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1 人文知识冲刺3

2 1 What country is known as the Land of Maple Leaf? A United States of America B United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland C New Zealand D Canada 2 The national anthem of Canada is ____ A Canada The Beautiful B O Canada C God Defend Canada D Advance Canada Fair 3 The capital city of Canada is ____ A Montreal B Toronto C Albert D Ottawa 4 According to the Official Language of Act of Canada, there are two official language in this country: they are____ A English and Spanish B English and Portuguese C English and French D English and Celtic 5Canada is a world ____producer of nickel, zinc, and asbestos…… A primary B second C third D fourth

3 1.D 加拿大国树为枫树,期国徽和国旗上都有枫叶的图案,因此长期以来枫叶被视作加拿大的象征。
  2.B 加拿大国歌是《啊!加拿大》。   3.D加拿大首都是渥太华,位于安大略省东南部与魁北克省交界处,是加拿大的经济政治中心,同时也是加拿大的文化中心。 4.C 1867年的《不列颠北美法案》将英法两种语言定为加拿大联邦政府和魁北克省社会公共机构的官方语言。1968年的《官方语言法案》规定英语和法语均为加拿大官方语言。 5.A 加拿大是世界锌和石棉的第一大生产国,钾碱产量居世界第二,黄金产量居第三,铜产量位居第四

4 6 The highest peak in Canada is ____, which is the Yukon Territory of northwest Canada. A Mount Lawrence B Mount Superior C Mount Logan D Mount Huron 7 St. Lawrence and River Columbia are shared by both ____ A America and Mexico B America and Canada C America and Cuba D America and Brazil 8 Apart from Paris, France, Montreal is regarded as the largest____city in the world, known as “Paris the Second”. A Spanish-speaking B Portuguese-speaking C German-speaking D French-speaking 9____, the third largest city in Canada, is well known as Ice-Free Harbor. A Montreal B Quebec C Toronto D Vancouver 10.Canada is the world’s ____country in terms of land area. A largest B second largest C third largest D fourth largest

5 6.C 加拿大最高峰为洛根峰,海拔6050米。 7.B 美加边境有两条国际河流,一条是哥伦比亚河,另一条是圣劳伦斯河。   8.D 蒙特利尔的法裔加拿大占全市人口的三分之二,是除了法国巴黎以外世界上最大的法语城市,素有“小巴黎”之称。 9.D温哥华总人口190万,是加拿大第三大城市和工商业中心,也是不列颠哥伦比亚区的最大城市、加拿大西海岸主要港口和横贯加拿大全景铁路线的终点。它还是一个天然良港,动机不结冰。 10.B 加拿大位于美国以北,是世界上仅次于俄国的第二大国家

6 1 Which of the following is a feature of British education as a whole
1 Which of the following is a feature of British education as a whole? A Education is chaotic. B Education is extremely expensive and poor people can’t afford it. C Education is highly centralized. D Education is rather independent and enjoys a great deal of freedom. 2 The War of 1812 was fought between _____. A England and France B England and the United States C France and the United States D Britain, Canada and the United States 3 The largest river in the United Kingdom, which runs 355 kilometers and empties into the Bristol Strait, is _____. A the Seven River B the Clyde River C the Thames River D thePotomac River 4 “God Save the Queen” is the national _____ of Britain. A flag B emblem C anthem D both A and C 5 The first king of England is _____, who won the overlordship in A John B James I C Egbert D Henry I

7 1 D, 英国教育制度经过几百年的改革,相当的完善和复杂,同时又具有相当的灵活性。
  3 A, 英国最长的河是塞文河。 4 C, 《上帝拯救女王》是英国的国歌。 5 C, 艾格伯国王于829年统一英格兰建立王权。

8 6 In 1588 the English fleet defeated the _____ Armada and established its supremacy over the sea. A Portuguese B Italian C Spanish D Japanese 7 Big Ben is a famous ____ in London. A statue B bridge C hotel D clock 8 London is divided into the city of London and _____. A the west end B the east end C the country of greater London D Scotland yard 9 In 1066, _____ led the Norman army in invading and defeating England. A William the Conqueror B Julius Caesar C Alfred the Great D Claudius 10 Which of the following sports was not invented in Britain? A Football B Tennis CArchery D Cricket

