以員工的技術水準,所展現出來的能力給予報酬。研究指出,這類型的給薪制,適用於製造業或是以科技研發為主的組織,而以服務為導向的企業較不適宜。
Skill-based pay - a pay system that rewards employees for the job skills they can demonstrate. Research shows that these types of pay systems tend to be more successful in manufacturing or pursuing technical innovation organizations than in service organizations. 有許多組織採用變動薪酬制,員工薪酬視其績效而定。 Variable pay - a pay system in which an individual’s compensation is contingent on performance.

28 Exhibit 11-10 What Determines Pay and Benefits

29 當今人力資源管理議題 11.5 Contemporary Issues in HRM 管理組織精簡 Managing Downsizing
組織精簡(或資遣 )是指有計畫地減少組織的工作職位。 Downsizing - the planned elimination of jobs in an organization. 精簡之後,面對的是工作場所和員工個人生活的崩解。隨之而來的壓力、挫敗、焦慮和憤怒,則不論是遭資遣者或是工作倖存者都會感受到。 Disruptions in the workplace and in employees’ personal lives should be expected. Stress, frustration, anxiety, and anger are typical reactions of both individuals being laid off and the job survivors.

30 Exhibit 11- 11 Tips for Managing Downsizing

31 性騷擾的課題 Managing Sexual Harassment
性騷擾是指任何有關性方面、非自願性的、明確的或暗示性的,而且會影響到個別員工績效及工作環境的動作或活動,它可能發生在同性或異性間。 Sexual harassment - any unwanted action or activity of a sexual nature that explicitly or implicitly affects an individual’s employment, performance, or work environment. 職場戀情會對組織造成潛在的大問題,因為同事間分手的潛在爭執和報復,可能會導致性騷擾的問題產生,尤其是管理者和部屬之間的戀情。 Workplace romances can potentially become big problems for organizations. The conflicts and retaliation between coworkers who decide to stop dating or to end of romantic relationship, more serious problems stem from the potential for sexual harassment accusations, especially it’s between supervisor and subordinate.

32 工作與生活的平衡 Managing Work- Life Balance
許多公司提供了家庭親善福利,這些福利方案包括:公司內的托兒照顧、夏令營、彈性工時、輪班工作、配合子女學校活動休假、遠距上班、兼職工作等。 Many organizations are offering family-friendly benefits, which accommodate employees’ needs for work-family life balance. They’ve introduced programs such as on-site child care, summer day camps, flextime, job sharing, time off for school functions, telecommuting, and part-time employment.

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