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Logistics Information Technology

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1 Logistics Information Technology
第三讲 物流信息技术 物 流 管 理 学 Logistics Management 物流管理学 Logistics Information Technology 主讲教师:张余华教授

2 主导教材及主要相关参考书 《现代物流管理》 张余华主编 清华大学出版社 《当代物流学》 (美)小保罗.R.墨菲等著 中国人民大学出版社
张余华主编 清华大学出版社 《当代物流学》 (美)小保罗.R.墨菲等著 中国人民大学出版社 《物流管理:供应链一体化过程》 (美)唐纳德.鲍尔索克斯 机械工业出版社 《企业物流管理--供应链的规划,组织和控制》 (美)罗纳德.H.巴罗著 机械工业出版社

3 教学形式 课堂教学 物流新闻播报 实验教学 课外大作业

4 国内外在二周内发生的有关物流事件,要求具有时效性、新颖性、价值性、趣味性。
物流新闻播报 分组 每组大约4-5人构成 选题 国内外在二周内发生的有关物流事件,要求具有时效性、新颖性、价值性、趣味性。 学时 DV放映,时间10-15分钟

5 始于第1周止于第15周,第16周、17周进行PPT展示,每组15分钟。
Group Project 分组 每组大约4-5人构成 选题 企业物流发展及管理调查 学时 始于第1周止于第15周,第16周、17周进行PPT展示,每组15分钟。

6 调查报告 内容: 以某行业企业为对象,调查其物流发展及管理现状,分析这些企业物流管理 存在的问题,并提出改进策略。 要求:
每一组选择一个行业中的有代表性企业5-10家进行调查: 汽车制造业、手机行业、纺织服装业、批发零售业、家电业、物流业、电 子业、烟草业、石油化工业、药品业、农产品业、建材灯饰业、乳品行业。 要有数据分析,图文并茂; 第16、17两周进行PPT展示; 第18周提交Word调查报告,报告不少于2万字。 参考书籍:北京大学联泰供应链研究与发展中心著,《中国供应链现状: 理论与实践》,北京大学出版社

7 考核标准 50% 项目作业 15% 35% 期末考试 物流新闻播报 50% 10% 奖罚 其他项目 20% 5-10分 20%
闭卷,卷面100分,2个小时 物流新闻播报 50% 10% 奖罚 项目作业 结构,内容,形式; 创新性,科学性,学习性 其他项目 出勤率、课堂参与度等 20% 5-10分 20%

8 本课程的全部内容 第一章 现代物流导论 第七章 运输管理 第二章 供应链管理概念 第八章 配送中心、仓库和工厂选址 第三章 物流与信息技术
第九章 库存管理 第四章 需求管理、订单管理和顾客服务 第十章 仓储管理 Any business manager who is serious about measuring the real drivers of performance should be easily convinced of the true value of balanced score-cards. Despite a daily deluge of reports, s, and briefings, most business leaders can’t tell whether their organizations are winning or losing. That’s because the pressures of day-to-day management have left them with less time than ever to analyze, interpret, and act on the information available to them. Balanced scorecards help these busy leaders slice through the information glut to reduce the time they have to spend deciphering data and increase their ability to make the right business decisions. Establishing a scorecard that accurately measures a company’s strategic goals and objectives is the only way to know if and when your company, department, or your self-directed work team is successful. Like an airplane’s control panel or an automobile's dashboard, scorecards help businesses stay on course by providing a comprehensive view of their activit-ies and performance. To assist you in your encounter with the doubters, I have recorded the most common objections to performance measurement and an appropriate response. 第五章 保护性包装和物料搬运 第十一章 采 购 第六章 运 输 第十二章 国际物流 2017/3/21

9 Logistics Information Technology
第三讲 物流信息技术 物 流 管 理 学 Chapter1 Logistics and the Supply Chain 第一章 物流与供应链 Logistics Information Technology 主讲教师:张余华教授