9 6 C, 1588年英国舰队摧毁西班牙无敌舰队,从而树立了海上霸权。
7 D, Big Ben 是英国著名的“大本钟”。   8 C, 大伦敦包含伦敦市区以及周围的市郊乡村地带。 伦敦市区又分为the west end and the east end,其中 the west end 为富人区。 9 A, 1066年,威廉大帝率诺曼底远征英格兰,大获全胜。这是外族侵略英国的最后一次成功。   10 C, 起源于英国的运动是足球、网球和板球,射击不是。

10 1 Britain was the first country to industrialize because of the following factors except _____. A Britain was well placed geographically to participate in European and world trade. B Britain had many rivers, which were useful for transport. C British engineers had sound training and the inventors were respected. D British government was increasingly interested in overseas and colonies after the 17th century. 2 The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. The _____ has very little power. A queen B monarch C prime minister D king 3 Which party has always had strong links with the trade unions and received financial support from them? A the Labor Party B the Conservative Party C the Liberal Party D the Social Democratic Party 4 On accepting ____, the age of constitutional monarchy, of a monarchy with powers limited by Parliament, began. A Constitutional Law B The Declaration of Independence C Civil Law D Bill of Rights 5 Females were allowed to vote in national elections until ____. A 1918 B 1916 C 1920 D 1896

11 1 D, 英国之所以能成为世界上最早开始工业化的国家,原因有很多。但英国是从17世纪以后逐步开始对海外贸易和开拓海外殖民地产生浓厚兴趣的。
  2 B, 英国是君主立宪制国家,国王或女王(君主)几乎没什么实质性的权力。 3 A, 保守党和自由党是英国最早成立的两个党派。大致来说,保守党是中上层阶级的党,它得到大公司财政上的支持;而工党,主要得到工会的支持,它的支持者主要是中产阶级和知识分子。 4 D, 《权利法案》的签署,标志着英国进入了君主立宪制时代,一个君主几乎没有什么实质性权力并受制于议会的时代。 5 A, 直到1918年妇女才在全国大选中享有选举权。

12 6 The British North America Act of 1867 established ____ as a domain
6 The British North America Act of 1867 established ____ as a domain. A Australia B Canada C New Zealand D India 7 During World War II, as a war leader, _____ received massive popular support and led his country to final victory in A Harold Wilson B Edward Heath C Franklin Roosevelt D Winston Churchill 8 The Falkland Islands war was between Britain and _____. A France B New Zealand C Argentina D Australia 9 In Britain, a _____ is held when a Member of Parliament dies, retires or resigns. A civic election B by-election C popular election D general election 10 In the United Kingdom, ministers are appointed by the Queen on the recommendation of _____. A the Lord Chancellor B the Monarch C the Prime Minister D the King

13 6 B, 《1867年英国北美法案》将加拿大纳为它的自治领。
  7 D, 在第二次世界大战中,当时的英国首相丘吉尔作为战争统帅受到了英国人民的广泛拥戴,并带领英国人民赢得了战争的最后胜利。 8 C, 福克兰群岛战役是发生在英国和阿根廷着这两个国家之间。位于大西洋南部的福克兰群岛从1892年起就是英国的海外殖民地,1982年阿根廷开始控制这些岛屿,但是英国最终打败了阿根廷,并重新占领了这些岛屿。   9 B, 英国的下院议会成员中有人去世、退休或辞职时,就要进行补缺选举。   10 C, 在英国,部长们是由首相推荐,女王加以任命的。

14 1 How many members are there in the House of Commons
1 How many members are there in the House of Commons? A 650 B 524 C 72 D 651 2 Which of the following people didn’t use to be the British Prime Minister? A Margaret Thatcher B Winston Churchill C Horatio Nelson D John Major 3 By tradition, the leader of the majority party is appointed _____ by the Sovereign in the United Kingdom. A Prime Minister B Member of Parliament C Lord of appeal D Speaker of the House 4 The Tories were the forerunners of _____, which still bears this nickname today. A the Labour Party B the Conservative Party C the Liberal Party D the Social Democratic Party 5 In the United Kingdom, the party which wins the ____ number of seats in the House of Commons becomes the official Opposition. A largest B second largest C third largest D fourth largest

15 1 D, 下议院共有651名议员。   2 C, 撒切尔夫人,丘吉尔和梅杰都曾经做过英国首相;而纳尔逊( ),英国海军统帅,因作战负伤,右眼失明,失去右臂。后任地中海舰队司令,在特法尔加角海战中大败西班牙联合舰队,本人受重伤阵亡,号称 Viscount Nelson。 3 A, 在英国,按照传统,多数党的领导人由君主任命为首相,首相从本党内部挑选一些领导人担任各部部长职位。   4 B, 托利党是英国保守党的前身。 5 B, 在英国,在下议院中赢得第二席位的政党为反对党,它也有它自己的领导和影子内阁(shadow cabinet)。

