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Babylon, the “Great” with the scarlet beast and the prediction of her ending in fire for just one hour 巴比伦大城, 朱红色的兽及有关她仅仅一小时内就在火中毁灭的预言
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Dig Key verse: later Read Revelation 17 and 18 读启示录17和18章
Theme of chapter 17: Babylon, the Great with the scarlet beast. 17章主题:巴比伦大城和朱红色的兽 What did one of the seven bowls angel want to show to John? The punishment of the Great prostitute, Babylon, the Great. 拿着七碗的天使中, 其中一位想要约翰看什么? 对大淫妇巴比伦大城的惩罚。 Where was she as mentioned by the angel ? Sat on many waters (people on earth verse 15). 天使提到她时, 她在哪里?坐在众水(地上的人, 15节)之上。 How did she do to the inhabitants of the earth? Kings and people committed adulteries with her (intoxicated – like got drunk) with the wine of here adulteries. (when you’re drunk, you are not with yourself) 她对地上的居民如何做? 君王和众民与她行淫 (喝醉-像醉酒)喝醉了她淫乱的酒。(当人喝醉时, 人就失去理智,不易自控)
Dig Then, the angel led John in the spirit to the desert. And what did he see? A woman sitting on a scarlet beast covering with blasphemous names and had 7 heads and 10 horns. 然后,约翰被圣灵感动, 天使带着约翰去了旷野。约翰看到了什么?一个女人骑在朱红色的兽上;那兽有七头十角, 遍体有亵渎的名号。 How was she dressed? In purple, scarlet, glittering with gold, precious stones, pearls. She also held a golden cup filled with abominable things and filths of her adulteries. 她是怎样装扮的? 穿着紫色和朱红色的衣服,用金子宝石珍珠为妆饰。她手拿金杯,杯中盛满了可憎之物和她淫乱的污秽。
Dig What had she got on her forehead? Written words of mystery (hidden) , Babylon, the Great, the mother of prostitute and the abomination of the earth. 她的前额上有什么?额上有名写着说,奥秘(隐藏的)哉,大巴比伦,作世上的淫妇和一切可憎之物的母。 What was she doing there? Got drunk with the saints’ and prophets’ blood. 她在那里做什么?喝醉了圣徒和先知的血。 Of course, John was surprised (even we’re). And thanks be to the Lord, the angel continued to explain the vision. Notice all the interpretation of the bible is from the Lord. He won’t let us in the dark. 当然,约翰很惊奇(我们也会)。感谢主,天使继续解释这个异象。请注意圣经里所有的解释都来自主。他不会让我们在黑暗中摸索。
Dig As being explained, what was the beast from verse 8 through 14? The beast with 7 heads and 10 horns ridden by the prostitute and was said to be, once was, now is not and will come from the Abyss (not heaven) and will go to destruction (eternal punishment). It is the 7 kings, 5 fallen, one is, and the other has not come yet and when he comes, he will remain for a little while. The beast, which is one was, now is not and is the 8th king. He is one of the 7 kings and is going to destruction. The 10 horns are 10 kings and who haven’t received a kingdom, but for one hour (very shortly) will receive authority as kings along with the beast. Those kings have one purpose, i.e. they will give their power and authority to the beast and will fight with the Lamb but they will be defeated by the Lamb, who is the Lord of the lords and the king of the kings. 如前所释,第8节到14节的兽是什么?淫妇骑的七头十角的兽,先前有,如今没有,将要从无底坑里(不是天上)出来,又要归于沉沦(永恒的刑罚)。这是七位王。五位已经倾倒了,一位还在,一位还没有来到。他来的时候,必须暂时存留。那先前有,如今没有的兽,就是第八位王。他也和那七位同列,并且归于沉沦。那十角,就是十王。他们还没有得国。但他们一时之间(极其短暂) 要和兽同得权柄,与王一样。他们同心合意,即将自己的能力权柄给那兽并且与羔羊争战,羔羊必胜过他们,因为羔羊是万主之主,万王之王。