10 CONTENTS OF CHAPTER 1 Section 1 Economic Impacts of Logistics
第一章 目录 CONTENTS OF CHAPTER 1 第一章 目录 第一节 物流对经济的影响 第二节 物流是什么 第三节 物流日益增长的重要性 第四节 物流系统方法和总成本方法 第五节 公司内部的物流关系 第六节 营销渠道 第七节 物流渠道中的活动 第八节 物流职业 本章小结 重要术语、讨论和复习题 Section 1 Economic Impacts of Logistics Section 2 Logistics: What It Is Section 3 The Increased Importance of Logistics Section 4 The Systems and Total Cost Approaches to Logistics Section 5 Logistical Relationships within the Firm Section 6 Marketing Channels Section 7 Activities in the Logistical Channel Section 8 Logistics Careers Summary Key Terms Questions for Discussion and Review

11 Learning Objectives 本章学习目标 1 To learn the definition of logistics
第一章 学习目标 1 理解物流的定义 2 理解物流的经济重要性 3 了解最新事件及它们对物流实践的影响 4 理解公司内的物流实践 5 了解不同的定价策略 6 了解物流职业 1 To learn the definition of logistics 2 To understand the economic importance of logistics 3 To learn of recent events and their influences on logistics practices 4 To gain an understanding of logistics practices within a firm 5 To learn different pricing policies 6 To know about logistics careers

12 Economic Impacts of Logistics
Section 1 Economic Impacts of Logistics 物流对经济的影响

13 Economic Impacts of Logistics
第一节 物流对经济的影响 Economic Impacts of Logistics Macroeconomic Impacts: An important component in any country’s economy Play an important role in a nation’s economic growth and development Microeconomic Impacts: Can affect individual consumers such as you

14 (1)物流作为一个产业,是国民经济的重要部门。
宏观效应 (1)物流作为一个产业,是国民经济的重要部门。

15 Table 1-1: The Cost of the Business Logistics System in Relation to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in $ Billion Year Inventory Carrying Costs Transportation Costs Administrative Costs Total U.S. Logistics Cost Logistics As a Percentage of GDP 1960 31 44 3 78 14.7 1965 38 64 4 106 1970 56 91 6 153 1975 97 116 9 222 13.5 1980 220 214 17 451 16.1 1985 227 274 20 521 12.4 1990 283 351 25 659 11.4 1995 302 441 30 773 10.4 2000 377 590 39 1,006 10.1 Source: R. Wilson and R. Delaney, Twelfth Annual State of Logistics Report, 2001

16 来源:http://image. baidu. com/i
来源: 16 16

17 (2)物流效率的提高,可以促进其他行业发展。
物流系统效率低,物流成本高。我国目前每万元GDP产 生的运输量为4972吨公里,而美国和日本的这一指标分 别为870吨公里和700吨公里。 我国物流系统各环节的衔接较差,运转效率不高。仅以 货运汽车的生产率水平为例,美国营运汽车的单车吨年 产量约为66万吨公里,而我国这一指标仅为3万吨公里左 右。 每年因包装造成的损失约150亿元,因装卸、运输造成的 损失约500亿元,保管不善造成的损失在30亿元上下。 国家《物流业发展中长期规划》 17

18 Economic Impacts of Logistics
第一节 物流对经济的影响 Economic Impacts of Logistics Microeconomic Impacts of individual can be illustrated through the concept of economic utility. Economic utility is the value or usefulness of a product in fulfilling customer needs or wants. 物流对微观经济中个体的影响可以用经济效用的概念加以解释。

19 第一节 物流对经济的影响 Economic Utility

20 第一节 物流对经济的影响 Possession Utility The value or usefulness that comes from a customer being able to take possession of a product. You take possession of the farm by leasing, but you do not have the right of ownership.

21 第一节 物流对经济的影响 Form Utility A product is being in a form that (1) can be used by the customer and (2) is of value to the customer You need only a cup of milk, but the shop only sales more than ten boxes once time. Does the milk in the right form for you?

22 第一节 物流对经济的影响 Place Utility Having products available where they are needed by customers, products are moved from points of lesser value to points of greater value. How can you buy the products, if the factory stands in Guangdong province and you live in Beijing?

23 第一节 物流对经济的影响 Time Utility Having products available when they are needed by customers The rice is usually reaped at July and October, but we have to eat every month.

