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如何做好心血管病医院的全院血糖管理工作 ---从心血管病医院的血糖现状看未来全院血糖管理模式的建立

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Presentation on theme: "如何做好心血管病医院的全院血糖管理工作 ---从心血管病医院的血糖现状看未来全院血糖管理模式的建立"— Presentation transcript:

1 如何做好心血管病医院的全院血糖管理工作 ---从心血管病医院的血糖现状看未来全院血糖管理模式的建立
如何做好心血管病医院的全院血糖管理工作 ---从心血管病医院的血糖现状看未来全院血糖管理模式的建立 国家心血管病中心 医科院阜外医院 陈燕燕

2 主要内容 国内外院内高血糖管理概况 阜外医院万例CABG患者围手术期血糖水平 与临床结局分析 应对现状况进行院内血糖管理的策略

3 国外医院住院患者高血糖现状 在住院患者常见共患疾病中排位第四 约38%的住院患者发生过高血糖 其中26%有已知糖尿病史 12%无糖尿病史
29%的心脏手术患者合并有糖尿病 ICU的患者中高血糖发生率高达29% -100% Hogan P, et al. Diabetes Care. 2003;26:917–932. Umpierrez GE, et al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2002;87:978–982. Levetan CS, et al. Diabetes Care. 1998;21:246; Krinsley JS. Mayo Clin Proc. 2003;78: ; Falciglia M, et al. Abstract Presented at: ADA 66th Annual Scientific Sessions; June 11, 2006; Washington, DC. Abstract 19-LB.

4 AMI应激性高血糖:死亡危险增加 >144 >121 高血糖(mg/dL) 研究文献 总体 与血糖正常的患者相比未校正的
心肌梗死后院内死亡的相对危险 研究文献 高血糖(mg/dL) 13 O’Sullivan 1991 >144 Lewandowicz 1979 ≥121 Soler 1981 ≥110 Oswald 1986 ≥144 Bellodi 1989 >121 Ravid 1975 Sewdarsen 1989 总体 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Stress hyperglycemia in AMI: Association with mortality risk in patients without known diabetes 该荟萃分析系统的回顾了非糖尿病AMI患者应激性高血糖的影响。如图所示,基本上所有的研究中高血糖均使心梗后院内死亡的相对风险RR增加,平均增加3-9倍。 原图解释: This slide summarizes the findings of a systematic overview of studies on stress hyperglycemia in AMI in patients without known diabetes. Stress hyperglycemia on admission for AMI was associated with a 3.9-fold higher risk of in-hospital mortality. The risk of in-hospital mortality increased beginning at a glucose level of ≥110 mg/dL. The risk of in-hospital mortality was higher in patients with stress hyperglycemia than in patients with known diabetes (data not shown). 原文摘要: Stress hyperglycaemia and increased risk of death after myocardial infarction in patients with and without diabetes: a systematic overview. Capes SE, Hunt D, Malmberg K, Gerstein HC. Department of Medicine, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. BACKGROUND: High blood glucose concentration may increase risk of death and poor outcome after acute myocardial infarction. We did a systematic review and meta-analysis to assess the risk of in-hospital mortality or congestive heart failure after myocardial infarction in patients with and without diabetes who had stress hyperglycaemia on admission. METHODS: We did two searches of MEDLINE for English-language articles published from 1966 to October, 1998, a computerised search of Science Citation Index from 1980 to September, 1998, and manual searches of bibliographies. Two searchers identified all cohort studies or clinical trials reporting in-hospital mortality or rates of congestive heart failure after myocardial infarction in relation to glucose concentration on admission. We compared the relative risks of in-hospital mortality and congestive heart failure in hyperglycaemic and normoglycaemic patients with and without diabetes. FINDINGS: 14 articles describing 15 studies were identified. Patients without diabetes who had glucose concentrations more than or equal to range mmol/L had a 3.9-fold (95% CI ) higher risk of death than patients without diabetes who had lower glucose concentrations. Glucose concentrations higher than values in the range of mmol/L on admission were associated with increased risk of congestive heart failure or cardiogenic shock in patients without diabetes. In patients with diabetes who had glucose concentrations more than or equal to range mmol/L the risk of death was moderately increased (relative risk 1.7 [ ]). INTERPRETATION: Stress hyperglycaemia with myocardial infarction is associated with an increased risk of in-hospital mortality in patients with and without diabetes; the risk of congestive heart failure or cardiogenic shock is also increased in patients without diabetes. Capes SE et al. Lancet. 2000;355:773-8.

