腹 痛 李 海 仁济医院消化内科 上海市消化疾病研究所.

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1 腹 痛 李 海 仁济医院消化内科 上海市消化疾病研究所

2 腹痛 腹痛(abodominal pain) 是临床上极其常见的症状,也是促使病人就诊的重要原因。

3 腹痛 腹痛(abdominal pain) 多数由腹部脏器疾病所引起,但某些腹腔外来疾病及全身性疾病也可引起腹痛。

4 临床问诊思路 1.腹痛部位 Location 2.腹痛程度 Intensity 3. 腹痛性质 Quality 4.发作时间 Onset
LIQOR AAA 1.腹痛部位 Location 2.腹痛程度 Intensity 3. 腹痛性质 Quality 4.发作时间 Onset 5.放射痛 Radiation 6.缓解及加重因素 A A 7.伴随症状 Associated symptoms


6 Location(疼痛部位, 胃肠道) Stomach, duodenum Small bowel, proximal half colon
Distal half colon

7 Intensity(疼痛程度) Ulcer Intestinal Colic Biliary Colic, Pancreatic

8 Quality(疼痛性质) 剧烈的刀割样痛、烧灼样痛:胃肠道穿孔 阵发性、绞痛: 肠梗阻、胆石症 严重、持续性上腹痛: 急性胰腺炎
阵发性、绞痛: 肠梗阻、胆石症 严重、持续性上腹痛: 急性胰腺炎 持续、剧烈腹痛伴腹肌板样强直:急性腹膜炎 阵发性、钻顶样疼痛: 胆道蛔虫症 1.        Quality and severity: perforation with severe dull pain over upper abdomen. It is steady and aching in character. Moreover, the intensity of the pain is dependent on the type and amount of foreign substance to which the peritoneal surfaces are exposed in a given period of time. For example, sterile acid gastric juice causes much more pain than the same amount of grossly contaminated neutral fecal material. Renal colic with severe pain over back radiating to lower abdomen. The pain of obstruction of hollow abdominal viscera is classically described as intermittent, or colicky. The colicky pain of obstruction of the small intestine is usually periumbilical or supraumbilical and is poorly localized. Sudden distention of the biliary tree produces a steady rather than colicky type; hence the term biliary colic is misleading. Pain associated with intraabdominal vascular disturbances is sudden and catastrophic in nature. Pain arising from the abdominal wall is usually constant and aching.

9 Onset(发作时间) 突发性疼痛:消化道、胆囊穿孔;腹主动脉夹层 渐进性疼痛:消化道、消化实质脏器炎症 饥饿痛:十二指肠溃疡
餐后痛:胃炎、胆囊炎 与月经有关:子宫内膜异位、卵泡破裂 1.        Quality and severity: perforation with severe dull pain over upper abdomen. It is steady and aching in character. Moreover, the intensity of the pain is dependent on the type and amount of foreign substance to which the peritoneal surfaces are exposed in a given period of time. For example, sterile acid gastric juice causes much more pain than the same amount of grossly contaminated neutral fecal material. Renal colic with severe pain over back radiating to lower abdomen. The pain of obstruction of hollow abdominal viscera is classically described as intermittent, or colicky. The colicky pain of obstruction of the small intestine is usually periumbilical or supraumbilical and is poorly localized. Sudden distention of the biliary tree produces a steady rather than colicky type; hence the term biliary colic is misleading. Pain associated with intraabdominal vascular disturbances is sudden and catastrophic in nature. Pain arising from the abdominal wall is usually constant and aching.

