生态自然资源在幼儿活动中的开发利用 Opportunities to explore science concepts with young children are all around us every day. This exploration of the natural world is the.

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1 生态自然资源在幼儿活动中的开发利用 Opportunities to explore science concepts with young children are all around us every day. This exploration of the natural world is the stuff of childhood. Science, when viewed as a process of constructing understanding and developing ideas, is a natural focus in the early childhood program. Children’s inquiry into appropriate phenomena is not only the place to build foundational experiences for later science learning, it is fertile ground for the development of many cognitive skills. It also is a context in which children can develop and practice many basic skills of literacy and mathematics. Finally, science is a collaborative endeavour in which working together and discussing ideas are central to the practice.

2 生态自然资源 存在于大自然,没有被特殊雕琢,散发着乡土气息的自然物质和形态,是自然环境中与人类社会发展有关的、能被利用来产生使用价值并影响劳动生产率的自然诸要素。 我园所关注和利用的就是存在于我们身边自然环境中大自然赋予的最天然的 自然物。 These children are engaging in scientific exploration This picture also provide a small window into science for young children that is based on several beliefs that have guided my work: First doing science is a natural and critical part of children’s early learning; Second children’s curiosity about the natural world is a powerful catalyst for their work and play; Third with the appropriate guidance, this natural curiosity and need to make sense of the world become the foundation for beginning to use skills of inquiry to explore basic phenomena And finally, this early science exploration can be a rich context in which children can use and develop other important skills, including working with one another, basic large- and small-motor control, language, and early mathematical understanding.

3 儿童是天生的科学家,给他们原材料去探索,他们就能够学习。(幼儿学习框架)
陶行知老先生曾说过:“大自然大社会就是活教材 运用天然材料开展教育活 动,可以让幼儿获得真实 的感受。” Children are naturally curious about the world and have lots of questions that can guide inquiry into scientific concepts in a natural way. However, the teacher’s role is critical to children’s science learning, and it is a complex one that is informed by our knowledge of children, of teaching and learning, and of pedagogical science knowledge. So, children’s scientific inquiry is guided by our understanding of the important underlying science concepts of the focus we choose.

4 游戏为基础的学习 利用自然界的材料玩耍--沙子,水,泥土,贝壳,石块等 自然场地--坡地,小沟,障碍 自然环境--绿草,水面,农田
动植物--树、花、虫、鸟 自然现象--阳光,下雨,结冰

5 因势利导 天然优越条件,应该因园制宜,尽 力去挖掘大自然所赋予的优势,摆 脱课堂和书本的限制,走向自然, 充分利用身边的自然资源来为幼儿
我们最优越的条件就是园内和园周边都有着丰富的生态自然环境,它为幼儿提供了丰富、开放、天然、有趣的活动场所,是孩子们的欢乐之源,是我们最宝贵的教育资源。对于如此 天然优越条件,应该因园制宜,尽 力去挖掘大自然所赋予的优势,摆 脱课堂和书本的限制,走向自然, 充分利用身边的自然资源来为幼儿 的发展提供“养料” Problem solving can be a powerful motivating factor to learn science. When children perceive the situations and problems they study in preschool as real, their curiosity is piqued and they are inspired to find an answer. Searching for a solution to a question or problem that is important to children holds their attention and creates enthusiasm.

6 充分依托本土自然文化和生活环境的资源 利用田垄、沟渠进行体育游戏,让幼儿在走田垄时发展他们的平衡能力;利用小沟渠进行跳跃、跨跳的锻炼;利用天然的草地进行不同方式跑、跳、爬的游戏,发展幼儿手脚 动作的协调 性;在广阔 的户外用 农村孩子常玩 的诸如 “官兵捉强盗”和 藏猫猫等游戏来发展幼 儿躲闪动作的灵活性等。 This is evident when children interact with others to explore ideas and concepts When children begin to sort, categorise, order and compare collections and events and attributes of objects and materials in their natural worlds And when children convey and construct messages with purpose and confidence Also when children contribute their ideas and experiences in play and small and large group discussions All these outcomes are evident in scientific inquiry

7 注重挖掘社区环境的教育作用 教师善于挖掘有意义的教育元素,打造生态乐园,创设良好的环境有利于幼儿形成主动学习和探究的态度与倾向。对于幼儿园丰富的自然环境资源和优越的社区环境资源,充分地开发和利用它们,使它们成为实施幼儿教育 所需要的物质条件 Concepts are the building blocks of knowledge; they allow people to organize and categorize information. During early childhood, children actively engage in acquiring fundamental concepts and in learning fundamental process skills. As we watch children in their everyday activities at various stages of development, we can observe them constructing and using concepts and plan to extend their scientific understandings further.

8 引发幼儿参与活动的兴趣和积极性  身边的自然环境是孩子们所熟悉的生活环境,但平时孩子们接触自然界时是懵懂的,无目的的。而老师在精心设计教学目标后,有计划、有目的地带孩子去玩耍,在玩耍中了解自然,探索自然。需要从儿童兴趣点出发,以兴趣和 曾冒出的想法为基础。 The focus of science exploration should start from the interest of the child and should be on concepts that are developmentally appropriate and can be explored from multiple perspectives, in depth, and over time. When children have many and varied opportunities to explore a phenomenon, they come to the final stages of inquiry with a rich set of experiences on which to base their reflections, their search for patterns and relationships, and their developing theories. With a range of experiences, children are more likely to be able to think about connections among them, question their naïve ideas, and develop new ones.