5 院内高血糖的危害 院内高血糖增加死亡风险 增加无糖尿病史的住院患者死亡率 增加重症患者的死亡率 增加心脏疾病相关死亡率
院内高血糖增加感染风险 增加围手术期感染风险 院内高血糖影响心血管疾病的预后 影响心肌梗塞(MI)的并发症 影响中风的并发症 影响血管和心脏手术的并发症

6 危重病人的强化胰岛素治疗研究(Van den Berghe 研究)
转出ICU患者生存率 出院患者生存率 3.4% P=0.005 P=0.01 BACKGROUND: Hyperglycemia and insulin resistance are common in critically ill patients, even if they have not previously had diabetes. Whether the normalization of blood glucose levels with insulin therapy improves the prognosis for such patients is not known. METHODS: We performed a prospective, randomized, controlled study involving adults admitted to our surgical intensive care unit who were receiving mechanical ventilation. On admission, patients were randomly assigned to receive intensive insulin therapy (maintenance of blood glucose at a level between 80 and 110 mg per deciliter [4.4 and 6.1 mmol per liter]) or conventional treatment (infusion of insulin only if the blood glucose level exceeded 215 mg per deciliter [11.9 mmol per liter] and maintenance of glucose at a level between 180 and 200 mg per deciliter [10.0 and 11.1 mmol per liter]). RESULTS: At 12 months, with a total of 1548 patients enrolled, intensive insulin therapy reduced mortality during intensive care from 8.0 percent with conventional treatment to 4.6 percent (P<0.04, with adjustment for sequential analyses). The benefit of intensive insulin therapy was attributable to its effect on mortality among patients who remained in the intensive care unit for more than five days (20.2 percent with conventional treatment, as compared with 10.6 percent with intensive insulin therapy, P=0.005). The greatest reduction in mortality involved deaths due to multiple-organ failure with a proven septic focus. Intensive insulin therapy also reduced overall in-hospital mortality by 34 percent, bloodstream infections by 46 percent, acute renal failure requiring dialysis or hemofiltration by 41 percent, the median number of red-cell transfusions by 50 percent, and critical-illness polyneuropathy by 44 percent, and patients receiving intensive therapy were less likely to require prolonged mechanical ventilation and intensive care. CONCLUSIONS: Intensive insulin therapy to maintain blood glucose at or below 110 mg per deciliter reduces morbidity and mortality among critically ill patients in the surgical intensive care unit. Comment in 强化组血糖: mmol/L 常规组血糖: mmol/L N Engl J Med 2001;345(19):

7 NICE-SUGAR研究 主要结果: 90天死亡率 6104例ICU患者 强化治疗(IIT)
如BG>108 mg/dl则静脉应用胰岛素 目标:4.5-6 mmol/l 传统治疗(CIT) 如BG>180 mg/dl则静脉应用胰岛素 目标: mmol/l 97%胰岛素 BG=6.4 mmol/l 69%胰岛素 BG=8 mmol/l NICE-SUGAR = Normoglycemia in Intensive Care Evaluation —Survival Using Glucose Algorithm Regulation 主要结果: 90天死亡率 Finfer S, et al. N Engl J Med. 2009;360:1283 7

8 强化控糖组90天死亡率增加 生存率 传统血糖控制组 P=0.03 强化血糖控制组 随机后时间(天)
这项研究共入选6104例内外科综合性危重患者,研究者将其随机分为强化降糖组(n=3054)和传统血糖控制组(n=3050)。强化降糖组的患者血糖控制范围在81~108mg/dl(4.5~6mmol/l),传统血糖控制组的血糖控制在180mg/dl或以下(≤10mmol/l)。随后观察了90天后,两组死亡率结果提示,强化降糖组的死亡率高于传统组(p=0.02)。 随机后时间(天) 8

9 强化控糖组低血糖发生率明显增加 p<0.001 低血糖发生率 强化治疗组 传统血糖控制组 6.8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2%
1% 强化控糖组低血糖发生率明显增加,(6.8% vs. 0.5%, p<0.001 ) 0.5% 传统血糖控制组 强化治疗组 9

10 ICU病房血糖控制目标设定 ICU病房: 根据AACE/ADA共识, 推荐参考以下血糖控 制目标范围: 6.1 7.8 <3.9
低血糖 3.9-6.0 血糖偏低 6.1-7.7 严格血糖目标 7.8-10 ICU血糖目标 >10 静脉胰岛素 单位:mmol/L Moghissi ES, et al; AACE/ADA Inpatient Glycemic Control Consensus Panel. Endocr Pract. 2009;15(4).

11 综合病房血糖控制目标设定 综合病房: 根据AACE/ADA共识, 推荐参考以下血糖 控制目标范围: 5.6 7.8 <3.9 低血糖
3.9-5.5 血糖偏低 5.6-7.7 餐前血糖目标 7.8-9.9 餐后血糖目标 >10 高血糖 单位:mmol/L 血糖水平接近 7.8 mmol/L是适合所有住院患者的血糖控制目标 Moghissi ES, et al; AACE/ADA Inpatient Glycemic Control Consensus Panel. Endocr Pract. 2009;15(4).