16 6 The term “British disease” is now often used to characterize Britain’s _____ decline. A political Beducational C military D economic 7 The 1980s was remembered as the decade of _____. A globalization B nationalization C privatization D competition 8 Today, in Britain, ______ is called a “sick” industry. A coal mining B iron and steel C textiles D shipbuilding 9 The first steam engine was devised by Thomas Newcomer at the end of the 17th century, and the Scottish inventor ____ modified and improved the design in A Abraham Darby B James Watt C John Kay D Richard Arkwrightthe 10 _____ created the industrial working class, the proletariat, and it later led to trade unionism. A The Chartist Movement B The Industrial Revolution C The French Revolution D The Glorious Revolution

17 6 D, 现在“英国病”这一术语经常用来指英国经济上的衰退。
7 C, 正如20世纪40年代被看作是国有化的时代一样,20世纪80年代被看作是私有化的时代。包括英国石油、航空、钢铁、电讯在内的几乎40% 的国有公司实现了私有化。 8 A, 英国煤矿业被称为生病工业。英国的煤产量在一战前达到顶点,如今的英国的煤矿业衰退,从而导致矿工的数量、煤矿的总产量大大下降。 9 B, 第一台蒸汽机是 Thomas Newcomer 在17世纪末设计的,后来苏格兰发明家瓦特在1765年对原有的设计进行了改进提高,生产出了第一台高效的蒸汽机并应用到纺织和其他机械业中。   10 B, 工业革命产生了工人阶级,即无产阶级。后来形成了工会制度。

18 1.In 1620, 201 Pilgrims, to escape religous presecution, sailed to the New World in a ship called Mayflower.They arrived at ____. A New York B Georgia C Virginia D Plymouth 2.The earliest institution of higher learning set up in America was ___ A California University B Yale University C Harvard College D Chicago University 3.The Grand Canyon in south-western ____ is one of nature’s most impressive sights. A Utah B Arizona C Nevada D Idaho 4.American presidents are elected ____. A every two years B every four years C every five years D every six years 5.In America the judicial is headed by ____. A the President B Congress C the Supreme Court D the Secretary General

19 .D 1620年,朝拜者为了逃离宗教迫害,乘坐五月花号,在新英格兰的普来冒斯落脚。
  2.C 哈佛大学于1636年创建,它的创建是美国高等教育的开端。 3.B 大峡谷位于美国西南部的亚利桑那州。   4.B 美国总统任期四年,必须是35岁以上的出生于美国的本国公民。 5.C 美国宪法规定,司法部门由美国最高法院管理。

20 6.In the United States, the first larges immigration movement took plane ____ A right after the War of Independence B in the mid C at the turn of the 20th century D right after the Civil War 7.The theme of Thanksgiving has always been ____ A friendship and happiness B Peace and plenty, health and happiness C cooperation and rich reward D love and happiness 8.In the United States, the party, which wins the ____ number of seats in the House Commons, becomes the official opposition. A largest B second largest C third largest D fourth largest 9.Britain was by 1830 the "workshop of the world " because of ____ A agricultural revolution B industrial revolution C colonial expansion D invention of steam engine 10.In America, the three newspaper are of the following EXCEPT ____. A New York Times B Reader’s Digest C Washington Post D Los Angels Times

21 6.C 1815年至1917年间发生了美国历史上的三大移民。第一次是1800年中开始,第二次是1860到1890年,第三次,也是移民人数最多的一次,是1890年到1914年。
7.B 感恩节的主题是:和平,富足,健康和幸福。 8.B 选举结果得到票数最多的叫做大多数党,第二的叫做对立党。 9.B 十九世纪的工业革命使英国成为世界闻名的世界工厂。 10.B Reader's Digest(读者摘要)是杂志,而不是报纸。

22 1 The world-famous Havard University is in _____
1 The world-famous Havard University is in _____. A Massachusetts B New York C Washington D.C. D Maine 2 Which of the following statements about American education is wrong? A Elementary and secondary education in America is free and compulsory B Private schools are financially supported by religious or nonreligious private organizations or individuals. C There are more public colleges and universities than the private ones D Credits taken at community colleges are normally applicable to requirement for a four-year bachelor’s degree. 3 _____ is a symbol of American theatre and world-class entertainment. A Broadway B Wall Street C The Fifth Avenue D Times Square 4 ____ is not a tourist attraction in the United States. A Yellowstone National Park B Grand Canyon C St. Patrick’s Cathedral D Stonehenge 5 ____ was an actor before he became the President. A Ronald Reagan B Abraham Lincoln C Herbert Hoover D Jimmy Carter