10 Radiation(牵涉痛或放射痛) 牵涉痛与病变的内脏有一定解剖相关性,故对病变部位的判断有一定帮助 胆囊疾病有上腹痛牵涉至右肩痛 心绞痛牵涉至左上肢内侧 阑尾炎早期疼痛在脐周,疼痛可转 移至右下腹麦氏点(McBurney point)。

11 牵涉痛发病机制 是指内脏器官或深部组织的疾病引起的疼痛,可在体表的某一部位也发生痛感或痛觉过敏区.是腹部脏器引起的疼痛,刺激经内脏神经传入,由相应脊髓节段传出而定位于体表

12 内脏性腹痛 是腹内某一器官受到刺激,信号经交感神经通路传入脊髓。 疼痛特点 疼痛部位不确切 疼痛感觉模糊,多为痉挛、不适、灼痛

13 躯体性腹痛 是来自腹膜壁层及腹壁的痛觉信号,经体神经传至脊神经根。 疼痛特点: 定位准确 痛的程度强烈而持续 可有局部腹肌强直

14 Aggravating factor 加重(诱发)因素
进食油腻食物后发生:胆囊炎、胆石症 暴饮暴食、酗酒有关:急性胰腺炎 腹部暴力击打:肝、脾破裂 随体位改变腹痛加重的疾病: 胰腺肿瘤、返流性食管炎

15 Alleviating factor(缓解因素)
胃粘膜脱垂:左侧卧位缓解 十二指肠壅滞症:胸膝位或侧卧位缓解 胰腺癌:前倾位或俯卧位减轻 返流性食管炎:直立位减轻 十二指肠溃疡:进食后缓解

16 Associated symptoms 伴随症状
腹痛伴发热、寒战:炎症存在 腹痛伴黄疸:肝胆胰疾病 腹痛伴呕吐:胃肠道梗阻 腹痛伴腹泻:肠道炎症、肿瘤 腹痛伴休克:腹腔脏器破裂、重症胰腺炎

17 诊断辅助检查 • Plain X-rays (flat plate)
• Contrast studies - barium (upper and lower GI series) • Ultrasound • CT scanning • Endoscopy • Sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy The history should be emphasized on the onset, location, quality and possible etiologic factor of the abdominal pain. Detailed physical examination of chest and abdomen is important. Echo and X-ray examination (plain and upright roentgenograms of the abdomen, in the case of looking for free air in the abdomen and intestinal obstruction), gastroscopy and intestinal fibroscopy are sometimes needed. If the diagnosis remained indefinite, lapa’rotomy剖腹探查 is indicated. Pain referred to the abdomen from tho’rax, spine or genitalia生殖器 may also be diffe’’rentiated. Hence, careful attention should be paid to the extraabdominal regions which may be responsible for abdominal pain. An accurate menstrual history in a female patient is essential. In the examination, simple critical inspection of the patient, e.g., of facies, position in bed, and res’piratory activity, may provide valuable clues. Much attention has been paid to the presence or absence of peristal’tic sounds, their quality, and their frequency.

18 引起腹痛的疾病甚多,兹举最常见和较有代表性者分述如下:
1.急性胃肠炎: 腹痛以上腹部与脐周部为主,常呈持续性急痛伴阵发性加剧。 常伴恶心、呕吐、腹泻,亦可有发热。 发病前可有不洁饮食史不难诊断。

19 2.胃、十二指肠溃汤 好发于中青年, 腹痛以中上腹部为主,大 多为持续性隐痛, 空腹时发作,进食或服制酸剂缓解。 体格检查可有中上腹压痛,但无肌紧张亦无反跳痛。频繁发作时可伴粪便怨血试验阳性。胃肠钡餐检查或内镜检查可以确立诊断。

20 若原有胃、十二指肠溃疡病史或有类似症状,突然发生中上腹部烈痛、如刀割样,并迅速扩展至全腹,检查时全腹压痛,腹肌紧张,呈“板样强直”,有反跳痛、肠鸣消失,出现气腹和移植性浊音,肝浊音区缩小或消失则提示为胃、十二指肠穿孔。腹部X线平片证实膈下有游离气体、腹腔穿刺得炎性渗液诊断可以确定。

21 3.急性阑尾炎 中腹持续性隐痛, 数小时后转移至右下腹, 呈持续性隐痛,伴阵发性加剧。 亦有少数患者起病时即感右下腹痛。 中上腹隐痛经数小时后转右下腹痛为急性阑尾炎疼痛的特点。可伴发热与恶心。