24 Logistics Economic Utility
第一节 物流对经济的影响 Logistics Economic Utility create

25 Summary of Section 1 Economic Impacts of Logistics
第一节 物流对经济的影响 Summary of Section 1 Economic Impacts of Logistics Macroeconomic Impacts Microeconomic Impacts Economic Utility Possession Utility Form Utility Place Utility Time Utility 物流对经济的影响包括: 宏观经济方面的影响 微观经济方面的影响:可以用经济效用进行解释。经济效用包括拥有效用、形式效用、地点效用、时间效用。

26 第一节 物流对经济的影响 Summary of Section 1 Now, can you tell me how logistics impact on national and individual economy? Show your answers.

27 Section 2 Logistics: What It Is 物流是什么

28 第二节 物流是什么 Logistics: What It Is Can you define what logistics is?

29 Section 2 Logistics: What It Is
第二节 物流是什么 Section 2 Logistics: What It Is CSCMP defined logistics as: This authoritative definition was adopted by many textbooks. “Logistics is that part of the supply chain process that plans, implements, and controls the efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services, and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customers’ requirements.”

30 Section 2 Logistics: What It Is
第二节 物流是什么 Section 2 Logistics: What It Is 美国供应链管理专业协会关于物流的定义: 这个权威定义被许多教材采纳。 物流是供应链管理的一部分,它以满足顾客需求为目标,对从起始点到消费点的产品、服务以及相关信息的正向、逆向流动和存储进行有效率的、有效果的计划、实施和控制。

31 Logistics is that part of the supply chain management
第二节 物流是什么 Logistics is that part of the supply chain management Means logistics can affect how well or how poorly an individual firm and its associated supply chain can achieve goals and objectives. 物流是供应链管理的一部分,意味着物流会影响到单个企业以及它相关的供应链会多好或多糟糕的实现其目标。

32 Plans, implements, and controls
第二节 物流是什么 Plans, implements, and controls Means logistics involved the all three activities but not just one or two. 计划、实施和控制意味着物流包括这三项活动,而不是其中的一项或两项。

33 The efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage
第二节 物流是什么 The efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage Effectiveness means how well a company does what they say they’re going to do. Efficient means how well or poorly company resources are used to achieve what company promises it can do. 效果是指公司承诺要做的事情做得怎么样? 效率是指公司为了做到公司许诺的事情,其资源是多么好或多么糟糕地被使用。

34 Forward and reverse flow and storage
第二节 物流是什么 Forward and reverse flow and storage Forward logistics is those direct toward the point of consumption. Reverse logistics is those originate at the point of consumption. 正向的物流是指向消费点的流动和存储,逆向的物流是从消费点开始的流动和存储。

35 Goods, services, and related information
第二节 物流是什么 Goods, services, and related information In the contemporary business environment, logistics is as much about the flow and storage of information as it is about the flow and storage of goods. 在当代商业环境中,物流中信息的流动和存储与货物的流动和存储同样多。

36 To meet customers’ requirements
第二节 物流是什么 To meet customers’ requirements 以顾客需求为目标很重要。因为,第一以顾客为中心容易但真正与顾客良好沟通难;第二不同的顾客有不同的物流需要,因此企业应考虑定制式物流而非大量物流 It’s important for several reasons. One, a customer focus is easy but communicating with customers is hard for companies. Second, different customers have different logistical needs and wants. So companies should consider tailored logistics approaches but not mass logistics approaches.

37 Tailored logistics approaches, Mass logistics approaches
Groups of customers with similar logistical needs and wants are provided with logistics service appropriate to these needs and wants. Mass logistics approaches A one-size-fits-all logistics approach, in which every customer gets the same type and levels of logistics service.

38 Summary of Section 2 Now, can you tell me what logistics is?
第二节 物流是什么 Summary of Section 2 Now, can you tell me what logistics is? Write down your answer and explain.

39 The Increased Importance of Logistics
Section 3 The Increased Importance of Logistics 物流日益增长的重要性

40 The Increased Importance of Logistics
第三节 物流日益增长的重要性 The Increased Importance of Logistics Why logistics became more and more important?

