Chinese Objectives: News in China

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1 Chinese 2 4-29-5-3-13 Objectives: News in China
New words about disease Report writing about earth quake

2 Monday objectives: Warm up News in China:
Earthquake: How are the pandas? The high school students who will take the entrance exam for college: May 1sth, Labor‘s Day /劳动节 in China : 3 days off! Yeah! Some people get married during this holiday including my god daughter. Enjoy a piece of music.

3 新华社报道: Xīnhuá shè bàodào 截止目前 ,今天上午 受伤78 85人 失踪升至25人,
Title: 四川芦山地震遇难人数升至188人Sìchuān lúshān dìzhèn yùnàn rénshù shēng zhì 188 rén CNN 新华社Xīnhuá shè Xinhua News Agency 报道bàodào reported 失踪shīzōng, missing 四川Sìchuān, SichuanProvince 受伤Shòushāng, Injured 地震DìzhènEarthquake 遇难 Yùnàn, deceased victims, 人数Rénshù Number of people 升至Shēng zhì Rose to 造成Zàochén, v. cause 增至Zēng zhì v. increase 目前Mùqián now, current 爆炸Bàozhà explode 洪水 Hóngshuǐ flood 新华社报道: Xīnhuá shè bàodào 截止目前 ,今天上午 受伤78 85人 失踪升至25人, 地震造成遇难者人数增至188人。dìzhèn zàochéng yùnàn zhě rénshù zēng zhì 188 rén,

4 Review the New words 截止到 Jiézhǐ dào up to… 爆发 Bàofā, to break up
今天Jīntiān /Today 肺结核FèijiéhéTuberculosis 明天Míngtiān/Tomorrow 流行性感冒Liúxíng xìng gǎnmào Influenza 昨天Zuótiān/ Yesterday 早上zǎoshang / moring 艾滋病ÀizībìngAIDS 上午Shàngwǔ /Morning, 死亡SǐwángDeath 例Lì Case 晚上wǎnshàng/ evening 康复Kāngfù recover 下午Xiàwǔ/ afternoon 截止到 Jiézhǐ dào up to… 点Diǎn hour 分Fēn minute 爆发 Bàofā, to break up 秒 Miǎo second Daily conversation 一共Yīgòng altogether A. 祝你早日康复! Zhù nǐ zǎorì kāngfù! Wish you recover soon! 确诊QuèzhěnDiagnose 传染chuánrǎn/be contagious B. 早日好起来Zǎorì hǎo qǐlái! !Get well soon! 传染病Chuánrǎn bìng Infectious Diseases 禽流感Qín liúgǎn bird flu 病毒性肝炎Bìngdú xìng gānyán Viral Hepatitis

5 Grammar: tell time 时间 点 o’clock 分 minute 秒 second
How to tell time? -> 点 +分 +秒 现在十一点四十分十秒。Now it is 11:40:10 You practice! Now it is 5pm.____________________________ Now it is 2 am. ____________________________ Now it is 6:15:04 am._________________________ Now it is 7:40:08 pm__________________________

6 Tuesday: objectives teks: 2a, 2b, 3a, 4a.
1) new words. 2) Study the structure of writing a letter 3) Read the text

7 Text: Write a letter 亲爱的小明, 你好!我叫玛丽亚。我是美国人。 现在在上海国际学校学习。
我们学校的学生每天有很多课。我每天早上六点半起床。 七点半去学校。 我们上午八点开始上课。中午十二点吃午饭。下午两点四十五分下课。下课后,我有时做作业, 有时候和朋友去运动。我很喜欢运动。晚上我学习,看电视,玩电脑。 我十点睡觉。 你的一天呢?也很忙吗? 祝好! 你的朋友:玛丽亚 二零一三年十月十五日于上海

8 New words 国际Guójì international 做作业Zuò zuo yè do homework
学校XuéxiàoSchool 去运动Qù yùndòng 学习Xuéxí. To study 运动Yùndòng To exercise 每天Měitiān Every day 晚上Wǎnshàng evening 很多HěnduōMany 看电视Kàn diànshì Watch TV 课KèLesson 玩电脑Wán diànnǎo Playing computer 起床QǐchuángGet up 睡觉shuìjiào sleep 去学校Qù xuéxiào Go to school 你的一天呢Nǐ de yītiān ne How is your day? 开始Kāishǐ Start 也Yě Also 上课Shàngkè class start 很忙吗hěn máng ma busy! 下课Xiàkè class is over. 祝好Zhù hǎoBest wishes 吃午饭Chī wǔfàn eat lunch …后.. Hòu,After 有时Yǒushí Sometimes

9 Wednesday’s objectives
TEKS: 2a, 2b, 3a, 4a TTW Review the new words TSW edit the news report. TTW check the grammar of the letter. TTW teach the text. Dialogue: What time is it now? 现在几点? It is 2PM。 现在下午两点。

10 Thursday’s objectives:
TTW check and assess the student’s mastery of the letter writing and speaking. Students’ presentation. Remember, you can’t put pinyin on any word. Or you don’t have grade on your oral part.

11 Friday: Presentation Voc. quiz Grade rubrics 25% accurate grammar
25% topic and 5 sentences 25% art for your letter: neat writing, 1 colorful image. 25% your presentation: pronunciation and fluency.

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