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A Comparison between “A Study in Scarlet” and “A Study in Pink”

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1 A Comparison between “A Study in Scarlet” and “A Study in Pink”

2 Setting The movie is telling by the third place.
A study in Scarlet A study in Pink The book is written from the perspective of Dr. John Watson. it happened when the murderer’s motive was to revenge for the death of his beloved girl. 221B Baker street, In London Place: desert Time: Victorian era SH uses 古柯鹼 柯南道爾於1887年所創作的小說 The movie is telling by the third place. The crime occurred as three people died and was seen as suicides. 221B Baker street, In London Place: basement,room,coner Time: Modern times SH uses 尼古丁片 由史蒂芬•莫法特負責編劇、 保羅•麥桂執導

3 Setting 1.兇手的職業:馬車伕 2.兇手的疾病:主動脈瘤 3.殺人手法:藥錠 4.殺人動機:復仇
A study in Pink A study in Scarlet 1.兇手的職業:馬車伕 2.兇手的疾病:主動脈瘤 3.殺人手法:藥錠 4.殺人動機:復仇 5.Rache:警方-人名 Sherlock-德 文 Stuff: Mormon community On the other hand, “A Study in Pink” is like a modern version of the original one. Which the story begins after 2000. 1.計程車司機 2.顱內動脈瘤 3.膠囊 4.讓小孩有更好的物質生活 5.警方-德文 Sherlock-人名 實際-死者的手機帳戶密碼 Stuff: Telephone box On the other hand, “A Study in Pink” is like a modern version of the original one. Which the story begins after 2000.

4 Setting A study in Pink A study in Scarlet It started as Watson had know Sherlock through an old friend, and he accompanied him to solve every cases and now the scene set in North America, in the Alkali Plains. Sherlock then found a bottle of pill and which stated the game. It mentioned that Watson was a soldier and doctor. And he had been send back to realistic life, he was accepting psychology therapy. He knew Sherlock through an old friend. He was inspired by Sherlock’s clearly observations and his logically suspecting. They then decided to rent a same flat. But as the police came in. Their work is also about to begin.

5 Characters driver is Lucy's boyfriend.(Hope).
A study in Scarlet A study in Pink driver is Lucy's boyfriend.(Hope). 2.Holmes' brother never appear. 3.Mormon, prophet,Stangerson and Drebber 4.Sherlock Holmes 5.Dr. John Watson 6.Lucy 7.John Ferrier 1.Taxi driver is children's(in the photo)father. 2.Holmes' brother is in the movie. 3.Mormon, prophet, Stangerson and Drebber never appear. 4.Sherlock Holmes 5.Dr. John Watson 6.Murderer 7.Police

6 Characters Detective Gregson Taxi Driver 安德森
A study in Scarlet A study in Pink Detective Gregson Taxi Driver 安德森 A lady died with a wedding ring on her finger Molly Hooper

7 Storyline A study in Scarlet A study in Pink
Sherlock Holmes和 Dr. John Watson一起辦案, 發現了案發現場的地上寫著德文的報仇兩個 字,於是Sherlock Holmes和 Dr. John Watson 利用各個線索以及蒐集到的證物跟偽裝成計 程車司機的殺人犯約見面,但是他們卻誤以 為殺人犯是乘客,撲了個空。後來Sherlock Holmes和 Dr. John Watson回到家中,用定位 系統發現原來那個殺人犯就在他家附近,後 來搭上了計程車,殺人犯才說出他的身分, 就威脅Sherlock Holmes吃下藥丸。當然 Sherlock Holmes最後也用了他的機智挽回了 局勢。 Sherlock Holmes和 Dr. John Watson一起 辦案,發現了案發現場的地上寫著德文 的報仇兩個字,而辦案的過程中,書中 講述一段回憶,是這整件謀殺案的起點, 也就是女兒Lucy Ferrier和殺人犯Jefferson Hope不能成婚,女兒被逼迫嫁給兩個恐 怖男人的一個,後來Jefferson Hope打算 帶著Lucy Ferrier以及她爸爸Josh Ferrier逃 走,但是在途中還是被抓到了。並且 Lucy Ferrier嫁給了兩個恐怖男人之一的 Enoch Drebber,Jefferson Hope非常生氣, 於是展開了報復行動。

8 Others A study in Pink A study in Scarlet
Watson memorized everything by writing. The deceased is a men. The deceased wrote the clue on the wall by his blood. The motive for killing was because of his own resentment. The deceased died of aneurysm in the jail. Sherlock meet John in a bar The watch and Watson’s brother. Watson wrote everything in blog. The deceased is a woman. The deceased inscribed the clue on the floor by her nail. The motive for killing involved Moriarty. The deceased was killed by Dr. Watson. Sherlock meet John in a park. The phone and Watson’s brother. The Murderer did not kill people in person, instead, he made them to swallow the pills themselves.

9 The End Member:林倢伃,賴爰忻,賀雨璇,盧育恩

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