41 The Increased Importance of Logistics
第三节 物流日益增长的重要性 The Increased Importance of Logistics 重要原因:经济管制的放松、消费者行为的改变、技术进步、零售商权力的增大、贸易的全球化

42 1 A Reduction in Economic Regulation
第三节 物流日益增长的重要性 1 A Reduction in Economic Regulation Relaxed government control of carriers’ rates and fares, entry and exit, mergers and acquisitions, and more 放松对承运人的行政控制 Allowed individual carriers flexibility in pricing and service 放松运输管制   自20世纪80年代以来,发达国家实施了一系列打破垄断、放松运输管制的政策措施,对促进物流业发展产生了重要的积极影响。例如美国联邦政府制定了汽车业运输管理法案,结束了对汽车运输业的严格控制,随后国会又陆续通过了《斯塔格斯铁路法》等运输改革政策,推动运输业更接近于自由市场体系,从而为充分发挥物流的整体效应和实现供应链的一体化管理提供了广阔的空间。此外,英国铁路的民营化改革、荷兰和德国对承运人资格管制的减少等,都直接推动了欧洲运输业自由市场体系的形成,为以运输为基础的物流延伸服务提供了条件。 新《邮政法》出台,邮政领域打破了垄断格局,民营快递企业终于有了一个合法身份。 允许承运人弹性定价和服务 42

43 1 A Reduction in Economic Regulation
第三节 物流日益增长的重要性 1 A Reduction in Economic Regulation Provided companies with the ability to implement the tailored logistics approach. Allowed large buyers of transportation services to reduce their transportation costs by leveraging large amounts of freight with a limited number of carriers. 允许承运人弹性定价和服务,一方面让企业能够实施剪裁式物流,另一方面允许大型的运输服务购买者在有限的几个承运人之间平衡运费。

44 2 Changes in Consumer Behavior
第三节 物流日益增长的重要性 2 Changes in Consumer Behavior Such changes have important logistical implications. 市场细分化、不断改变的家庭角色、不断增加的顾客期望等顾客行为的变化具有重要的物流意义

45 3 Technological Advances
第三节 物流日益增长的重要性 3 Technological Advances Have had profound influences for business management and logistics: Technological Advances of Computer hardware, software and capacity facilitate logistical activities. Internet is a powerful tool for improving logistical effectiveness and efficiency.

46 4 The Growing Power of Retailers
第三节 物流日益增长的重要性 4 The Growing Power of Retailers Power retailers often wield greater power than the companies that supply them. Many power retailers recognize superior logistics as an essential component of their corporate strategies. Would you list some companies who is power retailer? 从1980年开始,沃尔玛就开始强制供应商与其进行信息系统对接,这也是沃尔玛系统能在美国发挥作用的重要因素。 46

47 Think about Wal-Mart Carrefour Who is power retailer? RT-MART
第三节 物流日益增长的重要性 Think about Wal-Mart Carrefour Who is power retailer? RT-MART McDonald's

48 5 Globalization of Trade
第三节 物流日益增长的重要性 5 Globalization of Trade International logistics is much more challenging and costly than domestic logistics. Why?

49 第三节 物流日益增长的重要性 Summary of Section 3 物流越来越重要的主要原因:经济管制的放松、消费者行为的改变、技术进步、零售商权力的增大、贸易的全球化 Key reasons for the increased importance of logistics 1 A Reduction in Economic Regulation 2 Changes in Consumer Behavior 3 Technological Advances 4 The Growing Power of Retailers 5 Globalization of Trade

50 第三节 物流日益增长的重要性 Summary of Section 3 Now, would you explain why logistics became more and more important? Discuss your opinions with your classmates.

51 The Systems and Total Cost Approaches to Logistics
Section 4 The Systems and Total Cost Approaches to Logistics 物流的系统方法和总成本方法

52 The Systems and Total Cost Approaches to Logistics
第四节 物流的系统方法和总成本方法 The Systems and Total Cost Approaches to Logistics 1 Systems Approach indicates that a company’s objectives can be realized by recognizing the mutual interdependence of the major functional areas of the firm.

53 1 Systems Approach interdependence 各职能目标与总目标,各职能目标之间及内部均会互相作用
第四节 物流的系统方法和总成本方法 1 Systems Approach 各职能目标与总目标,各职能目标之间及内部均会互相作用 interdependence

54 1 Systems Approach Example: the number of Satisfying customer
第四节 物流的系统方法和总成本方法 1 Systems Approach Example: Satisfying customer needs and wants the number of Stock-keeping units (SKUs) 最小存货单位简称SKU是stock keeping unit的缩写,一般称其为项目编号。SKU被定义为保存库存控制的最小可用单位,例如纺织品中一个SKU通常表示规格、颜色、款式。 SKU=stockkeeping unit(库存量单位)即库存进出计量的单位, 可以是以件,盒,托盘等为单位。SKU这是对于大型连锁超市DC(配送中心)物流管理的一个必要的方法。 满足顾客需求 最小存货单位数量 54

