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一、什么是玻璃纤维 I. What is fiberglass?

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1 一、什么是玻璃纤维 I. What is fiberglass?
材料分类 Material Category 产品品种 Product category 主要性能 Main properties 主要产品 Main products

2 1、材料分类 Material category
— Steel钢铁 — Metal 金属 — Nonferrous metals有色金属 — Organic materials有机材料 Materials — Fiberglass玻璃纤维 材料 FRP/High performance composites — Nonmetal Special glass/deep-processed glass 非金属 — Inorganic Special ceramic materials Artificial crystal 无机材料 Synthetic mica Laser crystal — Special cementing material

3 2、产品品种Product category
— Medium-Alkali fiberglass (C)中碱 — Continuous fiberglass Alkali-free fiberglass (E)无碱 连续玻璃纤维 — High-Alkali fiberglass (A)高碱 Staple fiberglass & glass wool玻璃棉 Fiberglass玻璃纤维 — High-strength fiberglass (S) 高强 High-modulus fiberglass (M)高模量 High-silica fiberglass高硅氧 — Special fiberglass Alkali & corrosion resistant fiberglass 抗碱 特种玻璃纤维 Optical communication fiberglass光通信 — Light-guide fiberglass光导

4 3、玻璃材料 Glass-making materials
中碱玻璃原料 C-glass raw materials 中碱玻璃球 C-glass marble 中碱玻璃粉料 C-glass batch 中碱废丝 C-glass recycled waste fiber 无碱玻璃原料 E-glass raw materials 无碱玻璃球 E-glass marble 无碱玻璃粉料 E-glass batch 无碱废丝 E-glass recycled waster fiber

5 3.1 中碱玻璃粉料C-glass Raw materials
石英砂 Quartz sand:SiO2 钠长石 Albite:AL2O3 、Na2O 白云石 Dolomite:CaO MgO 石灰石 Limestone:CaO 莹石 Fluorspar:CaF2 纯碱 Soda ash:Na2CO3 硝酸钠 Sodium nitrate:NaNO3 无水硫酸钠 Anhydrous sodium sulfate:Na2SO4 氧化铈 Ceria:CeO2

6 3.2 无碱玻璃粉料 E-Glass raw materials
高岭土/叶腊石 Clay/Pyrophyllite:AL2O3 、SiO2 硼钙石 Colemanite:B2O3、CaO 石灰石 Limestone:CaO 莹石 Fluorspar:CaF2、SiO2、CaCO3 石英砂 Quartz sand:SiO2 纯碱 Soda ash:Na2CO3 无水硫酸钠 Anhydrous sodium sulfate :Na2SO4

7 3.3 玻璃成分 Glass composition

8 3.3 成分与作用 Components and their functions
氧化硅SiO2:物质基础、骨架 Basis and matrix 氧化铝Al2O3 :降析晶和膨胀系数,提高稳定性和强度 to reduce recrystallization and expansion coefficient and increase stability and strength 氧化钙氧化镁 :降低高温时粘度,促进熔化、澄清、提高拉丝速度 CaO/ MgO: To reduce viscosity at high temperature and promote melting, refining and increase winding speed. 氧化硼B2O 氧化铁Fe2O3 碱金属;助熔,提高流动性 Na2O/K2O ; To aid melting and increase fluidity

9 4、主要产品 Main products 合股无捻粗纱 直接无捻粗纱 短切原丝 无捻粗纱布 缝编短切毡 短切原丝毡 缝编复合毡 细纱

10 4.1 主要产品——合股无捻粗纱 Main products – Assembled roving
喷射 Spray up Roving (SP) 缠绕 Filament winding roving( FW) 拉挤 Pultrusion (PL) SMC roving (Roving for SMC) HOBAS管道 Roving for HOBAS pipes (HS) 膨体 Textured roving (BY) 透明板材 Panel roving (TS) 热塑性增强 Roving for thermoplastics (RP) Roving for GMT (GMT)

11 4.2 主要产品——直接无捻粗纱 Main products- direct roving
缠绕 Filament winding roving (FW) 拉挤 Pultrusion roving (PL) 织布 Roving for woven roving (WR)

