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Shangqiu ----My hometown

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1 Shangqiu ----My hometown
制作:刘兴顺 Liu Xinghsun 时间:2015/6/11

2 Shangqiu City is located in the eastern part of Henan Province, Henan, Shandong, Jiangsu and Anhui provinces junction. 商丘市地处中原腹地,中原古时又称中土,中州,中国,中夏,神州, 华夏,诸夏等。位于河南省东部,豫、鲁、苏、皖四省结合处,商丘地 理位置四通八达,东临沿海,西扼中原,北接齐鲁,南襟江淮江南,是 中国中部地区与东部沿海地区的过渡地带,也是南、北方的过渡地带

3 商丘标志性建筑 商字,商丘是商业的兴源之地
Shangqiu landmark building business word, Shangqiu is the source of the commercial land

4 《诗经-商颂》----天命玄鸟, 降而生商。商丘是玄鸟后裔
The book of Songs - "Shang Song - t drop and destiny, taking. Shangqiu is a mysterious bird seed

5 马踏飞燕火球雕塑,上古三皇五帝之一--燧人氏的一把火照亮了世界
Horse riding Chebi fireball sculpture, ancient Three Emperors and Five Sovereigns suirenshi -- one of a fire lit up the world

6 商丘古城,建于明正德年间,距今已有500年,记载着商丘的沧桑辉煌
The ancient city of Shangqiu, built in the Ming Zhengde years, 500 years ago, a record of Shangqiu history

7 Shangqiu is the birthplace of businessman
Shangqiu have a lot of cultural and natural landscape

8 说商丘,就要从商丘的远古走来,从远古走来的商丘籍的开天辟地的人物太多了,商丘是帝王之乡,人杰地灵,这里不仅出现了大批帝王将相,而且涌现出了众多的文人墨客、政治家、思想家、军事家、文学艺术家、科学家等等;这里不仅出现了一批有特殊贡献的才子,而且涌现出了不让须眉的巾帼英雄和才女。这里是孔子的祖居地;是墨子、庄子、惠施、魏元忠、张方平、石延年、袁可立、侯方域和巾帼英雄花木兰的故里;是司马相如、枚乘、邹阳等文学大家的宦游地;是大唐忠烈张巡的殉难地;汉高祖曾在这里斩蛇起义,颜真卿曾在这里留下墨宝,赵匡胤曾在这里发迹,范仲淹曾在这里读书执教,苏东坡曾在这里题榜,三苏曾在这里吟唱,李香君曾在这里抚琴。 Shangqiu, Shangqiu ancient came from, came from the ancient times of Shangqiu Ji an epoch-making figure too much, Shangqiu is the king of the town, outstanding people, here not only appeared a large number of emperors, and the emergence of the numerous scholars, politicians, thinkers, strategists, writers and artists, scientists, and so on; here not only the talent of a batch of special contribution, and the emergence of a not to let the eyebrows of heroine and talented. Here is Confucius ancestral home; is the hometown of Mo Zi Zhuang, Hui Shih and Wei Yuanzhong, Zhang Fangping, Shi Yannian, Yuan Keli, Hou Fangyu and heroine Mulan; Sima Xiangru, Meicheng, Zou Yang and other literature all the official travel to; Datang martyrs Zhang Xun's martyrdom to; Han Emperor had here where uprising, Yan Zhenqing had here left calligraphy, Zhao Kuangyin was here fortune, Fan Zhongyan was here reading teaching, Su Dongpo once in here Title standings, Su had here sing Li Xiangjun had here Fuqin.

