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Book 9AUnit 2 Reading(1) Colours.

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1 Book 9AUnit 2 Reading(1) Colours

2 1.What is your favourite colour ?
Discussion: 1.What is your favourite colour ? 2.Do you think colours can influenceour moods(心情)?

3 How do you feel when you see the following colours?
Colours may influence our moods and make us feel happy or sad, energetic or sleepy(困倦的). They represent(代表) different characteristics(个性).

4 1.To learn about 4 kinds of colours and what
Let’s enjoy an article about the relationship(关系) between colours and moods. Learning aims: 1.To learn about 4 kinds of colours and what each colour represents 2. To learn about how colours influence us.

5 How do you feel when you see them?
Task How do you feel when you see them? What kinds of colours are mentioned? white blue Warm comfortable yellow orange green red

6 blue Blue is a _________ colour. calm
It brings ______ to our mind and mood. It represent _________. “I am feeling blue” means I am feeling _______. When you walk into a blue room, you may feel calm peace sadness sad relaxed blue _______.

7 white White is another ______ colour. It’s also the colour of _______.
Many women like to wear white on their _______ day. calm purity wedding white

8 They create a Warm and comfortable feeling .
Answer the questions Can they make us feel warm? Which feeling can they give us? Yes. They create a Warm and comfortable feeling .

9 orange Orange represents ________.
It can ______ us ______ when you are feeling sad. joy cheer up orange

10 yellow Yellow is the colour of ______.
It can _____ us ______ a warm, sunny day. It’s also the colour of ______. Some people prefer this colour when they hope for ________. the sun remind of wisdom yellow success

11 1.What colour can give you energy? Why?
2.What does “Someone is green with envy” mean? Green. Because it is the colour of nature and represents new life and growth. It means that he or she is very jealous(嫉妒的 ).

12 When we feel tired or weak.
3.When should we wear green? When we feel tired or weak. green

13 1.Who should wear red clothes?
2.What does Red represent? 3.If you are having difficulty making a decision, what colour can you wear? Anyone in need of strength. Power and strong feelings Red.

14 If you require ________ in either body of mind,____ may be of some help to you .
It’s the colour of ______. It represents _______ and ______________. Wearing red can make us take action more _______. This may help when you are having a decision strength red heat power strong feelings easily red ______________ difficulty making

15 Some people believe that colours can influence our moods
Some people believe that colours can influence our moods. You may wonder whether it is true . whether 是否 一些人认为颜色能影响我们的心情。你也许想知道这是否是真的。

16 You may wonder whether it is true.
你可能想知道这是否是真的。 e.g. 我们不知道明天是否会下雨。 We don’t know whether/if it will rain tomorrow.

17 In fact , colours can change our moods and make us feel happy or sad, energetic or sleepy.

18 Colours can make us feel happy or sad, energetic or sleepy.
颜色能使我们感觉快乐或悲伤,精力充沛或昏昏欲睡。 e.g. 我们让他当我们的班长。 这个笑话使我们开怀大笑。 We made him our monitor. The joke made us laugh happily

19 This article explains what colours can do and what characteristics they represent.
特征;品质 characteristic 这篇文章阐明了颜色能起什么作用以及它们代表什么样的性格特征。

20 Have you ever walked into a room and felt relaxed ?
Calm colours Have you ever walked into a room and felt relaxed ? calm 平静的,沉着的 calm colours 平静的颜色 relaxed 放松的;自在的 平静的颜色 你曾经走进过一个房间并感到放松吗?

21 被刷成蓝色 be painted blue peace 安宁;和平;和睦 mind and body 身心
It could be because the walls were painted blue. Blue is a calm colour. It brings peace to our mind and body. 被刷成蓝色 be painted blue peace 安宁;和平;和睦 mind and body 身心 那可能是因为墙壁被粉刷成蓝色了,蓝色的一种使人宁静的颜色。它把安宁带进我们的身心。

22 Blue can also represent sadness, so you may say “I’m feeling blue” when you are feeling sad.
悲哀,忧伤 sadness 蓝色也能代表伤心,因此当你感到伤心时你可以说“I am feeling blue”。

23 White is another calm colour. It is also the colour of purity
White is another calm colour. It is also the colour of purity. Many women like to wear white on their wedding day. 纯洁 purity 纯洁的颜色 the colour of purity 婚礼,结婚庆典 wedding 在某人的婚礼那天 on one’s wedding day 白色是另一种平静的颜色。白色也是纯洁的颜色。许多女士喜欢在她们婚礼的那天穿白色。

24 Warm colours Some colours , such as orange and yellow, can make you feel warm. warm colours 温暖的颜色 such as 例如 温暖的颜色 一些颜色,如橙色和黄色,能使你觉得温暖。

25 a warm and comfortable feeling
People in cold areas prefer warm colours in their homes to create a warm and comfortable feeling. prefer 宁愿选择,更喜欢 造成,引起;创造,创建 create a warm and comfortable feeling 一种温暖舒适的感觉 生活在寒冷地区的人们更喜欢在家里用温暖的颜色创造一种温暖舒适的感觉.

26 I wrote that song to cheer myself up.
Orange represents joy. It can cheer you up when you are feeling sad. cheer up 使振作起来 橙色代表快乐。它能在你感到悲伤的时候使你振作起来。 e.g. 我写那首歌是为了使自己振作起来。 I wrote that song to cheer myself up.