12 4.3 主要产品——短切原丝 Main products – Chopped strands
团状模塑料 Bulk molding compound (BM) 热塑性增强 Thermoplastic reinforcement (TP) 湿法短切 Wet chop (WS) 增强水泥 Reinforced cement (RC )

13 4.4 主要产品——布毡 Main products – fabric & mat
无捻粗纱布 Woven roving——EWR 缝编短切毡Stitched chopped strand mat——EMK 短切原丝毡Chopped strand mat——EMC 缝编复合毡Stitched combo mat——EMK(0,90)

14 4.5 主要产品——其它 Main products - Others
细纱Continuous filament yarn 一般指单纤维直径9微米以下的玻璃纤维纱,包括G75纱、D450纱、E225纱等,织成7628布、2116布、1080布等。 主要用于电子行业,增强覆铜板基板,部份为工业用布。

15 二、玻璃纤维行业的历史 II. History of fiberglass industry
国际发展 International development 国内发展 Domestic development 市场竞争 Market competition 行业现状 Industry current status

16 1、国际发展 International development
2000多年前,古埃及手工拉制玻纤做装饰材料; Over 2000 years ago, Egyptians manually made fiberglass as ornament material 20世纪30年代,美国发明了铂坩埚拉制工艺技术; In the 1930s, Americans invented the technology of producing fiberglass with platinum crucibles 1938年美国成立OWENS CORNING,具有工业性规模,用于绝缘材料; In 1938 Owens Corning Co was established in USA which had a industrial scale of fiberglass production for insulation application. 二战后工业普及,成立了圣哥本(法)、皮尔金顿(英)、日东纺(日)等; After World War II, the industrial production of fiberglass became popular and St. Gobain(France), Pilkington (Great Britain),Nittobo(Japan) started to produce fiberglass.  1959~1960年, OWENS CORNING和PPG公司相继建成了玻璃纤维池窑。 In 1959 and 1960, Owens Corning and PPG built fiberglass furnaces.

17 2、国内发展Domestic development
20世纪50年代后期,我国玻璃纤维工业诞生,采用陶土坩埚法和镍铬合金孔板法生产; In late 1950s, the fiberglass industry started in China and the fiberglass then was produced with clay crucibles and nickel-chrome alloy nozzle plates 20世纪60年代中期,研制成功代铂坩埚法生产工艺; In the middle of 1960s, the platinum-substitute crucible process was invented 20世纪90年代初,池窑法开始在中国普及。 In the 1990s, the fiberglass furnaces became popular in China

18 3、市场竞争 Market competitors
国际竞争对手——欧文斯.康宁(美)、PPG(美)、圣哥本(法) International competitors – Owens Corning, PPG , St. Gobain 国内竞争对手——巨石、泰山、重庆 Domestic competitors: Jushi,Taishan fiberglass, CPIC

19 4、行业现状 Industry current status
奠基于上世纪30年代末,已成独立工业体系。 The industry established itself in 1930s and has formed into an independent industry system. 目前有数千个品种与规格、5万多种用途,成为现代工业材料家族中重要的一员。 At present there are thousands of product types and specifications and over 50,000 applications and fiberglass has become an important member in the modern  industrial material family.

20 三、玻璃纤维有什么用处? III. What is fiberglass for?
交通运输 Transportation 建筑建材 Construction 电气工业 Electrical 机械工业 Engineering 石油化工 Petroleum & chemical 休闲文化 Leisure and sports 国防科技 Defence

21 四、玻璃纤维怎么做出来的 ? IV. How is fiberglass produced?

22 四、玻璃纤维怎么做出来的 ? IV. How is fiberglass produced?

23 四、玻璃纤维怎么做出来的 ? IV. How is fiberglass produced?
三、单元窑生产工艺 络纱 Roving 织布 Weaving 制毡 Mat production 捻线 Twisting 短切 Chopping 配料 Batch 熔化 Melting 拉丝 Fiberforming 烘干 Drying

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