22 检查可在麦氏点有压痛,并可有肌紧张,是为阑尾炎的典型体征。结合白细胞总数及中性粒细胞增高,急性阑尾炎的诊断可以明确。若急性阑尾炎未获及时诊断、处理,1~2日后右下腹部呈持续性痛,麦氏点周围压痛、肌紧张及反跳痛明显,白细胞总数及中性粒细胞显著增高,则可能已成坏疽性阑尾炎。若在右下腹扪及边缘模糊的肿块,则已形成阑尾包块。

23 4.胆囊炎、胆结石 此病好发于中老年妇女。 右上腹部隐痛、进食脂肪餐后加 剧, 并向右肩部放射。 Murphy征阳性是急性囊炎的特征 若有黄疸出现说明胆道已有梗阻

24 5.急性胰腺炎 多在饱餐后突然发作,中上腹持续性剧痛,常伴恶性呕吐及发热。 上腹部深压痛、肌肾张及反跳痛不甚明显。 血清淀粉酶明显增高可以确诊本病。

25 如若腹痛扩展至全腹,并迅速出现休克症状,检查发现满腹压痛,并有肌紧张及反跳痛,甚至发现腹水及脐周、腹侧皮肤斑,则提示为出血坏死性胰腺炎。此时血甭淀粉酶或明显增高或反不增高。X线平片可见胃与小肠充分扩张而结肠多不含气而塌陷。CT检查可见胰腺肿大、周围脂肪层消失。

26 6.肠梗阻 可见于各种年龄的 患者,儿童以蛔虫症、肠套叠等引起的为多。成人以疝或肠粘连引起的多,老人则可由结肠癌等引起。肠梗阻的疼痛多在脐周,呈阵发性绞痛,伴呕吐与停止排便排气。

27 体征检查时可见肠型、腹部压痛明显,肠鸣音亢进,甚至可闻“气过水”声。如若腹痛呈持续性疼痛伴阵发性加剧,腹部压痛明显伴肌紧张及反跳痛,或更发现腹水,并迅速呈现休克者则提示为绞窄性肠梗阻。X线平片检查,若发现肠腔充气,并有多数液平时肠梗阻的诊断即可确立。

28 7.腹腔脏器破裂 因外力导致的脾破裂, 肝癌结节破裂, 宫外孕的自发破裂等。

29 发病突然,持续性剧痛涉及全腹,常伴休克。检查时多发现为满腹压痛,可有肌紧张,多有反跳痛。常可发现腹腔积血的体征。腹腔穿刺得积血即可证实为腹腔脏器破裂。宫外孕破裂出血如在腹腔未能穿刺到可穿刺后穹隆部位,常有阳性结果。实时超声检查、甲台蛋白化验、CT检查、妇科检查等可有助于常见脏器破裂的鉴别诊断。

30 8.输尿管结石 腹痛常突然发生,多在左或右侧腹部呈阵发性绞痛,并向会阴部放射。腹部压痛不明显。 疼痛发作扣可见血尿为本病的特征,作腹部X线摄片、静脉肾盂造影等可以明确诊断。

31 9.急性心肌梗塞 见于中老年人,梗塞的部位如在膈面,尤其面积较大者多有上腹部痛。其痛多在劳累、紧张或饱餐后突然发作,呈持续性绞痛,并向左肩或双臂内侧部位放射。常伴恶心,可有休克。体征检查时上腹部或有轻度压痛、无肌紧张和反跳痛,但心脏听诊多有心律紊乱。作心电图检查可以确诊本病。

32 10.铅中毒 见于长期接触铅粉尘或烟尘的人,偶尔亦见由误服大量铅化合物起者。铅中毒有急性与慢性之分。但无论急性、慢性,阵发性腹绞痛则为其特征。其发作突然,多在脐周部。常伴腹胀、便秘及食欲不振等。检查时腹部体征有不明显,无固定压痛点,肠鸣音多减弱。此外,齿龈边缘可见铅线,为铅中毒特征性体征。周围血中可见嗜碱性点彩红细胞,血铅和尿铅的增高可以确立诊断。

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