27 Yellow is the colour of the sun, so it can remind you of a warm and sunny day.
太阳的颜色 remind 提醒;使想起 remind sb of sth 使某人想起某事 黄色是太阳是颜色,因此它能使你想起温暖,阳光明媚的一天。

28 Yellow can remind you of a warm sunny day.
黄色能使你想到温暖、阳光明媚的一天。 ① remind sb. of sth.使某人想起某事 ② remind sb. to do /not to do sth.提醒 ③ remind sb. that+句子提醒 e.g. ①请记得提醒我要寄这封封信。 Please remind me to post the letter. ②这首歌使我们想起了雷锋。 The song reminded us of Lei Feng.

29 Yellow is also the colour of wisdom
Yellow is also the colour of wisdom. Some people prefer this colour when they hope for success. wisdom 智慧 wise wisely hope for success 希望获得成功 黄色也是智慧的颜色。一些人当他们希望获得成功时更喜欢这个颜色。

30 充满活力的颜色 当你感到疲劳或者脆弱时,你应该穿充满活力的颜色,比如绿色。
Energetic colours When you feel tired or weak, you should wear energetic colours like green. 充满活力的颜色 当你感到疲劳或者脆弱时,你应该穿充满活力的颜色,比如绿色。

31 Green can give you energy, as it is the colour of nature and represents new life.
因为 绿色能给你活力,因为它是大自然的颜色并且象征着新生命。

32 However, it is also the colour of envy, so we may say someon is “green with envy”.
妒忌;羡慕 green with envy 妒忌的;眼红的 然而,它也是嫉妒的颜色,因此我们可以说某人是 “green with envy.” (嫉妒的;眼红的)

33 Strong colours If you require strength in either body or mind, red may be of some help to you. require 需要,要求 strong strength 力量 be of help to… = be helpful to… 对…有帮助 强烈的颜色 如果你在身体上或者心理上需要力量,红色也许对你有些帮助。

34 If you require strength in either body or mind, red may be of some help to you.
如果你需要体力或脑力,红色可能会对你有些帮助。 be of some/great/no help to sb. “对某人有些/极有/没有帮助”,类似help的词还有value/importance/use等,等于be helpful to sb。 e.g. 他的建议对我来说没有帮助。 学好英语对我们来说有很大的重要性。 His advice is of no help to me. Learning English well is of great importance to us.

35 Exercise The book may be helpful to you .
=The book may be ___ some ____ to you. *be of use=be useful; be of interest= be interesting be of importance=be important He is ______(sleep) now again and he often feels ______(sleep) in class and it is easy for him to fall _______.(sleep) of help sleeping sleepy asleep

36 Red is the colour of heat. It represents power and strong feelings.
热 (名词) hot (adj) 红色是热量的颜色并且代表权力和强烈的情感。

37 Wearing red can also make it easier to take action.
采取行动 make it easier to do… 使得做……更容易 穿红色也能更容易采取行动。

38 Wearing red can also make it easier to take action.
穿红色也可以更容易采取行动。 make/find it adj. (for sb) to do sth. “使/发现(某人)做某事 ……” ,it为形式宾语,真正的宾语为to do sth, adj为宾补。 e.g. 我发现两天内完成那项工作很难。 I find it difficult to finish the job in two days.

39 This may help when you are having difficulty making a decision.
difficulty (n) 困难;费力 difficult (adj) have difficulty (in) doing sth 做某事费劲 decision (n) 决定 decide (vt) make a decision 做决定 当你在犹豫不决的时候,红色可以有助于你做决定。

40 This may help when you are having difficulty making a decision.
当你犹豫不决时,这么做有助于你做决定。 have some/much/no difficulty with sth. “在……方面有些费劲/很费劲/毫不费劲 have difficulty/trouble/problems (in) doing sth. “做某事费劲/有麻烦/有困难” 。 e.g. 他们用英语交谈毫不费劲。 They have no difficulty (in) talking with each other in English.

41 This article tells us something about the relationship(关系) between ________ and ________. _______ and ________ are calm colours because they make us feel calm and ________. Blue can also represent _______, and white is the colour of ________. ________ represents joy, and ________ is the colour of ________. They are ________ colours. ________ is an energetic colour. It is the colour of ________and represents ________ . It is also the colour of ________. Red is a ________ colour. It is the colour of ______.It represents ________, and strong feelings. colours moods Blue white sadness relaxed purity Orange yellow Green wisdom warm new life nature envy strong heat power

42 Useful expressions 1.影响我们的心情 2.使我们感到快乐和悲伤 3.感到放松 4.被刷成蓝色 5.给我们身心带来宁静
6.纯洁的颜色 7.在结婚日 8.寒冷地区的人们 9.创设一种温暖的感觉 10.使你兴奋 11.使你想到 12.希望成功 13.感到累 14.或者…或者 15.对你有些帮助 16.采取行动 17.做…有困难 18.做决定 influence our moods make us feel happy or sad feel relaxed be painted blue bring peace to our mind and body the colour of purity on their wedding day people in cold areas create a warm feeling cheer you up hope for success remind you of feel tired either…or… be of some help to you take action have difficulty (in) doing make a decision 作业:弱班背诵词组或翻译课文句子

43 Revision Retell the passage with the help of the flow chart. sadness
blue peace calm colours white purity warm colours orange joy yellow success wisdom energy nature new life energetic colours green envy strong colours red heat power strong feelings

44 Homework: 1.Write a short passage about your favourite colour .
2.Search the Internet for some interesting phrases about colours.

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