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Presentation on theme: "綠藻萃出物對攝取高嘌呤食物時降低血中尿酸之探討"— Presentation transcript:

1 綠藻萃出物對攝取高嘌呤食物時降低血中尿酸之探討
台灣地區的民眾因生活水準改善,飲酒增加與肥胖等因素,痛風的發生率和盛行率亦有節節上升的趨勢,而且病人有年輕化的趨勢。服用常用的降尿酸藥- Allopurinol,對部分病患可能會發生嚴重的藥物過敏反應。因此,藉由調整飲食來降低痛風發作前,體內的高尿酸程度,是比較理想的方式。本研究以飲食介入方式,先用高嘌呤食物使血液尿酸值的提高,再將食用綠藻萃出物的受試者分成高中低劑量三組,攝食不同劑量的綠藻萃出物,觀察其血液尿酸值變化情形。同時和不吃高嘌呤食物不吃綠藻萃出物者,吃高嘌呤食物不吃綠藻萃出物者,以及不吃高嘌呤食物吃綠藻萃出物者作比較。結果發現攝食不同劑量的綠藻萃出物者,其血液尿酸值在攝食後第四小時呈顯著下降。攝食中高劑量的綠藻萃出物兩組對吃高嘌呤食物不吃綠藻萃出物者的血液尿酸值呈顯著降低。攝食高劑量的綠藻萃出物者對低劑量在血液尿酸值下降程度具?計上的顯著差異。不吃高嘌呤食物吃綠藻萃出物者血液尿酸值比不吃高嘌呤食物不吃綠藻萃出物者明顯降低。綜合以上結果得知,在大量攝取高嘌呤之食物,攝食適量的綠藻萃出物能改善並降低血液尿酸值。 關鍵字:綠藻萃出物,痛風,高尿酸血症

2 Effect of Chlorella Extract Intake on Blood Uric Acid With High Purine Diet
Due to the improvement of life standard, increase of alcohol consumption and obesity. The incidence and prevalence rates of gout among Taiwanese population keep a tendency of growing. The drug for hyperuricemia, Allopurinol, causes serious sensitive reaction to susch patients. Therefore, it would be optimal to moderate the level of higher blood uric acid by the way of adjusting the composition of diet. The effect of oral administration of Chlorella extract with diet on the level of blood uric acid was examined in human trial. The level of blood uric acid of participants was enhanced by high purine food and the participants were randomly distributed into five groups, regular diet without Chlorella extract, high purine diet with high dose, middle dose, low dose Chlorella extract and regular diet middle dose Chlorella extract. After administration of Chlorella extract, the level of uric acid in the participants was detected and compared among groups. The results showed there was significant decrease in participants’ uric acid at fourth hour after the administration of Chlorella extract. The level of blood uric acid in both middle dose and high dose group significantly decreased, comparing with that of the group of regular diet without Chlorella extract. The level of blood uric acid in high dose group significantly decreased, comparing with that of the group of low dose. The level of blood uric acid in regular diet with Chlorella extract group significantly decreased, comparing with that of the group of regular diet without Chlorella extract. In summary, a dietary supplement of Chlorella extract may be useful to lower down the level of blood uric acid under the condition of high purine diet. Meanwhile, Chlorella extract is a kind of traditional food with no adverse effect at all.

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