Praise the Lord Everyday (天天讚美主) - 1

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2 Praise the Lord Everyday (天天讚美主) - 1
天天感謝、天天喜樂、 Give thanks everyday, Rejoice everyday 天天讚美主 Praise our Lord everyday 多少委屈、多少心事、 How many grievances, how much on your mind, 告訴主耶穌 Go tell Lord Jesus Praise the Lord Everyday (天天讚美主) - 1

3 Praise the Lord Everyday (天天讚美主) - 2
所有重擔、所有勞苦、 All the burdens, all the toiling, 通通交給主 Leave them with the Lord 天天禱告、天天唱歌、 Pray everyday, Sing everyday 天天讚美主 Praise our Lord everyday Praise the Lord Everyday (天天讚美主) - 2

4 Praise the Lord Everyday (天天讚美主) - 3
舊事已過、拋在腦後、 The old has gone, Forget the past 不要再難過 Don’t feel weary 管它心酸、管它淚水、 Be it heart-broken, Be it tears 讓它隨風走 Throw them to the wind Praise the Lord Everyday (天天讚美主) - 3

5 Praise the Lord Everyday (天天讚美主) - 4
忘記背後、努力面前、 Forget the past and Strain forward 勇敢向前走 Walk bravely forward 生命可貴、重新把握、 Life is precious, Let’s start anew 不要再回頭 Don’t look back Praise the Lord Everyday (天天讚美主) - 4

6 Praise the Lord Everyday (天天讚美主) - 5
天天感謝、天天喜樂、 Give thanks everyday, Rejoice everyday 天天讚美主 Praise our Lord everyday 多少委屈、多少心事、 How many grievances, how much on your mind, 告訴主耶穌 Go tell Lord Jesus Praise the Lord Everyday (天天讚美主) - 5

7 Praise the Lord Everyday (天天讚美主) - 6
所有重擔、所有勞苦、 All the burdens, all the toiling, 通通交給主 Leave them with the Lord 天天禱告、天天唱歌、 Pray everyday, Sing everyday 天天讚美主 Praise our Lord everyday Praise the Lord Everyday (天天讚美主) - 6

8 Praise the Lord Everyday (天天讚美主) - 7
舊事已過、拋在腦後、 The old has gone, Forget the past 不要再難過 Don’t feel weary 管它心酸、管它淚水、 Be it heart-broken, Be it tears 讓它隨風走 Throw them to the wind Praise the Lord Everyday (天天讚美主) - 7

9 Praise the Lord Everyday (天天讚美主) - 8
忘記背後、努力面前、 Forget the past and Strain forward 勇敢向前走 Walk bravely forward 生命可貴、重新把握、 Life is precious, Let’s start anew 不要再回頭 Don’t look back Praise the Lord Everyday (天天讚美主) - 8

10 Praise the Lord Everyday (天天讚美主) - 9
天天感謝、天天喜樂、 Give thanks everyday, Rejoice everyday 天天讚美主 Praise our Lord everyday 多少委屈、多少心事、 How many grievances, how much on your mind, 告訴主耶穌 Go tell Lord Jesus Praise the Lord Everyday (天天讚美主) - 9

11 Praise the Lord Everyday (天天讚美主) - 10
所有重擔、所有勞苦、 All the burdens, all the toiling, 通通交給主 Leave them with the Lord 天天禱告、天天唱歌、 Pray everyday, Sing everyday 天天讚美主 Praise our Lord everyday Praise the Lord Everyday (天天讚美主) - 10

12 Praise the Lord Everyday (天天讚美主) - 11
所有重擔、所有勞苦、 All the burdens, all the toiling, 通通交給主 Leave them with the Lord 天天禱告、天天唱歌、 Pray everyday, Sing everyday 天天讚美主 Praise our Lord everyday Praise the Lord Everyday (天天讚美主) - 11

13 Praise the Lord Everyday (天天讚美主) - 12
天天禱告、天天唱歌、 Pray everyday, Sing everyday 天天讚美主 Praise our Lord everyday Praise the Lord Everyday (天天讚美主) - 12


15 In times when we don't know
I pray you'll be our eyes 祈求祢成為我們的眼目 And watch us where we go 看顧我們所行的路 And help us to be wise 當茫然不知時 In times when we don't know 使我們有智慧 The Prayer (祈求) - 1

16 Guide us with your Grace
Let this be our prayer 願這成為我們的祈禱 As we go our way 當我們前行時 Lead us to a place 帶領我們到一個地方 Guide us with your Grace 用祢的恩典引導我們 To a place where we'll be safe 到一個平安穩妥的地方 The Prayer (祈求) - 2