Dig The 10 horns are ten toes of the image of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, Dan 2: i.e. the fourth beast of Daniel 7:7. Here’s the revival of the old Roman Empire before the establishment of Christ’s kingdom on earth, Dan 2:41-44. 那10角是尼布甲尼撒梦境里的十个脚趾,但以理书2: 即但以理书7:7中的第四个兽。这里是指旧罗马帝国在基督王国在地上建立之前的复兴,但以理书2:41-44。 The 7 heads are 7 hills. In a commentary (The book of Revelation by Lehman Strass), it was said to be the seven hills of Aventine, Caelian, Capitoline, Esquiline, Palatine, Quirinal, and Viminal. They were the seven hill in Rome. So, location wise this refers to Rome. 那七个头指的是七座山。在一个解经书中( Lehman Strass所著的“启示录一书”),七山指阿文丁、西莲、卡披扥里乌姆、埃斯奎里、帕拉蒂尼、奎里纳尔和维弥纳。它们是罗马的七座山丘。因此,地理上看这是指罗马。
Dig Then, the 7 kings said to be “5 fallen”. They were Julius Caesar, Tiberius, Caligula, Cladius, and Nero. “One is”, was said to be Domitian, the last Caesars at the time of John when he wrote the book of Revelation. “The other” hasn’t come and when “he” comes, “he” will continue for a short while and he is the 8th king but is part of the 7 kings. This is the revival of the Roman Empire. This is the Antichrist, who was alive, is now dead, but will come alive. He will rule, but only a short while. 那七个王中“五个倾倒”了,他们是裘力斯·凯撒、提波留、卡利古拉、革老丢和尼禄 。“一位还在”据说是指图密善,他是约翰写启示录时代的最后一位凯撒王。“另一位”还没有来到,“他”来的时候,必须暂时存留,“他”是第八个王,却是七王中的一个。这是关于罗马帝国的复兴。这是敌基督,他以前活着,现在死了,但会再复活。他会统治世界,但只会是一个短的时间。
Dig So, this antichrist will come for the purpose of fighting with the Lamb. But, the Lamb will defeat him because the Lamb is the true Lord of lords and King of kings. The Lamb, of course, is Christ. 所以,敌基督将会来和羔羊争战。羔羊必胜过他们,因为羔羊是真正的万主之主,万王之王。羔羊当然是耶稣。 The 10 horns again is the 10 kings of the federated states of Europe. 十角是指欧盟十国。 The prostitute, Babylon, the Great is the religious system. She uses the ecumenical movement to unite different religious under the Rome control. (She sat on the beast) Her adulteries refer to her false idol worship practices. 淫妇,大巴比仑是指宗教系统。她用普世教会运动将不同的宗教统一在罗马的控制之下。(她坐在兽上)她的淫乱是指她的偶像崇拜。
Dig More about the prostitute: 更多有关淫妇的描述:
Sitting on the beast – she controlled the beast. 坐在兽上–她控制兽。 She was dressed in purple scarlet, glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls – she got very rich through her influence. 她穿着紫色和朱红色的衣服,用金子宝石珍珠为妆饰–她借助她的影响力变得非常富裕。 She held a golden cup filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries – image how she had done with her religious influence. 她手拿金杯,杯中盛满了可憎之物和她淫乱的污秽–想象一下她如何利用她的宗教影响做事。 She drunk with the blood of the saints and the prophets – slaughtering God’s people. 她喝醉了圣徒和先知的血–屠杀神的民。
Dig Then, from verse 15 through 18, the angel continued to explain about the prostitute, the beast and the ending of them. 然后,从15节至18节, 天使继续解释淫妇、兽和他们的结局。 Here the waters the prostitute sat on was the people all over the world. 此处该淫妇所坐的众水指世上的人。 Here the angel also mentioned about the beast didn’t like the control by the prostitute and it wanted to bring her to ruin, naked, ate her flash and burnt her with fire. They didn’t really want to be subject to her. 此处天使也提到那兽不愿被那淫妇控制,它想毁灭她,使她冷落赤身。又要吃她的肉,用火将她烧尽。它们并不真想受她支配。
Dig However, the beast could be able to live for a “short” while because God allowed it to do so until God’s words are fulfilled, i.e. the prophesy we’re reading. 然而,那兽可以“暂时”存留,因为神的允许这事的发生, 直到神的话,即我们现在正在读的预言,实现了。 Then, the angel explained the prostitute is the great city ruling over the kings of the earth. She clearly is the religious system dominating the world today. And she’s still here in Rome. 然后, 天使解释了那淫妇,就是管辖地上众王的大城。她实际上是统治今日世界的宗教系统。 她现在还在罗马。
Dig The theme of chapter 18: The ending of the Great City, Babylon.