9 少康,少康中兴正是此人作为,夏朝繁盛时候的都城就在商丘
Shaukang, Shaokang ZTE is this person as the capital of the Xia Dynasty, the prosperous time in Shangqiu

10 地皇燧人氏,上古三皇五帝之一,钻木取火,人类第一把火由他点燃,所以商丘又称火都
One of the ancient imperial Suiren, Three Emperors and Five Sovereigns, human Zuanmuquhuo, the first fire lit by him, so Shangqiu is also called the fire

11 人皇朱襄氏,上古三皇五帝之一 Emperor Zhu Xiang's, one of the ancient Three Emperors and Five Sovereigns

12 虞舜,上古三皇五帝中五帝之一 One of the five emperors in ancient Chinese, Three Emperors and Five Sovereigns

13 帝喾,又名高辛氏,上古五帝之一 Ku, also known as Gaoxinshi, one of the five emperors

14 商汤,商朝开国帝王 Shang Tang, the first emperor of Shang Dynasty

15 赵匡胤在商丘发迹 所以商丘是大宋的兴源之地
Zhao Kuangyin fortune in Shangqiu so Shangqiu is the song of the source

16 宋襄公,春秋五霸之一 The Duke, one of the spring and autumnwu Ba

17 梁孝王刘武,西汉诸侯国梁国国君 Liang Xiao Wang Liu Wu, Liang Guoguojun Kingdoms

18 刘邦在商丘斩白蛇起义,斩蛇碑,晚上用灯照会显示刘邦斩蛇的画面,现代科技无法解释,大汉朝也起源商丘
Liu Bang in Shangqiu cut the White Snake uprising, where the monument at night light note display picture of Liu Bang chopped snake, modern science and technology can not explain, the Han Dynasty also had its origins in Shangqiu

19 商丘的思想家,商丘是思想的源头 墨子,墨攻
Shangqiu Shangqiu is the source of ideological thinkers, Mo-tse, battle of wits

20 庄子,亚道,庄周梦蝶 Chuang-tzu, Asia, Chuang Chou dreaming a butterfly

21 孔子,商丘是孔子的祖籍 Confucius, Shangqiu is the ancestral home of Confucius

22 惠子,辨家 Hui Zi, identify home

23 花木兰,替父从军 Mulan, for the father

24 信陵君,魏无忌,战国四公子之一 Xinling, Weiwuji, one of the four princes of the Warring States Period

25 华夏文明的原点在中原,最早的汉字雏形甲骨文出现在商朝,商朝起源于商丘,汉语以中原为中心向四方辐射,这点可以从中国历代版图的变化中看出。 中原雅音一脉相承,失去中原汉字文化,华夏汉人将找不到回家的路。
The origin of Chinese civilization in the Central Plains, the earliest Chinese character prototype Oracle appeared in the Shang Dynasty, the origin of the Shang Dynasty in Shangqiu, Chinese in the Central Plains Center to the Quartet radiation. This can be seen from the changes in the layout of successive dynasties in Chinese history. The sound of Central Plains culture lost Chinese characters, come down in one continuous line, the Chinese Han will find the way home.

26 [宋]陈?鹄:乡音是处不同,唯京都天A朝得其正。《西塘集》 [元]周德清:欲正语言,必宗中原之音。《中原音韵》
[宋]路德章:浙近中原语音好,不知淮水是天涯。《盱眙旅舍》   [宋]陈?鹄:乡音是处不同,唯京都天A朝得其正。《西塘集》   [元]周德清:欲正语言,必宗中原之音。《中原音韵》   [元]范德机:四方偏气之语,不相通晓,惟中原汉语,四方可以通行。《木天禁- 语》   [明]沈宠绥:以吴侬之方言,代中州之雅韵,字理乘张,音义径庭,其为周郎赏者 谁耶?不揣固陋,以中原韵为楷!《弦索辩讹》   [明]吕?坤:中原当南北之间,际清浊之会,故宋制中原雅音。   [明]王伯良:"识字之法,须先习反切。盖四方土音不同,故须之中州" 《方诸 馆曲律·论须识字》   [明]杨文骢:"得中原之正音,去五方之啁杂" 《同文铎》   [清]朴隐子:"词严声律,韵必中州。盖河洛当九域之中,其音可通于四方耳" 《诗词通韵·序》   [清]潘耒:"河洛天地之中,雅音声韵之正" 《类音·南北音论》   [清]罗愚:"摄以开合口呼,正以中州音" 《切字图诀》   [清]张燮承:"填图字样皆系按中州韵填入,学者不可因今古音讹、南北音异妄自 更改" 《翻切简可篇·读横直图口诀》   [清]毛先舒《与婿徐华徵书》:汴为中州,得音之正。杭多汴人,随宋室南渡,故 杭皆正音。   [清]周?赟:夫中国车书一统,而音韵必叶中州。《山门新语》