17 願我們尋見祢的光 將光持守在我們心裡 每夜繁星出現之時 提醒我們祢在哪裡 I pray we'll find your light
And hold it in our hearts 將光持守在我們心裡 When stars go out each night 每夜繁星出現之時 Remind us where You are 提醒我們祢在哪裡 The Prayer (祈求) - 3

18 When shadows fill our day Guide us with your grace
Let this be our prayer 願這成為我們的祈禱 When shadows fill our day 當黑暗壟罩我們 Lead us to a place 帶領我們到一個地方 Guide us with your grace 用祢的恩典引導我們 Give us faith so we'll be safe 賜我們信心,使我們得平安 The Prayer (祈求) - 4

19 這是一個痛苦悲傷都會結束的地方 破碎的心也將得著安慰 我們會想起我們都是神的兒女 伸出手來觸摸祢 直到天上
A world where pain and sorrow will be ended 這是一個痛苦悲傷都會結束的地方 And every heart that’s broken will be mended 破碎的心也將得著安慰 And we’ll remember we are all God’s children 我們會想起我們都是神的兒女 Reaching out to touch you, reaching to the sky 伸出手來觸摸祢 直到天上 The Prayer (祈求) - 5

20 We hope each soul will find
We ask that life be kind 願人生恩待我們 And watch us from above 祢也從天上眷顧我們 We hope each soul will find 願每一個世人都找到 Another soul to love 可關愛的靈魂 The Prayer (祈求) - 6

21 Guide us with Your grace Give us faith so we’ll be safe
Let this be our prayer 願這成為我們的祈禱 Just like every child 就像小孩子一般 Needs to find a place 需要找到一個地方 Guide us with Your grace 用祢的恩典引導我們 Give us faith so we’ll be safe 賜我們信心,使我們得平安 The Prayer (祈求) - 7

22 Guide us with Your grace Give us faith so we’ll be safe
Needs to find a place 需要找到一個地方 Guide us with Your grace 用祢的恩典引導我們 Give us faith so we’ll be safe 賜我們信心,使我們得平安 The Prayer (祈求) - 8


24 當世事不如我意。 祂對我說, 我會安慰你,將你的憂愁帶走。 I asked the Lord to comfort me 我懇求主來安慰我,
when things weren’t going my way. 當世事不如我意。 And He said to me, 祂對我說, “I will comfort you and I'll lift your cares away.” 我會安慰你,將你的憂愁帶走。 I Asked the Lord 我懇求主 - 1

25 我懇求主與我同行, 當我只知道黑夜。 祂對我說, 不要害怕,我必帶你走過。
I asked the Lord to walk with me, 我懇求主與我同行, when darkness was all that I knew. 當我只知道黑夜。 And He said to me, 祂對我說, “Never be afraid, and I will see you through.” 不要害怕,我必帶你走過。 I Asked the Lord 我懇求主 - 2

26 我不求財富, 但祂賜無盡豐富。 月亮、星星、和空中的太陽。 祂賜我觀看的眼。 I didn't ask for riches,
but He gave me wealth untold, 但祂賜無盡豐富。 The moon and the stars, the sun in the sky, 月亮、星星、和空中的太陽。 and He gave me eyes to behold. 祂賜我觀看的眼。 I Asked the Lord 我懇求主 - 3

27 我為這一切感謝主, 我每日數算恩典。 每當我需要,祂就顯現, 我只須禱告。 I thank the Lord for everything,
and I count all my blessings each day. 我每日數算恩典。 For He came to me when I needed Him, 每當我需要,祂就顯現, I only had to pray. 我只須禱告。 I Asked the Lord 我懇求主 - 4

28 如果你祈求,祂會向你顯現, 祈求必蒙應允。 And He will come to you, if you ask Him to,
For He's only a prayer away! 祈求必蒙應允。 I Asked the Lord 我懇求主 - 5

29 我不求財富, 但祂賜無盡豐富。 月亮、星星、和空中的太陽。 祂賜我觀看的眼。 I didn't ask for riches,
but He gave me wealth untold, 但祂賜無盡豐富。 The moon and the stars, the sun in the sky, 月亮、星星、和空中的太陽。 and He gave me eyes to behold. 祂賜我觀看的眼。 I Asked the Lord 我懇求主 - 6

30 我為這一切感謝主, 我也每日數算恩典。 每當我需要,祂就顯現, 我只須禱告。
I thank the Lord for everything, 我為這一切感謝主, and I count all my blessings each day. 我也每日數算恩典。 For He came to me when I needed Him, 每當我需要,祂就顯現, I only had to pray. 我只須禱告。 I Asked the Lord 我懇求主 - 7

31 如果你祈求,祂會向你顯現, 祈求必蒙應允。 And He will come to you, if you ask Him to,
For He's only a prayer away! 祈求必蒙應允。 I Asked the Lord 我懇求主 - 8

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