9 注重材料的多用性、层次性、探索性 在利用自然材料时,充分考虑材料对不同年龄段或同一年龄段不同发展水平幼儿的作用,教师有意识地选择不同自然环境,按幼儿实际水平,分层次选择材料。大孩子可以进行深层次的,小孩子保持浅层次的探究。 树叶的多用性 泥土:小班-- 谁的家 中班--埋垃圾 大班--泥塑

10 整合自然材料,让幼儿尽情探索 “美丽的家园”——石头、泥块、树枝、野花等构造;
“娃娃家”——砖块蚌壳做炉灶,沙土为粮、树叶为菜、青草树果泥土做快餐 “小舞台”——枝条、野花、野草做妆扮、做道具砖块、蚌壳打节奏;  “小能手”——稻草自行编织的草绳自编游戏; “小科学家”——泥土加上盐搅拌均匀,这样用泥土做成的作品就不易开裂。

11 做中教,做中学,做中求进步 俗话说得好:“心灵手巧”。幼儿经常动手操作,有利于小肌肉群的发展,会变得更聪明。
自然界中大树、小树抱一抱、量一量粗细; 树叶分类、排序、规律排队; 砖块由大到小垒堆找平衡 猜猜、看看哪些自然材料 会浮在河面上 野花野草打扮家园 We can explore different types of plants

12 以“生活即教育”为引领, 让幼儿参加实践活动
在幼儿观察、认识自然环境的同时,有意识地培养幼儿爱自然、爱家乡的美好情感。并根据幼儿的年龄特点,记观察日记。用图画、符号、数字、文字等不同形式记录下自己所观察的事务。 We can explore different plant features and the ways in which we use different plants

13 开放性问题——诚恳地希望倾听儿童的声音 所提的问题是考虑怎样促进幼儿对自然的探究: “你看到了些什么”“你想知道什么”,
要考虑我们是希望幼儿亲手实践,亲自去做: “你准备怎样去找到它的秘密”“你有什么好办法”; 要考虑激发和保持幼儿探究和实践的兴趣 “今天你最开心的是什么”“你有什么 发现和成功可以分享给我们”“你还 有什么想法” 而幼儿常常会提出“为什么……” “怎么办……”“我还可以换个办法……” We can explore photosynthesis We can set up experiments to explore plants using capillary action to take up water using dye in the water We can grow plants

14 Children’s current understandings & dispositions儿童当前的理解能力和天性
Curiosity about the natural world 对自然的好奇心 Personal disposition and own experience 个人经历和天性 Way of knowing of other cultures 了解其它文化的方式 Communication 交流 Idiosyncratic explanations The inquiry approach to scientific exploration is quite different from some of the science work in many classrooms where there may be a science table on which sit interesting objects and materials, along with observation and measurement tools such as magnifiers and balances. Too often the work stops there, and little is made of the observations children make and the questions they raise. The inquiry approach starts from children’s curiosity about the natural world and their own personal disposition and experience

15 Authentic Questions Do you find yourself asking children closed questions 你问的问题是不是缺乏开放性? single “right” answer questions? 非对即错的问题? single word response questions? 只需一个词就可以回答? questions to which you know the answer? (i.e. guess what the teacher is thinking) 你很清楚问题的答案?(比如:猜猜老师在想什么?) Example “What colour is a pea/lettuce/cauliflower? (Now… challenge your own assumptions…………….) 或者诸如此类的问题:西兰花是啥颜色?你家的小黑猫是啥颜色的? 也许你该挑战反思一下自己的设想和所问问题。。。 Inquiry into authentic questions generated from student experience is the central strategy for teaching science beginning inquiry is all about exploring, asking questions, and making observations

16 How to make it authentic? 如何提出真正有价值的问题?
Authentic to the task and context 切合任务和情境 Child’s own focus/current task 儿童自身关注的焦点或当前任务 Understanding child’s thinking 理解儿童所思所想 Type of question 问题类型 Open questions –genuinely want to hear child 开放性问题——诚恳地希望倾听儿童的呼声 Leading questions- guide thinking 引导性问题——引导思考 Prompts deeper thinking & discussion 促进深层次思考和讨论 Imagine preschool children exploring how potatoes grow. The children start by carefully looking at potatoes. One of the first things they notice is that the potatoes have sprouts. They wonder about the sprouts and what they might do. The teacher elicits more observations and questions. Among other things, the children suggest that potatoes grow under the ground. They wonder if potatoes have seeds, and what a potato seed might look like. The teacher helps the children generate a list of their questions: What is a sprout? How can you get plants without planting seeds? Do the sprouts have anything to do with getting new potatoes? Should we plant all or part of the potato?

17 给孩子带来了什么 热爱大自然的感情 细致观察的习惯 动手操作的能力 自信的参与式学习者 终生学习的能力
Introducing a clear and compelling question or challenge that reflects children’s own interests is definitely of key importance. Teachers need to get to know the children’s interests so that their natural curiosity can be built upon during the course of the day in a natural way.

18 人创造了环境,同样环境也 创造了人 We will look at some examples. In terms of the biological sciences we are concerned with investigating and exploring our immediate living natural environment, we already looked at some examples from the biological sciences but, in review, here we are interested in the observable features of living things The environments or habitats of living things The conditions animals and plants need to thrive So, we look at animal and plant growth, the life cycles of animals and plants We will look at some examples. In terms of the biological sciences we are concerned with investigating and exploring our immediate living natural environment Observable features of living things Environments/habitats of living things Interaction with environment Conditions animals/plants need to thrive Animal and plant growth Life cycles of animals and plants Living and non-living

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