55 第四节 物流的系统方法和总成本方法 1 Systems Approach 物流包括内向物流、物料管理、分销配送

56 2 Total Cost Approach总成本方法
第四节 物流的系统方法和总成本方法 2 Total Cost Approach总成本方法 Built on the premise that all relevant activities in moving and storing products should be considered as a whole. The use of this approach requires an understanding of Cost trade-offs 总成本方法的前提是所有与移动和存储产品相关的活动应该被看作是一个整体。该方法的使用需理解成本权衡的概念。

57 2 Total Cost Approach总成本方法
第四节 物流的系统方法和总成本方法 2 Total Cost Approach总成本方法 Cost trade-offs: changes to one activity cause some costs to increase and others to decrease 成本权衡是指一个物流活动的变化会导致一些成本的增加,而另一些成本的减少。

58 2 Total Cost Approach总成本方法
第四节 物流的系统方法和总成本方法 2 Total Cost Approach总成本方法 The key to the total cost approach is that all relevant cost items are considered simultaneously when making a decision. The objective is to find the approach with the lowest total cost the supports an organization’s customer service requirement. 总成本方法的关键是在制定决策时,同时考虑所有相关成本项目,目的是以最低的总成本找到支持公司的顾客服务要求的方法。

59 Summary of Section 4 Cost trade-offs 成本权衡
第四节 物流的系统方法和总成本方法 Summary of Section 4 Understand The Systems and Total Cost Approaches to Logistics Systems Approach 系统方法 Total Cost Approach 总成本方法 Cost trade-offs 成本权衡

60 第四节 物流的系统方法和总成本方法 Summary of Section 4 Now, have you understand Systems Approach and Total Cost Approach in logistics? Try to express your understanding.

61 Logistical Relationships within the Firm
Section 5 Logistical Relationships within the Firm 公司内部的物流关系

62 Do you remember? interdependence 各职能目标与总目标,各职能目标之间及内部均会互相作用。
第五节 公司内部的物流关系 Do you remember? 各职能目标与总目标,各职能目标之间及内部均会互相作用。 interdependence

63 Logistical Relationships within the Firm
第五节 公司内部的物流关系 Logistical Relationships within the Firm Relationships 关系

64 第五节 公司内部的物流关系 1 Finance logistical decisions are only as good as the quality of cost data with which they are working. 资金预算决策 库存 物流部门经常与财务部门打交道,部分原因是物流决策完全取决于财务部门处理的成本数据的质量。

65 第五节 公司内部的物流关系 2 Marketing logistics strategies can facilitate customer satisfaction through reducing the cost of products, which can translate into lower prices as well as bringing a broader variety of choices closer to where the customer wishes to buy or use the product. 物流策略可以通过降低产品成本来提高顾客满意度,即不仅提供更低的价格,而且在顾客希望购买或使用的地点将多种选择提供给顾客。

66 第五节 公司内部的物流关系 2 Marketing Outbound logistics can be a positive (or negative) marketing asset, with key relationships between outbound logistics and the four primary components of the marketing mix. 营销组合:地点、价格、产品、促销

67 Marketing mix From logistics perspective:
第五节 公司内部的物流关系 Marketing mix Place Decisions 物流关注产品以最有效率的方式移动和储存;市场营销关注接近顾客 From logistics perspective: The most effective way to move and store the product From marketing perspective: reaching customers

68 Marketing mix Price Decisions
第五节 公司内部的物流关系 Marketing mix Price Decisions Control logistics costs especially transportation costs by using pricing methods. 最常见的两种定价方法:装运港船上交货定价系统和目的港船上交货定价系统

69 FOB origin pricing systems
FOB origin price does not include any transportation costs The purchaser is responsible for the selection of the transportation mode(s) and carrier(s) Easy for the seller to administer Seller yields same net from each sale. Difficult to adopt uniform retail prices Landed costs are different 装运港船上交货定价系统的报价中不包括任何运输成本。买方负责选择运输方式和承运人。优点是卖方容易管理,而且每笔销售获得相同收益。缺点是:由于抵岸成本不同,难以制定统一的零售价格。