12 个体化血糖控制目标的建议内容 2013年 中国成人住院患者高血糖管理目标专家共识 低血糖高危人群: 宽松标准
低血糖高危人群: 宽松标准 已患有心脑血管疾病的患者: 宽松标准 脑心血管病高危人群: 一般标准 特殊人群: 宽松标准 重症监护病房(ICU) 患者: 宽松标准 围手术期高血糖患者: 宽松标准或一般标准 一般标准: FBG 或PMBG 6~8 mmol/ L, 2hPBG 或不能进食时任意时点血糖水平8~10 mmol/ L 宽松标准:FBG 或PMBG 8 ~ 10 mmol/ L, 2hPBG 或不能进食时任意时点血糖水平:8~12 mmol/ L 甚至最高血糖可放宽至13.9 mmol/ L 中华医学会内分泌学分会 Chin J Endocrinol Metab, March 2013

13 主要内容 国内外院内高血糖管理概况 阜外医院万例CABG患者围手术期血糖水平 与临床结局分析 应对现状况进行院内血糖管理的新尝试

14 主要内容 国内外院内高血糖管理概况 阜外医院万例CABG患者围手术期血糖水平 与临床结局分析 应对现状况进行院内血糖管理的新尝试

15 传统血糖监测流程 各病区之间无法随时沟通了解血糖情况 1.医生下达血糖监测医嘱 6.责护将血糖数据转抄至每个病人的病案中
7.医生通过单病人血糖监测单来看结果 2.护理主班处理医嘱 5.监测结果逐一记录在血糖记录单 8.护理主班每天补记病人血糖监测费用 定期质控仪器 3.责护打印血糖监测单 4.责护床边核对病人,逐一监测血糖 各病区之间无法随时沟通了解血糖情况

16 … 传统工作流程存在的不足 本科室: 全院: 检测血糖时工作量大,紧张的情况下极易错钞、漏抄 血糖记录不清晰,易混淆,影响治疗方案
共用血糖记录单,医生不能及时获取患者的血糖信息 查房需拿病历,逐个血糖值分析、查看用药医嘱、工作繁重 科研数据很难收集 转科病人血糖数据不清晰 血糖数据不易存储 患者出院后无专业人员指导血糖 全院: 除内分泌科之外其它科室血糖管理只能靠会诊单 无法实现对全院各病区血糖的实时监管 16 16

17 利用移动血糖监测系统监控全院血糖 (内分泌科监控工作站) 实现了双向数据集成,血糖系统可以获得患者信息, 临床系统也可以直接获得测量结果数据
HIS/LIS/EMR GLUPAD GLUPAD (内分泌科监控工作站) 实现了双向数据集成,血糖系统可以获得患者信息, 临床系统也可以直接获得测量结果数据 17

18 血糖结果监控 不同颜色提示高低血糖 信息浏览集成 18

19 血糖异常监控 异常范围后台可维护 19

20 患者多次血糖、用药记录浏览 血糖变化曲线 用药记录浏览 20

21 内分泌科将安排医生对血糖管理系统进行24小时监控
内分泌科降糖治疗建议 内分泌科将安排医生对血糖管理系统进行24小时监控 内分泌医师根据患者血糖检测结果及目前治疗方案给出进一步的降糖建议(医生工作站、护士站同时显示),或电话、现场会诊讨论治疗方案 心内、外各病区住院医生站系统中可浏览、查看内分泌医师的治疗建议,护士也可协助提示治疗建议 21

22 内分泌医师提交治疗建议 提交

23 方式1:在进入医生站系统时,系统自动弹出“血糖建议”提示。
内分泌治疗建议接收和查询 方式1:在进入医生站系统时,系统自动弹出“血糖建议”提示。

24 内分泌治疗建议接收和查询 方式2:在查询报表中,找到“血糖建议反馈” 点击 24

25 内分泌治疗建议接收和查询 方式3:内分泌科治疗建议在各病区护士站同时有显示 25


27 浏览历次血糖记录/治疗建议反馈 将血糖检测结果直接导入病程 医生站系统中可以浏览到患者历次血糖记录及内分泌医师给出的建议反馈内容。 建议反馈

28 数据库的管理-统计分析

29 未来的工作与挑战 利用移动的全院血糖管理系统及术后胰岛素泵治疗为管理好院内整体血糖打下良好基础
进一步深化术前、术后患者的血糖管理,尤其是病房的血糖管理;特别要控制好应激性高血糖患者在恢复室及病房期间的血糖 通过良好的血糖管理,为减少术后死亡率及相关并发症,缩短住院日及减少住院费用提供保障 通过信息化血糖管理系统,提升医院整体管理水平尽一份力

30 谢谢

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