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浅谈听力的 真“教”与实“学” 温州中学 傅咏梅 2010-12-17.

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Presentation on theme: "浅谈听力的 真“教”与实“学” 温州中学 傅咏梅 2010-12-17."— Presentation transcript:

1 浅谈听力的 真“教”与实“学” 温州中学 傅咏梅

2 1960s: emphasis on oral language 1980s: Krashen’s comprehensible input
听力教学现状 呈现题目——播放录音——核对答案(——阅读文本) 听力教学的地位 听力教学的操作 听力教学的效果 不教不学,唯“练”是途 仅利用课余时间为学生统一播放听力录音;如果学生没有听懂,教师就把录音的文字材料发给学生,让学生阅读。 ——文秋芳 Listening is the Cinderella skill in second language learning. All too often, it has been overlooked by its elder sister, speaking —— David Nunan 1960s: emphasis on oral language 1980s: Krashen’s comprehensible input Jame’s Asher’s TPR 在人们进行言语交流的过程中,听占45%, 说占30%,读占16%,写占9%

3 五步曲,让灰姑娘变成靓公主 对听力困难成因的深入分析 对听力教学内容的全面涵盖 对听力教学方式的有效利用 对听力训练习惯的持续培养 对听力学习兴趣的充分激发

4 对听力困难成因的深入分析 词汇量明显不足 语音基础不扎实 背景知识的缺乏 听力技巧不会应用 听力训练不够充分 听力时的紧张焦虑 音准 同音和近音 连读 弱读 失去爆破 同化 重音 节奏 No one joined us at the very beginning. No one join does at the very beginning.

5 对听力教学内容的全面涵盖 以语音基础知识教学为例 Segmental feature: phonemic distinctions Suprasegmental features: tone , pitch, stress, rhythm, intonation Did the speaker say they can or can’t come to the party? Did the speaker enjoy the wedding or not? Is the speaker surprised or not? What is more important, where he bought the watch or when?

6 Pair practice: Words for / / and /s/ θ
对听力教学内容的全面涵盖 全面系统 循序渐渐 以语音基础知识教学为例 Pair practice: Words for / / and /s/ θ sing thumb theme pass thick thing sing thumb some theme seem path pass thick sick Sounds Great – Book 1, Heinle & Heinle Publishers

7 对听力教学方式的有效利用 Features of effective listening course: Listening goals should be explicit: learners should know what they are listening for and why; Schema-building tasks should precede the listening; Strategies for effective listening should be incorporated into the materials;

8 对听力教学方式的有效利用 Features of effective listening course: 4. Learners should be given opportunities to progressively structure their listening by listening to a text several times, and by working through increasingly challenging listening tasks; 5. The task should include opportunities for learners to play an active role in their own learning. —— David Nunan

9 Features of effective listening course:
对听力教学方式的有效利用 Features of effective listening course: Listening goals should be explicit: learners should know what they are listening for and why; Schema-building tasks should precede the listening; Strategies for effective listening should be incorporated into the materials; ①听大意和主题; ②抓关键词; ③预测下文内容; ④确定事物的发展顺序或逻辑关系; ⑤理解说话人的意图和态度; ⑥判断语段的深层含意; ⑦评价所听内容; ⑧听并执行指示语; ⑨排除口音和背景音等的干扰等。 (模糊甚至缺席的听前活动布置) Is the radio report about news or weather? (模糊甚至缺席的听前活动布置) Past experience lead to the creation of mental frameworks that help us make sense of new experiences. (Scheme theory) 背景介绍、图片观察、生词学习、话题讨论等 Students who are given schema-building tasks outperformed those who were confronted with listening texts without being prepared for listening. —— Spada

10 对听力教学方式的有效利用 听力理解策略——关注情境(Focus on situations)
    ①要求学生阅读Dialogue1,并猜测空格处需要填入的单词。     Man: (1), are you sure this is your(2)?     Woman: Yes, I am. Number(3).     Man: But my(4)has got that number.     Woman: Well, ask the air hostess about it.     

11 Where does the conversation take place?
②学生听两遍录音后核对答案,并回答以下问题: Where does the conversation take place? Is this woman very happy with the man? How do you know that? ③教师引导学生总结如下听力理解策略: When you listen to the dialogue, think about where it takes place. (On a plane?) Focus on the language the people use. (Formal or informal?) Think about the mood of the speakers. (Polite, angry, happy, or nervous?)

12 对听力教学方式的有效利用 Features of effective listening course: 4. Learners should be given opportunities to progressively structure their listening by listening to a text several times, and by working through increasingly challenging listening tasks;

13 There are almost no occasions when the teacher will play a tape only once. (Jeremy Harmer)
Different listening stages demand different listening tasks 1st listening: what is the dialogue about? 2nd listening: tick the countries mentioned 3rd listening: match the countries with the accidents 4th listening: specific aspects of the accidents

14 对听力教学方式的有效利用 Features of effective listening course: 4. Learners should be given opportunities to progressively structure their listening by listening to a text several times, and by working through increasingly challenging listening tasks; 5. The task should include opportunities for learners to play an active role in their own learning. —— David Nunan passive, receptive, learner-as-sponge

15 Making instructional goals explicit to the learner;
Giving learners a degree of choices; Giving learners opportunities to bring their own background knowledge and experience into the classroom. Encouraging learners to develop a reflective attitude to learning and to develop skills in self-monitoring and self-assessment. ——David Nunan

16 对听力训练习惯的持续培养 日常持久的听力训练 形式多样的听力训练 模仿:语音、语调、连读、弱化等 W: That was the most boring party I have ever attended. M: I certainly can’t agree with you on that. What does the man probably think of the party? A. Boring B. Enjoyable C. Lengthy

17 T: You have done great work. In return for this, I
听力教学实录: T: You have done great work. In return for this, I will show you some magic.(学生都看着老师 Now look at the sentence: “I want two return tickets to Shanghai” If I read this in three different ways, I get three different meanings. If I want to stress “not one ticket”, I read it like this: I want two(重读)return tickets to Shanghai.(部分学生跟着老师一起说)

18 T: Oh. it seems that you've learned this magic. OK,
you try it. Now, I want to stress “not one-way ticket”. Ss: I want two return(重读)tickets to Shanghai. T: Good. Now. I want to stress “to Shanghai, not Beijing”. Ss: I want two return tickets to Shanghai(重读). T: Great. Teaching is not telling.

19 对听力训练习惯的持续培养 日常持久的听力训练 形式多样的听力训练 认真的听力订正归因 模仿:语音、语调、连读、弱化等 听音记单词: 听音速记:符号、图片等 ---I will take both. ---I will take off. 原因分析:不会利用上下文来理解含糊音。

20 对听力学习兴趣的充分激发 听力教学和其它教学整合
3.Post-listening        Imagine you have lost something on a flight and now you are at a lost luggage counter, talking to the attendant. Make a dialogue with your deskmate with the following information.     —your flight number and departure place     —the luggage you lost and its color and size     —what in your luggage 学生不感兴趣的原因: 1. 任务本身单一无味 2. 在任务中表现不好,没有成就感 充分准备; 充分参与; 充分开发听力资料,设计多样活动; (Exploit listening texts to full) 充分利用多种媒体 video在听力教学中的应用技巧

21 Special techniques developed for video:
Play the tape without sound Play the tape but cover the picture Freeze the picture

22 Thanks! Good-bye!

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