27 与商丘有关的成语 梁园虽好,终非常客 网开三面 江郎才尽 殃及池鱼 揠苗助长 朝三暮四 张睢阳齿 取长补短 千里姻缘一线牵 守株待兔
梁园虽好,终非常客 网开三面 江郎才尽 殃及池鱼 揠苗助长 朝三暮四 张睢阳齿 取长补短 千里姻缘一线牵 守株待兔 宋襄公之仁 狙公赋芧 庄周梦蝶 长相思,终难忘 泪悲千古 殷土茫茫

28 与商丘有关的传奇故事 相思鸟吟唱千年一曲 大小乔醉曹千口一传 花木兰忠贞千古一人 月下老人牵情千里一线 李太白娶妻千金一壁
李香君贞烈千古一扇 这里有“相思树”的悲剧,有“月下老人”的喜剧;有“闹龙 街”的幽默,有“葫芦诗”的戏谑;有“桃花扇”、“追鱼”等凄 美爱情故事;有“高祖斩蛇”的威武神勇传说。

29 中国最大的长寿之乡 中国有3000个左右的县级地区,大约有21个县是中国长寿之 乡,平均要在100多个县级里面才能产生一个,商丘有9个县 级地区,但仅是商丘一市一举就占了3个县(宁陵、夏邑、 永城),另外跟商丘接攘的亳州的樵城区也是中国长寿之乡 。经数据统计,商丘人的寿命平均高于全国4岁左右。其实 要说界定中国长寿之乡的标准,商丘除了上面3个县外,还 有睢阳,柘城,虞城这3个县也早就达到了中国长寿之乡的 标准,正在进行申报! China has around 3000 counties. Approximately 21 county is township of the Chinese longevity, on average, in more than 100 county-level inside to produce a, Shangqiu has nine county area, but only Shangqiu City in one fell swoop accounted for three counties (Ningling, Xiayi, Yongcheng), also with Shangqiu pick Qiao cueing of Bozhou City is China longevity village. The average life expectancy of the people in Shangqiu is higher than that of the whole nation by the data statistics, 4 years old.. In fact to say the standard to define Chinese longevity Township, Shangqiu in addition to the above three counties, as well as Suiyang, Zhecheng Yucheng County of the three have already reached the standard Chinese longevity village, is to declare!

30 国家干线铁路: 地方区域铁路: 陇海铁路(连云港—商丘—兰州) 京九铁路(北京—商丘—香港) 郑徐高铁(郑州—商丘—徐州)
商杭高铁(商丘—杭州) 地方区域铁路: 商济铁路(商丘—济宁) 商周铁路(商丘—周口) 新商铁路(新密—商丘)


32 国道: 国家干线高速公路: 地方高速及联络线: 公路: 商丘拥有经过市区的105、310国道;9条高速公路以商丘环城
高速圈为中心呈“米”字型向全市展开;30余条省道遍布全市各地。 国道: G105(北京—商丘—珠海) G310(连云港—商丘—天水)。 G311(淅川—徐州 国家干线高速公路: 连霍高速(G30连云港—商丘—霍尔果斯) 济广高速(G35济南—商丘—广州)。 地方高速及联络线: 德商高速、商周高速、商登高速、郑民高速、濮(阳)阳(新)高速(在建)、 商济高速、商徐高速、民菏高速等。


34 商丘地处华北平原, 农业机械化率达到95% Shangqiu is located in North China Plain, agricultural mechanization rate reached 95%







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