23 1 A, 哈佛大学位于马萨诸塞州的剑桥(Cambridge)镇。
4 D, Stonehenge 在英国, 是古代城池的遗迹。   5 A, 里根从政前曾经在好莱坞闯荡20多年,参与演出了50多部电影。

24 6 New Englanders were originally known as _____, which come to stand for all Americans. A Hippies B Yankees C Uncle Sam D Brother Jonathan 7 On the 30th of April 1789, George Washington took the oath of office in _____, which housed the government then. A New York B Washington D.C. C Philadelphia D Boston 8 Which of the following people was not an American President? A John Hancock B John Adams C John Q. Adams D Jimmy Carter 9 Henry Fond was the first man to _____. A design a plane B fly an aeroplane C mass-produciton D design and make a car 10 “That government of the people, by the people, for the people, … ”were the words by _____. A Thomas Jefferson B Abraham Lincoln C Andrew Johnson D Theodore Roosevelt

25 6 B, Yankees 一词具有丰富的含义。 现在用于代表美国人,俗称美国佬。 在美国南部,Yankee是指美国北部各州的居民, 即北方佬;而对多数美国人来说,Yankee 意味着新英格兰人。
7 A, 1789年George Washington 在纽约宣誓就职, 1790年首都迁往费城。 1800年以后定都华盛顿。   8 A, John Hancock,因其当时在《独立宣言》上的签名很大,他的名字在美语里变成了签名的代名词。   9 C, Henry Ford 早期是一名技师, 虽然没有发明汽车, 但他是第一位批量生产汽车的人。 10 B, 这是Abraham Lincoln 于1863年11月19日在葛底斯堡阵亡将士墓举行落成仪式上发表的著名的《葛底斯堡演说》的片语。

26 1.In 1620, 201 Pilgrims, to escape religous presecution, sailed to the New World in a ship called Mayflower.They arrived at ____. A New York B Georgia C Virginia D Plymouth 2.The earliest institution of higher learning set up in America was ___ A California University B Yale University C Harvard College D Chicago University 3.The Grand Canyon in south-western ____ is one of nature’s most impressive sights. A Utah B Arizona C Nevada D Idaho 4.American presidents are elected ____. A every two years B every four years C every five years D every six years 5.In America the judicial is headed by ____. A the President B Congress C the Supreme Court D the Secretary General

27 1. D 1620年,朝拜者为了逃离宗教迫害,乘坐五月花号,在新英格兰的普来冒斯落脚。 2
1.D 1620年,朝拜者为了逃离宗教迫害,乘坐五月花号,在新英格兰的普来冒斯落脚。 2.C 哈佛大学于1636年创建,它的创建是美国高等教育的开端。 3.B 大峡谷位于美国西南部的亚利桑那州。 4.B 美国总统任期四年,必须是35岁以上的出生于美国的本国公民。 5.C 美国宪法规定,司法部门由美国最高法院管理。

28 6.In the United States, the first larges immigration movement took place ____ A right after the War of Independence B in the mid C at the turn of the 20th century D right after the Civil War 7.The theme of Thanksgiving has always been ____ A friendship and happiness B Peace and plenty, health and happiness C cooperation and rich reward D love and happiness 8.In the United States, the party, which wins the ____ number of seats in the House of Commons, becomes the official opposition. A largest B second largest C third largest D fourth largest 9.Britain was by 1830 the "workshop of the world " because of ____ A agricultural revolution B industrial revolution C colonial expansion D invention of steam engine 10.In America, the three newspaper are of the following EXCEPT ____. A New York Times B Reader’s Digest C Washington Post D Los Angels Times

29 6.C 1815年至1917年间发生了美国历史上的三大移民。第一次是1800年中开始,第二次是1860到1890年,第三次,也是移民人数最多的一次,是1890年到1914年。 7.B 感恩节的主题是:和平,富足,健康和幸福。 8.B 选举结果得到票数最多的叫做大多数党,第二的叫做对立党。 9.B 十九世纪的工业革命使英国成为世界闻名的世界工厂。 10.B Reader's Digest(读者摘要)是杂志,而不是报纸。

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