70 FOB destination pricing systems
FOB destination price includes both the price of the product and the transportation cost The seller has the prerogative to select transportation mode(s) and carrier(s) Each purchaser ends up with the same landed cost. 目的港船上交货定价系统的报价中同时包括产品价格和运输成本。卖方负责选择运输方式和承运人。买方的抵岸成本相同。

71 FOB destination pricing systems
Phantom freight: buyers located closer than average pay more than their share of freight charges. Freight absorption: buyers located further than average pay lower freight charges than the seller incurs in shipping 虚假运费是指比平均距离短的买方支付了比其应付运费更多的费用。运费吸收是指比平均距离更远的买方实际支付的费用低于卖方的运送费用。

72 FOB destination pricing systems
Advantages: Enables a company to expand the geographic area Easier to apply a uniform retail price The seller controls the logistics network 目的港FOB的优点,扩展了产品销售的地理范围,易于实行统一的零售价,卖方控制物流网络。

73 FOB destination pricing systems
Drawbacks: The various distribution activities and the trade-offs among them can not be understand in a short period of time The buyers who located closer to the seller subsidize the transportation cost of the further ones. 目的港FOB的缺点:认识不同配送活动和它们之间的权衡不是短时间内可以实现的,离卖方较近的公司补贴了那些离卖方较远公司的运费。

74 Marketing mix Number of product offerings
第五节 公司内部的物流关系 Marketing mix Product Decisions Number of product offerings How do they interface product decisions between marketing and logistics? Amount of particular SKUs to hold Product design

75 Marketing mix Promotion Decisions
第五节 公司内部的物流关系 Marketing mix Promotion Decisions Require close coordination between marketing and logistics. Availability of highly advertised products Having a new product in place on the scheduled release date – not earlier, not later. 许多促销决策需要营销与物流的紧密协调。比如:大力宣传的产品的可获得性,新产品按计划日期(不提前,不推迟)供货。

76 第五节 公司内部的物流关系 3 Production The most common interface between production and logistics involves: The length of production runs Postponement production long short logistics production runs at plant latest time Postponement 生产过程的长短 生产延迟

77 Summary of Section 5 Logistical Relationships within the Firm
第五节 公司内部的物流关系 Summary of Section 5 Logistical Relationships within the Firm 1 Finance 2 Marketing Marketing mix 3 Production

78 第五节 公司内部的物流关系 Summary of Section 5 Now, have you understand the logistics relationships with finance, marketing and production? Try to express your understanding.

79 Section 6 Marketing Channels 营销渠道

80 第六节 营销渠道 Marketing Channels “sets of interdependent organizations involved in the process of making a product or service available for use or consumption.” 营销渠道可以看做是相互依赖的组织的集合。这些组织共同参与使得产品或服务可供消费者使用的流程。

81 第六节 营销渠道 Marketing Channels 营销渠道成员主要有:制造商、批发商、零售商和渠道中介

82 第六节 营销渠道 Marketing Channels 营销渠道包括:所有权渠道,协商渠道,财务渠道,促销渠道和物流渠道。

83 Marketing Channels Ownership channel Negotiations channel
第六节 营销渠道 Marketing Channels Ownership channel Assumes ownership and associated risks of the inventory of goods Negotiations channel Buy and sell agreements are reached Financing channel Payments for goods Promotions channel Promoting a new or existing product Logistics channel Moving and storing product throughout the channel 各个渠道的功能

84 Channel Intermediaries/ Facilitators
第六节 营销渠道 Channel Intermediaries/ Facilitators Ownership channel Banks, public warehouses Negotiations channel Brokers Financing channel Banks, insurance companies Promotions channel Advertising agencies, public relations agencies Logistics channel Freight forwarders 各个渠道中的渠道中介

85 Summary of Section 6 Definition of Marketing Channels
第六节 营销渠道 Summary of Section 6 Definition of Marketing Channels Members of Marketing Channels Marketing Channels include: Ownership channel, Negotiations channel, Financing channel, Promotions channel, Logistics channel Channel Intermediaries/ Facilitators

86 第六节 营销渠道 Summary of Section 6 Now, how much do you know about marketing channels? List the members of a particular marketing channel, and introduce its functions.