18章主题:巴比伦大城的结局 What was described about the angel to present the message of fallen Babylon? Coming down from heaven, his splendor illuminating the earth and he was mighty. 书中是怎样描述传达巴比伦大城倾倒信息的天使的?从天降下,地就因他的荣耀发光。他有大权柄 。 What did he announce? The fallen Babylon, because she was the home of demons, evil spirits, unclean and detestable birds. All nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries including the leaders (kings) and the merchants (those got rich from her luxury life style) 他宣布什么?巴比伦大城倾倒了,因为她是鬼魔的住处,和各样污秽之灵及污秽可憎之雀鸟的巢穴。列国都被她邪淫大怒的酒倾倒了,包括地上的领袖(君王)和客商(那些因她奢华的生活方式致富的人)。
Dig Then, what was heard? A voice from heaven calls for God’s people not to be part of her sins so as to face the same judgment. God will punish her because of her acts. 然后,天上传来什么声音?有声音呼唤神的民不要与她一同有罪,以免面对同样的审判。因为她的行为,神要惩罚她。 What was said about her? Proud of herself as being a queen, never facing any disasters. 书中如何描述她?她以皇后的座位为荣,从来没有面对任何灾祸。 What was said to be her ending? In one day her plague will overtake her, death, mourning and famine. She will be consumed by fire via God’s judgment. 书中如何描述她的结局?一天之内,她的灾祸要一齐来到,就是死亡、悲哀和饥荒。藉着神的审判,她要被火烧尽了。
Dig What was mentioned about the time she got burnt up? Kings on earth will weep and mourn, seeing her being burnt up in one hour. 在她被烧时,书中还提到什么?地上的君王,看见烧她的烟,就必为她哭泣哀号。 What else about the merchants? Same as the kings because the merchants couldn’t sell their stuffs any more. They are quite a few mentioned. 客商呢?和君王一样,因为没有人再买他们的货物了。 书中列出了很多货物的名称。
Dig To name a few merchants being sold to the prostitute – gold, silver, precious stones, pearls, fine linen,.. Citron wood, ivory, costly wood, bronze, .. cinnamon, and spices.. Bodies and souls of men. She had a big appetite. 列举一些卖给淫妇的货物 – 金、银、宝石,珍珠、细麻布…香木、象牙、各样极宝贵的木头、铜 …肉桂和香料 …人的身体和灵魂。她的胃口极大。 The other people mentioned about mourning for her are those labors. They are sea captains and sailors, not mentioning about those who made those goods above. 书中提到的为他悲哀的其他人是那些劳工。他们是船长和水手,而没有提到那些制作上述商品的人。
Dig Then, what was mentioned about the mighty angel? Cast a large millstone to the sea. 然后,书中如何提到那大有能力的天使的?举起一块石头扔在海里。 What was said about it? With such a violence as casting the millstone to the sea, the Great city Babylon will be thrown down. 他说什么?巴比伦大城,也必这样猛力地被扔下去 。 Then what will happen to her? Disappears, no more music and harpists (no joyful noise), no workmen found, no light. 然后,她会怎样?消失,不再有音乐和琴声(没有喜悦的喧声 ),没有手艺人 ,没有灯光。
Dig And why? She leads nations astray by her magic spell (religious system with evil spirits) and her murder to God’s saints and prophets. 为什么?借助魔咒(邪灵的宗教系统)和杀害神的圣徒和先知,她引领各国走向堕落。
Reflect Be careful to differentiate what we need to believe in and not be led astray to believe in false religious. Thanks God that we have His word, the scripture. 请注意区分我们需要相信真正的宗教,不要误入歧途。感谢神我们有神的话语,就是圣经。
7 hills of Rome 罗马的七座山丘 The 7 hills of Rome was the hills where the ancient Rome was built. 这七座山丘就是当时古罗马城建城的地方。 Palatine Hill : central hill, city of Rome was founded by Romulus, remained the center of power throughout Rome history, choice area for the most wealthy patricians, also the residence of emperors. 帕拉蒂尼山丘:中央山丘。罗马城由罗慕路斯建造,是罗马历史中的权力中心。是富有的贵族和皇室所在地。 Capitoline Hill: stronghold of Rome, religious center, due to the Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus Best and Greatest, two summits, Arx in the north, Capitoline proper in the south, Arx is now the church of Santa Maria In Aracoeli and modern Vittoriano. 卡比托利欧山:罗马的要塞,宗教中心,以朱庇特神廟最有名,两座山峰,阿克斯在北面,卡比托利欧在南面,阿克斯现在是阿拉克利的圣玛丽亚教堂和现代维克多艾曼纽所在。
7 hills of Rome 罗马的七座山丘 Quirinal Hill: northernmost of four spurs of the high ground east of the Tiber where it’s within Republican Rome. This place rose above the Campus Matius and attached to the Capitoline Hill through a low ridge. The hill is named after Quirinus, an ancient God. 奎里纳尔山:位于罗马共和国内台伯河东部高地的最北边。这里位于战神广场以上并且和卡比托利欧山通过一个低的山脊相连。此山名源于奎里纳斯,一个罗马古神。 Viminal Hill: smaller ridge between Quirinal Hill and Esquilline Hill 维米那勒山:奎利那雷山和埃斯奎利诺山之间的较小的山脊。
7 hills of Rome 罗马的七座山丘 Esquiline Hill: the largest hills, between Viminal Hill and Caelian Hill. 埃斯奎利诺山:七山中最大的,位于维米那勒山和西里欧山之间。 Caelian Hill: southernmost of the four large spurs. 西里欧山:4个大山岭的最南端。 Aventine Hill: the south and the last of the seven hill, traditionally it was the territory of the plebeians. 阿文提诺山:在南部并且是七山中最后一个,传统上它是平民的居住地。
The 7 hills of Rome (Italy)
The Papal State
The Papal States 教皇国 The Papal States, States of the Church or Pontifical States marked the important history of Italy. It existed from 6th century and was unified in 1861 by Piedomont-Sardinia. 教皇国或称主教国是意大利历史上的重要部分。它从6世纪开始存在,1861年,皮埃蒙特-撒丁实行政教合一政策。 It is under the sovereign rule of the papacy and the governing power is known as the temporal power of the Pope. 它由教皇独立统治,而政府的权力被看做教皇世俗的权力。 The State of Vatican City is within Italy’s national capital, Rome. 梵蒂冈在意大利首都罗马的境内。
Catholic history 天主教历史
It came from Babel in Gen 10:8-10. The Babylonian cult was invented. When going through from Babylonians, Assyrians, or Egyptians, it just changed to a members of the mystical brotherhood, High priest. Satan just shifted his Capital from Babylon to Pergamos. (remember Pergamos was said to be the dent of Satan) Julius Caesar was made to be Supreme Pontiff. Thus, the first Roman Emperor became the head of the Babylonian Priesthood. Below is found from the internet for the history of the Catholic church. 源自创世纪10:8-10的巴别。巴比伦人的邪教从那时开始。历经巴比伦人、亚述人 、或埃及人,转为神秘的兄弟会成员,大祭司。撒旦将的首都从巴比伦转到别迦摩 。(记住别迦摩 被称为撒旦的住处)裘力斯·凯撒 成为罗马教皇。因此,第一个罗马帝国成为巴比伦司祭团的领袖。以下是出自网络上对天主教教会的描述。 According to what Catholic said, founded by Jesus, appointing 12 apostles.根据天主教的描述,天主教由耶稣创建,指12使徒。 Led by Peter as upon this rock I will build my church.由彼得领导,要把我的教会建造在这磐石上 。马太福音 16:18。 Pentecost as the beginning of the church. 圣灵降临节是教会的开始。 Peter was the 1st bishop of the See of Rome. 彼得是罗马教廷的第一任大主教。
The 7 kings: 5 were fallen, 1 is and 1 to come.
The prostitute and the beast
The ending of the Babylon city
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