87 Activities in the Logistical Channel
Section 7 Activities in the Logistical Channel 物流渠道中的活动

88 Activities in the Logistical Channel
第七节 物流渠道中的活动 Activities in the Logistical Channel Customer service Demand forecasting Facility location decisions Industrial packaging Inventory management Materials handling Order management Parts and service support Production scheduling Procurement Returned products Salvage and scrap disposal Transportation management Warehousing management

89 Activities in the Logistical Channel
第七节 物流渠道中的活动 Activities in the Logistical Channel Customer service顾客服务 Demand forecasting需求预测 Facility location decisions设施选址决策 Industrial packaging工业包装 Inventory management库存管理 Materials handling物料搬运 Order management订单管理 Parts and service support零配件和服务支持 Production scheduling 生产作业计划 Procurement采购 Returned products退货 Salvage and scrap disposal残料和废料处理 Transportation management运输管理 Warehousing management仓储管理

90 Section 8 Logistics Careers 物流职业

91 Logistics Careers As a generalist, the logistician
第八节 物流职业 Logistics Careers As a generalist, the logistician Must understand the functional relationships, both within and outside the firm As a specialist , the logistician Must understand the relationships between various logistics activities must have technical knowledge of the various logistics activities 物流师既是通才又是专才

92 Logistics Careers Logistics-related jobs: Logistics analyst Consultant
第八节 物流职业 Logistics Careers Logistics-related jobs: Logistics analyst Consultant Customer service manager Logistics engineer Purchasing manager Transportation manager Warehouse operations manager 与物流相关的工作

93 Summary of Chapter 1 The definition promulgated by CSCMP
第一章 小结 Summary of Chapter 1 The definition promulgated by CSCMP The economic impacts of logistics Reasons for the increased importance of logistics since Systems and total cost approaches to logistics Logistics relationships within a firm Various interfaces between marketing and logistics A brief description of a number of logistics activities A brief look at logistics careers

94 Key Terms Channel intermediaries 渠道中介 Cash flow 现金流 Co-branding 联合品牌
第一章 重要术语 Key Terms Channel intermediaries 渠道中介 Cash flow 现金流 Co-branding 联合品牌 Cost trade-offs 成本权衡 Economic utility 经济效用 FIFO 先进先出 FOB origin pricing systems 装运港船上交货定价 FOB destination pricing systems 目的港船上交货定价

95 Key Terms Form utility 形式效用 Freight absorption 费用吸收
第一章 重要术语 Key Terms Form utility 形式效用 Freight absorption 费用吸收 Inventory float 库存浮动 Inventory turnover 库存周转 Landed costs 抵岸成本 LIFO 后进先出 long-term financing 长期筹资 Marketing channel 营销渠道 Phantom freight 虚假运费 Place utility 地点效用

96 Key Terms Possession utility 拥有效用 postponement 延迟
第一章 重要术语 Key Terms Possession utility 拥有效用 postponement 延迟 Reverse logistics 逆向物流 Short-term financing 短期筹资 Supply chain 供应链 Stock-keeping units (SKUs) 最小存货单位 Stockouts 缺货 Systems approach 系统方法 Time utility 时间效用 Total cost approach 总成本方法

97 Questions for Discussion and Review
第一章 讨论和复习题 Questions for Discussion and Review 1. Did it surprise you that logistics can be such an important component in a country’s economic system? Why or why not? 2. How does logistics contribute to time and place utility? 3. How can a particular logistics system be effective but not efficient? 4. Explain the significance of the fact that the purpose of logistics is to meet customer requirements. 5. Discuss three reasons for why logistics has become more important since 1980.

98 Questions for Discussion and Review
第一章 讨论和复习题 Questions for Discussion and Review 6. Which reason for the increased importance of logistics do you believe is most important? Why? 7. What is the systems approach to problem solving? How is this concept applicable to logistics management? 8. Briefly discuss each of the four basic aspects of the marketing mix and how each interfaces with the logistics function. In your opinion, which component of the marketing mix represents the most important interface with logistics? Why? 9. Briefly discuss the ownership, negotiations, financing, promotion, and logistics channel.

99 Logistics Information Technology
第三讲 物流信息技术 物 流 管 理 学 Thanks for Your Cooperation Logistics Information Technology 主讲教师:张余华教授

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